Shifting your Paradigm

Shifting your Paradigm

Content mainly from Bob Proctor


If you want a person to do a better job, you would better find out what they want, because only time they are really going to try to do better is when they are working towards something they want.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm Change your life.


Imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivable powerful force the world has ever known.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


The law of attraction is very clear: the only thing you can attract to you is that which is in harmony with you.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


When you sit down and think of what you want, you let your imagination go. If you can see it, write it down. Don't talk to anybody else, but me about it. Because everybody will laugh at you, and you don't need that happening. Don't mix with people who haven't got big goals. Don't mix with people who want to talk about the news or rough times.

You have got to start believing in things that are far out of your reach. If you can see it it's there. Nothing is created or destroyed. Everything you require is already here. Its a matter of getting in harmony with it. When you are in harmony with it, you will attract it.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


Results in life are an expression of the paradigm.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


A habit is an idea that fixed in the subconscious mind.
The habit of studying the right material will change your paradigm.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


The opposite of doubt and worry, on the positive frequency is understanding. We want to understand the laws of our being, we want to understand ourselves. We also want to understand there is a power flowing into our consciousness that is without form. We are going to give it form.
You have got to understand the mind and the laws of the universe.
You have to hold the image of what you want.
When we internalize it, we develop an emotion called faith which is polar opposite of fear.
Faith is the ability to see the invisible, to believe in the incredible, and that will permit us to receive what the masses call impossible.
You see the invisible; you see it in your conscious mind with your imagination.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


If you take what you see in your imagination and internalize it, turn it over to your subjective mind, which, operating by law, will immediately begin to move it into form. That's believing in the unbelievable.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life.


If we have got a negative idea, it might be right, but there is no reason to dwell on it.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Make these ideas a habitual way of life.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Anyone who wants anything they haven't got should write down what they want in the present tense.

It does not matter if they think it's silly.

They should start reading it and speaking it out loud over and over again. Something will start to happen first in their mind, and then in the outside world - inside out.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


The first goal I set was to have $25000. I never believed I could have that much. But I found out that if i read it out loud, I would start to believe it.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Everyone is worth a lot. It's just that everyone does not believe it. When we do, everything starts changing, regardless of where a person's at. No matter how much they may be struggling, they can change it.

They have to sit down and write out what they want.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


I read good books, I listened to good recordings, I was tutored by excellent people. I chose my mentors. I don't mix with anyone who is not working on goals, who is not going somewhere in their life. I don't want to hang around people who are complaining.

Get a good teacher. Good teachers are worth their weight in gold.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


We have to realize that everything we could ever want in already here. We have got to get in harmony with it.

When we think of a good that we would like to have that we haven't got, we are not in harmony with it. The question is how do I get in harmony with it? How do I raise my own level of conscious awareness?

Study is the only way. I can't do it for you and you can't do it for me.

We are the only one that can do it for ourselves, but we have got to get involved, understanding that all things are possible. That is not just some nice religious statement. That is a fact.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Selling is the highest paid profession in the world.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


There is no limit to what we can earn, and we have to understand that. We have to understand the law governing the earning of money, and then we have got to get busy doing it.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


The ability to earn money is definitely a matter of your paradigm. If I am working with people, that's one of the first thing that I change. I am always attempting to get our sales people to set larger income earning goals, and they do.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Entrepreneurship is incredible. I personally believe that network marketing is one of the greatest ideas that ever come down the road.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


We can start from ignorance, doubt and worry on the conscious level; on a subconscious level, the doubt and worry turn into fear. The energy of fear, expressed within and through the body, sets up a vibration known as anxiety.

The anxiety is generally suppressed.
The suppression turns to depression.
The depression turns to disease, and the disease to disintegration.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Money is a reward we receive for service rendered. As i have already emphasized, the amount of money you earned is in direct ratio for

1) need for what you do
2) your ability to do it
3) the difficulty there is in replacing you

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, Change your life.


There is no limit to what you can earn, but to earn it, you have to provide service.

That does not mean you have to work, but you have to provide service.

Bob Proctor Change your paradigm, Change your life.


Money is not earned by work, but by providing a service.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life


I am not interested in something is logical or illogical. The question is do you want it? Do you want to do it? Do you want it to happen?

Then forget logic; just go do it.


We have got to realize a better way to do everything. We don't want to let us anything slow us down.

If we get a picture of it in our mind, we can do it. If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand. Then you have got to massage it, work with it, if you want to turn it into form.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life


I am of the opinion that if you are struggling, you are doing it wrong. If you are working in harmony with the law, its going to be free flow.

We have the mental faculties to cause creative energies to flow into any state or any form that we want.

we have some awesome powers locked up within us that we are really not familiar with.

Bob Proctor. Change your paradigm, change your life


Our creative faculties enable us to create the kind of world we want. The first thing you have to do is see it in your mind.

You have got to shift how you look at things.

When you change your perception of yourself and what you are capable of doing, the world starts to spin totally differently for you.

Bob Proctor. Change your Paradigm, Change your life.


A shift in perception precedes the change in belief.

You can close your eyes and change your perception.

Perception is a mental faculty that enables you to change how you see things. It enables you to become aware of the power and potential that you have but not even aware of.

Perception is a mental tool. It is to the mind what hearing or sight is to the body.

Bob Proctor. Change your Paradigm, Change your life.


Many people feel responsible for others, but actually we are not responsible for anyone else.

We are responsible for our children untill they reach a certain age; then we are responsible to them but not for them.

Bob Proctor. Change your Paradigm, Change your life.


Peel off the mask of illusion,
unshackle the chains of expectation,
release the ingrained patterns learned,
give up the stories of the past,
let go of the fear.

Its never too late to be who you really are.

Bob Proctor. Change your Paradigm, Change your life.


As Bill Gove said, "If I want to be free, I have got to be me. Not the me I think you think I should be, not the me I think my wife thinks I should be; not the me I think my kids think I should be.

If I want to be free, I have got to be me. I have got to know who me is."

Bob Proctor. Change your Paradigm, Change your life.
