MJO Crafts Cakes & More
Bienvenidos a mi pagina! I am a stay-at-home grandmother of 3 cuties, passionate about baking, sewing and crafting. Requests are welcomed! God bless
Creating personalized items and baking/decorating cakes for any special occasion.
Romanos 12:2
Y no se acomoden al mundo presente, antes bien transfórmense mediante la renovación de su mente, de forma que puedan distinguir cúal es la voluntad de Dios: lo bueno, lo agradable, lo perfecto.
new tumblers design
Letters Key chain
Father’s day is coming soon order what you want for this special day.
T shirt with vinyl
Lemon cake with cotton candy fristing
Sublimation or permanent vinyl t-shirt
Sublimation or permanent vinyl