Empowered Animals Behavior and Training, LLC Videos

Videos by Empowered Animals Behavior and Training, LLC. Empowered Animals Behavior and Training provides behavior consultation for people and their pets. We

Does your dog KNOW their name?

No, like have you ever taught it?

Teaching your dog WHAT you want them to do when you say their name can be really beneficial for both of you!! It can be really frustrating to keep calling your dog’s name, just to have them ignore you. It can also be really confusing for your dog, who has no idea that you are expecting them to do something specific (look at you!) when you say their name!!

I recently started working with Buttercup, a rescue girl who has no idea that her name is Buttercup! I’m using a super simple pattern game, created by the brilliant Leslie McDevitt, to help her learn to turn and look at me when I call her name!

Other Empowered Animals Behavior and Training, LLC videos

Does your dog KNOW their name? No, like have you ever taught it? Teaching your dog WHAT you want them to do when you say their name can be really beneficial for both of you!! It can be really frustrating to keep calling your dog’s name, just to have them ignore you. It can also be really confusing for your dog, who has no idea that you are expecting them to do something specific (look at you!) when you say their name!! I recently started working with Buttercup, a rescue girl who has no idea that her name is Buttercup! I’m using a super simple pattern game, created by the brilliant Leslie McDevitt, to help her learn to turn and look at me when I call her name!

Today is a good day for indoor exercise!! Stay safe in this weather everyone!!

Standing still to voluntarily put on a harness and/or leash is a skill that can be taught to make everyone's life easier. Do you have a pig that you have to chase down or wrestle to get the harness on? We can help! Send us a DM or email us at [email protected] today to turn the chaos into cooperation!🤩

This is Izzy Bluebell, one of our wonderful Bunz of Steel students! She is rocking her recall and coming from a good distance when she hears her name! Her mom is doing a great job clicking when Izzy starts to come towards her and providing reinforcement when Izzy arrives at her feet! Great job Izzy and Melissa!!🤩

For your Sunday enjoyment, we have prepared for you the biggest dog with the biggest grasshopper 🦗 #dog #tampa #tampadogs #labrador

Sweet Ellie girl has literally reached the top of the mountain when it comes to her training goals!! Ellie’s mom and dad needed some help convincing Ellie that the ramp they bought to help her wasn’t going to hurt her!! A naturally cautious girl, Ellie wasn’t so sure the ramp was the best idea!! We firmly believe that training is something you do with your pet, not to your pet! It was a family effort to get Ellie to find the confidence to use her ramp, and celebrating small steps along the way helped her find her way to the top!!

Reinforcement is in the eye of the beholder🤣 Reinforcement is deteremined by the individual, and that is different for every learner. By definition a reinforcer results in the increase of a behavior after it is delivered to the learner. For some, a reinforcer might be access to roll in the mud!

Throwback to station training a very small, baby Hank! Love watching him problem solve and figure out that he is supposed to put all 4 feet on the station!🥰

We’re trading in #TrainingTipTuesday for Tyson Tuesday!! Tyson has been crushing it in his training sessions!! When I first met him, he had a reputation for disliking other dogs and for being a freight train on the leash. He has learned that he can just check in with me and he doesn’t have to interact with the other dogs-I will happily walk right past them with him!! He doesn’t need to pull on his leash because he can just ask me where he needs to go and I’ll take him. Tyson is a dog who isn’t “food-motivated,” but by understanding his motivation, we can largely work without treats, although he enjoys some snacks! What IS his motivation? Like us, it changes with the situation. Training is all about communication. Since we’ve established a language, we just talk about what he wants in the moment, and go from there!! Interested in adoption Tyson? Contact Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida! #timewithttyson

What is your pet afraid of? Happy #TrainingTipTuesday! Today’s tip is that the slowest way is often the fastest way, when we are talking about helping our pets feel comfortable with something they fear. I thought this was also the perfect opportunity for a Patrick update!! Patrick really finds comfort in routine and predictability. Because he is so fearful, he likes to do what he knows, and considers new things to be risky, so he chooses to avoid them. This leads to him being pretty stressed by any change, which is inevitable in life, so we are working on confidence in exploring new places. The play yard is the first new space Patrick has voluntarily explored it years! I took a lot of patience, treats, and understanding to help him feel safe here. Hopefully, this is the first of many new adventures for Patrick!! #progresswithpatrick #tampadogtrainer #dogtraining #tampa

Just a cute puppy…that is all!! 🥰🥰🥰

We are honored to offer our first-ever scholarship for a spot in our Bunz of Steel class, generously donated by one of our original students. Zumi was one of our incredible students, and her mom created this amazing video about her experience participating in our classes. Zumi's journey began in our Bunz of Steel class, and ended with several trick titles and a very close bond with her mom. We planned to dedicate this course in memory of Zumi, and when we discussed this with her mom, she asked us if we'd be willing to offer a scholarship to someone who felt at a loss connecting with their bun. Here are her words: "It honestly would mean the world to me to help another bun and guardian join your class...The place she always felt the most herself and happiest was learning and in her clicker training world...It would really mean a lot to me to be able to give this to someone in her name." So, our Zumi Scholarship will go to someone who is struggling to bond with their bunny, and would like to give our course a try! To apply for the scholarship, simply share your story below, with your email address (so we can reach you). We'll be announcing the winner on July 6!

When was the last time you and your bunny learned something new together? Did you know that training your bunny strengthens your relationship? Training is a team sport that enables you and your bun to work together towards a goal! The new behavior is the "destination," but the "journey" is learning to communicate effectively with your bunny. Behavior IS communication, so you can learn a lot about your bunny during training: What makes them happy? What makes them nervous? How determined are they? Do they give up easily? Do they persist? What do they love? All relationships benefit from better communication! If you are interested in learning how to train your bunny and how to understand them, check out our ClickBun class! This webinar will help you get started in training and teach you about how to help your bunny enjoy and feel comfortable in training! Ready to start the journey towards enhanced communication with your bun? Register for ClickBun at https://empoweredanimalsbehaviorandtraining.com/webinars.

Someone asked me today, “Who is your favorite animal that you care for?” The best one there is 🥰

New enrichment! 🥰

Patrick says “hi!” 😍😍😍 #progresswithpatrick #trickdog

**Appointment CANCELLED!!!** Patrick was originally going to need to be fully anesthetized for his nail trim, which is traditionally the only way it could be safely done. I decided to try something a little different, to see if I could save him an appointment. Most animals don't like nail trims because holding their feet limits their ability to escape. They feel trapped. For dogs like Patrick, where EVERYTHING is very scary, being unable to escape is an absolute worst-case scenario. While my goal is to be able to trim all of his nails with his full participation, I decided to try something that might be a bit less voluntary but still gave him options to leave. I sped this 15 minute video up to condense it to something digestible. Patrick hung with me for about 20 minutes while I trimmed all of his nails. He got tons of treats. It would have taken just as long, if not longer, to restrain and wrestle him into a trim. It would have taken MUCH longer to anesthetize him and trim his nails, and it would have cost the rescue a lot more money. Patience, treats, and communication won the day here!

🙌🙌🙌NAIL TRIM WIN!! 🙌🙌🙌 Patrick had his first ever nail trim WITHOUT sedation!! Patrick, a former feral dog, has a lot of fears about everything. Nail trims are REALLY scary because he does not like when he is unable to run away if he becomes afraid. Because of his intense fear, he has to be sedated for nail trims. Until now. I took a big step back and out and put a fence between me and Patrick. This gave him the ultimate ability to get away, allowing him to relax and see that nail trims just aren’t that scary. As a result, he was able to get some nails trimmed without all of the unnecessary physical and emotional stress. Patrick has a long way to go, but he’s also come very far! Patrick is available for adoption to the right family who is willing to be patient with him through @lrrof_tampa

🙌🙌🙌NAIL TRIM WIN!! 🙌🙌🙌Patrick had his first ever nail trim WITHOUT sedation!! Patrick, a former feral dog, has a lot of fears about everything. Nail trims are REALLY scary because he does not like when he is unable to run away if he becomes afraid. Because of his intense fear, he has to be sedated for nail trims. Until now. I took a big step back and out and put a fence between me and Patrick. This gave him the ultimate ability to get away, allowing him to relax and see that nail trims just aren’t that scary. As a result, he was able to get some nails trimmed without all of the unnecessary physical and emotional stress. Patrick has a long way to go, but he’s also come very far! Patrick is available for adoption to the right family who is willing to be patient with him through Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida -Tampa District.

I tried a little bit of a different format for this #TrainingTipTuesday! Let me know what you think! Today’s tip is that training can benefit even older pets, like sweet Sadie, who is 11 years old! (Also would love feedback on whether you guys enjoy getting your information in this format!!) #rescuedogs #labrador #seniorpets