

Uppex is the crypto exchange for the fearless, the daring, the independent visionaries.

Timeline photos 08/08/2022

A software-based cryptocurrency connected to the Internet. While more convenient for quickly accessing your , these wallets are a bit more susceptible to hacking and attacks than cold wallets.


Timeline photos 04/08/2022

Our mission is to ease the transition from fiat to and help people trust the future of money. Fearless is not a catchline, it's what we want to instill in every Uppex user.

👉Read More: https://uppex.com/about-us/

Timeline photos 01/08/2022

Fiat is a term for government issued , like the U.S. or Japanese . In a broader sense, fiat is used to describe any currency controlled by a central authority. 💵

Read more on our glossary: https://uppex.com/glossary/fiat-currency/

Timeline photos 28/07/2022

Our success is built on the robust, state-of-the-art infrastructure of Uppex. With steeped in our DNA and unparalleled reliability, entrusted by our users.

➡️Read More: https://uppex.com/about-us/

Timeline photos 25/07/2022

means all cryptocurrencies that aren’t (and in some contexts, Ether). The phrase is used matter-of-factly to describe various other cryptocurrencies.

Read More: ➡️https://uppex.com/glossary/altcoin/

Timeline photos 21/07/2022

The Uppex vision is clear - give people the financial autonomy they deserve. We envision a world where people can make the most of what crypto has to offer in an easy and trusted way.

➡️Read More: https://uppex.com/about-us/

Timeline photos 18/07/2022

A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. Each block in the chain contains a number of transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of that transaction is added to every participant’s ledger.

➡️ Learn More: https://uppex.com/glossary/blockchain/

Timeline photos 14/07/2022

Uppex is the crypto exchange for the fearless, the daring, the independent visionaries. Our mission is to ease the transition from fiat to crypto and help people trust the future of money. 💯

➡️Learn more: https://uppex.com/
