The Remnant

The Remnant

For the steadfast believes


Eph. 4:7: But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.


If you are not busy, just say a little prayer to God right now..

"Please bless me"


it may sound biblical but
mind your data and ignore any negative discussion
it goes a long way......



The Remnant Send a message to learn more.


My food this morning....


Note from the admins

This is the first message from the admins to you. So please read the following message from beginning to end.
Knowledge is Power. Knowledge comes from the accumulation of information. You need information. You need information on How to Be Saved.
It is no accident that you found this page. You searched for information, for knowledge and truth and you found it. There is a powerful force in the Universe which brought you here.
Most importantly, you need information about the true, living God who knows you and loves you.
There are things in this world which should be deleted, done away with, disposed of like worthless trash.
Then there are things of value in this world which should be saved, protected, preserved, and cherished.
You are valuable. You should be saved. You are cherished by God who created you.
You can change your name or anything else, but like the rest of us, you can not completely erase your past. What is done, is done.
Like everybody else, you've broken rules, you've broken laws, even God's law. The penalty for breaking the law is death. You have already been sentenced to death, just like everybody else.
But there is good news. The good news is that somebody has paid the price already to set you free from your death sentence. That somebody is God himself, because he loves you and doesn't want you to be separated from him forever. He wants you to live forever with him in paradise, where there is no more pain, and no more tears.
God so loved the world, that he sent his only son to die in your place, as payment for your sins, for having broken God's law.
His name in English is Jesus. His name in Hebrew is Yeshua. His name in Arabic is Issa. His name in Greek is Iesous.
Jesus died on the cross almost 2,000 years ago in your place, for your sins. But death could not hold him...he rose from the grave 3 days later, conquering death once and for all, for all who believe that he is the Son of God, God in the flesh, who humbled himself to come down from heaven and be born as human, to live a sinless life for the purpose of laying his life down for you, only to take his life up for you.
You can be saved but you MUST believe in your heart that Jesus is who he said he is...the Son of the Living God, God himself. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
It's really simple...

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

yes, wait for God's time, but watch and play......


God's word....
