Lodge of Chivalry No 3974

Lodge of Chivalry No 3974

We are a Masonic Lodge, we meet on the first Saturday of October (Installation), November, December, January February, March, April and May.

We welcome visitors and joining members.


Please DO NOT accept friend requests from this person it is not me!!!’

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 25/05/2024

22 Brethren with their partners enjoyed a lovely evening at Quattro’s Italian Restaurant in Rainford.

This was the first social organised by the newly formed Lodge Social Committee, Craig took on the organisation of the evening and he did exceptionally well despite encountering a few challenges along the way!

The food was enjoyed by all and a raffle raised £113 for the Lodge Social account that is used to make donations to non Charitable good causes.

Well done Craig.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 08/05/2024

Over 1,100 Brethren attended the west Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge this afternoon.

Six of them were from Chivalry, who were there to support Martin Stewart who was there to receive his first Appointment to the rank of Provincial Grand Steward.

The WM Stuart Flynn, Mark Holloway, Ian Pye, Andrew Sephton and James Flynn joined Martin at the Festive Board where over 500 brethren enjoyed the festive board.

Sadly Colin Frodsham did not dine as he wanted to return home to look after his wife Sheila, who broke her arm recently. We all hope Sheila recovers soon.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 27/04/2024

The WM (Stuart Flynn) along with five members of Chivalry visited Commercial Travellers Lodge that meets in Chivalrys old home, the Addams Suite in the Masonic Hall in Hope St Liverpool.

The members of Chivalry were made very welcome by the WM (Roy Pyne) and all the members of Commercial Travellers.

Roy installed Graham Greenall in fine style. Graham then appointed and invested his officers all of whom were light blue, which was wonderful to see.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 07/04/2024

The April meeting saw the Worshipful Master initiate his father into Freemasonry, in a marvellous ceremony.

The working tools were delivered by the acting junior warden Martin Stewart.

The charge after initiation was delivered faultlessly by Bro Nigel Pye.

At the festive board the brethren enjoyed a four course meal with a mixed grill as the main course.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 02/03/2024

Chivalry 3974 welcome five members from Chivalry 5685

The Lodge’s March meeting is normally and Ole English meeting with a second degree ceremony performed by Past Masters of the Lodge.

This year the Past Masters were: David Dugdale acted as WM, he was assisted by Martin Stewart SW, Vic Shedy JW, Mike Gray SD, Michael Atherton JD, Paul Kay IG, Brian Wilson Tyler.

David and his team delivered and excellent demonstration with Craig Kitts acting as the candidate.

The lodge was delighted to welcome five members from Chivalry Lodge No 5685 (Martin Young WM, Richard Green IPM, Andrew Fuller Secretary, Peter Brown JW and Feras Hamati who was initiated on the first visit to Southampton and is currently working in a hospital in Coventry) which meets in Southampton. For the last three years member from both lodge have been visiting each other.

The Lodge was also delighted to have ten other visitors including two non masons.

The festive board was very enjoyable with five courses being served: Pea and Ham Soup, followed by Grilled black stack,
Lamb and kidney suet pudding with chips, and vegetables followed by Eton mess and then Cheese and Biscuits.

As is tradition the raffle had a number of przes including the traditional Pigs head and several bottles of wines and spirits, a special prize of a tin of hot dogs won by 3974's IPM at last years visit to Southampton ans was won this year by 5685's junior warden, the tin of hot dogs has been named as the travelling tin!

The stewards and deacons acted as assistant fines masters led this year by Martin Stewart the IPM, £379.09 was raised for charity by the fines, immunity cards and a raffle.

At the end of the evening everyone agreed that they had enjoyed the evening.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 25/02/2024

The Lodges Ladies Evening was held at Briars Hall Hotel this year.

The Day started around 12am when the WMs wife Gemma delivered the flowers and table prizes. The secretary (Mark) arrived with the table plan and place cards.

Around 2pm Stuart the WM Gemma and their two daughters took a break.

The 80+ guests started arriving at 4pm, dinner was served at 5.30pm.

After the wonderful meal Mark gave the toast to the Ladies and his fiancé sang the Ladies Song.

The Entertainer, Tom Morrison, sang a wide range of songs from swing to songs from the 70s 89s and 90s.

The evening was a great success.

Mobile uploads 22/01/2024

The Brethren enjoying the festive Board


A wonderful way to end 2023

Mark (JW of 155) and Stuart attended the last meeting of 2023 of The Lodge of Perseverance No 155.

After the lodge was opened the WM asked Assistant Provincial Grand Master to take the chair to celebrate Syd Ford’s 60 years of Freemasonry.

Following the meeting 86 brethren enjoyed a festive Christmas meal with a glass or two of wine!!!

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 13/12/2023

Stuart and Mark travel to the top of the Province

Mark has known Phil Preston for a number of years and served with him on the MCF 2021 Festival and for many years has tried to visit Phil’s Mother Lodge: The Newby Bridge Lodge No 4598, Unfortunately Mark’s Chapter meets on the same night as 4598.

Happily the December meeting of 4598 does not clash with the Chapter, so for the first year Mark's diary was clear and he was able to visit 4598 with Stuart.

On arriving in the Lodge Stuart and Mark were welcomed by all the members as they arrived in the wonderful Masonic Hall that is situated just 25 feet from the Newby Bridge Hotel, where the Lodges festive boards are held.

The ceremony of passing Bro W R J Moyes to the second degree was carried out by the Senior Warden, Reg Wilkinson as the WM was on other Masonic Business. The ceremony was a delight to watch, especially the working tools which were delivered faultlessly by the Inner Guard, Andrew Baker.

After the ceremony the Brethren moved across to the Hotel Bar where they were welcomed by a warm fire and a glass of beer. They then enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner in a private dining room.

Sadly the time came for Mark and Stuart to return home to the other end of the Province, untill their next visit…….

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 10/12/2023

A wonderful evening at Obrien’s in Ormskirk

The Brethren, their partners, children and their friends enjoyed a wonderful Christmas meal at the lodge’s Ladies to Dine.

They started with Homemade mushroom soup with crusty bread and butter, or Grilled goats cheese, charred fig and honey glazed warm beetroot salad.

Followed by the main event of Roast turkey and sugar baked ham, pork and chestnut stuffing, piglet in a bacon overcoat, cranberry sauce and pan gravy, or Pan fried sea bream aloft sauté baby potatoes, chorizo and roast peppers and rockett kale pesto dressing, both served with roast root vegetables, brussels sprouts and roast potatoes.

The dsserts were Chocolate Orange cheesecake Cointreau cream, or Bailies pannacotta and choc dipped strawberry, followed by Tea or Coffee and a home-made Mince pie.

After the meal a medley of Christmas Carols were sang ending with the Twelve Days of Christmas which the children very much enjoyed.

The evening ended with the draw for a large number of raffle prizes which raised the fantastic amount of £230 for non-Masonic Charities and good causes.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 03/12/2023

The Worshipful Master, Stuart Flynn and his team, with the assistance of Andrew Bradshaw delivered another great third degree, raising Andrew Sephton to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.

Following the meeting another wonderful meal was enjoyed by the 32 brethren who attended the festive board.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 24/11/2023

Stuart and Mark travelled to Newmarket to attend the 5th meeting of United Services Lodge since its Consecration in April 2022.

There was a total of 25 visitors at the meeting which saw three new members proposed and one new member was balloted for and was then initiated into Freemasonry.

The meeting was very enjoyable and the members can be very proud of their ritual and interesting perambulations which clearly show the members military backgrounds.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 12/11/2023

Members of the lodge along with their partners gathered at the Sing Faye Chinese restaurant for a wonderful evening.

The food was wonderful as always at the Sing Faye.

The evening gave the opportunity to two new members and their partners to get to know each other.

It was also great to have four Lady Masons present.

Vic one of the new members asked if we would all sing happy birthday to his wife Liz as she was celebrating the big 50, which we happily did! ( I’m not sure if Vic is still alive to read this!!!)

The evening ended with a Raffle which raised £85 for the lodge social account

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 05/11/2023

Stuart and his new team of light Blues deliver a great ceremony.

At the first meeting of the Lodge of Chivalry since the installation, the new team of officers carried out the raising ceremony of Craig Kitts to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.

Before the ceremony another joining member Victor Sheedy was welcomed into the lodge by Stuart.

Following the meeting another wonderful meal of Thai fish cakes to start, Chicken Supreme, followed by Sticky Toffee Pudding followed by Cheese and Biscuits was enjoyed at the festive board.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 08/10/2023

Stuart Flynn is proclaimed Worshipful Master

Stuart has enjoyed a great year in office as the worshipful master, it was a busy year with several initiations and second degree ceremonies.

In order to allow the younger brethren to progress through all the offices he agreed to do two years as WM.

The proclamation meeting was attended by over 40 brethren, and the lodge was honoured by the attendance of the Ormskirk and Bootle Group Chairman, Graham Chambers.

The lodge director of ceremonies, Colin Frodsham conducted the proclamation ceremony in fine style assisted by his ADC, Martin Stewart

The working tools in the third degree were presented and explained by Bro Alex Sharp, those in the second degree were presented and explained by Bro Craig Kitts and in the first degree the working tools were presented and explained by WBro Michael Atherton.

The address to the Wardens was given by David Dugdale and the DC gave the address to the Brethren.

After the meeting the brethren retired to the dining room to enjoy a wonderful four course meal of Woodland Mushroom Soup and crusty bread, followed by slow Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding served with roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and gravy, with homemade fruit crumble and custard followed by Cheese and Biscuits.

Replying to the toast to Grand officers Graham thanked Stuart for taking the chair for a second year, he said he had, had an absolutely fantastic evening. He said the ceremony of proclamation was completed excellently by all the brethren.

He thanked them for the seven donations of £500 to the Marfan Trust, Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, Wigan and Leigh Hospice, Claire House Children’s Hospice, West Lancashire Freemasons Charity, The Masonic Charitable Foundation and The Ormskirk Masonic Hall Association.

Graham then congratulated the three brethren who delivered the explanations of the working tools.

Graham also said that Chivalry was the only Lodge to have all its officers as light blues, which sadly is rare these days.

David Barber sang the Masters Song accompanied by Frank Laird. At the end of the evening Stuart thanked Graham and presented him with a bunch of flowers for his wife.

Pic 1:
Graham thanks Stuart for taking the chair for a second year.

Pic 2:
Pictured are Robert Midgley, Stuart Flynn and Graham Chambers.

Pic 3, 4 and 5:
The brethren enjoy the festive board.

Pic 6:
The main course of slow roast beef with roast potatoes and vegetables.

Pic 7:
David Barber singing the Masters Song toasts Stuarts health.

Pic 8:
Stuart thanks Graham for attending and presents him with flowers for his wife Anne.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 23/09/2023

I have just received this wonderful pen as a gift from Tanya, a member of her lodge made it.

Details of the price and a picture of the pen in case you want to by one!

There is also a picture of Jo’s market stall.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 02/09/2023

The lodge held an emergency meeting to Pass Andrew Sephton to the Second degree.

The ceremony was performed by David Dugdale, who also opened and closed the lodge due to the absence of our WM, who was sadly not able to attend the meeting due to illness. Hopefully Stuart will be at our October installation meeting when he will be proclaimed WM for a second term in office.

The festive board was as always very enjoyable.

The menu was Hoi sin duck in a Steamed Japanese bun to start.
Followed by Hanging kebabs on a hanging stand over skin on fries with mixed salad, warm flat breads, Harissa mayo and garlic butter. Followed by Cherry Bakewell tart & Raspberry ripple ice cream.
With Cheese and Biscuits to finish.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 20/05/2023


Stuart and eight brethren travelled to Southampton for the second visit to the Lodge of Chivalry No 5686.

An absolutely fantastic evening was had by all who attended, including the Brethren from Canute Lodge No 4876, Albert Edward Lodge No 1780, as well as other visiting masters.

On their first visit to 5685 on 18 February 2022, they enjoyed the initiation of Mr Feras Hamati. On this visit Bro Hamati was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. Bro Hamati answered his questions flawlessly.

A great evening of ritual was delivered by Martin Young and his officers. The highlights were without a doubt the Working Tools delivered the long way by Bro Andrew Maddocks and the Second Degree Tracing Board delivered the long way, word perfectly by the Lodge Treasurer WBro Richard Bowtell who also acted as the senior deacon for the ceremony.

After the meeting 51 Brethren enjoyed the Festive Board, after which, the Brethren of 3974 presented their counterparts from 5685 with gifts of a set of cufflinks / Masonic tie.

The Brethren from Canute Lodge, then stood up to (a raiding party) pillage the Travelling Gavel which had been held by 5685. The secretary of 5685 Andrew Fuller assured Mark Holloway the secretary of 3974 that tomorrow the planning process to arrange a counter attack!, on Canute would start.

It’s a small world as Mark told Andrew that he was also putting a raiding party together to claim their groups travelling gavel that Aughton Lodge No 7996 claimed from 3974 earlier in May.

The raffles first prize was won by Martin Stewart (IPM of 3974) who won a tin of Hot Dogs, much to the merriment of all the Brethren, many more raffle prizes later the Brethren from 3974 made their farewells, along with a pledge to return next year.

Returning to their hotel with some of the members from 5685 a few more drinks were enjoyed as the members of 3974 and 5685 got to know each other a little better.

Some Brethren retired to their beds at midnight, some at 1.30 am, some at 2.45am and one 1 at 4am!!

At 10 am they assembled for breakfast before making the 250 mile return trip to West Lancs.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 15/05/2023

Yes another initiation in Lodge of Chivalry No 3974

The WM Stuart Flynn conducted the Ceremony of initiation for the fourth time since the start of the season, with the assistance of his officers and two past masters: Andrew Bradshaw who acted as senior warden to deliver the charge after initiation and David Dugdale who acted as senior deacon.

The lodge junior warden, Adam Woods once again gave an excellent explanation of the working tools and junior deacon, Alex Sharp conducted Mr Andrew Kenneth Sephton around the lodge with confidence.

There were 14 visitors at the meeting, including six from Aughton Lodge No 796 who came to see the ceremony, but also wanted to claim the travelling gavel, which was introduced to encourage lodge members to visit other lodges in the group.

At the Festive Board Andrew Sephton said he enjoyed the ceremony and he was looking forward to learning more about Freemasonry.

The Lodge of Chivalry is growing at every meeting as during the meeting a joining member was proposed. In September 2020 it had 18 members and now has 32 members, with wo more waiting to join.his officers and

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 10/05/2023

Bill Brewer and Mike Gray were promoted in Provincial Grand Lodge in Blackpool on 10 May

Bill was promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works and Mike was promoted to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer.

The WM Stuart Flynn, IPM Martin Stewart and Secretary Mark Holloway went along to see Bill and Mike receive their well-deserved promotions. The day started around 10.30 am when Mark picked up Bill and Stuart and a little later when Martin picked up Mike. After boking in, they all met up Cafe 5 for lunch.

After lunch they found their seats for the meeting which started at 2.30pm. After the meeting they went to the Cottage Fish and Chips for their dinner, which as always when dining at the Cottage they made their way home with full tummy’s after a wonderful day in Blackpool

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 30/04/2023

A long journey to visit Jordan’s Mother Lodge

Mark and Carl travelled 241 miles to visit the Lodge of Marksmen No 9755 in the Province of Norfolk. Marksmen was consecrated in 2002 as a special interest Lodge and has attracted men who are interested in shooting pursuits.

Jordan Delaney was initiated into Marksmen in October 2018 and until recently was travelling from Harlesden where he lived to Portsmouth or Faslane (His Majesty's Naval Base Clyde, commonly known throughout the Navy as Faslane) as he is in the Royal Navy and has been a submariner for nine years.

Jordan joined The Lodge of Chivalry in May 2022 after moving to Skelmersdale to reduce his travelling time. He has retained his membership of his mother lodge, although he is not able to visit it as much as he would like to he was delighted that Mark and Carl were able to enjoy the ceremony to initiate Mr Christopher Standley, which was conducted by the WM Ian Stockham, his officers and immediate past master Allan Warnes.

After the ceremony the lodge members transformed the lodge room into a dining room where the members and visitors enjoyed the meal and companionship. When visiting lodges you see many things that are different from your own lodge, in his case the brethren sing when taking wine with each other!

After leaving the Masonic rooms Mark, Carl and Jordan returned to their hotel where the enjoyed a few more glasses of beer before retiring to their beds in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 07/04/2023


16 members of The Lodge of Chivalry No 3974 gathered in Ormskirk to visit Lathom Abbey Lodge No 6286 to Claim the ‘Traveling Gavel’ that was donated to the Ormskirk and Bootle Group by Peter Levick in 2019.

The idea of the ‘Traveling Gavel’ was to encourage visiting between brethren in lodges and chapters that meet in the Ormskirk and Bootle Group. To claim the Gavel for a visiting lodge the worshipful master must be accompanied by his wardens and other members of the lodge. In the case of a tie between two lodges, the lodge with the most visiting members win and can claim the gavel, which will be theirs until another lodge or chapter claim it.

The members of Lathom Abbey initiated Mr Paul Anthony Till into Freemasonry assisted by Malcolm Sandywell who delivered the Charge. After the ceremony 49 brethren (9 from Aughton Lodge No 7996, who had hoped to claim the ‘Traveling Gavel’) retired to enjoy the meal at the festive board.

After the required toasts Stuart Flynn, the WM of The Lodge of Chivalry stood up to claim the ‘Traveling Gavel’, which despite some of the members of Aughton Lodge trying to claim the challenge was not in accordance with the rules, Stuart dismissed them saying his 2 wardens, chaplain, secretary, DC, Membership Officer, Mentor, 2 deacons and his inner guard and steward, along with 2 fellowcrafts and a grand officer were in attendance.

Stuart concluded by thanking all the members of Chivalry for joining his raiding party and he challenged the members of Lathom Abbey and Aughton to visit Chivalry on the 13 May to see him initiate Mr Andrew Sepfton into Freemasonry and claim the ‘Traveling Gavel’ at the festive board.

All Lodges and Chapters in the Group are welcome to book in with the Lodge of Chivalry secretary [email protected] claim the ‘Traveling Gavel’.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 03/04/2023

A last minute change of candidate but a great ceremony

The Lodge of Chivalry No 3974, had planned to perform a second degree ceremony for Bro Guillermo Moreno who was unfortunately called away on urgent business.

Fortunately Carl Flaherty who returned from holiday the day before the meeting was not too jet lagged, and agreed to progress to the degree of a Fellowcraft, having only been initiated in January.

The ceremony was carried out by WM Stuart Flynn in a nearly word perfect ceremony, the other lodge officers and Martin Stewart who acted as SW, the second degree working tools were delivered by Nigel Pye who delivered the tools the long way, word perfectly.

The lodge is still growing and at the end of the meeting Ian Pye proposed another new member which his brother Nigel seconded.

After the meeting 29 Masons enjoyed the Festive Board, with another great meal produced by the chef, Gary O’Brien, which started with a course pâté of lamb’s liver, garlic and brandy, red onion chutney, brioche toast and butter, followed by a mixed grill with gammon, lamb chop, sausage, black pudding, steak, fried egg served with chunky chips, garden peas, grilled tomato onion rings and field mushroom, dessert was lemon meringue pie with pouring cream followed by Cheese and Biscuits.

Everyone who attended the meeting said they had a great time and they raised over £300 for charity.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 30/03/2023

Stu, Martin and Mark visit Old Crosbeian Lodge No 4992

Stu, Martin and Mark attended the installation meeting of Old Crosbeian Lodge No 4992, that meets in Merchant Taylors School in Crosby.

The Provincial Grand Master Mark Francis Matthews was the principal guest, he =was accompanied by the Provincial Wardens and two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters along with many Grand and Acting Provincial Grand Officers.

The current Worshipful Master, Peter McGrady was proclaimed as WM for his second year in the chair of King Solomon.

After the meeting nearly 100 brethren enjoyed a wonderful four course festive board which was served by the schools catering team in the Schools main dining room.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 12/03/2023

Stuart and Mark visited Crosby Lodge No 3714 to see Ron Elliott proclaimed as WM for the second year. The meeting was very enjoyable and the Festive Board was enjoyed by all.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 08/03/2023

Stuart and Gemma attend the 162nd Provincial Ball

The West Lancashire Provincial Grand Ball and Banquet has been held for 162 years. This Year the Ball was held in the University of Bolton Stadium and was enjoyed by the 100’s of Freemasons and their partners.

Stuart and Gemma along with Martin and Karyn Stewart and David and Gaynor Dugdale attended the Ball and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Photos from Lodge of Chivalry No 3974's post 07/03/2023

A pigs head, 29 Masons and six Gentlemen
The Lodge of Chivalry No 3974, held its annual Olde English meeting. The past masters of the lodge took office and performed a second degree ceremony for Bro Craig Kitts who was initiated in December 2022.
The ceremony was carried out by Martin Stewart who acted as the worshipful master in a nearly word perfect ceremony, the other officers were Andrew Bradshaw (SW), Brian Wilson (JW) David Dugdale (SD) Michael Atherton (JD) and Paul Kay (IG).
After the meeting 29 Masons and six Gentlemen enjoyed the Festive Board which was a five course feast of: Pea and Ham Soup followed by Grilled black pudding, crispy potato cake a soft poached egg with a creamy whole grain mustard sauce. The main course was Steak, ale and stilton suet pudding, served with hand cut chips and minted garden peas, followed by Sherry trifle, followed with Cheese and Biscuits.
During the meal the lodge secretary Mark Holloway acted as the fines master, he was assisted by younger members in the lodge who acted as fines stewards, who as part of their duties sang the stewards song, which bought several offers to pay larger fines to stop them singing!
After everyone had purchased an immunity badge to save them from further fines, Mark did a Westhoughton swindle (Raffle) that had 10 prizes including the traditional Pig’s head!
Everyone who attended the meeting said they had a great time and they raised over £400 for charity.
Pic 1:
Pictured from left to right are: Guillermo Moreno joined in Nov 22, Carl Flaherty joined in Jan 23, Mark Holloway joined in Feb 1997, Alex Sharp joined in March 21, Jordan Delaney joined in May 22 and Craig Kitts joined in Mar 22.
Pic 2:
The Pig’s head.
Pic 3:
The younger members of the lodge are pictured singing the Visitors song, although many present may dispute the term singing!
Pic 4:
All the brethren and gentlemen enjoying themselves at the festive board.

Videos (show all)

The members of Marksmen sing the Toast.

