

Create a wholesome life through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Together with a supportive community we can help each other learn and grow.

This is a place to seek knowledge & share experiences.


Are you fed up with patterns that are keeping you stuck? ​​​​​​​​
Are you done trying to 'fix' yourself?​​​​​​​​
Are you ready to learn effective tools & practices?​​​​​​​​
On the 7th of March we will start the first ever Freedom To Be You program. A 6-week online program which includes weekly live group calls. ​​​​​​​​
I can't wait to start this journey with you. You can find more info in the link in my bio. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!​​​​​​​​
Love, M x​​​​​​​​


Any clues as to what the big reveal is going to be tomorrow?​​​​​​​​
Honestly, if you have been part of my community for a while (or even if you've just joined), I know that this will be something you'd love to be a part of!​​​​​​​​
Have a lovely Sunday! ​​​​​​​​
Love, M​​​​​​​​


This Mondy I will reveal what I've been working on behind the scenes. I can't wait to share it with you!​​​​​​​​
Love, M​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 29/07/2022

The moment you fully accept the way you feel, is the moment you no longer resist it. From a place of acceptance, the feelings will shift.​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 27/07/2022

Do you ask for help?​​​​​​​​
A few weeks ago I went for a trip to Germany. A hiking adventure in the Black Forest. Carrying our own food, clothes & tents. Warmed by campfires, we sat under the stars and slept in the wild. It was magical!​​​​​​​​
The first two days felt great. My body had to adjust to the weight of the backpack, but I was impressed how much it could handle. ​​​​​​​​
The third day was different. Mentally I felt good, enjoying the experience of hiking in nature with amazing company. But my body was feeling weak. On any other day, I would just take time off and rest. However, we were with a group and had to arrive at the destination. ​​​​​​​​
So I put on the backpack and started walking. All I could think was: 'one step at a time'. I placed one foot in front of the other, and kept going. ​​​​​​​​
Others offered to take out some weight from the backpack or even carry it for me. But hé, I didn’t want to burden them, and could still manage. ​​​​​​​​
This photo was taken at our final destination. I put on a smile, but on the inside I felt (over)exhausted. ​​​​​​​​
As we drove back to the villa (tears running down my face), I had this realisation. ‘I don’t feel safe when I have to rely on others. I only feel safe when I can rely on myself.’​​​​​​​​
Then, I looked around and saw I was surrounded by support. The beautiful individuals on this trip wanted to help me. It was up to me to allow that to happen, to give permission. ​​​​​​​​
I don’t have to wait until I can’t do it myself. It’s there every step of the way, I just needed to ask.​​​​​​​​
We spoke about this, and they mentioned the joy they experienced in being able to provide help & support. ​​​​​​​​
So I wonder, do you ask for help when needed? ​​​​​​​​
Love, M x​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 25/07/2022

When we become conscious of our subconcious, we start to create lasting change.

Timeline photos 23/07/2022

You may have noticed I've been a little quiet on the socials this past week. ​​​​​​​​
My body needed a rest. I felt exhausted and have slept for days. I fully surrendered and listened to what my body was craving and that felt good. ​​​​​​​​
Normally a voice would be telling met about 'all the things I have to do'. But this time it was different, I was able to just let go and trust that all will be fine. ​​​​​​​​
It gave me such a sense of freedom. And from this place, new ideas started flowing. Creativity has been sparked and I feel inspired to continue this journey.​​​​​​​​
I quite enjoyed being offline and be more present in the moment. When is the last time you have switched off? Gone offline, slept as much as you wanted? Fully surrendered? ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 14/06/2022

We might have been taught to 'see before your believe', but the truth of the matter is, that once we believe, then we will know & experience it.​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 13/06/2022

It feels strange to see photo's of when I lived in Australia. This photo was taken in the outback in 2018. I went camping & hiking in one of the most beautiful places full of wildlife.​​​​​​​​
My time there was special. It brought so many challenges, yet so many beautiful opportunities. ​​​​​​​​
I see how much I have grown and changed since then. Do you ever look back at old photos, just to remind yourself how far you've come?​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 10/06/2022

I just bought a book calld Unf*ck Your Boundaries by Faith Harper. A recommendation from my coach.​​​​​​​​
One thing I noticed was I hadn't been having a strong boundary around my time. ​​​​​​​​
In other words, I didn't value my own time. And as the Universe works in its own magical ways, I attracted people & circumstances to point it out to me. ​​​​​​​​
Instead of focussing on what I'm creating, my own purpose & mission in life, I created distractions. It was a way of making me feel 'safe & secure'. Not really stepping into my own greatness and potential.​​​​​​​​
So, I will start reading this book and see what I might pick up from it and share it with you all!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 09/06/2022

What are you looking for?​​​​​​​​
Are you looking to feel more inner confidence?​​​​​​​​
Are you looking to set healthy boundaries?​​​​​​​​
Are you looking to heal your past?​​​​​​​​
Are you looking for deeper connection?​​​​​​​​
Are you looking to find your purpose?​​​​​​​​
The things we search for reveal what we value most in our life. We all have a unique set of values. These values stem from the voids of our past. ​​​​​​​​
When coaching my clients, we go through a values determination process. This process reveals what you are looking to create more in your life. Awareness is key, so doing this process often is very empowering for my clients.​​​​​​​​
Would you like to know more? Reach out and let's have a chat!​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 03/06/2022

Are you lost?​​​​​​​​
Along this journey, I've lost myself several times. Only to find a much richer & deeper connection with myself. ​​​​​​​​
By 'losing' parts of my (ego)self, I opened up the opportunity to discover parts I never knew existed. ​​​​​​​​
These transformational experiences rippled to all other areas of my life. ​​​​​​​​
My relationships with family & friends became more fulfilling, my career more purposeful, my mind more open & expansive, my physical health stronger, my finances more empowered & my entire life more meaningful.​​​​​​​​
What if being lost is exactly where you need to be right now? What if this is your opportunity to discover new things about yourself? About your life?​​​​​​​​
You aren't alone on this journey. So if you just want to have a chat, know that my door is always open (or just send me a dm)!​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 02/06/2022

So simple, yet so true.

Timeline photos 01/06/2022

Want to know about this ONE secret I have?​​​​​​​​
When I dream about what I want to create, when I visualise the things I'd love to have, when I wish for something to be different or better, I change this ONE word:​​​​​​​​
I change the 'how' for 'why'. ​​​​​​​​
If I ask myself:​​​​​​​​
'How are things going to be different?'​​​​​​​​
'How am I going to create that?' ​​​​​​​​
'How is it possible?'​​​​​​​​
These questions deplete my creativity. I often don't know the 'how' as I might not have done it before. ​​​​​​​​
But what if I ask myself 'why?':​​​​​​​​
Why do I want to create that in my life?​​​​​​​​
Why do I want it to be different?​​​​​​​​
Why would I love to have that?​​​​​​​​
You see, if the 'why' is strong enough, I will take all the necessary action steps in order to get closer to my vision & goals. I will overcome any obstacle or challenge and the 'how' will take care of itself. ​​​​​​​​
So ask yourself: ‘What would you love to create and WHY?’​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 31/05/2022

Are you living or are you telling yourself how to live?​​​​​​​​
For a while I had been so serious about the way I was 'supposed' to live, I continuously judged everything I did. ​​​​​​​​
Was I doing enough exercise?​​​​​​​​
Was I eating healthy enough?​​​​​​​​
Was I going to bed on time?​​​​​​​​
I became so rigid and didn't allow myself to just have fun & 'live a little'. ​​​​​​​​
So I decided to change things up a bit. Threw my routines out of the window and just did things I felt like doing at each moment. ​​​​​​​​
It felt like such a relief, a new found freedom from any judgements of myself. ​​​​​​​​
Now don't get me wrong, there is a balance to everything. ​​​​​​​​
When we get too rigid, it might be good to let go and have some more fun. When we have a little too much fun, it might be good to put some structure back in place.​​​​​​​​
So what do you need right now? ​​​​​​​​
Structure? or Let go?​​​​​​​​
Let me know in the comments below!​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 30/05/2022

Are you SEARCHING or are you EXPLORING?​​​​​​​​
I watched a video from Peter Crone - The Mind Architect. He mentioned the difference between 'searching' or 'exploring'.​​​​​​​​
Are you searching for answers?​​​​​​​​
Are you searching for possibilities?​​​​​​​​
Are you searching for solutions?​​​​​​​​
By saying you are searching for something, you are saying that something is missing. There is a 'lack' of some sort, something needs to be found. ​​​​​​​​
What if we change that word to exploring?​​​​​​​​
Are you exploring different answers? ​​​​​​​​
Are you exploring options?​​​​​​​​
Are you exploring solutions?​​​​​​​​
Be careful of the words you choose, not careless. They have a huge impact on the way you perceive the world.​​​​​​​​
Exploring feels to me like there are endless possibilities. As though I don't have to worry about the outcome of those possibilities. I deel I can take risks without worrying whether I'd fail or not as there isn't anything that I'm trying to fix. ​​​​​​​​
Do you explore?​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 26/05/2022

Check in with your nervous system throughout the day. Are you feeling tense? Are you constricted somewhere? How is your breathing?​​​​​​​​
Take the time to breathe, relax & find calmness. ​​​​​​​​
Enjoy your day!​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 25/05/2022

Are you taking risks?​​​​​​​​
As I walked through the streets of Ibiza city, I pondered over my next steps. ​​​​​​​​
Stepping out of my bubble in Amsterdam allowed me the opportunity to reflect and ask more critical questions. ​​​​​​​​
The past few months it felt as though I had been a bit stagnant. Deep down it was time to take more risks, to commit myself to bigger things, to step outside my comfortzone more. That is when I truly feel alive.​​​​​​​​
Every step of the way we get to decide whether we want to grow or contract.​​​​​​​​
Are you currently growing or contracting? Is it time to take a risk and step out of your comfortzone? ​​​​​​​​
Love, M x​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 24/05/2022

No matter how big or small, a commitment to yourself is the most important to keep. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 23/05/2022

Do you push your way through? Or allow for things to flow?​​​​​​​​
In our society it might seem like 'hussling' and 'pushing' our way towards achievements & 'success' are the only way.​​​​​​​​
But is this true?​​​​​​​​
Over the years I've seen how I was using a lot of masculine energy to get things done. Feeling like nothing would get finished when I wasn't pushing myself to reach my goals.​​​​​​​​
However, this also caused my body to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. ​​​​​​​​
I knew it was time to approach life differently.​​​​​​​​
What if I incorperated more feminine energy? What if I let things flow more instead of being so rigid? What if I trusted more that all things will get finished in their own perfect timing? What if I had more fun along the journey?​​​​​​​​
We all have both masculine & feminine energy within us. And both are immensely powerful. Finding our natural balance between these two energies can allow us to feel more empowered. ​​​​​​​​
It will always be a work in progress, but I am noticing the changes and affects on how I go about growing my business.​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 20/05/2022

Self-expression is the key to experiencing the most amount of joy. Allow yourself to be fully expressed!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 19/05/2022

Finding work-life balance?​​​​​​​​
Navigating the work-life balance has been something I've been working on the last few months. ​​​​​​​​
For periods of time, I'd be so focussed on growing my business, I'd completely forget to just go out and have fun. ​​​​​​​​
Then my body would start to cave in, and I would feel resentment towards my business. ​​​​​​​​
So how do we break that pattern?​​​​​​​​
I started asking myself this question:​​​​​​​​
'How does taking time off help me grow my business?'​​​​​​​​
As I listed more and more answers, I could start to feel the benefits of taking time off whilst growing my business at the same time.​​​​​​​​
This process is called 'linking'. It is a powerful exercise you can apply in your life when you feel you would love to find more balance.​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 17/05/2022

Are you feeling ungrounded?​​​​​​​​
The last week I've been feeling ungrounded. Ever since having covid, it's like I am drifting along instead of in my body.​​​​​​​​
My beautiful friend has taught me a lot about Ayurvedic principles. One of the things we talk about is the three basic dosha's:​​​​​​​​
- Kaffa (Earth)​​​​​​​​
- Pitta (Fire)​​​​​​​​
- Vata (Air)​​​​​​​​
We all contain these dosha's to a certain degree, but one might have a stronger presence within us. ​​​​​​​​
I know that I am more Vata, the element of air. Sometimes this can become unbalanced, meaning I drift & float and can be in my mind a lot. This means I could use some more Kaffa (earth) in my life. Rooting down, creating stability & feel my body.​​​​​​​​
So how do I get grounded?​​​​​​​​
For example; I practice grounding postures in my yoga practice, I place my feet on the earth and walk in nature or make sure to add some more root vegetables to my diet. ​​​​​​​​
I love learning and incorporating both mindset & body into healing. Both a top-down and bottom-up approach are necessary in order to thrive. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 16/05/2022

Are you addicted to praise?​​​​​​​​
When we feel the need to be acknowledged by others, we exaggerate our upsides and hide our downsides. We go into a people pleasing mode. ​​​​​​​​
The truth is, we fear criticism. We are afraid to show ourselves fully. Because what if they reject us for who we truly are? ​​​​​​​​
When we seek approval externally, we are setting ourselves up for being hurt. ​​​​​​​​
When you embrace yourself for who you are, with all your beautiful traits, actions & inactions, you will no longer need to seek it from others, nor will you fear to be rejected. ​​​​​​​​
You are free to be unapologetically you.​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 13/05/2022

Everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment. ​​​​​​​​
We don't know what another person has been through or is dealing with. ​​​​​​​​
So let us be kind to one another. ​​​​​​​​
What is one kind act you could do for someone today?​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 12/05/2022

As of next week I'll be doing in person coaching sessions at .space in Amsterdam. ​​​​​​​​
Would you like to book an intake session? During this session we will:​​​​​​​​
- Identify your current blockages​​​​​​​​
- Get clear on your highest values​​​​​​​​
- Establish inspiring goals​​​​​​​​
- Create a plan to achieve the desired outcomes​​​​​​​​
Would you like to know more, get in touch and we can have a 15min chat. ​​​​​​​​
Looking forward to seeing you thrive!​​​​​​​​
Love, M xx​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 11/05/2022

We all tell ourselves these stories. And we believe them to be true. We look for evidence around us to keep reinforcing our beliefs. ​​​​​​​​
But is this story you tell yourself an empowering one? ​​​​​​​​
What if you change the story? What if you change what you believe to be true? What if you change the lens you are looking through? ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

When we resist what life presents us, we will feel miserable. When we accept & flow with what life presents us, we will feel free. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 04/05/2022

The past few months have been an immense inner journey. ​​​​​​​​
One of the biggest lessons has been to stay true to myself. To practice speaking my truth, even when it may hurt those around me. ​​​​​​​​
It has created a new sense of personal freedom, but also a deepening in the relationships I care so deeply about. ​​​​​​​​
The beauty lies in the process, even if it feels intense & difficult in the moment itself. Looking back now and seeing the growth that has occurred makes me feel immensely grateful for the experience. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 03/05/2022

Allow yourself the space to be creative & have fun!​​​​​​​​

Videos (show all)

Do you feel you’re living up to other people expectations? Are you spending your time doing things you don’t love? Are y...
Is your happiness dependent on external things?Are you happy when you get that job? Are you happy when you have that hou...
Emotional triggers
Evening relaxing moments on the waterside #wholism
Today I listened to Rich Dad, Poor Dad by @therealkiyosaki on audible whilst cleaning the house (not my favorite thing t...