Amanda Como

Amanda Como

#Como4Westfield My name is Amanda Como and I am running to be your next Ward 1 Councilperson. We need to focus on the “WE” in Westfield. With gratitude,

There will be a special election for the seat on Tuesday, November 8th. The seat is available due to the resignation of Jim Boyes over a conflict of interest for both the Prospect and Ferris Sophia project and the Lord & Taylor redevelopment plan. Now, more than ever, residents need a Councilperson that will listen to their concerns and act accordingly when it comes time to cast their vote. I beli


Have you voted yet?????

Write in Todd Saunders for Westfield Town Council Ward 1!!!!!



Please get out to vote in the primary this Tuesday June 6th.

Vote for write in candidate Todd Saunders for Westfield Town Council!

Then, come celebrate the kickoff of his campaign the next day (Wednesday June 7th, 7-9pm) at my house, 572 Highland Ave!

RSVP here:

Photos from Amanda Como's post 29/11/2022

100 🕯️ flames shining a light on mental health with the
Westfield United Fund


Thank you, Veterans 🇺🇸



Wednesday, November 9th @ 8:00PM
425 East Broad Street
🔹Can’t make it? Watch on Facebook Live via “Town of Westfield, New Jersey” page
🔹Public comment will be accepted in person only!
Show up or Tune in!


Don’t forget to vote TODAY, Tuesday Nov. 8th
Polls are Open until 8pm

If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote that way. There is a secure drop box located outside The Fraser building across from the Westfield Diner. Deadline to drop your mail in in the box is Tuesday, November 8th at 8pm.

If you misplaced your Vote by Mail Ballot:
Go to your polling location on Election Day and request a provisional ballot.

For more voting info:



Don’t forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Nov. 8th
Polling hours are 6am-8pm

If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote that way. There is a secure drop box located outside The Fraser building across from the Westfield Diner. Deadline to drop your mail in in the box is Tuesday, November 8th at 8pm.

If you misplaced your Vote by Mail Ballot you have 2 options:
1️⃣ Request a new Vote by Mail Ballot by 3pm on Monday Nov. 7th at the County Clerk’s office at 300 North Ave E. and drop your ballot in the secure drop box.
2️⃣ Go to your polling location on Election Day and request a provisional ballot.
🚨 If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote by provisional ballot and cannot use the machine.

For more voting info:



Much needed pre-election date night with my husband, Brad.
Avett Brothers in Brooklyn…
Doesn’t get much better.

Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday!

Early Voting Hours:
Sunday, Nov. 6th 10am-6pm
*Closest location is Union County College in Cranford.

If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote that way. There is a secure drop box located outside The Fraser building across from the Westfield Diner. Deadline to drop your mail in in the box is Tuesday, November 8th at 8pm.

If you misplaced your Vote by Mail Ballot you have 2 options:
1️⃣ Request a new Vote by Mail Ballot by 3pm on Monday Nov. 7th at the County Clerk’s office at 300 North Ave E. and drop your ballot in the secure drop box.
2️⃣ Go to your polling location on Election Day and request a provisional ballot.
🚨 If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote by provisional ballot and cannot use the machine.

For more voting info check the link in my bio!



If you’re not planning on voting at the polls on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8th…

This weekend is your last chance to vote early in-person.
Early Voting Hours:
Saturday, Nov. 5th 10am-8pm
Sunday, Nov. 6th 10am-6pm
*Closest location is Union County College in Cranford.

If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote that way. There is a secure drop box located outside The Fraser building across from the Westfield Diner. Deadline to drop your mail in in the box is Tuesday, November 8th at 8pm.

If you misplaced your Vote by Mail Ballot you have 2 options:
1️⃣ Request a new Vote by Mail Ballot by 3pm on Monday Nov. 7th at the County Clerk’s office at 300 North Ave E. and drop your ballot in the secure drop box.
2️⃣ Go to your polling location on Election Day and request a provisional ballot.
🚨 If you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote by provisional ballot and cannot use the machine.

For more voting info:


Photos from Amanda Como's post 03/11/2022

Candidate Statement:
I Hope I've Earned Your Vote

Dear Westfield friends and neighbors,

As we enter the last week before Election Day, I want you to know what a pleasure it has been meeting and discussing the issues of importance with so many of you.

I’ve lived in town and have been consistently serving our community for over 14 years.

I’m running for council because Westfield is at a crossroads, and I believe there is a clear contrast between me and my opponent regarding the vision of our community.

My vision is very straightforward:

* Work to protect our town from unchecked overdevelopment. Can we slow it down? We are approving projects at alarming speeds without having anything completed so that we can glean key learnings. We have no knowledge of wins and losses to apply to future decision-making in hopes of getting the best outcome.

* Partner with Law Enforcement to find common sense solutions to the crime, theft, and trespassing facing our community. From my countless conversations with residents over the past 20 months, families are requesting more patrol cars on the streets and in our neighborhoods.

* Advocate for upgrading our athletic field capacity and green spaces to enhance our quality of life with a focus on being economically and environmentally friendly. We have many options to improve our field capacity through the unprecedented partnership with the BOE and our Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Why have we stopped talking about the Park Plan? I want to start that conversation again.

* Champion Brightwood Park to remain the passive nature preserve it was intended to be. The Friends Of Brightwood Park have done a tremendous job over the past 2 years and have another year planned with great goals ahead. They need our help to further their vision and I will always be an ally to them.

* Foster positive relationships with downtown business owners and operators to advocate for what they need to thrive. I am looking forward to applying my knowledge from the many years I spent in the retail industry and as a small business owner to aid our downtown shops in any way I can.

* Support the DWC aiding in downtown improvements while establishing guidelines for consistency in the overall aesthetic. I hope I get the opportunity to use my design background to help the Special Improvement District become the best Main Street Community it can be.

Running for town council is about putting the community first, not any one political party. This is something I believe we aren’t getting from our current council. I’ll work for the residents of Westfield and not partisan politics. I promise I’ll always listen to residents, and will happily have monthly meet-ups for coffee or walks to hear your concerns and discuss what is being considered on town council to make sure I’m representing your voice.

On Tuesday, I’m asking for your vote to take the next step to bring a diversity of thought, ideas and approach to our Town Council.

Westfield needs balance in our leadership.

Thank you in advance for your support!

To learn more about me, follow me on Facebook and Instagram or visit You can also email me at [email protected].

You can now vote EARLY until Sunday, November 6th!


🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29-Nov 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!


You can now vote EARLY until Sunday, November 6th!

For voting info:


🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29-Nov 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!


11 days ago during the town council debate, I suggested to add speed limit signs to the recently installed speed boxes.

I was so happy to see while driving around my neighborhood this weekend that the town took my feedback and implemented it!

Now when motorists are driving on Dudley and other streets, they’ll know exactly how fast they’re supposed to be going compared to their current speed.

This is just small example of the type of common sense solutions I will provide as a town council person.

VOTE on November 8th!

🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29-Nov 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!


11 days ago during the town council debate, I suggested to add speed limit signs to the recently installed speed boxes.

I was so happy to see while driving around my neighborhood this weekend that the town took my feedback and implemented it!

Now when motorists are driving on Dudley and other streets, they’ll know exactly how fast they’re supposed to be going compared to their current speed.

This is just a small example of the type of common sense solutions I will provide as a town council person.

VOTE on November 8th!

🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29-Nov 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!


Thank you, Dr. Maria LoGrippo, for your support!

“Courageous Como:
Voters in Westfield and especially those living in Ward 1…
This is an important election. It is pivotal for residents to vote. Outside of our local elections, there are campaigns promoting this election as a way to “defend democracy”. To me, democracy is having a government where the power is “vested in the people”. If you follow Westfield politics, you have to ask yourself-do you believe that those elected and holding office are representing the interests of Westfield community or has it become a government run by one person, one agenda?

As you know, we live in Ward 3 and we are grateful to have Mark and David Contract representing our community. Although they differ from political affiliations, what they do have in common is that they are both strongly “vested in the people” as evidenced by their commitments to causes and keeping residents informed.

For Ward 1, if you wish to truly defend democracy here in Westfield, there is one choice- Amanda Como. I titled this “Courageous Como” because I believe that her commitment to running and taking the seat requires courage, dedication, and an openness for seeing both sides, working for the people, FOR WESTFIELD.

Mayor Brindle’s style of leadership concerns me. We want transformational leaders, those who inspire and motivate us and lead by example. When a leader is silencing individuals and only giving them opportunities to speak when they decide, that does not depict for me a transformative leader or style to emulate. As a democracy, each and every individual, especially those who are elected to public office, has the right to defend and speak on behalf of the people, for the people by the people.

Amanda Como is courageous, willing, and ready to be your voice. Go to the polls and elect Amanda because we deserve a government in Westfield that is “vested in the people.”
Dr. Maria LoGrippo
Wife of Mark LoGrippo, Ward 3 Councilman


Thanks for your support, Alex!

“I’m voting for Amanda Como on November 8th to bring balance to the Town Council. Amanda brings unparalleled compassion and dedication to serving the Westfield community. More importantly, her independent perspective brings a needed diversity of opinion on the Town Council during this critical juncture for Westfield and its future.

I have not met anyone so committed to learning, listening and caring about the community as Amanda. She has an open mind and desire to understand the issues and the impact of decisions. As the town faces serious choices, especially in regards to redevelopment, her ability to remain independent and provide a diverse viewpoint is essential.

Amanda’s dedication to being a positive, independent voice for Ward 1 is needed and I believe she will be a strong advocate for Westfield and its residents. Amanda Como represents an honest, pragmatic and respectful approach to representing Ward 1 that will benefit all of Westfield.”
Alexandra Gerne
Westfield, NJ


Thank you for your support, James!

“I met Amanda last year when we were both running for council on the same ticket. Right away, I was impressed with her organization, knowledge of issues, and ideas. Amanda has been serving Westfield for over a decade, as a small business owner, coach and volunteer for various school and community-based groups.

She has a deep desire to continue to serve as a member of the council. Campaigning is not easy; it takes a lot of time and energy and forces you to spend many nights and days away from your family. The fact that Amanda decided to go through the process again, a year later, shows how committed she is to work for us and our town.

I know that as a council member, Amanda will be a staunch advocate for the residents of Ward 1, as well as the rest of Westfield. She will bring fresh perspectives, insightful and thoughtful ideas, as well as her unique view of issues. Just last year, Amanda was the recipient of The Historic Preservation Devlin Award, further demonstrating her commitment to preservation and development that suits Westfield's character. This will be crucial as we move through the process of redevelopment that is headed our way.

She will bring balance to the council by adding a voice that is independent and willing to speak out when she agrees or disagrees.

I am not a Ward 1 resident, but I know that as a council member, Amanda will be as much a representative of me as she is to her Ward 1 residents. She will work for ALL of Westfield.

I encourage every voter in Ward 1 to learn more about Amanda and when you cast your vote, whether by mail or in person, vote for Amanda Como. If I could, I would, and I know Westfield will be better for it.”
James Restivo
Westfield, NJ

Photos from Amanda Como's post 28/10/2022

Candidate Statement: Residents are Asking for Balance on Westfield’s Town Council

As the campaign season for the special election in Ward 1 winds down, it’s crystal clear that we need balance on our Town Council. From countless conversations with residents all over town, the message is consistent. Where’s the compromise? The common ground, the meeting in the middle?

Westfield is at a crossroads as we move the town forward. And while I don’t believe in party politics at the local level, with the 7-1 make up of our council, that’s what we currently have. There is still an undertone of an “us vs. them” mentality. Our leaders should be driving our community closer together, not further apart. Our council is supposed to be a team. When there is a strong collaborative spirit at the top, it naturally radiates throughout the community. Without a collaborative attitude, we start to operate in a silo.

You may have received my latest mailer which discusses our need for balance. I know I can help achieve that balance.

I am an independent thinker who is not afraid to speak her mind. I will always stand up and speak up for Westfield residents as a discerning advocate. Now more than ever emotional intelligence is needed to think about how our choices affect others. Regardless of political parties and opinions, I will always work with my fellow council members and ask the tough questions to achieve the greatest good for Westfield residents.

While I agree we must evolve to thrive, my opponent and I have different visions. My views may change as I learn new perspectives and information, and that’s a good thing, but right now here are my top three.

SLOWING DOWN & CHALLENGING the pace of development to ensure we preserve the town’s charm and quality of life for our community. Residents have valid concerns regarding worsening traffic congestion and additional demands on infrastructure and emergency services.

WORKING to upgrade our athletic fields to increase capacity in a way that is economical and environmentally friendly.

HELP make Westfield safer by working with Law Enforcement to achieve real common-sense solutions to trespassing and theft.

My role as a public servant is to ensure I, and my fellow council members, make choices that protect residents’ best interests.

“The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.” - Simon Sinek

Please exercise your right to vote and realize that it does matter and means a lot.

Westfield deserves to have a council that represents a diversity of thought, ideas, and approach when it comes to decision-making. We need to create balance.

Be sure to turn in your mail-in ballot as soon as possible.

Early voting begins this Saturday, Oct. 29. The closest location to Westfield is in Cranford at Union College, located at 1033 Springfield Avenue at the Nomahegan Building, Room N4, near the guard booth. You can park in Lot 1.

To learn more about me, follow me on Facebook and Instagram or visit You can also email me at [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you!

VOTE on November 8th!

🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29-Nov 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!


Don’t forget to vote!
Make a plan ⤵️
🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 29 - November 6: Early in person voting
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!

Thank you for your continued support, Westfield!


Six Questions With Wesfield Town Council Candidate Amanda Como


WESTFIELD, NJ — Incumbent Westfield Town Council candidate Emily Root and challenger Amanda Como are running to fill the unexpired left open by former Councilman Jim Boyes.

TAPinto Westfield asked both Como and Root about their qualifications for office and their views on the issues. What follows are six questions with Como.

𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘: Amanda Como

𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗬: Republican

1. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱? 𝗪𝗵𝘆?
I believe the most pressing issue facing Westfield residents right now is the lack of representation of our community members on the 7-1 makeup of Town Council. My concern is that our leadership has become too partisan. There is not enough balance when it comes to diversity of thought, ideas and approach during major decision making that will impact Westfield’s future.

From engaging with residents for the past 20 months, their primary concerns are overdevelopment, improving athletic fields for our children and the safety of our town. These are complex issues requiring differing perspectives as we seek solutions.

2. 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱?
Residents are concerned about the size, scope and pace in which we are approving large projects without the proper time to learn of the potential ramifications. Green lighting multiple developments in the same time frame seems hasty and possibly irresponsible. We must consider risk. These decisions will forever change the landscape of our town. These developments are irreversible. I am for smart, well-paced and critically thought out development.

Most importantly, we need to slow down and listen to residents, unlike our leadership did with the Sophia project. They had the power to require a smaller, three-story building with a setback keeping within neighboring houses, but chose not to exercise it. Even after 1,200 residents signed a petition against The Sophia, their voices went unheard.

3. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲?
As a full-time mom and business owner, I am confident I can handle just about anything. The reason I am running for Town Council is because of the years I have spent involved and advocating for our wonderful and inclusive community.

As an active community member for over 15 years, I want to represent the residents and neighbors that have shaped my experience here in Westfield. I have always tried to step up and fill a role to help when there was a need. A class parent, softball and basketball coach, Girl Scout leader and PTO Board Member.

Now I see a need on the Town Council and I want to be a common sense voice for our community. Because of my experience and ground level involvement, I will always put people above politics and common sense above personal interest. As your Councilperson, I will listen and represent residents, not outside interests.

4. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆?
I’d like to solicit residents to find out what services or retailers we're missing downtown to help them fulfill their everyday needs. The goal is to keep people local to Westfield and to not have to always run to the mall or strip mall on Route 22 to get what we need. I’d work to curate a list of potential retailers to fill those needs then actively seek them out as potential new businesses.

To support existing businesses, forming relationships with owners to establish trust and a level of comfort that encourages open and honest dialogue with town leadership is a good foundation. We want to find out what we're doing right and what we're missing from a support standpoint. What can we do better to help them succeed? From the information we gather, create a scheduled and consistent check in system to accept feedback and relay what plans the town is considering. More communication = better relationships.

5. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻?
Protecting and maintaining our existing parks and green space is paramount. As far as improving our athletic fields, I think that is something we can all agree on. After revisiting our Parks & Recreation Master Plan, it is unclear to me why we are putting all the emphasis on and investing such a large sum of PILOT money in the Edison Field Project. Why are we not making more of an effort to improve Tamaques Park?

I hope our current administration is not planning to give control of it to Union County. If we’re entering in an unprecedented agreement with the Board of Education, why aren’t we improving all the school fields to increase capacity? There are many ways to improve our field capacity here in Westfield. Why are we not providing residents with options? Right now the only choice seems to be the Edison Field Complex or nothing.

6. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀?
I take the role of being a public servant very seriously. I understand that people look to their elected representatives for thoughtful leadership and guidance.

I will always be open and prepared to initiate new policies, because the needs and desires of our community are constantly changing and evolving,

I will exercise independent judgment, disagree, without being disagreeable, communicate, debate and actively participate in meetings with respect for others.

You can expect me to be a thoughtful, listening ear when it comes to sharing your concerns, ideas or frustrations about town no matter your party affiliation.

What I want voters to know is that I am not a politician, or an activist.

I am a regular Mom and your neighbor.

I have a heart for service, and I’ve been serving Westfield’s youngest residents and their families consistently for over a decade.

I am simply trying to bring a balance to our town council by offering a differing perspective when it comes to decision making.

We need a diversity of thought, ideas and approach in our leadership.

If that sentiment resonates with you, then I am your candidate.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Please list your website, social media handles and email where constituents can reach you.

To learn more about me, follow along via Facebook or Instagram or visit my website at You can email me at [email protected].

Originally published October 24, 2022 here:


For those that experienced technical difficulties here is the full town council meeting from Tuesday, October 25, 2022.


Town Council Meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022


Thank you for your support, Joe!

“I wholeheartedly support Amanda Como’s candidacy for Westfield Town Council. I have worked closely with and advised hundreds of NJ elected officials of both Parties on the county and municipal levels over the past 40 years.

Those experiences have given me uniquely informed insight into the qualities and attributes that make Council persons most effective and best suited to serve their constituents. Having gotten to know Amanda over the past several years, I can say with absolute certainty that she possesses those qualities.

She is thoughtful, not afraid to speak her mind, impartial, an independent/critical thinker, and straight forward. Most importantly, she has impressed me as one of the most ethical public servants I have encountered.

Through her dedicated and ongoing volunteer service to the Westfield community over the past decade she has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to public service.

Given the magnitude of the decisions facing the Council, that clearly have the potential to alter the character of Westfield for generations, we sorely need a fresh perspective and critical analysis of the current plans for the One Westfield Place/PILOT development and the approach to solving the inadequate status of our sports fields throughout town.

 Amanda will approach those issues with an independent open mind, ensuring to the best of her ability that all residents perspectives will be fully considered by the Council, and make sure that those concerns are verbalized and debated.

More than ever, Westfield’s taxpayers and all residents require the full transparency that only fresh, honest and clearheaded perspectives can provide. The person that can provide that is Amanda Como.

I encourage Ward 1 Residents to cast their vote on Nov. 8, for Amanda!”

Joe Salemme
Westfield, NJ


This week in Westfield
Tuesday, October 25th @ 8:00PM
425 East Broad Street
🔹Can’t make it? Watch on Facebook Live via “Town of Westfield, New Jersey” page
🔹Public comment will be accepted in person only!

Photos from Amanda Como's post 22/10/2022

Candidate Statement: My Commitment to My Westfield Neighbors

Hello Westfield!

We are just three short weeks away from the special election taking place in Ward 1. There are thousands of voters eligible to cast their vote by mail, and on or before November 8th at the polls. Before you make your decision, I want to share my commitment with you.

I take the role of being a public servant very seriously. I understand that people look to their elected representatives for thoughtful leadership and guidance regardless of political party. Westfield residents are looking for balance on our council.

Below I’ve shared what I think makes a good Councilperson, how I interpret the role, and what skills are needed to be successful.

I will always be open and prepared to initiate new policies, because the needs and desires of our community are constantly changing and evolving.

In order to be an effective council member, communication needs to flow both ways. I will provide information to you about the policies and decisions of the council. It’s important to understand the views of the people I represent, and I will relay your desires, concerns, and opinions to my fellow members. I will always work to improve communication by using newsletters, emails, social media or my website to stay in touch.

I will provide options and present arguments or possible solutions to problems on your behalf.

I am committed to the following:

* Openness and transparency with making decisions;

* Honesty and integrity in dealing with issues being considered;

* Tolerance and respect in relationships at all levels;

* Equality and fairness in promoting community issues;

* Attending meetings and being fully prepared to participate in the decision-making process; and

* Willingness to listen to and consider other peoples’ views and accept challenges from others.

I will exercise independent judgment, disagree, without being disagreeable, communicate, debate and actively participate in meetings with respect for others.

You can expect me to be a thoughtful, listening ear when it comes to sharing your concerns, ideas or frustrations about town no matter your party affiliation.

Please exercise your right to vote and realize that it does matter and means a lot.

Westfield deserves to have a council that represents a diversity of thought, ideas and approach when it comes to decision-making. We need to create balance.

Be sure to turn in your mail-in ballot as soon as possible or visit the polls on Tuesday, November 8th. Early in-person voting begins October 29.

To learn more about me, follow me on Facebook and Instagram or visit You can also email me at [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you!

VOTE on November 8th!

🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out
🗳October 18: Last day to register to vote
🗳October 29: Early in person voting begins
🗳November 1: Deadline to apply for mail-in ballot
🗳November 7: Deadline to apply for in person mail-in ballot
🗳November 8: ELECTION DAY!

Videos (show all)

Please get out to vote in the primary this Tuesday June 6th. Vote for write in candidate Todd Saunders for Westfield Tow...
Don’t forget to vote TODAY, Tuesday Nov. 8thPolls are Open until 8pmIf you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote ...
Don’t forget to vote TODAY, Tuesday Nov. 8thPolls are Open until 8pmIf you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must vote ...
Don’t forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Nov. 8thPolling hours are 6am-8pmIf you received a Vote by Mail Ballot you must v...
𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗗 1 𝗩𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦!If you’re not planning on voting at the polls on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8th…This weekend is your ...
You can now vote EARLY until Sunday, November 6th!For voting info: https://unioncountyvotes.comVOTE #Como4Westfield!VOTI...
11 days ago during the town council debate, I suggested to add speed limit signs to the recently installed speed boxes.I...
11 days ago during the town council debate, I suggested to add speed limit signs to the recently installed speed boxes.I...
Don’t forget to vote!Make a plan ⤵️VOTING DETAILS:🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out 🗳October 29 - November 6: E...
Let’s Raise a Stein in Support! 🍺Saturday,  October 15, 20225:00pm - 8:00pmThe Como Biergarten572 Highland Ave, Westfiel...
I 💙 Brightwood!Thank you Denise for inviting me on a “walk & talk” yesterday. It was so nice getting to meet the soon to...
Hey Westfield!Here are some dates to mark on your calendar:🗳NOW: Mail-in ballots begin to be sent out 🗳October 18: Last ...
