

Diving deep into social issues, culture, politics, sports and the hot topics of the day.

Grand Rapids. 14/04/2022

I am angry. I am pi**ed off. I am tired. I am hurt. I am frustrated. I am disappointed.

I am sick of it.

It sucks.

At what point will enough be enough? When will we say, no more?

Grand Rapids. It could have been any of us black men in this city. It always can be any black man in this city.

War sucks. 17/03/2022

War Sucks


War sucks. What else is there to say, really?

Resolute 26/01/2022

2022 - It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? And we’ve only barely entered in.

Well, it’s a new year at least, not sure how much different any of us are feeling. We’re almost through January, which is a relief. Making it through January always seems like such an accomplishment because it truly is the worst month of the year. Unless you have a birthday or anniversary in January, what good is it?


Resolute 2022 - It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? And we’ve only barely entered in.

Epilogue (to 2021) 31/12/2021

Well, we did it. We’ve reached the end of a very long, very trying and extremely exhausting 2021.

Congratulations, I guess.

Epilogue (to 2021) Well, we did it. We’ve reached the end of a very long, very trying and extremely exhausting 2021.

Misunderstood | Substack 13/12/2021

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Misunderstood | Substack Diving deep into social issues, culture, politics, sports and the hot topics of the day.Click to read Misunderstood, a Substack publication. Launched 3 months ago.

Being Real. 29/11/2021

If we aren’t growing and learning and changing and challenging, what are we even doing here?

Being Real.

Misunderstood 26/11/2021

Happy Holidays!

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Misunderstood Diving deep into social issues, culture, politics, sports and the hot topics of the day.

I'd be More Thankful if... 24/11/2021

This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for. There are just a few more things on my list I wish I COULD be thankful for...

I'd be More Thankful if... Is it selfish of me to wish for more things to be thankful for?

Are we really living? 12/11/2021

What does life actually mean to people? What do we do with it? Who are we doing this life with?

How “pro-life” are we being? In the true sense of the term. Not just when it pertains to babies.

New post up! Click on the link!

Are we really living? What does life actually mean to people? What do we do with it? Who are we doing this life with?

In or Out? 05/11/2021

Change doesn't happen on a schedule.

In or Out?

It Happened 27/10/2021

"You cannot make this country great (again) by ignoring its painful history. It’s only by learning from the past (which you cannot edit) that you can dictate the course of your future.

One can re-make the past in their own rose-colored images, but that recreation doesn’t make it a new history. It still is just re-imagined. It’s not reality.

It happened. That’s reality."

It Happened You cannot make this country great (again) by ignoring its painful history.



But His Emails... 13/10/2021

Well, here we are again - another day, another uncovering of brutally ugly words from a high-profile figure, from yet another wealthy white man...

But His Emails... Another Day, another white man's misogynistic and racist behavior is exposed. This time in public.

Observations. 06/10/2021

There are times when my head is swirling with different thoughts. Today is one of those days. Here’s a collection of some of those observations:


Observations. There are times when my head is swirling with different thoughts. Today is one of those days. Here’s a collection of some of those observations.

The War on the American voter 03/10/2021

Voting is more important now than ever... For some in America, there's a war raging to keep them from voting. There's a War on the American Voter.

The War on the American voter More than 400 voter restriction bills have been introduced in 49 states this year. Within the first seven months of 2021, 18 states have implemented 30 laws that will restrict access to voting.

The War on the American voter 27/09/2021

There is a new war waging in America. It is regarding our freedom to cast our votes and let our voices be heard. We need to be paying attention.

The War on the American voter More than 400 voter restriction bills have been introduced in 49 states this year. Within the first seven months of 2021, 18 states have implemented 30 laws that will restrict access to voting.

Perspective | We all know Gabby Petito’s story. Can you name a missing Black girl? — The Washington Post 25/09/2021

This is an interesting perspective. I think we can have dual feelings here... we can be saddened about Gabby Petito and ALSO feel grief towards the many unknown POC who have gone missing as well.

Not everything is black and white. In fact, most is not.


Perspective | We all know Gabby Petito’s story. Can you name a missing Black girl? — The Washington Post Black women and girls who experience the same kind of violence hardly ever get this type of attention.


Thank you to all the new followers on here!

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Different is Good. 23/09/2021

Be different. Be you. Let those around you be different. Let them be themselves too.

It's better that way.

Different is Good. It’s sad that our differing belief systems have been curated into weapons that are utilized against us.

Different is Good. 20/09/2021

It seems that most topics in America these days have been turned into white-hot button issues. A simple statement that black lives matter turns into a fight about a supposed refusal to acknowledge that all lives matter.

Arguments abound surrounding the effects of climate change on our environment, women’s reproductive rights, the role of government in our communities, gerrymandering, the role our military plays on a global level, whether life exists outside our universe or even if college athletes should be paid (they should).

For whatever reason, it seems like we are arguing over everything...................................................................................................
Click on the link to read more! Subscribe and follow @ Misunderstood.substack.com to receive these posts directly to your email.

Different is Good. It’s sad that our differing belief systems have been curated into weapons that are utilized against us.

1 in 500. 16/09/2021

1 in 500 Americans have died due to COVID-19.

That's unacceptable

1 in 500. 1 in 500. That’s the number today. 1 in 500 Americans have died due to the coronavirus pandemic. 664,572. That’s how many Americans have died because of this virus. There are over 90,000 American citizens hospitalized due to COVID complications. There are people who cannot receive the proper hea...

What have we become? 15/09/2021

What have we become???

What have we become? is this who we are? is this what we've really become? is this who we really want to be?

Words matter. 11/09/2021

I wrote this last year, in the tumultuous summer of 2020. Sharing again here now, because Words Matter and they always will. Racial justice is long overdue.


Words matter. "You're really smart, for a black person" - I was told once. "Don't worry, she's probably so curious because she's never seen a black boy before" - I was told by a neighbor when I was around 9 years old, about her granddaughter, who was an infant. "If you weren't a black boy, I'd kick the s**t out o...


On the Enneagram scale, I'm a 4. That means I HATE feeling misunderstood.

On here, I'll post links to my page @ Substack. I'll explore my thoughts, on my terms, or better put, I get to control my own narrative.

I’ll dive deep into whatever I feel needs exploring - culture, politics, sports or the hot topics of the day.

Follow here and subscribe at misunderstood.substack.com