alemonaidemaker is my blog to share about life experiences, to promote healthy choices, better ways of dealing with the difficulties that we go through. Enjoy

As well as all the positive things that life brings.


This is a tough topic because everyone experiences this in different ways.
I have found it to be a journey.
Whether it is healing from physical damage or emotional. Both take time and patience.
Diligents is also required. Faith plays a key role as well.
Once we understand that it is a choice to heal or be stuck we become more aware and start to unravel the pain and hurt until it does not consume us.
If we can remember that this is in our life to teach us something it makes it a wee bit easier.
If you have followed my blog then you know I have lost my parents at a very young age, my daughter and recently siblings. I am personally fighting cancer .
Through all of this for the most part I have let my faith lead the way only because I trust God has a plan that I can not see.
Was I always so trusting? No.
Through many things I doubted and questioned through those same trials I began to understand that if I stopped trying to force my own will and let God handle things it always worked out better.
This is why I can tell you today, always look for the good, it is there.We can inspire each other and lift each other up if we keep looking up and trying to find the good in each situation.
God bless you all according to your need and according to His will for your life😇🙏♥️


Just a short note.
You know how we go through stuff and we pray and kind of feels like no one up there heres us? Well the teacher is always quiet during the test but they Never leave the Room!! God bless and keep looking for the Good it is always there♥️❤️♥️🌹


Life is full of Endings so it seems.
There is however an upside, they bring a new beginning.
Be it a job, friendship, children growing up and leaving home, a love relationship that has spent itself out, or even the death of someone dear to you.
Without getting stuck, review these things in your life and you will most likely find the beginning, the middle and the end.
Our lives are not a random series of events as some people think. They are orchestrated to enhance our understanding and growth.
Not everyone is meant to stay. Some drop in for a time and then move on. Recognizing these valuable souls is challenging because we do not always want to let go.
If we are to become the best we can and find the greatest good in ourselves
We do need to let endings occur and find the new beginnings.
You can not grasp the blessings of today if you are clinging to the remnants of yesterday. Free up your hands!!!
Remember to keep looking for the good!


This is a difficult topic to comprehend at times.
To Love unconditionally means this, you don’t love If. You simply love.
What it does not mean is that you accept abuse, lies, mistreatment or any other negative situation.
That is where discernment comes in. You truly can love everyone unconditionally, that means if others have hurt you, you forgive them but you do not have to make space in your life for them to repeat the offensive behavior.
Jesus said, love the sinner, hate the sin.
You need not let the behaviors of others detract from your love and light placed in you by your Creator.
When we partake of poison we become ill. Emotionally, mentally and eventually physically, loved ones this does not have to happen. Be diligent, pay attention to your instincts!
Do not refuse the wisdom your higher self is showing you.
Use your heart along with your common sense.
God will bring you the people you need but not until you let him.
So keep looking up and always look for the Good in every situation.
God Bless😇🙏❤️
There is always something to learn and something to teach. For we are all both students and teachers.


New post from Alemonaide


Forward Thinking
Sometimes we spend lots of time thinking about how things were,
How we wanted things to turn out, what we could of done differently.
With the things going on for me currently I have been spending my time looking forward.
What I want to achieve today, right now.
The things on my immediate time frame have become much much more relevant than the past.
Sometimes things are brought about to pull us forward.
Trust your journey. Look for the good no matter the circumstances.
I am dealing with Cancer and I am here to tell you that Good things are already coming from this experience.
No matter how a situation appears God is always at work!!!
God bless and keep looking for the Good!


New post!


New Day
Today is a new day. How will you use it?
It is very different than yesterday and you have unlimited possibilities for how you use your energy today.
Will you join me in looking for the good in new situations or will you spend it dwelling on the past which can not b changed?
Yes the past has brought you to this day. All the joys, sorrows and learning.
That my friends is the point, the learning. Some times we win, some times we don’t but either way there are valuable lessons to learn and grow!! Look always for the good, remember everyone is on their own path, their own journey, sometimes we are blessed to b part of someone elses life experiences.
Be your best today and everyday.
You are lived, you matter and you are Blessed. Believe in your self. Trust the one who Created you.
Find the Good it is there😇❤️🙏


The Journey of Hope!
As spring approaches it fills is with fresh hope for many reasons.
The beauty of flowers, the song bird’s returning to the nesting grounds. Each Season brings its own rewards and memories. They are as varied as we are individuals. No matter what season you are in in your personal life, remember to look for the good and learn to find the joy each day brings. You are loved, you matter and your Spring will come😇🙏❤️
God bless😇🙏❤️


Looking for the best in every situation is not always easy.
It is however the best approach to the challenges we encounter.
I am currently facing a very serious health issue. I remain grounded in my faith that even now God has a greater purpose.
I keep reminding myself that win or lose there will b good that comes out of this.
Seek the best in yourself and each situation.
Be the best you can.
God bless🙏😇❤️


Waiting on God.
Myself, much like many others has the bad habit of wanting things to happen on our own Timeline.
Aftermany attempts and failures in my life, I have submitted myself, life goals, job, family and relationships to Gods will. It is very humbling to gain the understanding that I have no control other than how I choose to react or not react to things happening in my life and around me. With much practice, it has gotten easier to wait.
Gods plan for my life are Far greater than my own.
Patience did not come naturally to me.
It had to be learned. Much like everything else.
Try to think of life more like school. We start off in Kindergarten and work our way to Graduation day. We don’t know everything and we are not supposed to.
Always look for the good and be still, wait on Gods timing🙏😇❤️


That's how we change the world


Hello friends!
Rolling with the changes makes the transitions in life easier to deal with, adjustments in thinking and being are necessary to grow the way God intends! Remember, in the end, it is all for your greatest good! Always look for the good😇🙏❤️


May 8, 2020
Life brings many opportunities to help those in need, sometimes it is easy sometimes challenging.

The object is to do your best and the best for the ones you are aiding.

When you come up against seemingly overwhelming circumstances, ask for help! People will surprise you with their generosity and goodness. Unless you ask, others do not have the same opportunity to give and help.

Sometimes we encounter very difficult issues with in families or close circles of friends that require us to intervene in order to prevent serious damage or harm to others we care about, this is challenging on many levels. No one wants to cause trouble for others generally speaking. In critical circumstances, attempting to take the path of least resistance isn’t always the best option.

Critical circumstances call for bravery and willing to be seen by some as the bad guy, so be it. Only you can Gage the facts you are presented with, only you can determine the best coarse of action. What may seem like a hard choice in fact is not. Doing the right thing no matter the resistance has it’s own rewards. If in the long term your actions bring about good, then you have helped in ways that are yet to be recognized, by yourself or others. Doing the right thing is it’s own reward, knowing you prevented damage to another is priceless.

Help cultivate the good, in yourself and others.


Life is full of opportunities to be angry, upset or sad.
I would like to help with my perspective.
We all have challenges, heart break, bad days and tough times. How we view these things is especially important.
Yes we have the absolute right to our emotions, we also have a responsibility to use these adversities to promote growth.
Think about a plant, if all it ever gets is sunlight it will wither and die out, the rain, pounding though it may be, helps the plant to get stronger and grow, as does the challenges we face.
No one has a perfect life. We do have perfect opportunities however to grow. When we get through hurt, shame, guilt, anger and use forgiveness for ourselves and others it fosters hope, caring and gratitude. Lets attempt to always look for the good. 😇🙏.


This time of year means many things to many of us. It is time for the lands to come back to life, symbolizing new life, new growth and new hope. Let this also be a time of letting go of outdated ideas, habits and hard heartedness.
Breath in the newness of spring, purge the old and embrace the beginning of growth, both symbolically and actually!!
Keep looking inward and upward for the good and you will find it, be the light others need and good things will find you as well!!!


I appreciate all the interest in my posts! Please feel free to leave feed back! Thank you everyone!! Keep looking for the good🙏😇


Good morning everyone. Please pray, be smart and pay attention to whats going on. Together we can turn this into good


Sorry for the lag! Please pray for each other. Be kind, lets be our best self!!!


Good afternoon! Please thank those out there keeping things going, providing services such as food, medical, fuel, fire and police. Lets bow our heads and send up a prayer for all those fighting the good fight!!


Good afternoon everyone. As we continue to watch this unfold, I want to offer you encouragement. Nothing very very good and nothing very very bad last very very long. This shall pass. Use this time if you are not working to reconnect with family, friends and your faith. We have an unprecedented opportunity to rediscover our values and the people who matter most to us. I am not making light of concerns about jobs or income. I do want to ask everyone to pray for each other, help each other and be the change you seek. We hold the key to how things turn out. Be kind, be patient, be respectful. Let love rule, it is time we all create some Good. Blessings and prayers for our world for each of you. You matter, you are loved and you are important❤️😇🙏


Greetings everyone. I wish everyone a beautiful day today. As we progress through this time may we use it for good🙏

Breaker Breaker Help a Trucker organized by Rebecca Nicolai 21/03/2020

Breaker Breaker Help a Trucker organized by Rebecca Nicolai Funds needed to save business due to an injury keeping Robert from working. The funds a… Rebecca Nicolai needs your support for Breaker Breaker Help a Trucker


Trials come to our lives to build us into ppl God can use. Be of good courage and Rely upon the Lord. God Bless🙏


I, like many of you do not believe in coincidences. There is always something more going on than we are told or realize. As with our current situation, and I share this NOT to insight panic or fear, but to raise awareness. They are taking this opportunity to install 5G in public schools, Wu Han was 5G, England is isolating the at risk folks and keeping their population employed and economy moving, the media keeps repeating the situation in Italy, never mentioning that Italy has the highest Senior population in the world. I am not saying there is not a virus, I am saying look deeper. I was told today, troops are being mobilized and nation lockdown will being in 48-72 hours for the next couple weeks. If Martial law is imposed, from my understanding this means, no travel dusk til dawn, no unnecessary travel. Getting food n medical care is allowed. We do not need panic, we need to be informed from the Government employees that WE hired to look after the best interest of OUR Nation. Ask questions.


Sending out prayers for those in need. With the new challenges we are facing currently, kindness and prayers, lending a helping hand if you can. Stay blessed😇🙏


Make everyday beautiful!


Thank you all for your support! New post , hope it helps feel that someone needs this one, God bless


Check out the new posts!! May these inspire🙏


Just released a new post on my blog, next one in a few hours🙏. Again, Thank you to everyone for sharing my website and posts out! Your the best!!!


There is a new post nearly every day on different topics. God bless and look for the good


I very much appreciate all the likes and shares. My goal is to help others find productive ways to work through life challenges. Have a blessed day😇🙏


The best is ahead!


Good morning everyone!!! There are new features on my web site, you can, like, share and subscribe if you would like my posts via email!!! Very excited to be able to offer this new feature😇🙏❤️


Let your dreams take flight!

alemonaidemaker – self help, inspirational, life challenges 04/03/2020

Thank you to those sharing and endorsing my website! May it helpallthose looking for the good❤️🙏😇

alemonaidemaker – self help, inspirational, life challenges Allies March 4, 2020March 4, 2020 becca.leeuwLeave a Comment on Allies When I think of Allies, most often what comes to mind is the people, places and things that have been […]


Beautiful things can come from unexpected places😇


Good morning!

alemonaidemaker – self help, inspirational, life challenges 01/03/2020

I got‘s technical difficulties fix😇🙏❤️ thank you everyone for the likes and support! God bless😇🙏❤️

alemonaidemaker – self help, inspirational, life challenges Family March 1, 2020March 1, 2020 becca.leeuwLeave a Comment on Family Family invokes many emotions and thoughts for me as I am sure it does for you as well. Some are […]