Network of Filipino Christians

Network of Filipino Christians

Network of Filipino Christians

The Network of Filipino Christians is an aggrupation of diverse believers who seek to embody, embrace, and express the life, teachings, virtues, and person of Jesus Christ. The Network of Filipino Christians aims to become an open, intelligent, conversational, and collaborative approach towards building an authentic and relevant Christianity in the Philippines. We envision a brand of Filipino Chri

Balancing Emotion and Intellect in Worship and Christian Living 23/01/2024

Balancing Emotion and Intellect in Worship and Christian Living | by John L. Rothra

People often emphasize emotions or intellect in worship and Christian living. Both have a role, and there should be a balance.

Although emotions are too often overemphasized, one cannot reject or diminish them. As I stated, we are created by God as emotional beings. We feel. As a result, our worship and our lives must rightfully include our emotions. But not only that, our worship and Christian lives must include our intellect (see Rom 12:2, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”).

Worship and Christian living should be both emotional and intellectual. They should balance both the heart and the mind. We are called to learn and to experience, to know and to apply. Worship and Christian living is not about one or the other, but about the holistic person. Thus, there must be a balance. The difficulty is finding a way to create that balance.

Balancing Emotion and Intellect in Worship and Christian Living People often emphasize emotions or intellect in worship and Christian living. Both have a role, and there should be a balance.


Relational Sovereignty: A View That Makes Room for Prayer | by Phil Noordmans

God, man, and creation live in linked relationship with one another, each impacting the other.

On the one hand, God’s nature is unchanging: He is and always will be holy, righteous, just, loving, all-wise, and all-knowing. On the other hand, God’s strategies, processes, and procedures may change.

Because God values His relationships with His creatures, He interacts with us and His interactions are real.

Just as God can and does affect His creatures and creation, so human beings – the apex of God’s creation – can and do affect our God.

Generally, He invites people to work with Him to accomplish His agenda.

Relational Sovereignty and Prayer
• There are some things that God will not do even if everyone prays.
• There are some things that God will do even if no one prays.
• There are other things that God will do only in response to the prayers of His people.

God is not aloof and impassive. As a relational God, He patiently interacts with us without ever compromising His core nature or objectives.

God does not need us, but in His sovereignty, He chooses to include us. We matter to the process. God’s ends are settled and unilateral, but the means to His ends are open for discussion.

God leads the dance, but He does not dance alone. God is powerful enough to override our wills, and occasionally He does, but for the most part He chooses to be interactive.

Is God sovereign? Yes!

Is He open to responding to our prayers? Yes! because He is relational.

On the chessboard of life, we are not His pawns but His knights.

On the dance floor of life, Jesus leads the dance, but He does not dance alone. Some of His moves are influenced by our desires and our prayers.

Dance well friends and pray on!

A relational view of God’s sovereignty is one that regards God’s will as settled in terms of the intentions of His character but open and flexible in terms of the ways in which He acts because He allows Himself to be acted upon.



"The Magnificent Story: Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth" | by James Bryan Smith

We are story-making people. We love reading stories―and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the gospel? About God? About the Christian life? About Jesus? About the cross? About yourself? About heaven? Your answers to these questions will form a story that will determine how your life will go. The answers reveal your ability to trust, to love, to hope―and even your capacity for joy. Any story worth giving the power to shape our lives must pass a simple test: Is it beautiful, good, and true? If it is, then it is a magnificent story―and that is where transformation takes place. From James Bryan Smith, author of the bestselling book "The Good and Beautiful God", comes this spiritual formation resource meant to help both individuals and groups understand the magnificent story of Christ in their lives. The field-tested material within includes spiritual practices at the end of each chapter and a group discussion guide. Uncover the true story of beauty, goodness, and truth that will satisfy the ultimate longings of your heart.

Dr. James Bryan Smith is the Dallas Willard Professor of Christian Spiritual Formation at Friends University, in Wichita, Kansas. Jim received his B.A. in Religion and Philosophy at Friends University, his M.Div. at Yale Divinity School, and his D.Min. at Fuller Theological Seminary. Jim has taught at Friends University for over 30 years, teaching primarily in the area of Christian spiritual formation. He is also the Executive Director of The Apprentice Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. In addition, Jim is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, and co-founding pastor of Chapel Hill UMC, in Wichita, Kansas, and is currently a teaching pastor at that church. He is also a best-selling author of twelve books, most notably The Apprentice Series (InterVarsity Press), which includes The Good and Beautiful God. He is also one of the original founders, alongside Richard J. Foster and Dallas Willard, of the spiritual renewal ministry, Renovare. James is the host of the Things Above Podcast.

Check the book here:


Greetings to our Wesleyan-Arminian friends and allies at GRACE for ALL Coalition and all fellow Evangelical believers who embrace that, because of His "loving sovereignty", God delights and desires all human beings to freely respond in faith to His genuine offer of grace for all sinners. Kudos. 😊

Arminianism emphasizes God's equal, impartial, and undifferentiated love for all individuals. Arminianism is named after the teachings of Dutch theologian James Arminius (1559-1609), and was popularized by the revivalist John Wesley. Arminians are Evangelical Protestants whose theological system is focused on the love of God. While Calvinism asks “How does a God who is sovereign exercise His love?”, Arminianism asks “How does a God of love exercise His sovereignty?”

Arminian theology stresses that God’s love is absolutely foundational for a true account of Christian theology. As Arminius sees it, the love of God is so central to Christianity that Christianity could not possibly exist without it. The love of God is not a secondary truth that might be overlooked or given a relatively minor emphasis compared to sovereignty or power. Quite to the contrary, for Arminius, without the love of God, there is no Christianity.

Arminian theology insists in the strongest possible terms that because God deeply loves ALL persons, Christ truly died for ALL. The gospel is truly good news for the whole world, including every person who has been, or ever will be born.

Wesleyan-Arminianism's acronym: FACTS

These points broadly and roughly correspond to the historic Articles of Remonstrance (though they are not specifically a representation of them), which were composed in July 1610 by early Arminians and constitute the first formal summary of Arminian theology.

F = Freed to Believe by God’s Grace: Because men are totally depraved, God must first enable all men through His Prevenient Grace to be able to apprehend, affirm & appropriate the Gospel invitation. God enables the natural man to respond positively in faith, by enlightening their darkened minds & hearts, communicating His awesome power with the gospel that incites faith, wooing them with His kindness, convicting them by His Spirit, opens their hearts to heed his gospel, and positions them to seek Him.

A = Atonement for All: God loves the world and desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The Good News is that Jesus died for all and has provided atonement sufficient for all, yet faith is the condition of its applied efficiency. Out of love, God sacrificed his only Son for the world so that those from the world who trust in Jesus and his atoning sacrifice will benefit from that atoning sacrifice and be saved.

C = Conditional Election: God chooses to save those who believe in the gospel/Jesus Christ-election unto salvation is conditioned on faith. Traditionally, Arminians view conditional election as God choosing individuals whom he foreknew would freely be in Christ by faith and persevere in that faith-union separately before the foundation of the world, while non-traditionalists view the election of God’s people corporately. A consequence of being “in Christ” and union with him by faith.

T = Total Depravity: Because of Adam’s original sin, humanity are separated from God, in the state of sin, and are under God’s judgement. Sin has impacted every part of a person’s being and now have a sinful nature with a natural inclination toward sin. Men are fundamentally corrupt at heart, spiritually dead and are slaves to sin. The natural man is hostile toward God and cannot submit to his Law nor please him. Thus, the natural man is not able to think, will, nor do anything that merits favor from God and we cannot do anything to be saved. We cannot even believe the gospel on our own. If anyone is to be saved, God must take the initiative.

S = Security in Christ: Salvation is secure as long as the believer is in Christ, that is, as long as he believes/trusts in Christ and therefore remains in faith-union with Christ. The security of salvation should be grounded in Christ, the promises of his word, and our faith-relationship with him.

Read about the Society of Evangelical Arminians:

Read about Arminian Theology:


Hello to our Free Grace friends and allies at GRACE for ALL Coalition and all fellow Evangelical believers who embrace that the love of Christ can never be earned and can never be lost. Kudos. 😊

Free Grace teaches that the grace of salvation is absolutely free. This is the obvious place to begin, though it should be unnecessary to say this since the word grace (charis) essentially means a free and undeserved gift. However, since some speak of costly or cheap grace, it is necessary to clarify that grace is totally free. That does not mean it is free to the giver, who in this case is God, but it means that no payment or merit is required from those to whom it is offered, which would be all unsaved and undeserving sinners. Romans 3:24 distinguishes between the free gift to the recipient and the cost to the Giver: "having been justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."

Free Grace means that the grace of salvation can be received only through faith. Since we as sinners can do nothing to earn God's grace, it has to be given as a gift which can only be received through faith. By faith (or believing, which is from the same Greek word) we mean the human response of accepting something as true and trustworthy. It is a conviction, an inner persuasion. This definition precludes any other conditions of works, performance, or merit (Rom. 4:4-5). Faith cannot be defined by obedience to Christian commands, baptism, surrender, commitment of one's life to God, or turning from sins. These things can and should be the results of faith, but they are distinct from faith itself, otherwise grace ceases to be grace (Rom. 11:6). Ephesians 2:8 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, not by works . . ." Faith is a simple response, but that does not mean that it is an easy one. Many who hold to Free Grace believe that repentance, as a change of mind or heart, can sometimes be used to describe the aspect of faith in which we come to a conviction or persuasion about something. Other Free Grace proponents do not think repentance (as turning from sins) has any role in salvation or saving faith.

Free Grace believes the object of faith is the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith must always have an object, because faith itself is not the effective cause of our salvation (We are saved "by grace"), but the instrumental means through which we are saved ("through faith"). The One who actually saves us is the Lord Jesus Christ. But it is not any Jesus, it is Jesus as the Son of God who died for our sins and rose again and guarantees eternal salvation to all who believe in Him.

Free Grace holds to the finished work of Christ. Grace is free because Jesus Christ did all the work on our behalf. His proclamation "It is finished" on the cross means that He made the final and full payment for the penalty for our sins. It also means we cannot add anything to what Jesus accomplished. We cannot do anything to earn our salvation or to keep our salvation. Free Grace therefore teaches eternal security for the believer.

Free Grace provides the only basis for assurance of salvation. Any system or belief that requires our performance cannot give assurance of salvation. Human performance is subjective, variable, unpredictable, and always imperfect. Faith must rest in Jesus Christ and His promise as revealed in the Word of God.

Free Grace distinguishes between salvation and discipleship. While some theological systems believe that all Christians are disciples, Free Grace understands that the condition for eternal salvation (believe) is distinct from the many conditions for discipleship (deny oneself, take up your cross, follow Christ, abide in His Word, love Christ more than your family, etc.). Since grace is absolutely free, it cannot demand these conditions or it ceases to be grace. Free Grace believes that the commitments of discipleship should be the result of salvation, not the requirement. To make them conditions of salvation inserts works and human merit into the gospel of grace.

Read more about Free Grace:

Check the book:


Thank you Lord.


Intelligence is a friend of faith.


Magkita po tayo sa darating na Sunday. Invite your employees, workmates, schoolmates, neighbors, family, and friends. Let us welcome the New Year with our living hope in Jesus Christ. Lahat ay malugod naming inaanyayahan na ipagdiwang at ipagsabi na ang ating pag-asa sa bagong taon ay Ang Panginoon. December 31, 2023 (Sunday)

• 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM • Chinese-English Worship • Main Worship Hall Second Floor

• 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM • Tagalog Fellowship • Multipurpose Hall 2 Ground Floor

• 11:00 AM – 12:00 NN • Tagalog-English Worship • Multipurpose Hall 1 Ground Floor

Christian Bible Church of the Philippines • 60 Eugenio Lopez Dr corner Samar Ave. Brgy South Triangle, Quezon City

Look at the map going to CBCP

Photos from Network of Filipino Christians's post 24/12/2023

See you next week. Thank you Lord.


Magkita po tayo sa darating na Sunday. Invite your employees, workmates, family, and friends. Let us celebrate the Good News of Christmas. Lahat ay malugod naming inaanyayahan na ipagdiwang at ipagsabi ang pinakamahalagang regalo ng Pasko. December 24, 2023 (Sunday)

• 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM • Chinese-English • Main Worship Hall Second Floor

• 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM • Tagalog Fellowship • Multipurpose Hall 2 Ground Floor

• 11:00 AM – 12:00 NN • Tagalog-English Worship • Multipurpose Hall 1 Ground Floor

Christian Bible Church of the Philippines • 60 Eugenio Lopez Dr corner Samar Ave. Brgy South Triangle, Quezon City

Look at the map going to CBCP

God’s Grace and Human Free Will 13/12/2023

God sovereignly allowing human response in His plan of redemption does not make God less sovereign or less glorious. Allowing human response (faith in Christ alone, not by works) makes God loving, gracious, generous, fair, and just.

God’s Grace and Human Free Will All Evangelical Christians believe that without God’s initiative of grace, humans can never respond in believing faith. The death of Christ…


“Grace works ahead of us to draw us toward faith, to begin its work in us. Even the first fragile intuition of conviction of sin, the first intimation of our need of God, is the work of preparing, prevening grace, which draws us gradually toward wishing to please God. Grace is working quietly at the point of our desiring, bringing us in time to despair over our own unrighteousness, challenging our perverse dispositions, so that our distorted wills cease gradually to resist the gift of God... The power by which one cooperates with grace is grace itself. In this way God draws ALL PEOPLE to Himself, eliciting a hunger for righteousness and a desire for truth... Faith itself is an act of human willing enabled and disciplined by grace... God prepares the will and co-works with the prepared will. Insofar as grace precedes and prepares free will it is called prevenient grace. Insofar as grace accompanies and enables human willing to work with divine willing, it is called cooperating grace.”

― Thomas C. Oden, in 'John Wesley's Scriptural Christianity' and in 'The Transforming Power of Grace'

Losing Their Religion: An Exploration of Millennials Leaving the Church 12/12/2023

Witnessing, teaching, or sharing any faith can be nerve-wracking at times. The exciting thing is Christians lose sight of the fact that they are seeing every day, whether audibly saying Jesus’ Name anywhere.

"You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart." (2 Corinthians 3:2 NKJV)

It’s that witnessing that shouts at non-believers and Christians alike. Regretfully, most Christ followers monumentally fail at this task. No one is perfect, but the world believes anyone extolling the grace of God should be. That’s why:

- Our speech should be seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6)
- Our actions should prove we love our neighbors (Mark 12:31)
- Our thoughts should be centered on how the Lord thinks (Isaiah 55:9)
- Our minds should be prepared for action and open to God (1 Peter 1:13)
- And above all, our hearts should be a storage facility for goodness and grace. (Luke 6:45)

If Millennials leaving the Church upset you, there’s always something you can do about it. We all can do better. Commit your thoughts and ways to the Lord and watch what He can do with you to bring those important people back inside the House of God.

Losing Their Religion: An Exploration of Millennials Leaving the Church Everyone is important to God for He shows no partiality, but with Millennials leaving the Church in droves, we need to help redirect them.

Photos from Network of Filipino Christians's post 10/12/2023

Magkita po tayong muli next week. Sunday Tagalog Fellowship 9:00 AM at Christian Bible Church of the Philippines. Sa Diyos ang kapurihan at kaluwalhatian.


The "Gift for All People" (By Max Lucado) is a celebration of God's gift of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The concluding story, written especially for this book, urges readers to give their lives to Jesus Christ and shows them how to do so. This book will provide Christians with a unique, warm, and attractive presentation of the gospel to give to non-Christian family or friends.

More than anything, God wants you to be with Him. The God who designed your world, the God who placed you on the planet, simply wants you home with Him. And to bring you home, He offers you a gift...the gift of eternal salvation.

My prayer is that through the pages of this book you'll see his gift like you've never seen it.

If you've already accepted it, you'll thank Him again. And if you've never accepted it, I pray that you will. For it's the gift of a lifetime. A gift for all people.

See the book here:


Agape Life Group invites you to "Knowing God Personally" | This is a Seven-Part Series on Understanding God's Love, God's Forgiveness, God's Offer of Salvation through Christ, and God’s Promise of Eternal Life | Join us Wednesdays 7:00 PM (August 9 to September 20, 2023) at the Christian Bible Church of the Philippines #60 Eugenio Lopez Drive, South Triangle Quezon City. Open for all. Invite your friends. Free admission. Limited seats. Please SIGN UP now to reserve your seat.

Topics Include:
- How To Know God Personally?
- How to be sure that Jesus Christ entered your life.
- What’s different about God’s love and why that matters.
- Why your relationship with God is secured by Him, not you.
- What it means to trust God.
- What if you sin? Does God still forgive you?
- How to find a church and grow with other Christians?

Open for all. Invite your firends. Free admission. Limited seats. Reserve your seat. SIGN UP here:


The Network of Filipino Christians is an aggrupation of diverse believers who seek to embody, embrace, and express the life, teachings, virtues, and person of Jesus Christ.

The Network of Filipino Christians aims to become an open, intelligent, conversational, and collaborative approach towards building an authentic and relevant Christianity in the Philippines.

We envision a brand of Filipino Christianity that leads to a greater concern for the way people love God, love others, love themselves, and love creation. We strive to create a type of Christ-like spirituality that longs for God's justice, peace, harmony, wholeness, and flourishing in this world.


Ikaw ay malugod naming inaanyayahan to JOIN US in discovering hope in Jesus Christ. Invite your workmates, employees, family, and friends. Worship God with us. Connect with people who love God.

Ito ay para sa lahat! Tuwing SUNDAYS 11:00 AM | Tagalog-English Worship | Multipurpose Hall 1 (MPH 1) | Christian Bible Church of the Philippines | #60 Eugenio Lopez Dr cor. Samar Ave, Brgy South Triangle, Quezon City, PH | Map and Directions:

The Protestant Reformation: Remembering Christianity’s Internal Catharsis | Michael Cariño 27/10/2022

Martin Luther ignited what was known as the Protestant Reformation, and transformed Europe and the rest of the world. All Protestants essentially embrace the “Five Solas” of the Reformation — Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone). Today, the Protestant Reformation produced a diverse theological movement that includes Calvinists, Arminians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mennonites, Brethren, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Methodists, and the Free Churches.

Happy Reformation Month! =)

READ MORE. Click here:

The Protestant Reformation: Remembering Christianity’s Internal Catharsis | Michael Cariño Today, more than 500 years later, Protestant churches all over the world remember the people and movements that sparked the Reformation. All of these groups trace their beginnings to the influence, the inspiration, the theology, the faith, and the life of Martin Luther.

The Protestant Reformation Includes Calvinists, Arminians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Anglicans, Mennonites, Brethren, and Other Free Churches 25/10/2022

Happy Reformation Month! =)

Today, more than 500 years later, Protestant churches all over the world remember the people and movements that sparked the Reformation. Historically, out of the Reformation movement emerged four major groups: The Lutheran Church in Germany, The Reformed Church in Switzerland, The Anglican Church in England, and The Baptist Church which grew from the variety of Anabaptist groups. All of these groups trace their beginnings to the influence, the inspiration, the theology, the faith, and the life of Martin Luther.

Luther ignited what was known as the Protestant Reformation, and transformed Europe and the rest of the world.

All Protestants essentially embrace the “Five Solas” of the Reformation — Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Soli Deo Gloria (To the Glory of God Alone). Today, the Protestant Reformation produced a diverse theological movement that includes Calvinists, Arminians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mennonites, Brethren, and other Free Churches.

The Protestant Reformation Includes Calvinists, Arminians, Lutherans, Wesleyans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Anglicans, Mennonites, Brethren, and Other Free Churches The Reformation’s core ideas were potent and fueled the spiritual renewal of generations to come. The impact of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation is worth noting.

Did God Create Some People to be Saved and Create Others to be Lost | Michael Cariño 06/10/2022

Did God Create Some People to be Saved and Create Others to be Lost | Michael Cariño Did God Create Some People to be Saved and Create Others to be Lost Even Before the World Began? | Michael CariñoWhat do all Christian believers agree on? Yo...

Christian Filipinos for the Gospel 09/09/2022

We are a global network of Christian Filipinos who are committed and passionate about proclaiming, demonstrating, and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Gospel (εὐαγγέλιον) is asserting that God actually loves the entire world and that God desires every person to gain eternal life through Jesus Christ. God offers the free gift of salvation to all sinners and invites all to respond in believing faith.

We believe that a person’s eternal destiny is a result of both God’s initiative of grace and human response of faith. While God offers the free gift of salvation to every person, only those who receive Christ will have eternal life. We affirm both the sovereignty and foreknowledge of God, and the human responsibility to either receive or reject God.

Christian Filipinos for the Gospel We are a global network of Christian Filipinos who are committed and passionate about proclaiming, demonstrating, and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Gospel (εὐαγγέλιον) is asserting that God actually loves the entire world and that God desires every person to ga...


In a Life Group, the focus is about sharing our lives with each other as we journey with God.

Tuesdays | 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM | Leader: Ptr Joseph Ouano

Wednesdays | 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM | Leader: Ptr Michael Cariño

Christian Bible Church - Discipleship Center | # 60 Eugenio Lopez Drive cor. Samar Ave, South Triangle, Quezon City.

SIGN UP NOW. Click below.


Worship God with us! Invite your friends, family, workmates, neighbors, and employees! SUNDAYS | 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Tagalog-English Worship | Christian Bible Church of the Philippines - Discipleship Center, 60 Eugenio Lopez Drive cor. Samar Ave, South Triangle, Quezon City.

Click here for the map to the venue:

Join our FB Group! Christian Filipinos for the Gospel 27/08/2022

Christian Filipinos for the Gospel

We are a global network of Christian Filipinos who are committed and passionate about proclaiming, demonstrating, and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Gospel (εὐαγγέλιον) is asserting that God actually loves the entire world and that God desires every person to gain eternal life through Jesus Christ. God offers the free gift of salvation to all sinners and invites all to respond in believing faith. | JOIN our Facebook Group. Click below.

Join our FB Group! Christian Filipinos for the Gospel We are a global network of Christian Filipinos who are committed and passionate about proclaiming, demonstrating, and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ. | This group subscribes to the principles of the Lausanne Covenant & World Evangelical Alliance. JOIN our Facebook Group.

Join A Life Group! Connect with Others. Grow with God. 23/08/2022

In a Life Group, the focus is about sharing our lives with each other as we journey with God.

Tuesdays | 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM | Leader: Ptr Joseph Ouano

Wednesdays | 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM | Leader: Ptr Michael Cariño

Christian Bible Church - Discipleship Center | # 60 Eugenio Lopez Drive cor. Samar Ave, South Triangle, Quezon City.

SIGN UP NOW. Click below.

Join A Life Group! Connect with Others. Grow with God. In a Life Group, the focus is about sharing our lives with each other as we journey with God. Tuesdays; 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM | Wednesdays; 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM | SIGN UP NOW!


A group of pastors who are friends went into a coffee shop -- a Baptist, a Pentecostal, a Lutheran, a Presbyterian, a Mennonite, and a Wesleyan. They laughed, shared their stories and struggles, and had a meaningful conversation. They did not seem to care whether their theological tribes are Calvinist, Arminian, Molinist, Free Grace, Provisionist, Covenantal, or Dispensationalist. All they know is that they are one in Christ.

This is what happens when we acquire the virtue of intellectual humility and choose the Christian path of listening to one another.

Who Are Filipino Christians?

The Philippines ranked as the 5th largest Christian country on Earth in 2010, with about 93% of the population being adherents. According to the National Statistics Office's national census for the year 2010, an estimated 90.1% of Filipinos are Christians which consists of 80.6% Catholic, 2.7% Evangelical, 2.4% Iglesia ni Cristo, 1.0% Aglipayan, and 3.4% other Christian groups including other Protestant denominations (Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican, Methodist, and Seventh-day Adventist) as well as Orthodox. Around 5.6% of the whole country is Muslim; about 1.0% to 2.0% are Buddhist; 1.8% of the entire population adheres to other independent religions, while 1.0% to 11.0% are irreligious.

In 1521, the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines while sailing for Spain in search of a route to the East Indies. Spanish and Portuguese explorers landed on the island of Mazzaua in the Philippines.

Magellan's arrival in Mazzua represents the first attempt by Spain to convert the Indigenous tribes of the Philippines to Roman Catholicism. The story goes that Magellan met with Rajah Humabon of the island of Cebu, who had an ill grandson. Magellan (or one of his men) was able to cure or help this young boy, and in gratitude Chief Humabon allowed 800 of his followers to be 'baptized' Christian in a mass baptism. Later, Datu Lapu Lapu the chieftain of Mactan Island killed Magellan and defeated the Spaniards. This resistance to Western intrusion makes this story an important part of the nationalist history of the Philippines. Many historians have claimed that the Philippines peacefully 'accepted' Spanish rule; the reality is that many insurgencies and rebellions continued on small scales in different places through the Hispanic colonial period. After Magellan, the Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi arrived in the Philippines and he conquered a Muslim settlement in Manila in 1565. The Legazpi expedition marked the beginning of the Christianization and Hispanization of the Philippines.

The first mass in the Philippines was on Easter Sunday March 31, 1521 in an island named Mazaua at a location today believed to be Limasawa, a town islet to the tip of Southern Leyte province, and is said to be the birthplace of Roman Catholicism in the country.
