The phenomenal Woman

The phenomenal Woman

Unleashing the inherent potential in every woman


it is necessary and very constructive for the future of the hotel industry to post and report this to all hotels!! much more so in those hotels that have all inclusive packages!!



"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2).

All over the world we hear about earthquakes, wars, famines, floods, outbreak of new diseases and so on. We’re frequently bombarded with the reports of places ravaged by these destructive elements. These however are some of the signs which the Bible says would precede the end of the age. The gruesome pictures painted have filled the hearts of many people with fear, apprehension and despondency. Amidst all these, God is raising a mighty generation of believers that don’t know enough to worry, for they’re well grounded on God’s Word.

I’m not saying they’re naïve or completely ignorant of what’s going on in their environment. They’ve simply chosen to fill their minds with God’s Word, rather, than worldly information. They’re like little children who don’t have enough information to worry about anything, for they’re assured and confident they’ll get whatever they desire from their parents. They’ve chosen to let God’s Word dominate their hearts rather than the news media reports. Thus, they’re more God-conscious than man-conscious!

The Lord Jesus said in Mark 10:15, “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Just as a little child trusts his parents to look out for him, we also should trust God to make everything work out for our good (Romans 8:28). You’re a part of this generation that God is raising and this is the attitude He wants you to have.

If you want to live above the dominion of the forces of darkness in the world, especially at the close of this age, you must fill your mind with God’s Word rather than with the headline news or any other information that talks about the things satan is doing. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

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FURTHER STUDY: 1 JOHN 5:4-5; LUKE 21:25-26


Please take note.


All our invitees from Nigeria should note that the time for the conference for them is 1pm.
This is due to the difference in time because Nigeria is an hour ahead of the host country.


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