IRTH Wellness

IRTH Wellness

IRTH Wellness seeks to create a space that provides not only valuable information, but also high qual

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 05/01/2022

Never stop just because you feel defeated. The journey to the other side is attainable only after great suffering.



Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 30/12/2021

As 2021 comes to a close...

I am thankful for its lessons. It was not easy to go through its changes, but all were necessary for growth.

I hope those of you out there who are in my life and my circle in whatever way we are connected, know that I am grateful for you and the impacts we’ve made on one another in this Cosmic fractal. Thank you for being. Your presence is POWERFUL and the ripple effect of your spirit extends farther than any of us can fully comprehend.


I truly cannot wait to see what 2022 has in store for all of us! I personally believe that there will be a lot of healing and prosperity in store for all of us to encounter with in every facet of our lives.

r this new year?

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 22/12/2021

I constantly feel trapped in this materialized society
In which its seems left and right people have lied to me...

Telling me I need to think this way and that way,
And that regarding my body…well I really have no say.

Social media is so often filled with unhealthy standards and angles,
Making it a rat race in which people constantly feel strangled.

Life isn’t perfect so why do so many pretend it to be?
Our vulnerabilities are beautiful so why do people not see...

How we present ourselves to the world needs to be real!
As by encountering authenticity, perhaps we can feel...

The warmth of community without barriers dividing us,
Allowing us to unlock and find relationships built on trust.

More than ever we need to be here for each other,
Able to join forces in love, like sister and brother.

We should aspire to embrace our authenticity so that we can inspire,
Helping others to seek the same, until the day we expire.

~ be the change

Thank you to for these lovely film shots, truly so incredible to see the fruits of a craft so well developed and mastered, thank you for letting me be a subject of your art!

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 22/12/2021

I constantly feel trapped in this materialized society
In which its seems left and right people have lied to me...

Telling me I need to think this way and that way,
And that regarding my body…well I really have no say.

Social media is so often filled with unhealthy standards and angles,
Making it a rat race in which people constantly feel strangled.

Life isn’t perfect so why do so many pretend it to be?
Our vulnerabilities are beautiful so why do people not see...

How we present ourselves to the world needs to be real!
As by encountering authenticity, perhaps we can feel...

The warmth of community without barriers dividing us,
Allowing us to unlock and find relationships built on trust.

More than ever we need to be here for each other,
Able to join forces in love, like sister and brother.

We should aspire to embrace our authenticity so that we can inspire,
Helping others to seek the same, until the day we expire.

~ be the change

Thank you to for these lovely film shots, truly so incredible to see the fruits of a craft so well developed and mastered, thank you for letting me be a subject of your art!

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 20/12/2021

I came into this world as an untouched flower
Ignorant and blind to the complexities of power

I never thought that I would find myself so far off from that place
Being awakened to reality and forced to enter this new space

A point in time where I’ve learned that life is full of pain
Sometimes it’s led me to believe there’s no way I can be sane

Though the flower that I am has been crushed time and time again
I’ve realized that there is no use in trying to pretend

Life isn’t simply an experience where everything is light
Through understanding its shadow, I know I’ll be alright


Thank you for these lovely photos, the nature we were surrounded by was truly so magical and I’m always so thankful for such amazing experiences with other creatives!!

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 16/12/2021

In moments where the void consumes and chaos permeates

All hope for solace seems to slip away

But upon the horizon a special warmth awaits

And it’s light illuminates the path to better days


Thank you to the lovely for being my light the day we did this shoot. I’ve had somewhat of a hard time this year and I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful souls I’ve been able to encounter who have been supportive of me throughout it. I appreciate everyone who I’ve been lucky to create with, whether memories or art, and I’m so grateful for all of the growth this year has brought. Sometimes growth can be painful, but it’s in allowing the light to peek through the darkness, the path to better days becomes clear.

Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 14/12/2021

I’ve woken up next to this tapestry (mr. sun) for the last three years, and when the lovely wanted to do a tapestry shoot with me....let’s just say I geeked out (‘:

This year has been pretty hard for me, but it’s awesome to know people like Kira, because this shoot truly lifted my energy and gave me some very needed motivation and inspiration again.

There’s a special sort of synergy that happens when two special energies collide, and that’s exactly what happened with Kira. I value these moments so much, because you truly never know when and how they may occur.

I am grateful for all that the collective has overcome this year, and as a new year is looming on the horizon I am curious....

✨What are you seeking to release and let go of as you enter 2022?✨

Personally, I hope to let go of allowing my fears and insecurities to stunt my growth and limit my process.

We’re all in this together, so what are you leaving behind as you enter this new chapter or your life?🦋🧬

Leave a comment below, I’d love to connect with all of you wonderful cosmic souls I’ve been lucky to have come across on here. (‘:


Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 11/12/2021

For Now...

“You can leave me here for now, I’ll keep my head above the water for you”

These are some hard hitting lyrics from a beautiful song by the heartbreakingly late .thefirst
that I love so much, among many many other wonderful soundscapes he so artfully mastered.

I just want to take a moment to appreciate, to reflect, and to honor the life of such a wonderfully Cosmic and creative soul. 💫

The first time I tried to see Charles for the Ascent Tour, I passed out...a few times, and ended up having to go home. I was SO bummed out. Everything that surrounded that experience made me afraid of so much in life, yet listening to the album of the tour I couldn’t see in person really helped me heal in some hard times. For my 20th birthday I was so lucky to see him at Dark Palace, and it was an experience I will never, ever forget.

I’ve luckily seen him perform this year as well, and I’m so glad I could take my little sister to see him too. Charles has truly changed lives, and his legacy will continue to live on forever, that’s for sure.

Something about how intentional his music is speaks volumes, and for so long his journey has inspired my own. I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful artworks of sound he gifted all of us, and I hope that we can truly ponder the meaning of everything he sought to create, and take action upon it in our own lives.

I have a heavy heart today upon hearing the news, and I hope anyone else who is devastated knows that you have an open space and friend in me, as a fellow fan of the amazingly talented Charles The First.

thank you so much Charles, for inspiring me to do what I love.



Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 11/12/2021

For Now...

“You can leave me here for now, I’ll keep my head above the water for you”

These are some hard hitting lyrics from a beautiful song by the heartbreakingly late .thefirst
that I love so much, among many many other wonderful soundscapes he so artfully mastered.

I just want to take a moment to appreciate, to reflect, and to honor the life of such a wonderfully Cosmic and creative soul.

The first time I tried to see Charles, I passed out...a few times, and ended up having to go home. I was SO bummed out. Everything that surrounded that experience made me afraid of so much in life, yet listening to the album of the tour I couldn’t see in person really helped me heal in some hard times. For my 20th birthday I was so lucky to see him at Dark Palace, and it was an experience I will never, ever forget.

I’ve luckily seen him perform this year as well, and I’m so glad I could take my little sister to see him too. Charles has truly changed lives, and his legacy will continue to live on forever, that’s for sure.

Something about how intentional his music is speaks volumes, and for so long his journey has inspired my own. I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful artworks of sound he gifted all of us, and I hope that we can truly ponder the meaning of everything he sought to create, and take action upon it in our own lives.

I have a heavy heart today upon hearing the news, and I hope anyone else who is devastated knows that you have an open space and friend in me, as a fellow fan of the amazingly talented Charles The First.

Thank you Charles, for inspiring me to do what I love.


Photos from IRTH Wellness's post 04/12/2021

Seek inside, and be outside. 🌚🌾

We are in the midst of a shift into a new moon solar eclipse in sagittarius.

This is a time to speak less, yet think a sagittarius myself I understand why this time is so important.


It closes a cycle which began in June of 2020, and opens the door for each of us to notch the arrow of our aspirations and let it fly. Plan, think, and consider the words that you communicate before you say them.

Big changes loom upon the horizon of a new year coming...


Eye want to build a community where we can share our thoughts and dreams and watch one another’s evolution towards ascension. You have gotten through so much within this cycle since June 2020, and I’m so proud of you.
