penguinlostintherack Videos

Videos by penguinlostintherack. Women clothing and Pets supplies boutique

Posh Penguins is ready to bring in fall collections but we need to make room!! Enjoy 60% off until 8.31.2023

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Posh Penguins is ready to bring in fall collections but we need to make room!! Enjoy 60% off until 8.31.2023 #womensboutique#summerclearancesale#summercashion#onlineboutique#fashionstyle

Just a reminder of posh Penguins Summer Blow out sale. 50% off until August!

FLASH FRIDAYS 50% OFF All inventory until Midnight ! #womensupportingwomen #boutique #onlineshopping #onlineboutique #summerblowout#fashion#midnight #50%off

I realized some people were unable to see who won Mays contest. The results were announced on the 29th, however I realized I shared the out come on my story but did not download it to my instagram! My apologies , I am still learning the inโ€™s and outs of social mediaโ€™s. Stay tuned for our next contest ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—