Victor Ngwumohaike

Victor Ngwumohaike

Welcome to the official page of Victor Ngwumohaike. He is a Pastor under the ministry and l


Choosing your marriage partner (husband/wife) is not a democratic decision.
It is NOT based on consensus.
However, you need the guidance of God's Word and respectful Mentors.
It's never democratic.
Your decision will offend people. Yes.
What do you think?


Relationship is key to fulfilling your assignment, calling, vision, purpose, passion etc.

Relationships without integrity are not needed in your journey.

When integrity is lacking in any relationship, the value of that relationship starts to diminish.

If there is no more value, then pause, think, decide and act.

It's time to resolve and evolve.


It's not difficult!

Relationships are made up of people.

When God rounded off with creation, He said His creation was good.
it is still good.

The marriage institution is not bad nor difficult.
It's the people in the marriage institution or Relationship that may be difficult.

Marriage is still good though the people inside may be difficult.

Husbands and wives should not see themselves as the problem.
Both of them are solutions to the challenges in their relationship.

Keep enjoying life at its best.



Dr. Paul Enenche gives clarity on Mrs Osinachi Nwachukwu


Happy Birthday Pastor Mrs Faith Abiola Oyedepo!
We pray God keeps you and increase you in this new year. We love you ma.

- DOMI Team


The Spirit-Filled Husband
by Jimmy Evans

When God created marriage, He breathed the Holy Spirit into Adam and Eve. Their marriage was Spirit-filled until they rejected God. He created us as equals in marriage but with different roles. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can fulfill those roles as husbands and wives.

Eve was created to be a helper to Adam and, in that way, women’s roles are similar to the role of the Holy Spirit. The roles of men in marriage are more like Christ’s.

Ephesians 5:25 makes this explicit. It says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”

All of us grew up in families that had some element of dysfunction in them. Note that this verse doesn’t say, “love your wife as your father loved your mother.” It says to love like Christ.

No man ever accidentally becomes a Christlike husband. This only happens intentionally. You have to say to God, “I want You to make me into a Christlike man.” Then you compare yourself not to the world’s standards of love, but to the standards of Jesus Christ.

Men are unable to love their wives without the power of the Holy Spirit. But when the Holy Spirit fills them with Christlike love, their anointing represents three positions from the Old Testament. Jesus was the ultimate prophet, priest and king. These correspond to the roles men fulfill in marriage.

Prophet: As a prophet, Jesus was the incarnate Word of God. He lived the Word before the people of His day and taught them what God had to say.

A prophet-husband is a man who diligently seeks to hear God’s voice and to know God’s Word for the benefit of his family. Men are supposed to be men of the Word. This includes living a life consistent with Scriptural standards and values.

This doesn’t mean being legalistic or authoritarian, but listening to what God has to say for your family. When you’re a man of the Word, it preserves and promotes the wellbeing of every part of your life and marriage.

Priest: As a priest, Jesus healed sick people and performed miracles. He even sacrificed His own life to make things right with God. As a compassionate, sensitive and sacrificial priest, He still intercedes for us before God today.

A husband who sensitively and sacrificially meets his wife’s needs and helps her deal with spiritual, emotional, physical, family and financial issues is acting in a priestly capacity for his family. Men need to listen to their wives, be sensitive to them, and take care of them.

King: As a king, Jesus was a gentle and humble authority figure who washed the feet of His disciples and related to them on a personal level. Jesus was a servant leader.

Likewise, a man who is the servant leader of his home treats his wife as an equal and pours his attention into her wellbeing. He initiates decision-making and problem-solving without being dominant.

Jesus told the disciples “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35). A Christlike husband serves his wife always. He sacrifices for her. He puts her first.

Husbands, ask yourselves today if you are loving your wife like Christ loves the church. A Spirit-filled husband will be a good prophet, priest, and king. Are you?


Yes! ❤️


Do you agree?




When you serve your spouse and meet their needs, your marriage will succeed.

Timeline photos 11/08/2020

😍 Husbands to be, praying for you today!

Finding a wife is one thing. Finding a good wife, is another thing.

May you find a good wife, the one that will indeed bring favor your way. Things may be good for you now, but joining your destiny to the right woman will move you to a levels unimaginable (Prov.18:22)

May she give you complete rest and do you good all the days of your life (Proverbs 31:12)

She will be an excellent wife, a crown on your head (Proverbs 12:4)

She will give you room to exercise the leadership authority God has given to you with ease (Ephesians 5:22; Colossians 3:18). She won’t be troublesome. Instead of you running away from home, you will always be eager to go home to your wife (Proverbs 21:9; Proverbs 25:24; Proverbs 27:15)

The wisdom and understanding that she would express will amaze you (Proverbs 14:1)

She would be like a loving deer, a graceful doe. Her breasts will satisfy you always. And you will always be captivated by her love (Proverbs 5:19). She will indeed be like a fruitful grapevine, flourishing within your home (Psalm 128:3)

She will be known as a woman of noble character (Ruth 3:11)

I heard a man say about his wife, “that woman set me back in life.” That statement gave me some serious goosebumps. That will never be your summary of your own wife. For you, every time you just think of your wife, you will give heartfelt thanks to God (Philippians 1:3)

Your own wife will be a Value Adding Woman.

Of course, a good marriage takes two to work smoothly. So... you also will do right by your wife and bring out the treasures in her. When a woman is loved right by her husband, everybody knows. May glorious things also be spoken of you as a husband.

Believe it
Receive it
Mix it with faith in your heart and you’ll experience it

I’m excited for you🙌🏾Yours will not be fake in Jesus name, amen! Congratulations in advance! You will enjoy your home to the fullest! Cheers...

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

Thank you Lord for making my eyes witness today.


Design courtesy :

Timeline photos 21/07/2020

You were made for a purpose to propagate God’s light here on earth and you will account to Him when it's time.

Your life is either lived to fulfil a specific assignment or it is a cumulation of accidental assignments performed by you.

Do not be caught in the web of unnecessary activity; focus on that which God has called you to do.

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

It’s a continuous journey!


Marriage is honourable

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

Giving God a place in our lives is different from giving God first place in our lives. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..." (Matthew 6:33). Elijah said to the widow of Zarephath, "...Make for me first and being to me first..." (1 Kings 17:8-15 Emphasis mine). Let us give God the first place in our lives. Happy July 4th weekend!

Timeline photos 02/07/2020

Celebrated in Church doesn't equal Celebrated by God.

2 Corinthians 10:18
"For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth."

Strive to be commended by God and not just celebrated by men. May we all be commended by God. May our lives make God smile in Jesus Name.

Photos from Isaac Oyedepo's post 01/07/2020

The worst failure of life is failure to try.

Those who try will never be trapped.

Those who try will thrive and triumph

It is as we strive that we thrive.

No one regrets trying but those who don’t try usually end with regrets!

If you try and you don’t make the mark you will at least gain experience.

You loose nothing trying but may loose everything not trying.

So, keep trying, keep striving and you will keep thriving.

You will be blameless if you tried and failed but “blameful” and live in regret if you remain on the same spot, trying nothing.

Bishop Abioye

Videos (show all)

Dr. Paul Enenche gives clarity on Mrs Osinachi Nwachukwu
