

Sharing bits and pieces of motherhood and homemaking 🌷🏡❤️ follow me on instagram @mama_speech


I felt like I needed a still photo in here to balance out all the noise and fast paced nature of reels…this was such a peaceful capture that I took one weekend morning. I think it was one of those rare mornings that I actually woke up before the girls. I whipped up a nice little breakfast spread- nothing fancy- but some pancakes (Costco pancake mix for the win!), yogurt, and a bowl of fresh melon and berries ☺️ And I don’t what it is about a nice colorful bowl of fresh fruit that just looks so beautiful on a table. Not to mention how easy it is to make (and much more economical than actually buying a fruit salad at the market). So here’s a reminder to myself that a fruit salad is always a good idea! Especially homemade ones! Especially if you want to get your kids to eat more fruit! And especially now that summer is officially around the corner! 🥰☀️…have a beautiful Thursday, friends!

antiques | secondhand thrifting | cottage | country decor | cottage decor | small home aesthetic old house love | cottage home | seasonal interiors | English charm


Today was certainly packed with more excitement and action than your typical Monday. I hope everyone had a chance to see the eclipse today 🌑☀️☺️ …spring break can’t come soon enough. And while I’ll have a long to do list of spring cleaning to get through then, I’m already dreaming and brainstorming all of the pressed flower crafts I want to do 🌼🪻🌸🥰 I don’t think I’ve been this excited, joyful, and creatively inspired by a new hobby in a very very long time. And it truly feels good to have something of my own to look forward to- a sweet escape from the busy, the chaos, and the worries/anxieties that always have a way of creeping up…and so for now I’m simply trying to keep my hands and mind busy with all the little things that fill my cup and my soul in a big way❤️


to flowers and cookbooks, to listening to the rain fall, to watercolor painting for a simple holiday menu, to chuckling at the fact that you forgot how to write in cursive, to moody lighting, to welcoming art as a form of therapy, to feeling inspired by spurts of creativity, and to doing all the little things that bring life and light on rainy days, sunny days, and all the days in between🌷🌼☀️


i hope when the girls are older and think about home, they’ll think about the warmth and beauty embedded in the everyday moments. i hope they’ll remember how home smelled of vanilla and pumpkin in the fall. and how it was filled with vases of tulips and daffodils in the spring. i hope they’ll remember that home will be here to welcome them as they are. on bright, joyful days and (especially) on the hard, crushing days when their hearts feel heavy because the world hasn’t been very kind, i hope they’ll always remember the comforts of home and seek to come back to it, time and time again❤️


a slow and rainy saturday morning spent decorating easter eggs…and yes, i promise, the girls did actually paint some of their own 😆


a little monday poll because mondays are no fun…if you had to pick one, which would you choose to add warmth and coziness to your home: fresh flowers or candles? (i know this is an entirely unfair question because both are the epitome of cozy but just play along hehe 🥰)


today’s gratitudes (in no particular order)|
a family grocery trip with a trio of rambunctious little girls, both of which reminded me what a blessing it is to have food to eat and a family to feed | really sweet and ripe strawberries which made a perfect addition to our second fruit salad of the day | a glowing fire that warmed up the whole house on this cold rainy day| easy bagel lunches that didn’t take much effort at all | overly ripe bananas for an afternoon banana bread bake | an active sourdough starter just in time for another sunday sourdough loaf | a family movie night which always make a saturday feel extra special | a tidied laundry room which added an element of calm and peace when doing the laundry today (a big thank you to my husband for taking on that daunting task) | and last but certainly not least, I’m thankful for a morning sleep in til 7am- which to many might not seem like a sleep in at all. but boy did it feel good. our first sleep in as a family (dog included), and after months of what has felt like we might just never catch a restful break, i was reminded today that everything really is a phase- our children (dog included) are growing as are we. and for the many, many ways that we are all evolving, I’m grateful too ❤️


Saying good night and good bye to a Tuesday that felt more like a Monday. We have quite a busy week ahead full of ‘to dos,’ and with all the rain that’s forecasted in the coming days, I already just want to crawl back into bed 🙈…but I guess even the earth needs to let out a good cry every now and then ❤️

Photos from mama_speech's post 01/03/2024

not by any means the “vacation” week I had in mind, but I’m grateful for the glimmers along the way|

fresh flowers, a sweet pup for quiet company, a new hobby, unplanned mommy daughter days with each girl (even if all that meant was cozy cuddles on the couch), a warm day or two to remind me that spring is on its way, freshly made beds, the smell of lavender, a set of 100 year old antique chairs (after a year of searching), sunshine, sunrises, walks, the feeling of crisp sheets as I tuck myself into bed after an arduous day(s), the smiles on my daughters’ faces at school pick ups, and above all else the sweet comforts of home, which especially on the hardest of days, leaves me with a full and thankful heart ❤️


Between the rain and the unseasonably warmer days, I’m hyping myself up for spring ☺️ and I can sense the birds are pretty happy about it too, as I listened to their joyful chirps all day 🥰


i am grateful for this little kitchen of ours. our kitchen is, without a doubt, the room most used in our house. and probably one of my favorite rooms too. i love to cook. and i love to bake. and i’ve grown to love these pursuits even more since becoming a mom. there’s beauty and purpose to be found in the act of making meals from scratch that will feed and nourish. and there’s also so much beauty in the connection and gathering that comes from the food made. which if you ask me seems to be the most meaningful part of it all. so as I tidy and tuck this space in for the night, I’m reflecting on just how grateful I am for it- grateful for how it continues to serve our family and for how it brings us together each and every day❤️…I’m curious, what’s your favorite room in your home?


I’ve got sunshine on a winter’s day 🥰 it’s a bright, beautiful day in this corner of the world…hubby gifted me a sweet little sleep in til 9am this morning (which is unheard of in the land of parenthood 😆), and although I’m behind on many, many chores and errands, I feel so rested; it’s as if I have a new pep in my step 🥰…hope everyone has a wonderful and restful weekend ❤️


it’s been painfully cold these last few days, which has made getting out of bed in the mornings so difficult. all I want to do is cozy up on the couch with no where to go and nothing to do (a lofty dream one might say 😆)…is it too soon to wish for spring? 🤔🙃

Photos from mama_speech's post 12/01/2024

And our wee middle child is officially 4 ✨ she’s a spirited little one with a fire and soul that feels the world so deeply. her gentle heart tugs at mine. and this year didn’t come without struggle. daily challenges (because little people, big feelings). but there has also been so much joy, as I’ve watched her blossom. the way she twirls in her tutu dresses. and the way that she will come down to our bedroom, in the middle of the night, to simply tell me that she loves me. to the way that she notices and compliments and makes me feel seen when I need it most. she’s full of love, light, and passion. and our family is infinitely brighter because of her. my sweet, sweet girl. every day with you has been filled with an abundance of sweet, tender moments. and we just you so unbelievably much ✨💕


Completely in awe of the outpouring of love, transparency, support, and encouragement that I have received in response to my last post. I’m finding comfort and hope in knowing that my current struggles are not just my own, but perhaps they’re also that of a whole community of women whose feelings have resonated with mine in some way. I don’t think there’s anything we can’t do when we, as mothers- as women- come together to support one another and to lift each other up. I hope that we continue to find connection, solidarity, and healing through our shared experiences. and may we come together with love and understanding to speak our truth and our heart in the days ahead. sending the biggest hug and love to each and every one of you. saying good night to you all with so much gratitude in my heart ❤️ thank you for being here ❤️


oh. what. a. year. one might question what exactly made this year so special. and it wasn’t any one life changing event (although we did get a dog. which is a shock to most because we already have 3 young children, but apparently we love chaos.). the days have been long. our family is navigating 3 little girls who are growing and finding their voices while we, too, are stretching alongside them. I’m learning a lot because motherhood is pretty darn hard. it’s exhausting. it’s humbling. it’s rewarding and joyful in all the best ways. Every stage is a phase, which is equally sad and wonderful. I used to think time was the thief, but now I’m wondering if the real culprit is pressure- the pressure to constantly “do” rather than to just “be.” pressure robs us of intention, presence, and stillness. and what good is life without these 3 things? here’s to a new year rooted in grace, gratitude, and presence…to slower rhythms, emotional healing, to creating with a deep sense of purpose, to drinking more tea, to hugging tightly. every day., to kissing my husband in front of our children more (it makes them giggle and bashful, and I want them to know that showing love is a healthy, human need), to family dinners. every. night (so that our children know that we will always come together to connect and center ourselves as one). I deeply hope to make a life less out of habit and more from intention (& this will be difficult because habits are easy and comforting. but seeking to live by what drives our heart and soul is scary as it requires vulnerability and risk). I want to take risks in love, in life, and in creative ventures. and I want to stop believing all the reasons I shouldn’t or can’t. and lastly, here’s to dating my husband more. because our love is worth making time for. our love led to this life, and for all that this life has brought and all that it will bring, I’m just so thankful. Happy new year, friends. May it be filled with love, intention, and all the things that make your soul sing ❤️


These days I’m holding on tightly to what the word ‘home’ signifies in my life. And truthfully, I’m feeling quite emotional about it all (maybe it’s the holidays. maybe it’s “that time of the month.” I don’t know.) I just know that lately I feel that word in my soul. in my bones. The meaning that it holds and the purpose that it’s given me. As a little girl, I remember clinging on to this word-longingly some days- and this idea of what the perfect home would look like. How naive of me, then, to associate home with a specific look, since I am now so deeply aware and appreciate that home is all about the feeling, the comfort, the warmth, the stability, and the security. What we do to create a home matters and makes a meaningful difference in our own life but especially for our littles. And that is not to say that there is only one way to make a home. It’s deeply personal because it’s life-giving as it requires tending to, intention, and nurturing. And I can’t help but think about words I recently read- “Make something more beautiful than it has to be.” This is exactly what I believe homemaking to mean. Adding beauty to the the ordinary and to the everyday- the moments and the details that leave you feeling safe and comforted and grateful. Especially when life’s circumstances may have you feeling hopeless…nurture your home, and it will nurture you ❤️

Photos from mama_speech's post 27/12/2023

This has been a very transformative year for me as a mother to 3 little girls. A year filled with guilt and self-doubt. But also a year of growth and discernment, as I find myself constantly thinking about my own upbringing and childhood and reflecting on how they are currently shaping my own experiences as a mother-in small ways, in big ways, in bad ways, in good ways. I feel that God has been gently tugging at my heart for some time now, speaking to me about changes that need to happen, as I pave my path and what I hope will be healthy and nurturing relationships with my daughters. For mothering, in all its forms, is full of love, blessings, and lessons to be learned. I hope that in whatever season of motherhood you find yourself in that you welcome it with grace and love, and I don’t just mean towards your children but also importantly towards yourself. That’s half the journey ❤️

Photos from mama_speech's post 22/12/2023

When life throws you curveballs, you remember that Christmas is in 3 more sleeps, which somehow makes everything feel a little bit lighter ❤️…leaving a picture of these little gifts I gifted last year because they’re cute, homemade, and bring me joy 🥰🥰

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