Cool Coder

Cool Coder

Programming content

ফেসবুকে চাকরির প্রস্তুতি কিভাবে নিবেন । এই ভিডিও দেখে জেনে নিন 08/08/2022

ফেসবুকে চাকরির প্রস্তুতি কিভাবে নিবেন । এই ভিডিও দেখে জেনে নিন ফেসবুকে চাকরির প্রস্তুতি কিভাবে নিবেন । এই ভিডিও দেখে জেনে নিন |ফেসবুক ইন্টার্ভিউয়ের জন্য আমার প্রস্তুতি এবং টাই...


HTML Tags List
::: Tags Description :::
= It means comment. That is commented with this tag.
= Indicates the type of document. This is a guide for web browsers
= This tag means hyperlink, used to link from one page to another.
= This means an abbreviation of a word cluster.
= Used to indicate the contact information of the author of a document.
= Indicates an area inside the image map.
= Used for articles.
= Used to highlight the content of a web page on a site
= Used for sound content. Audio is usually added.
= Used to make text bold.
= Specifies the URL and target of all links used on the web page.
= Used to isolate a text.
= Used to overwrite the current text direction.
= Separates the blockcode section from other sections.
= refers to the body of the document. All the contents of an HTML document are contained in the element
= One line break is taken through the tag. That is, if you use , you will break the line from there and move on to the next line.
= Used to create clickable buttons.
= With this tag you can do many things including drawing, illustration. But you have to use the script.
= This tag is used to add titles to table titles, or sliders.
= Used for a job title.
= Tag refers to a portion of computer code.
= Column property is used for each column in a element.
= Used to sort one or more columns in a table.
= Specifies a list of some predefined options for the input element.
= Used to describe descriptive lists.
= Refers to text that has been deleted from the document or used to show text updates or changes.
= Indicates some additional information that a user can show or hide if they wish.
= Helps illustrate an example of a term.
= Used to refer to a dialog box or dialog window.
= Indicates a division or a section in the document.
= Used to describe list items.
= Used to define descriptive list names or conditions.
= Used to empathize text. The text is displayed in italic form
= External application defines Flash animation files, images, videos, YouTube videos, or interactive content.
= Used to create group-related elements within the form. And creates a box around the element.
= Used to denote the title of an element.
= Indicates self-contained content such as explanations, diagrams, pictures, code lists, etc.
= Specifies the footer of a document or section.
= Used to create an HTML form to input user information.
- = Used for HTML headings.
= Indicates some information in a document.
= Used for the header of a document or section.
= This tag is used to draw a horizontal line after a piece of content.
= Used for the original tag of an HTML document. It is the holder of all other HTML elements.
= Specific parts of text are displayed in italic form.
= Used for an inline frame. Used to insert another document into a document.
= Used to include images.
= Specifies an input field where user information can be entered.
= Used to add new text to the document.
= Used for keyboard input.
= The key-pair in the form is used for the generator field.
= Used to indicate the level of the element.
= Used to indicate element captions.
Used to determine the list of list items.
= Explains the relationship between a document and another external resource. (Most commonly used for linking style seats)
= A document specifies the contents of a document.
= Used for client-side image-mapping.
= Used to mark or highlight.
= Used to scroll text or images, etc.
= Used to create a list or menu of commands.
= This is used for the metadata of a document.
= This tag is used to indicate the measure of something.
= Used for navigation links.
= In browsers where the script is not active, = tags serve as alternative content.
= Specifies an embedded object in the document.
= Ordere
