Become God's Friend

Become God's Friend

The purpose of this page is to help people to get to know Jehovah God and his purpose for mankind.-


“Hacer un sacrificio sin sacrificio no es un sacrificio”.

Si realmente amamos a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, con toda nuestra alma y con toda nuestra mente, y queremos tener su aprobación y servirle, evitaremos hacer cosas que Él desaprueba incluso aquellas que realmente disfrutamos y pensamos que son nuestro derecho.

Hechos 10:35 dice que Dios "acepta a los que le temen y hacen lo que está bien, sea cual sea su nación".

¿Cómo podemos saber si nuestra adoración a Dios es la correcta? ¿Quiere hacer los sacrificios correctos para servir al Dios Verdadero?

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para obtener más información ⬇️

How to Worship God 01/03/2023

“Making a sacrifice without sacrifice is not a sacrifice.”

If we really love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and with our whole mind, and want to have his approval and serve him, we will avoid doing things that He disapproves even those that we really enjoy and think that is our right.

Acts 10:35 says that "in every nation the man who fears him (God) and does what is right is acceptable to him."

How can we know if our worship to God is the right one? Do you want to make the right sacrifices in order to serve the True God?

Click on the link bellow for more information ⬇️

How to Worship God What is the right way to worship God? Consider six points that identify those who practice true religion.


Bible thought of the day (Romans 2:4)

None of us can know the full extent to which we need God’s patience to make sure that we have his approval for salvation. Paul counsels us to “keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) The apostle Peter wrote to fellow Christians: “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”​—2 Peter 3:9.
Therefore, we should be thankful for Jehovah's great patience and take full advantage of it by working hard towards salvation and helping others to come to know and love Jehovah 😊

*W01, November 1st ~ Jehovah is a God of Long-suffering, Parr.17,18



Bible Thought of the Day 《2022.08.12》

Nehemiah 13:31 ~ "Do remember me favorably, O my God."

Nehemiah stands out as a sterling example of faithfulness and devotion. He left behind a prominent position as cupbearer in the courtyard of Artaxerxes to direct and participate in the work of repairing the wall of Jerusalem despite enemy opposition. He enforced God’s Law, cared for the oppressed, and sought to build up the faith of his fellow Israelites. As a result, Jehovah saw fit to have a permanent record made of his prayer, making it part of the inspired Scriptures. But the biggest reward for Nehemiah will be when he gets resurrected from the dead in the coming righteous new world that Jehovah has promised. How can we imitate Nehemiah? We must not only acquire but also preserve our Christian identity by putting God’s Kingdom first in our lives with a complete heart, making ourselves available for theocratic activities, and always be on guard so that we don't lose our figurative "outer garments" -the qualities and standards that identify us as Christ's followers.
If we do so, we can be confident that Jehovah will also remember us in accordance with King David’s words: “You yourself will bless anyone righteous, O Jehovah; as with a large shield, with approval you will surround them.” (Psalm 5:12)

*Insight, p. 487 ~ Nehemiah, an Outstanding Example; W11, February 1 ~ Draw Close to God, "Remember me, O My God, For Good"; W13, August 15 ~ You Have Been Sanctified, parr.16~18



Thought of the day, from 1 Kings 3:9-12,14

Solomon asked Jehovah for wisdom and an obedient heart, and Jehovah gave him a wise and understanding heart but NOT an obedient heart. Why? Because obedience has to come from us, from our love for him and his word and from walking in his ways by keeping his regulations and his commandments. Jehovah gave us free will, he doesn't want people programed like robots to serve him. He expects that we use our free will to choose life, to do good and obey him from our heart, willingly. So may we all cultivate and maintain an obedient heart that follows Jehovah's wisdom.



Bible thought of the day!

What does Jesus words in John 17:16 means that his disciples "are no part of the world"? It means:
▪︎Being neutral​—not taking sides in the world’s politics and wars. They don't vote!
▪︎Avoid religious holidays, and customs that violate God’s principles.
▪︎Do not participate in holidays and celebrations that are linked with pagan gods (such as Christmas, Easter, New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day and others).
▪︎Like the early Christians, they do not even celebrate birthdays.
▪︎Keep morally clean.
▪︎Dress in a dignify way.
▪︎Also they respectfully refrain from sharing in national holidays that memorialize political or military events and refrain from giving worshipful honor to national heroes.
Why? Because true Christians are no part of the world and the world is no part of them either.
Are your beliefs in harmony with the truths that Jesus taught his disciples found in God's Word, the Bible? Prayerful examination, honesty and humbleness is needed in order to acknowledge whether we are being no part of this world like Jesus said about his true followers.

For more information go to JW.ORG


Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: 04/07/2022

Aprendamos más sobre nuestro Creador 🌻

En JW.ORG hay una variedad de videos que nos dejan ver la veracidad de Romanos 1:20, que dice: "Sus cualidades invisibles se ven claramente por las cosas creadas."

Si nos fijamos en cómo creó Dios la Tierra, vemos claramente su sabiduría. Y qué podemos decir de nuestro cerebro? De acuerdo a la ciencia, en él se podría contener toda la información existente en el conjunto de bibliotecas del mundo entero y aún así su capacidad de almacenaje se puede decir que es inconmensurable.

Porqué no empieza viendo este video? 👇

Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.


Some during this time wish God a happy father's day. It is true that Jehovah gave the command to honor our father and our mother. But is it acceptable to him? How did Jesus honored his Father, Jehovah? Did he celebrated Father's day? Let's see.

Jesus' love for Jehovah was in evidence daily. Jesus’ courage, his obedience, and his endurance were all evidence of his love for God. His entire ministry was motivated by this love, thus bringing honor to his Father.

So what about us? How can we show that we honor and love our heavenly Father?

Deuteronomy 10:12,13 gives us the answer:
"What is Jehovah your God asking of you? Only this: to fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of Jehovah that I am commanding you today for your own good."

Not one day, but continuously 'walking in all his ways' both publicly and privately.



Bible thought of the day.

The qualities listed at Ephesians 5:22,23 are the results of the operation of God’s spirit on a person. Just as a tree will bear fruit when it is properly tended, so a person will manifest the fruitage of the spirit when holy spirit flows freely in his life.​ All the qualities listed by Paul are equally important, and together they make possible the new Christian personality. Therefore, while we may find that certain ones of these qualities are more evident in our life on account of our own personality and inclinations, it is important that we give attention to all the aspects mentioned by Paul. By doing so, we can more fully reflect a Christlike personality in our life.​
~W01 08/01 p.15,16



Bible thought of the day.

We all face temptations, opposition, troubles, sicknesses, we have all the things common to imperfect men, and occasionally all these seem to cross our path, even coming all at once, so at times we may feel that we just cannot make it. However, we can endure whatever trials come upon us, even the most severe ones, not in our own strength but on God’s wisdom and strength. If we endure trials with our faith intact, we can be pronounced happy and we can look forward to everlasting life on a paradise earth just like James 1:12 says,

"Happy is the man who keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life, which Jehovah promised to those who continue loving Him."



Bible thought of the day.

Even though hardship may befall us before and during Armageddon, we can be confident that Jehovah will supply us with “vital energy” as we joyfully continue serving him. Food may run short, property may be lost, standards of living may go down, but we will never lose our joy in Jehovah, from whom our salvation is to come.

"Although the fig tree may not blossom, And there may be no fruit on the vines; Although the olive crop may fail, And the fields may produce no food; Although the flock may disappear from the pen, And there may be no cattle in the stalls; Yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation." ~ Habakkuk 3:17,18


Bible thought of the day.

In Roman's 12:12, the apostle Paul gives three admonitions, to rejoice, to endure, and to persevere. Since we could never do all these things without Jehovah’s help, the apostle advises us to “persevere in prayer.” This will enable us to follow his further counsel to “endure under tribulation.” Finally, we need to keep our minds fixed on the future that Jehovah holds in store for us and to “rejoice in the hope” of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. If we picture ourselves in God’s coming new world, and imagine ourselves experiencing the blessings of the Paradise and anticipate the fulfillment of the wonderful things Jehovah has promised​—including the vindication of his sovereignty, the removal of wickedness from the earth, and the elimination of sickness and death—​will fill our hearts with joy, and that joy can help us to endure no matter what trials may befall us. Why? Because our God-given hope is infinitely superior to anything that the world can offer.

*Eunie 🌻


Bible thought of the day.

We are living now in a very special day. Since 1914 it has been the day of Christ’s rule as heavenly King, described at Psalm 118:24, 25. Since then in Christendom there is no stable, guaranteed prosperity. But amongst Jehovah’s people there is a spiritual prosperity, a real, practical well-being that has transformed their lives and made them the happiest mortals on earth. It will never collapse. It is backed and guaranteed by the greatest and the only durable government in the universe, Jehovah’s kingdom established in the heavens in the year 1914 and with his Son Jesus Christ at his side, which brings us a happiness unequaled anywhere in this old world and makes us exclaimed the words of the psalmist’s, "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; His loyal love endures forever." ~Psalm 118:29


Thought of the day 🌻

Philippians 4:4, "Always rejoice in the Lord. Again I will say, Rejoice!"
Why is it important for Christians to carry out their service to Jehovah with joy? Because of the issue Satan raised in connection with Jehovah’s sovereignty. Satan claims that no one serves God out of a willing heart. (Job 1:9-11) If we were to serve Jehovah dutifully but joylessly, our sacrifice of praise would be incomplete.
Our joy clearly depends, not upon our circumstances, but upon our relationship with God. The better we know Jehovah and the more fully we do his will, the more we will enjoy serving him. We therefore endeavor to heed the psalmist’s exhortation: “Serve Jehovah with rejoicing. Come in before him with a joyful cry.” (Ps. 100:2) Service rendered from a joyful, willing heart glorifies God and in turn, will bring us satisfaction and inner peace.


We will fulfill the very purpose of our existence by worshipping Jehovah wholeheartedly. And since He is the source of "every good gift and every perfect present", his blessings never cause pain. On the contrary, it'll help us to enjoy a happy and meaningful life now and attain life in the soon to come Paradise, where we will be able to worship Jehovah forever 💝

W22 March, p.23/18


¿Podrá el hombre salvar a la tierra de una destrucción nuclear ó de la devastación que sufre la tierra a causa del cambio climático? ¿Ó será la tierra totalmente destruida?

Isaías 45:18 dice: "Porque esto es lo que dice Jehová: el Creador de los cielos, el Dios verdadero, el que formó la tierra, el que la hizo y la estableció firmemente, que NO creó sencillamente para nada, sino que la formó para ser habitada..."

Consulta el siguiente enlace para obtener más información 👇


Can man save the earth from a nuclear desteuction and the devastation the earth is suffering due to climate change? Or will the earth be totally destroyed?

Isaiah 45:18 says, "For this is what Jehovah says, The Creator of the heavens, the true God, The One who formed the earth, its Maker who firmly established it, Who Did NOT Created Simply For Nothing, but Formed it to be Inhabited..."

Please check the link below for more information 👇


Stop judging that you may not be judged.​—Matt. 7:1


"Jehovah could've chosen individuals that are very discipline, in good health and with all types of wonderful qualities, yet, he chose each one of us, despite our broken parts. How heartwarming it is to be reminded that in Jehovah's eyes we are precious, valuable and special and he doesn't compared us with anyone else. Like a beautiful diamond hidden under the dirt and imperfections, He saw beyond our struggles, our fears, our background. He looked inside our hearts, and saw our potential, our willingness to be molded by him. So by continuing giving our best to Jehovah and learn to view our abilities, strengths and progress the way Jehovah does, we will be able to Rejoice while serving Him."

*Watchtower Study "Rejoice in Your Own Progress" ~ 20210926

How to Make Good Decisions 08/07/2021

We all have decisions to make. Many of these decisions can have a big impact on us and our friendship with Jehovah. For example, we may have to decide where to live, how to support ourselves financially, or whether to get married. When we make good decisions, we can have a happy life and please Jehovah.

More info in the link below 👇

How to Make Good Decisions Take a look at how Bible principles and the conscience play important roles in decision-making.

What the Kingdom Will Accomplish 02/07/2021

God’s Kingdom is already ruling. Soon it will make big changes on the earth. What good things can you look forward to under Kingdom rule? Click on the link below to know the answer.

What the Kingdom Will Accomplish Consider why we can trust that God will use the Kingdom to fulfill all the Bible’s promises for our future.

2021 Convention Program​—Powerful by Faith! | JW.ORG 20/05/2021

Our Regional Convention 2021 is coming! 🌻 Are you ready?

Click the link to see the 3 day program!!!

2021 Convention Program​—Powerful by Faith! | JW.ORG Program for the 2021 Powerful by Faith! Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Use it to follow along and take brief notes.

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays? 09/05/2021

Before deciding whether to celebrate a particular holiday we consult the Bible. Some holidays and celebrations clearly violate Bible principles. When that is the case, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not participate. Regarding other holidays, each Witness makes his or her own choice, striving “to maintain a clear conscience before God and men.”​—Acts 24:16.
We also remember what Revelation 4:11 says, "You are worthy Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created."
Although we don't celebrate Christmas, birthdays, Mother's day, Father's day, etc... we still love our families and respect them.
The Bible teaches us to love and respect all family members, regardless of their faith. (1 Peter 3:​1, 2, 7) Of course, when one of Jehovah’s Witnesses stops sharing in certain celebrations, some of his or her relatives may feel upset, hurt, or even betrayed. Therefore, many of Jehovah’s Witnesses take the initiative to reassure their relatives of their love, to explain tactfully the reasons for their decisions, and to visit their relatives on other occasions.

For a more detailed information, feel free to click un the link below!

Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Certain Holidays? Jehovah’s Witnesses consult the Bible before deciding whether to celebrate a particular holiday. They strive ‘to maintain a clear conscience before God and men.’


Just like when we blow a dandelion and can't see where the seeds land and bloom, so our letters even when we don't get a reply nor see the seed of truth blooming, we still can be sure that Jehovah's holy spirit will direct them to honest hearted soil. (Ecclesiastes 11:6; John 6:44)



Many people put their complete trust on money, thinking they can buy happiness with it. Some even think that by giving huge amounts of money to their church it will secure them a place in God's Kingdom or Paradise. But is that how it works?
Jesus said in Luke 18:24, "How difficult it will be for those having money to make their way into the Kingdom of God!"
In this scripture, Jesus was emphasizing, not that a person with material riches could not serve God, but how hard it might be for a rich man to serve wholeheartedly to God from beginning to end in order “to enter into the kingdom,” and actually gain everlasting life.
Yes, no matter how we stand financially, Jesus’ counsel can aid our thinking, our spiritual progress, and our gaining lasting life.

Like this man said, "there are things that we cannot buy with money." That is why Jesus admonished us to "store up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19,20) and to "keep.. seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added" to us (Matthew 6.33)

*For more information on this and other subjects, please visit JW.ORG in your own language.

What Will God’s Kingdom Do? | Bible Questions 06/03/2021

What Will God’s Kingdom Do? | Bible Questions End all war, remove the wicked, bring prosperity and meaningful work—this is only the beginning of what God’s government will do. Live in peace and paradise.

Who Will Save the Earth? Bible Verses About the Earth and the Environment 27/02/2021

Who Will Save the Earth? Bible Verses About the Earth and the Environment Saving the planet has become critical. But the Bible shows that the future of the earth is secure and that all environmental issues will be addressed completely.

Women in the Bible—Learn From Great Women and Bad Examples, for Bible Study 27/02/2021

Women in the Bible—Learn From Great Women and Bad Examples, for Bible Study Queen Esther, Prophetess Deborah, Abigail. Contrast such good women in the Bible with the cautionary tales of Eve, Lot’s wife, Queen Jezebel. See 21 examples and a timeline.


Why Pursue Peace?

"If untreated, small cracks in the pavement can grow into dangerous potholes. Leaving personal differences unresolved can likewise be disastrous. The apostle John wrote: “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20) An unresolved personal difference could eventually cause a Christian to hate his brother.

Jesus Christ showed that our worship is unacceptable to Jehovah if we have not made peace with others. Jesus instructed his disciples: “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.” (Matt. 5:23, 24) Yes, a primary reason for us to pursue peace is that we want to please Jehovah God.

A desire to preserve the love and unity of the congregation moves us to pursue peace with fellow believers.
“Happy are the peacemakers,” said Jesus. (Matt. 5:9, ftn.) Pursuing peace brings joyful satisfaction. Furthermore, peace promotes good health, for “a calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.” (Prov. 14:30) On the other hand, harboring resentment may increase our risk of becoming physically ill.

So, “as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men.” (Rom. 12:18) May we be resolved to do so and thus remain securely on the road to life."

The Watchtower, November 15, 2008 “Pursue the Things Making for Peace”

Admin. Eunie 🌻


How can we show “fellow feeling, brotherly affection, [and] tender compassion” to all but especially to those who are “related to us in the faith"?
By imitating Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Show concern for others, have sympathy for them, sharing in their interests and distresses, pray for them and console them.


Can we have joy in your life? Of course we can, even when facing trials, during hardships and in the deepest pain. Why? Because that joy comes from knowing Jehovah and his promises.
We might feel alone, misunderstood, like we can't go on but when we refocus our minds and heart to the source of peace, of strength, and life we can and we will become joyful.
He will never let us in the ground if we fall, He will never abandoned us even if others do, He will never criticize our pain nor our feelings.
He is there ready to help us, to gives us the power beyond what is normal. He is our strength and our joy.
Thank You Jehovah ❤

"You make known to me the path of life. In your presence is abundant joy; There is happiness at your right hand forever." ~ Psalms 16.11

*Visit JW.ORG*


Many of us have questions about life, suffering, death, and the future. Day-to-day matters, such as making a living or having a happy family are of serious concern. For many the Bible has not only help them to find the answer to life’s big questions but also has given them practical advice for daily living.

This brochure contains three introductory Bible lessons entitled:
How Can the Bible HelpYou?
The Bible Gives Hope
Can You Trust the Bible?

Click on the link to know how you and your family can Enjoy Life Foreve!

Videos (show all)

Just like when we blow a dandelion and can't see where the seeds land and bloom, so our letters even when we don't get a...
Many people put their complete trust on money, thinking they can buy happiness with it. Some even think that by giving h...
