Adventures in Quilting

Adventures in Quilting

Unexpected adventures occur from Mimi's Quilting Emporium in Bitchfield, PA but across the USA.

This podcast is not just for ther avid quilt bit for anyone that loves a story.


First, I’d like to thank my Adventures in Quilting podcast listeners! I’ve gone over 20,000 downloads. This is not a lot for famous people and superstars . . . But for me - it’s amazing! Thanks. If you haven’t listened, you can find my podcast on all podcast providers.

Second, I’ve been a little slow getting out a new episode - life gets in the way sometimes. However, I’m editing the audio on a new episode right now. So hopefully I’ll get a new episode out very soon. It will be titled, “Fresh Mulch, New Love, Always Chocolate.”


I just published a few minutes ago my first “Adventures in Quilting” episode in 2024. This sets a stage with the Flowers family I’ll probably use the rest of this season. There’s opportunity for love, ghosts, quilting, and science . . . Wait, what? Science?

Hope you enjoy!

S4:Special - A Little Christmas Poem 19/12/2023

I just published this little poem on my podcast yesterday but thought you might like to see it. If you want to listen to the podcast, I've provided a link on Spreaker, which I use to manage my podcasts - but you can find me on most podcast providers.

A Quilters Christmas Poem

Santa sat thinking late that night.
While drinking a brandy - wondering what’s right.
Fabric and batting and tools everywhere,
Mrs. Claus was quilting - she didn’t care.

The house was jammed with quilting supplies,
The elves had been buried clear up to their eyes.
But Santa was silent – not a single harsh word.
From under the long arm, a loud cry was then heard,

On Prancer, on Dasher, on Blitzen, and Donner,
Fabric had fallen, the reindeer were goners.
Mrs. Claus was sewing – too busy with stitching,
She’d had enough of their whining and . . . Really, Mrs. Claus, I’m not going to say that! You should be ashamed of yourself.

She glanced at Santa, “Go dig them all out.”
“Yes, dear,” He muttered with a frown and a pout.
“Get out of this house,” she then gave him the eye.
“You have gifts to deliver . . . So farewell, Goodbye.”

Santa smiled broadly as they flew in the air.
Bringing joy and happiness to kids everywhere.
“Finally,” she said, and gave a big smile.
“I can quilt all I want . . . he’ll be gone a long while.”

When Santa returned, he found on his chair,
A red and green quilt awaiting him there.
A gift from her - the one he loved best,
Guess he’d buy her more fabric and forgive all the mess.

So, on this blessed night full of holiday cheer,
Surrounded by loved ones - and even reindeer.
Quilters are excited - sewing late in the night,
Hoping Santa will bring . . . a new high tech sewing machine, fat quarters, tickets to QuiltCon, and Entenmann’s White Powdery Donuts
. . . which would be just right.

Hope you enjoyed . . . Merry Christmas to all from Adventures in Quilting, Mimi’s Quilting Emporium, and the good people of Bitchfield . . . and me, of course!

S4:Special - A Little Christmas Poem It's a little known fact that Mrs. Santa is an avid quilter . . . but this Christmas, she is busy. So, while Santa is off doing his little thing, she is busy. Enjoy this little poem to celebrate Christmas and Quilting.


I just published a new episode of Adventures in Quilting. This one is titled, “The Treasure of the Nile - Part 2.”

This one is about 39 minutes long - it took more work to record and edit. Hope you enjoy!


Hoping to release another episode of Adventures in Quilting soon! Tomorrow maybe?

I had a special guest visit the studio - “she” will help to kick off this next episode.


I’m pretty sure I’ll go over 10,000 downloads of my podcast, Adventures in Quilting, today - which amazes me. Considering I do almost zero advertising - not bad. Thank you all for listening! You can find me on any podcast provider - tell a friend!

BTW, about 56% of those downloads came in the last year - I’ve been doing this for three years. Looks like the momentum is building!

Episode 18 - Christmas Meeting of the Bitchfield Quilt Guild 11/12/2022

Episode 18 - Christmas Meeting of the Bitchfield Quilt Guild Spirits are joyous at the Christmas Meeting of the Bitchfield Quilt Guild. Of course, there's a potl

Episode 17 - The Thanksgiving Day Parade, The Quilt Shop, and Strath Sewing and Quilting 19/11/2022

Episode 17 - The Thanksgiving Day Parade, The Quilt Shop, and Strath Sewing and Quilting The Stitch & Sew at Mimi's Quilting emporium was certainly busy. Not only did they have the "excitin

Episode 16 - Gnomes, Material Obsession and Braidwood 01/11/2022

Episode 16 - Gnomes, Material Obsession and Braidwood Ruth Ann, Mary Margaret and Mr. Patrick share news of their adventure to Australia with the good lad

Episode 14 - Invited to Teach 11/06/2022

Episode 14 - Invited to Teach Mulching season is winding down in Bitchfield and Mimi has been invited to teach a quilting class .

Episode 13 - Cows Crossing 19/04/2022

Episode 13 - Cows Crossing Mimi's Quilting Emporium, and all of Bitchfield, PA, is a buzz of excitement with an author visiting

Episode 12 - A Tribute to the Generosity of Quilt Guilds . . . and Thinking about Ukraine 06/03/2022

Episode 12 - A Tribute to the Generosity of Quilt Guilds . . . and Thinking about Ukraine The Bitchfield Quilt Guild had to do something . . . they just had to support the people, the refuge

Episode 11 - Footprints 04/03/2022

Episode 11 - Footprints The annual ice fishing tournament is in full swing in Bitchfield, PA and there's excitement, and wor

Episode 10 - The Old Quilt 16/02/2022

Just published a new Episode of Adventures in Quilting. You should be able to find it on your favorite podcast hosting service, but I use Spreaker so here is the link to the latest. This Episode is based on a real event, the theft of artwork from Andrew Wyeth's Studio . . . and the theft of an old quilt. But, there is plenty of my imagination thrown in, too! Enjoy!

Episode 10 - The Old Quilt An old quilt hanging in Mimi's Quilting Emporium attracts the attention of the Pennsylvania State Po

Episode 9 - One Vote, Two Votes 10/01/2021

Episode 9 - One Vote, Two Votes Bitchfield, PA is excited that their own podcaster is going to be on the Kelly Clarkson show. The ladies are gathered in Mimi's Quilting Emporium as the podcaster reads his story.

Episode 8 - Christmas in Bitchfield 19/12/2020

Episode 8 - Christmas in Bitchfield The Stitch & Sew are busy in Mimi's Quilting Emporium on a cold Christmas Eve stuffing stockings for the residents of the Bitchfield Assisted Living Home when they suddenly have visitors stop in the store . . . touching their hearts.

Episode 7 - Drunk Stallion Quilt Shop and Distillery 13/12/2020

I just posted Episode 7 in my Adventures in Quilting podcast series. You can access it on Spreaker (which I use) or on your favorite podcast provider. Here is the link on Spreaker . . . I hope you enjoy:

Episode 7 - Drunk Stallion Quilt Shop and Distillery God help us, but the Bitchfield Quilt Guild has started the planning process for their next quilt show - there's never a shortage of opinions! Meanwhile, Ruth Ann and Mr. Patrick sightsee in West Virginia before spending a few interesting . . . and hazy days . . . visiting the Drunk Stallion Quilt S...


A bit off the Adventures in Quilting path but I thought some of you might get a chuckle out of this. I had some time on my hands while waiting for my staff to finish the next Adventures in Quilting episode . . . I came up with this.

Oh, and be sure to listen to the Adventures in Quilting podcasts . . . Available through all major podcasts providers.

A Christmas Visit from Fauci

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and with our convictions,
Not a creature was stirring due to Covid restrictions.

The stockings were hung by the chimney – really? who cares?
‘Cause quarantine was keeping St. Nicholas far from there.

What really matters we got from our neighbor,
Now hangs in our bathroom, yes, rolls of toilet paper.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Zoom learning lingered in their heads.

And, mamma on her iPad and I with my Switch,
Hoping the wifi ran quickly without any glitch.

When out on the lawn there came such as clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see “what’s the matter.”

To the window I ran but stub my toe on the bed,
Mamma peed herself laughing ‘til her face glowed red.

Cursing and limping I pulled back the curtain,
Forgetting my jammies, I flashed all for certain.

The moon glittered brightly on the new-fallen snow,
Giving a luster of midday to objects below.

Just dim signs for Black Lives Matter, Biden and Trump,
Then suddenly a crunch and a rather loud thump.

Then what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But Dr. Fauci carrying a six-pack of beer.

His cheeks were all rosy, his nose like a cherry,
Clearly smashed but who cares, he was so very merry!

I knew in a moment this was better than St. Nick,
‘Cause he whistled and shouted and called them all pricks.

(I really must say, I’m sorry about that language,
Our friend just wanted to send a strong message.)

“Now, Donald! now, Mike! now Lindsey! And Mitch!
Now creep away, crawl away into a ditch.”

He staggered up the steps to our rusty porch swing,
and popped another cold one as he started to sing.

“There’s hope for a bright future if only we’ll push.”
Then he stumbled to the rail and puked in our bush.

He turned and he grinned, shoving a swab up his nose,
“Oh, yes, testing . . . you gotta love those.”

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

“The science is glorious, elegant, pristine!
Soon Pfizer and Moderna will have their vaccines.”

He sprang to his limo and gave his driver a whistle,
Away they flew like a SpaceX missile.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight –
“There’s a Starbucks up there, it’s just to the right.”

But, the grinchiest Grinch was waiting you see,
His plans were all ready, just waiting was he.

Silence loomed over his over his cold dark place,
Valdimir sat planning with a smile on his face.

“I’ll give Fauci and Nicholas just this one day,
But I’ll be ready, I’ll conguer, they’ll be ready to pay.

Merry Christmas . . . bah humbug! There’s more to my story,
Voter fraud, cyber attacks . . . all part of my glory!”

In D.C., Kamala reclined, keeping watch with our spies,
Whispering, “Just try it you fool!” Then sipping wine with a sigh.

“Momala will s***k you, like you’ve never seen.
I’ll just smile and curtsy, while ripping out your spleen.”

Through the window he saluted, “Well done,” St. Nick said.
While Fauci slept soundly all nestled in bed.

Nick climbed in his Tesla, his eyes twinkling bright,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

And finally, the postscript, it must be added,
Dear reader, truth hurts but don’t get frustrated.

Is it over? Will it end? This dreaded 2020.
‘Cause I’ve had enough! Too much! Absolutely plenty!

But, I still scribble, Mom quilts – just having some fun.
And, we’ll be okay, we’ll get through this . . . God’s will be done.

Episode 6 - Ceramics 23/10/2020

Episode 6 - Ceramics There's a chill in the air in Bitchfield, PA and flannel is making its annual fashion surge. Everyone is getting ready for the Bitchfield Strudel Festival and Competition. Mimi is determined to beat Mrs. Ellsworth this year and take back the championship trophy.

Tyler Perry Accepts the Governors Award - Emmy Awards 21/09/2020

Tyler Perry won the Governing Board’s Emmy Award tonight and to my surprised he used a story and a quilt in his exceptance speech. I’m sure everyone at Mimi’s Quilting Emporium are thrilled! Enjoy!

Tyler Perry Accepts the Governors Award - Emmy Awards Tyler Perry accepts the Governors Award at Emmys 2020. Watch highlights from 'The 72nd Emmy Awards' streaming on ABC and Hulu.


I hope you are enjoying the “Adventures in Quilting” podcast series and the latest episode featuring The Congressional Quilt Shop.

Please let others know about “Adventures in Quilting” which is available through your favorite source of podcasts.

Breaking News!! I was just made aware that there might be another episode coming out soon - assuming my staff of writers get off their lazy . . . Well, you know. Mimi and Mrs. Ellsworth picked apples to make their entries for the Bitchfield Strudel Festival and decided to visit the new Ceramics Shop just outside of town.

Episode 5 - The Congressional Quilt Shop 12/09/2020

Episode 5 of Adventures in Quilting has just been released on Spreaker - but will be available on all major podcasting hosts soon!

I hope you enjoy - please share if you enjoy it . . . for that matter, share it even if you don't enjoy it - what a great way to punish someone!

A Peak at Episode 5 - Mary Margaret is planning a big event for Bitchfield, PA but today the Stitch & Sew has gathered at Mimi's Quilting Emporium to hear about Ruth Ann's visit to The Congressional Quilt Shop in Washington, D.C.

Episode 5 - The Congressional Quilt Shop Mary Margaret is leading the preparations for a big event in Bitchfield but on this day, the Stitch & Sew has gathered at Mimi's Quilting Emporium to hear about Ruth Ann's visit to The Congressional Quilt Shop in Washington, DC - and the misadventures of "travel" during Covid.


Okay everyone, the next episode of Adventures in Quilting is written and will be recorded and published soon! The next episode has more excitement from our friends in Bitchfield, PA and a visit to the Congressional Quilt Shop in Washington, DC. I think you’ll all relate to, and cringe at, this “fascinating” shop.

Thanks for your support!


The relief after finishing a podcast . . . Also showing off my stylish new glasses. Forgive the hair - it’s been months since I e been to the barber! 😉

Episode 4 - The Letter 29/06/2020

I just released a new episode of Adventures in Quilting titled, "The Letter." I hope you enjoy while you are eating a Hershey's Chocolate Bar!

Episode 4 - The Letter Bitchfield, PA is slowly coming back to life but business has been good at Mimi's Quilting Emporium. Mimi has taken the opportunity to clean-up her centuries old attic during the quarantine . . . and finds a connection to the past that relates to the present.


A new episode of Adventures in Quilting to be released later today which will give tribute to our country’s history and the events of today.

Adventures in Quilting 16/06/2020

Adventures in Quilting isn't just about quilting . . . it's about life. Check out my podcasts at . . . I'd appreciate a few "likes"

Adventures in Quilting This podcast is a series of fun stories that are occasionally fact - but are often fiction. You don't have to be a quilter to listen . . . but if you are a quilter, or married to one, or know one, or lived with one, or passed one on the street . . . you'll certainly relate to these stories. Mimi's Q...
