Mind Unwind

Mind Unwind

Tiffany combines the use of transformational Hypnotherapy, intuitive wisdom and the power of pure es


Peace Lilly’s are hugely popular indoor plants for plenty of positive reasons as Dr. Joseph Mercola outlines. However, this is one of many plants that is toxic to our beloved dogs and cats so be aware.
As these are popular plants to give as gifts,
I recommend writing out a little note / gift tag warning to place out of reach of animals (particularly puppies & kittens)


Every single family member, friend and client will know that one of the first apps I recommend to them is .
It is a free meditation app. Many of the people I suggest this app to are apprehensive or uncomfortable with meditation at first but with short bursts of intrigue and curiosity, soon come to learn what an invaluable tool this is.
There really is something for everyone on here. Be it bedtime stories, binaural beats healing music, talks, podcasts, meditations and there is even an extensive selection of mental well-being and emotional health courses if you upgrade to the paid version.
I have used Insight Timer every single day for the last 1468 days and it quite literally has become a part of who I am, not just what I do.
So following on from my post yesterday about why & now we can implement habits, Insight Timer have a fabulous free event running every day throughout January too.
This is a fantastic way to get to know the app and explore the variety of rituals and practices they are offering each day.
Today’s one was a real treat and personal favourite of mine with where she explains all about what ‘Flow writing’ is.
I won’t say anymore as Sarah explains it so beautifully herself. I have put the link in my link tree below (just to clarify, these are heart led referrals, no affiliate links!). I am excited to share some of the life changing practices that have played a pivotal role in my personal journey.


Photos from Mind Unwind's post 03/01/2023

The quality of our lives comes down to the consistency of our daily rituals.
We become what we repeatedly do.
We don’t get what we want.
We get who we are.
James Clear, the incredibly brilliant author of the utterly brilliant book ”Atomic habits” is generously gifting ‘30 days to better habits’ free email
Course. What an awesome way to start the year.
I have included the link to sign up below:


Here’s a link to a super cool After Skool video where James so cleverly and succinctly explains more:


James Clear

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 03/01/2023

Wishing you a phenomenal 2023.
2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit which is one of the happiest signs of the Chinese Zodiac and is set
To be a particularly lucky, peaceful & productive year for us all.
Thank you for sharing your presence & energy with me in my Mind Unwind space which is now based within the healing majestic mountains of Montenegro. I am so looking forward to sharing my life’s learnings with you all.

Feeling frazzled, overwhelmed or emotional? New Moon in Leo 28/07/22 and North Node conjunction info 25/07/2022

Powerful energy in the skies this week and into August … here’s my take on it xx

Feeling frazzled, overwhelmed or emotional? New Moon in Leo 28/07/22 and North Node conjunction info


Welcoming in and giving thanks for the Summer Solstice in the Northern
Hemisphere today.
May we all remember to make space and grace at this significant and symbolic time of year to honour our heart, body, mind & soul.
Stop DOING and BE!
BE here, now, today.
As you are.
Your power lies in this moment.
What you choose to think right now.
This is your life in motion and it’s everything but slow!
Soak this beautiful bright light into every cell of your body whilst letting your miraculous magnificence sink in!
My wish for you is that you feel your strength and love stored in the depth of your soul.
Life is a series of cycles.
Enjoy the ride…
love and light to you all,
Tiffany xx

Win Win Wellness WorldWide with Tiffany 12/06/2022

Win Win Wellness WorldWide with Tiffany

Do you wish to purchase Tickets for Tiff's Mega Raffle?
There are 20 prizes including several phenomenal bundle prizes as well as an additional bonus Golden Prize for those eligible to enter.
Tickets are £15 each.
When you buy 3 tickets, you will automatically be entered into the GOLDEN TICKET PRIZE DRAW which is worth almost £600 alone!
Each batch of 3 tickets gets you an additional entry into the Golden draw.
Click the link below for ticket details, draw date and payment information:


The reason behind my "Mega Raffle - An Abundance of Wealth for your Health" is because I am moving to Montenegro in September. We will be travelling via car therefore the risk of my precious and valuable oils being confiscated along the way (several borders to cross throughout Europe!) is simply too high. These are my beloved oils being offered up as an incredible exclusive opportunity to anyone who may be interested in using essential oils or indeed existing oil lovers the chance to win BIG. These are some of the BEST Life Enhancing Raffle prizes EVER! These oils have literally changed my life on every level (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually!).
PLEASE NOTE: This raffle is open to anyone worldwide. P+P globally is included although I cannot take responsibility for any possible Customs charges or missing parcels.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this journey with me.
Please feel free to share this link if any of your loved ones are suffering with any kind of stress, pain or trauma. Full support on how to use each and every Essential Oil will be given to the lucky prize winners. GOOD LUCK x

Win Win Wellness WorldWide with Tiffany Do you wish to purchase Tickets for Tiff's Mega Raffle? There are 20 prizes including several phenomenal bundle prizes as well as an additional bonus Golden Prize for those eligible to enter. Tickets are £15 each. If you buy 3 tickets, you will automatically be entered into the GOLDEN TICKET PRIZE ...

You can’t rush your healing! 09/05/2022


You can’t rush your healing! The bright white feather placed so perfectly …reminding me to always look up!7 minute video watch timeMy heart feels called to share my thoughts to anyone wh...

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 05/05/2022

Not one single day has passed during the last several years where I Haven’t had someone reach out and say they are suffering with ‘x’. This is what it means to be Human. None of us are broken. We don’t need fixing. What we do need is compassion, empathy & love. And although we are the only ones who can do each of our own inner-journey work, having useful practical and helpful tools (& trusted Therapists) at our fingertips for the many melting moments that happen along the way.
I hope you explore some of these Apps and that they bring you respite & relief when you need it xx

A ONCE IN A LIFETIME event happening on 12/4:22…the last time this happened was 166yrs ago!! Enjoy. 11/04/2022

A ONCE IN A LIFETIME event happening on 12/4:22…the last time this happened was 166yrs ago!! Enjoy. A ONCE IN A LIFETIME event is taking place globally in our celestial skies tomorrow 12/04/2022 (or 13/04/22 if you are fortunate enough to live ‘Down Under!’...

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 04/04/2022

Thank you Tania for sharing your knowledge & wisdom xx

Today is a very special day as the 4:4 code merges with 22:22:22 to create tremendous opportunities for clarity and manifestation through the gateway of Peace.

Obviously this sets up a very potent frequency shift… which you can use to great benefit.

In 2022, April 4 takes on special significance beyond the yearly 4.4 date:

• Mars and Saturn are conjunct today, with both at 22° Aquarius - in 2022.

• 22 reduces to 4, so the triple 22:22:22 is also expressed as a triple 4:4:4.

• In short, a quintuple 4:4:4:4:4 code heightens order, integrity, honor, foundations, boundaries and real results.

You are tilling the land, laying a very strong foundation for PEACE.

Saturn teaches and delegates responsibility.

Mars ignites passion, energy and drive so you feel engaged to act.

• Saturn reigns in the Mars’ passion to manifest tangible progress through TOTAL commitment.

Any restrictions you feel in your life are helping you focus your energy on what truly matters.

You are gifted that extra determination and drive to get things accomplished – being both practical and passionate at the same time.

It is important to express yourself – just be patient and take things one step at a time.

And yes, if you feel frustrated, breathe deeply with your eyes closed before proceeding - you are discovering how to set boundaries from distractions, especially information overload which is the greatest interference to inner peace.

Simply stated, your inner resolve is strengthened greatly!


Photos from Mind Unwind's post 24/03/2022

Change the way you think
and you will change your life!
The quality of your life largely lies within your ability to shift your perspective.
Easier said than done having searched my entire life, to no avail to get the help & support I needed. I literally had to change my entire profession & career to become the Woman that the inner me needed!
In stepping up for myself, I am stepping in to hundreds of lives & homes across the world sharing the powerful work I do.
A decision that changed my life in every way.
I have a personal revelation to share with you in the hope you might gain something from this message…
We all know that Weight is an emotive topic for millions of people on countless levels!
Lord knows it’s been one of my entire families biggest issues (pardon the pun) for Generations!
My personal transformation journey has certainly not been an overnight success.
However, since embarking on my
Holistic wellness journey, for the first time in my life, I am focussed on ‘the Big picture’ with a personally inspired mission to uncover and evolve into the best version of me, For Me!
To save and improve the quality of my life and the lives of everyone I come into contact with.
For the first time in what feels like forever,
I feel confident & comfortable in my skin.
I feel honoured, humbled, proud & grateful for all that my Body has done and overcome to get me to this very moment in my life right now.
I understand that we are all ‘work in progress’ (this means progress in different areas of life for everyone).
I also understand that our body weight fluctuates daily for a myriad of reasons…
The digits on the scale below me this morning reflected a slightly ‘heavier’ weight than I expected BUT due to my fascination, passion & understanding of the meaning & energy behind each number since discovering Numerology, I actually FEEL LIGHTER all around thanks to The message portrayed in this powerful master Angel number powerhouse combo!
So, today’s takeaway from Tiff …
Choose wisely which wolf you decide to feed today, I chose kindness & empathy towards myself.
It’s always (y) our choice …

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 20/01/2022

Connection, presence & gratitude are qualities that touch me deep to my core and I go out of my way to make sure who ever touches my heart knows about it! A couple of years ago when opened their fuel station in Southampton, I had the pleasure of having Helen, a forecourt fuel attendant show me how to operate the pump & payment procedure. She was an absolute delight and made me marvel in awe at how she called me by my name instantly without missing a beat (she clocked my name on my Costco card effortlessly), and actually connected with me on a soul deep level. I have looked forward to filling up with fuel at Costco ever since that serendipitous encounter. Helen makes a rather mundane (altho hugely appreciated) task such as putting fuel in the car feel like literally filling up my tank metaphorically speaking. That is rare, particularly in todays times! Cherish your gems Helen in Southampton,UK puts fuel into the human tank!

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 17/01/2022

I hope you’re all riding the highly charged emotional tidal waves that the first full moon of 2022 is bringing us all! The first picture was taken by me whilst literally bathing in the glorious moonlight @ 0540 this morning. It was spectacular. If you have been feeling particularly emotional over the past few days, especially around matters of the home, heart & relationships (past & present)- this explains so much! The Moon represents our emotions and inner child. This includes our emotional memory and everything attached to our past. Honour your feelings and make time to truly listen to your heart. So much love & moonlight to you all xx


If you’re feeling unsure, disconnected, unseen, unheard or afraid, this picture is proof and a VERY real reminder that we are NEVER any of those things despite how we may be feeling. I took my precious pooch Roxi for yet another blood pressure check up at the local vet this morning and I have been feeling very unsettled in recent days/weeks. I was asking for reassurance and confirmation that I was on the right track when walking along the High Street. Seconds later I suddenly I got this warm, calming reassuring feeling so turned and what did I see … this stunning cushion which SPEAKS VOLUMES to me (& hopefully some of you!). Ladybirds are my ‘sign’. Anyone who has been following my story over the past year totally knows why! Never underestimate the significance of animal sightings. They are messengers and are here to convey special messages just for you!! Love, light, hope & help is all around. Don’t forget, you have to ask for it and be aware of the dozens of serendipitous synchronised moments that magically appear just when you need them the most! There are no coincidences in this life.

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 01/01/2022

On this brand new day of a brand new month at the beginning of this brand new year, I send each and every one of you my heartfelt love & best wishes for a much lighter year ahead…
HELLO and Welcome 2022!
We are ready for you …
the world needs your bright, bold & positive energy!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💫 💫 💫
We have each gone through so much adversity, uncertainty, change, transition and some have suffered incomprehensible loss all whilst trying to come to terms & process this ‘new’ world we find ourselves in where everything is different and many have felt disconnected & divided!

I personally have never felt more uprooted & unsettled.
My heart has been broken by unexpected sudden loss of life, the loss of some treasured lifelong friendships with no explanation or understanding of how/why,
Gravely Ill loved ones struggling every second of every day…
Everything hangs in the air with our Montenegrin dream …with a lengthy procedure ahead …
Despite everything, here I stand - shaken & stirred but filled with gratitude for everyone who wants to be in my life & everything I have managed to overcome.

We don’t do resolutions in our family as
We genuinely believe every single day is another chance to be better / do better / feel better than we were yesterday.
Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with love & respect.
Celebrate each & every step you have taken especially when you thought you couldn’t go on.
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ continues under comments…

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 25/12/2021

From my very full heart to each of yours, I am grateful for your presence and energy in my life personally & professionally. It has been another difficult year with different challenges for so many suffering indescribable loss, change and pain.
I do hope you’re able to give your mind some time off and connect fully with your heart which will give you the only choice of being fully present so you can soak up the miracle of YOUR precious and life 💝 xx

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 11/11/2021

Another day of ‘firsts!’ and another session in the school of life…
Roxi got more than she bargained for on our walk today!! Whilst I was busy picking up her ‘present’ for me, she walked right up to the ELECTRIC fence (only recently erected so we’ve not encountered this before!)…
I’ve never heard her ‘scream!’ Before and I hope She never has to scream again! Whew!
Thankfully & miraculously, she was absolutely fine. She jumped rather high & literally screamed for the first time in her life (almost 12 years!) but she doesn’t appear to be ‘hurt!’
I on the other hand lathered myself with oils and needed a Stiff coffee to calm my shattered nerves upon returning home …
below is a picture of my actual cup of coffee (I have MCT oil in my espresso)…
Note the ‘sign’ in my coffee …
abundantly blessed and devinely protected!!!
Forever grateful xx

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 04/11/2021

Wishing you magical bright blessings! We are blessed with a New Moon every single month …
it represents the start of a new month. New beginnings.
A precious and exciting time for you to set your intentions & manifest your deepest desires …. Happy Diwali & Happy New Moon.
Truly magical and electric energy.
The moon governs our emotions and is powerful she governs the tides.
Honour your life & shine your light.
The world needs YOU.
The raw, authentic unique YOU.
You are a super rare, priceless limited edition. There is only ONE of you.
The moon shines bright every night to remind you of your light, strength & brilliance!Xx

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 04/11/2021

Happy Diwali & Happy New Moon.
Truly magical and electric energy.
The moon governs our emotions and is powerful she governs the tides.
Honour your life & shine your light.
The world needs YOU.
The raw, authentic unique YOU.
You are a super rare, priceless limited edition. There is only ONE of you.
The moon shines bright every night to remind you of your light, strength & brilliance!Xx

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 28/10/2021

8 years ago, in 2013 I created a ritual for our family … I invited Carl, Mitch & Brandon to Design Their Own Lives! By instilling & inspiring our boys to believe that they are the Creators of their own lives was one of the most significant and memorable evenings our family ever had. We still talk about this first event and have done something similar every year since! I was intentional & deliberate in the message I was putting across to my children for them to take accountability & responsibility for their own fulfilment & contentment in life and to do what felt right to them. Happiness can’t be outsourced.
It can only truly come from within.
It made complete sense to me from an early age to plan our dream and dream our plan!
My entire life is made up of manifestations, both good & not so good.
I urge you to not underestimate your power.
Your life is precious, sacred and time is fleeting by. Own every moment and do what makes your soul feel alive.
Sending love, light & hope to you all.
May you be the master creator of your life no matter what you’re going thru, you’ve got all you need within you - believe it, feel it and you will see! Believe in magic and as Alice does … think of 6 impossible things before breakfast!

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 20/10/2021

European BOGO October 2021

Starting this morning we BOGO!

💧Buy InTune for £30.00, get Juniper Berry worth £15.50 FREE!
💧Buy Deep Blue Touch for £33.50, get AromaTouch worth £21.50 FREE!
💧Buy On Guard+ Softgels for £21.00, get Oregano worth £21.00 FREE!
💧Buy Siberian Fir for £16.25, get Douglas Fir worth £19.25 FREE!
💧Buy Console for £30.00, get Adaptiv Touch worth £21.00 and Forgive Touch worth £13.50 FREE!

over £242 of product for £130🥰 plus new enrollments can get additional joining offers If you spend over 100PV🙂



Photos from Mind Unwind's post 19/10/2021

One of life’s richest blessings … beautiful friends … and when those precious friends place their trust in you and respect what you do… Priceless!

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 14/10/2021

Exciting reminder for all my treasured DoTERRA members in Australia & New Zealand, today is the deadline to receive your free product (s!) of the month when you place your Loyalty Reward Order.
I am super happy (& amazed) that you are being gifted with DoTERRA’s top-selling Ice Blue® Rub AND the Ice Blue® Athletic Blend Oil 5mL for FREE when you process a 175 PV LRP order!

This really is a Team Spalding family STAPLE! Seriously, we simply wouldn’t be without this! This is a powerhouse blend that provides relief for tired and overworked muscles (and SO much more) which is why this is THE perfect recovery antidote!​ 💙

On an emotional level, although Deep Blue is used for physical pain, it can also assist individuals who are resisting or avoiding the emotions that underlie their physical pain.
It offers strength to face emotional wounds, allowing the wounds to surface for transformation and healing.
Deep Blue can support the mind in staying cool and collected, regardless of the emotional turmoil or physical pain one may be in.

Carl, Mitch & Brandon each use the Ice Blue rub daily pre or post exercise as it positively supports and soothes their joints and they see a difference in their post-exercise recovery time too. I am a huge fan of mixing 3-4 drops of Ice Blue oil with bath salts as this offers profound healing for my body and soul!

Some of the oils within this blend may interact so please check with me. Ingredients are: Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus.

If you haven't already placed your Loyalty Order (LRP) this month, if you place an Order totalling 175 PV by close of play today, these 2
Products will automagically be added to your cart at checkout.
If you need help setting up your LRP, do let me know!

If you would like to open your own Essential Oil account and discover how you too can create your own life tool box that helps me and countless others cope with life’s challenges on every level, please reach out.
I’d love to help you and welcome you to my DoTERRA family x

Photos from Mind Unwind's post 14/10/2021

Important reminder for all my treasured DoTERRA members, tomorrow (15th) is the deadline to receive your free bottle
Of essential oil when you place your Loyalty Reward Order.
In Europe, this month we are being gifted with a bottle of Rosemary oil!
(Please see separate post for Australia).

Caution with diffusing Rosemary Essential Oil around pets!

As with all Essential Oils, it is incredibly versatile.
I use Rosemary oil in so many ways, the main ways being:

Improved Memory, concentration & focus (diffuse, inhale or apply diluted to temples, not too close to the eyes). This enables you to be fully present and operate from the conscious mind.

I place 1 drop of Rosemary oil diluted on reflexology points on my feet for Respiratory & sinus support (see pic).

Rosemary has amazing benefits for hair
Growth, volume, greasiness & hydration.
I place 1 drop in with my shampoo and always ensure I add Rosemary oil to my sumptuous DIY hair mask which I find so therapeutic to make!

I use 1 drop of Rosemary oil to add flavour when cooking. It packs a powerful punch.
Be sure to add towards the end of the cooking process as Rosemary has a low tolerance to high heat.

In her awesome new book “Elements of Emotion”, Desiree de Lunae explains so beautifully how the spirit of Rosemary “trains us in the practice of non-attachment.
Tangling our attention in another’s field, especially when it doesn’t belong, is another means of haemorrhaging our precious energy! Rosemary frees the attachment to the outcomes of the people in our lives”.

Purity and authenticity are absolutely crucial so please ensure you know where your oils come from and what they contain!

If you haven't already placed your Loyalty Order (LRP) this month, place an Order totaling 125 PV by the close of play tomorrow to get your FREE bottle of Rosemary.
It will automagically be added to your cart at checkout. If you need help setting up your LRP, do let me know!
If you would like to open your own Essential Oil account and know how you too can create your own life tool box that helps me to cope with life’s challenges, please reach out.
I’d love to share & help you and welcome you to my DoTERRA family x


Integrity, purity and authenticity really do mean everything… this is why I am so proud and passionate to do the work I feel I have been called to do xx

I’m gonna leave this right here. 😉

This is from the book “Mental Health & Aromatherapy” by Dr. Danielle Daniel.

This is also why it’s a huge deal that dōTERRA’s lavender oil is pharmaceutical grade.

Purity and sourcing matter.

And when you get started with me with oils, you get me as a guide to support you.

Quickest way to get rid of stress, anxiety & emotional overwhelm-Bergamot essential oil brain reset! 10/10/2021

On the 10th October every year, the World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day. This year's theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is 'Mental Health in an Unequal World'.
The overall objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues and to provide all stakeholders to reach out and share the work they do.
The very nature of being Human is that we FEEL our way through life.
At times this can be overwhelming and even debilitating no matter who we are or what we do for a living.
I feel strongly that we need to simplify our lives and am passionate about sharing swift, safe and effective tools and tips that have quite literally changed and saved my life.
Just in the past couple of weeks, I personally have gone through some desperately sad and lowest of low's but have also thankfully experienced some amazingly positive highest of high's.
In my latest brief video on YouTube, I share a super simple and quick but extremely powerful exercise that can help reduce stress and overwhelm in under 3 minutes. If you don't have essential oils, you can still work along with me and do the exercise and hopefully you will feel a sense of balance, calm and peace.
Either way, I really hope that you can take a few precious pockets of time for yourself today and do something that you enjoy!
Give some thought to what you would like your life to look like particularly if you feel 'stuck'.
Our Mental Health matters every single moment of every single day, not just today! Sending love, light and hope to all that need it!
You are here because you matter and the World needs YOU!

Quickest way to get rid of stress, anxiety & emotional overwhelm-Bergamot essential oil brain reset! Bergamot Reset using Tiffany Carole’s Aroma Point Mastery Technique.A super quick way to achieve equilibrium & eliminate anxiety & emotional overwhelm in les...


Hi, I am CoCo-Belle the Cavalier from Oxford.
I have seen my Mum having so much fun doing this in the mirror every morning so thought I’d give it a go! Having done it, I highly recommend it.
I have found someone who looks, smells, feels, tastes & sounds just like me and I am in love!
How exciting …
I’m putting in a request for these special magic mirrors in every room in our home!
Huge & happy high5 paws to you Mel Robbinsand GrowthDay


Loving I highly recommend it! The single biggest turning point in my personal healing & transformation has been the realisation of what self-love means! Looking forward to seeing yourself every day sounds ‘cheesy’ but it’s a powerful concept! It’s not only about celebrating once we have achieved something. The celebration must happen every single step along the way. I’m on day 2 and loving it! I have spoken to several people today who were grateful for the reminder … so here I am - reminding you all that your life matters. You are special & significant. Be the wonderful friend you are to everyone else to yourself! Xx

Videos (show all)

Welcoming in and giving thanks for the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere today. May we all remember to make spa...
Canine Confidence #high5habit #high5challenge
A heartfelt message of love & HOPE for all who need to hear this today xx
