

Creating a community for healing through transparency & forgiveness, while finding divine purpose�

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

I’ve thought about a million and one things, as I prepare to walk into my 40s. I self-reflect almost daily, and accept the fact that I am constantly growing and evolving. Through it all, life has taught me many tough lessons, that have often turned into beautiful blessings.
One thing that I know for certain, is that as I’ve grown I had to become more confident in making decisions that were BEST for Misha. Not what others thought/felt would work best for me.
For so many years, I was not confident in making decisions without running them by others. Whether it was my mom, family or friends. It was a very unhealthy way to live, and made others feel that they had a right to give opinions on how I chose to live my life.
My life is no longer centered in that way. If I didn’t ask for your opinion, please don’t give it. As I will do the same. My life, is MY Life. Whatever decisions I make, will either teach me a valuable lesson or help me to grow from it. It’s just that simple. However, in order to avoid having to hear the opinions of others, you have to learn that everything doesn’t not need to be disclosed to everyone. Friend or family. A huge lesson that I’ve learned. Trust me, you’ll know who to share things with and who not to. People will often tell you not to make a decision, because fear has told them not to. Don’t listen to those people. They will try to hold you back in life.
In the end, no one’s opinion matters more than your own. Once you become confident in who you are/who you are becoming, you will no longer care about how others view/or feel about you. Nor will you need their validation. Live life on purpose, and everything that the universe has for you will fall in line!
May we ALL live our days on this earth, on our OWN terms and be selective in who we share our daily lives, dreams, goals and desires with. You will soon see that your life will begin to transition, as you begin to trust your decisions vs. living life based on others opinions.
Happy 1 Day until 40 to meeee! 🎉
XO Misha 💋


Timeline photos 31/08/2020

11 days from today, I will be 40 years. 4 decades, and a milestone chapter that I claim will only get better 🎉🙌🏾🙏🏾
Leading up to this milestone chapter, I had to have a real/honest conversation with myself about what I needed to change - as I approached 40. There were several things, but one of the biggest changes I’ve made was putting an end to readjusting my life, in order to accommodate the needs and feelings of others.
Let’s be honest... People will have you readjusting EVERYTHING for them, while they will not do the same for you. In most cases, they’ve already shown you that they wouldn’t. If they do readjust, it’s usually for their own benefit. That is a sign of a selfish person. Don’t get me wrong, we all have a right to be selfish, but do not expect anyone to accommodate your needs/or feelings when you do a poor job of reciprocating the same.
As we get older, we do not have to readjust our lives for others. We have a right to say, “No”, or “This is what I’ve decided”. Saying “NO” is necessary. It does not make you a bad guy. Never let anyone make you feel bad about your decisions, that do not accommodate their needs. Either they will respect it, or walk away. The choice is theirs.
Our needs/feelings should ALWAYS come first. The real/genuine people in your life will understand, and will adjust if they want to stay in your life.
#40 #2020

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

We often hold on to things out of convenience, fear and dysfunction. Only to end up creating the same problems for ourselves.
I’ve learned this lesson over and over again, but at some point I had to hold myself accountable.. and I will continue to hold myself accountable as I walk along this journey called life.
Changes must take place if you want to live a life that truly honors who you are BECOMING, and NOT who you once WERE.
If something does not align with where you are going in life... LET IT GO! It’s one of THE hardest things to do, but I’ll guarantee you that anything that does not serve you purpose will stand in the way of what is in store for you.
NEVER hold on to things that do not serve you purpose. In the end, it will only leave you broken, hurt, angry and disappointed - while BLOCKING the beautiful blessings that are waiting for you.

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

Giving love from a genuine space, will ALWAYS attract the same in return.
When we give love, it will ALWAYS come back to us. Even if it’s not being reciprocated by the ones we’ve given love to. That’s a risk we all take, whether through platonic or romantic relationships.
Love is not just a feeling. It’s a choice. When you truly love yourself, it’s easy to love others ❤️


Timeline photos 04/08/2020

Once you begin to understand that everything represents a season in your life, you will no longer hold on to things that have expired.
A lesson that we all must learn from.

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

Hey Guys👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾 Happy Sunday!!
TODAY is the day!! 🚀 Join in the conversation TONIGHT, via zoom - at 7 pm (EST).
Meeting ID: 762 0657 8003
Password: ezrb7x
Tonight’s topic: “Why is Self-Love important for me?”
See you soon!! XO Misha💋
#8220 #2020

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

Good Morning Guys☀️👋🏾 Happy Saturday!!!!!
I hope that you all are in great spirits on this beautiful morning! As you know, we are just ONE DAY away from the launch of “Self-Love Sundays”, which will take place TOMORROW at 7 pm (EST)🚀 🎉
I am super excited and wanted to share a few things with you.....
Please join me tonight at 9 pm (EST) on ’ IG live, for a sneak peak.
Thank you for your continued support, and my hope is that this platform will continue to encourage you all of you along your journey. See you soon!!!
XO Misha💋

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

Just a friendly reminder: When you are a PRIZE, there is no for sale sign. A prize cannot be purchased. A PRIZE is earned. Know your worth, and never be fooled by potential buyers. No matter what they appear to offer.
XO Misha💋

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

When disappointments come our way, that’s a sure sign that blessings are on the way🙏🏾
Never allow the disappointments of today, to ruin your hope for tomorrow. It’s all about perspective. Life happens, but I can guarantee you that remaining hopeful will always outweigh the positives from the negatives✨
Trust the journey....

Timeline photos 26/07/2020

Hey Guys 👋🏾
We are just ONE week away from the launch of “Self-Love Sundays”, starting on August 2nd, at 7 pm (EST). The idea is to create a monthly virtual forum in which to discuss all things “Self-Love”, and what it truly means to operate in that space 🌸
“Self-Love Sundays” will take place every first Sunday of the month - via Zoom.
This will be a 40-minute conversation, and I hope you guys will take time to join in.
The Meeting ID will be: 762 0657 8003 & The Password will be: ezrb7x
Next week’s topic will focus on: “Why is Self-Love so important for me?” Take some time to think about the importance of “Self-Love”, and what it truly means for you. Let’s discuss 🗣
Have an amazing start to this new week, and I look forward to the start of “Self-Love Sundays” ❤️
X0 Misha 💋
#8220 #2020

Timeline photos 26/07/2020

Hey Guys 👋🏾
We are just ONE week away from the launch of “Self-Love Sundays”, starting on August 2nd, at 7 pm (EST). The idea is to create a monthly virtual forum in which to discuss all things “Self-Love”, and what it truly means to operate in that space 🌸
“Self-Love Sundays” will take place every first Sunday of the month - via Zoom.
This will be a 40-minute conversation, and I hope you guys will take time to join in.
The Meeting ID will be: 762 0657 8003 & The Password will be: ezrb7x
Next week’s topic will be: “Why is Self-Love so important for me?” Take some time to think about the importance of “Self-Love”, and what it truly means for you. Let’s discuss 🗣
Have an amazing start to this new week, and I look forward to the start of “Self-Love Sundays”!!!! ❤️
X0 Misha 💋
#80220 #2020

Timeline photos 23/07/2020

Lately, I’ve been very guarded about what I share with people - although I have always been transparent (when it comes to my journey). However, as I continue to shift I realize that what I desire for my life will not be accepted by everyone - even those who seem to want the best for me.
As we grow, our choices change. Our voices change. Our spaces change. Our ideas change. Our goals change. Ultimately, our outlook on life changes.
What I’ve come to know is that my dreams, vision and desires will never compare to others. This isn’t a competition.
Often times, people always seem to project onto you what’s best for them. Only YOU know what’s best for you. Only YOU know what you desire for your life. Only YOU know what aligns best for your life. Only YOU know what works for you!
In order to avoid the noise around you, get silent in your thoughts. Become more intentional about keeping your dreams, vision and desires to yourself. You will know who you can share with, and you will definitely know whom not to share with.
In the end, sharing those things with the wrong people will always led to confusion, insecurities and regret.
Be mindful, and may all of your dreams, vision and desires manifest into what the universe has in store for you🙏🏾✨💕
XO Misha💋

Timeline photos 19/07/2020


Timeline photos 12/07/2020

Fear is not allowed. 🚫

Timeline photos 12/07/2020

As we enter into the second half of 2020, may we all become more familiar with WHO we are/WHO we are becoming💫 When you’ve put in the work towards becoming a better version of yourself, no one can tell you otherwise.
Happy July 1st & cheers to an AMAZING start to the second half of 2020!! 🎉
XO Misha💋

Photos from mishaspeaks's post 12/07/2020

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you guys are well✨
I’m excited to announce the launch of “Self-Love Sundays”, starting on August 2nd, at 7 pm (EST). The idea is to create a virtual forum in which to discuss all things “Self-Love”, and what it truly means to operate in that space🌸
“Self-Love Sundays” will take place every first Sunday of the month - via Zoom. I will post the meeting link, ID and password during the week of July 27th!
This will be a 40-minute conversation, and I hope you guys will take time to join in.
May we all continue to encourage each other during these times, and remember that we are ALL works in progress❤️
Have an amazing start to this new week, and stay tuned for more updates!
X0 Misha💋

Timeline photos 28/06/2020

Greetings Community 👋🏾 How’s everyone doing? I hope you guys are well, and have been adjusting during this time.
It’s been a VERY uneventful 2020. We’ve all had a few bumps in the road, but I hope that we are all staying committed to continuing our journey through operating in daily spaces of gratitude ✨ I know that I am 😉
Last night, I was blessed to do an unexpected photo shoot thanks to ❤️ So I though this would be a great time to reveal the face of 😃
This is the first time I’ve posted a photo of myself because the main goal has always been to share my journey through writing, in hopes of helping others along their journey.
THANK YOU to everyone who has liked, commented/or reposted my work over the last 6 months. I hope that you guys are still operating in spaces of transparency, forgiveness and healing 💫 Your purpose awaits you, and I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you ❤️
Cheers to an amazing end, to the first half of 2020 🥂
XO Misha 💋


Happy Sunday Funday ☀️ I hope you guys will join us tomorrow evening ❤️ Let’s discuss all things “Self-Love”, and more. See you then 😘 from : Ment-HER {Mentor} Mondays ⁣⁣🌹⁣
{Moments meant for HER} 💜⁣⁣ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .⁣ . . . ⁣
Looking forward to a conversation w/Misha, Creator/Writer: MISHA SPEAKS 💫⁣⁣⁣
⁣Join in the conversation about self-love, transparency, forgiveness and health.🌹 ⁣
⁣ 💫🤍⁣⁣

Timeline photos 26/06/2020

Over the years, I’ve committed to putting in the WORK towards digging deeper into finding ways to loving myself more from within. Truth be told, it was painful in the beginning, because I saw every issue that I had and knew that I needed to become my own change agent. I’d often ask myself, “Misha, do you truly love yourself? If so, why do you tolerate/put yourself through the things that you do?”
To answer that question: No, I didn’t. I didn’t love many things about myself, for different reasons. And it showed.
Here’s why: I can’t say that the conversation regarding Self-Love was necessarily a hot topic while growing up. I was taught to be a good person, to love God, respect others, do well in school, graduate from college, get a good job and not to depend on anyone for anything. Those things were instilled in me early on, and all sound like great qualities towards gaining “Self-Love”. However, you can follow that mantra/gain everything mentioned - and still not love yourself.
Here’s what I learned as I got older: “Self Love” starts from within. No matter what you’ve achieved/or gained in life, those things will not give you the internal love that we all so desperately need. You will still look to people, places and or things to fill a void that will NEVER be fulfilled if you do not learn how to truly love yourself - flaws and all.
Webster defines “Self-Love” as, “Regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.” ❤️ How many of us can honestly say that we do a good job of operating in this space?
Here’s what I know: When you truly love yourself, you won’t continue repeated cycles of dysfunction. You will recognize your flaws, hold yourself accountable for them, and begin to change the narrative for your life. You will begin to approach life differently, and show up for yourself in ways that will honor the true meaning of “Self-Love”.
Once you do this, here are 11 things that will take place in your life:

(continued in the comments)

Timeline photos 23/06/2020

Life has a funny way of teaching us some of the greatest lessons, through some of the most painful experiences.
From experience, I’ve learned my greatest lessons through experiences - which often left me completely heartbroken. Whether it was through failed relationships, being turned down for a job, or being disappointed in myself for not making the very best decision(s) for ME.
My mom always told me that there were certain situations in life that could be avoided. This is true! However, I am a firm believer that we all need to experience rock bottom in order to appreciate seeing the mountain tops! As the old saying goes: “Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.
As I’ve evolved, I realize that my painful endings were necessary. They have taught me so much about who I am/who I’m becoming. Ultimately, they have held me to a GREATER standard of accountability.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I hold myself completely (100%) responsible, for every decision that I’ve made in life. Good, bad or indifferent. No matter what, those decisions have helped to shape the woman I’ve become. I’m still learning, but what I realize is that those painful endings have indeed created space for some of the most beautiful beginnings in my life❤️
We all have the ability to reflect on our lives, and no matter what we’ve experienced - there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Always live life on your own terms, and remember that your most painful endings WILL create space for beautiful beginnings✨

Timeline photos 16/06/2020

For years now, I’ve been very intentional about speaking those things in which I desire - into the universe.
Everything that has come to pass in my life, is a result of having done the work on changing my mindset while holding myself accountable for what I thought and spoke.
My life is a testament to: EVERYTHING that we speak and think - will ultimately manifest into our lives. Even now, there are so many things that I see unfolding, as a result of what I spoke over my life many years ago.
It’s easy to feel/stay down when things don’t work out as planned, but remaining hopeful takes work. It helps you to begin speaking more of what you desire verses staying stuck in where things are now.
• If you desire PEACE - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire more meaningful connections - Keep speaking it.
•If you desire to finish school - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire a new career - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire to start a new business venture - Keep speaking it.
•If you desire to publish a book - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire healthy love - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire marriage/a family - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire to have a child - Keep speaking it.
• If you desire financial freedom - Keep speaking it.
No matter what you desire, know that your thoughts and words bring forth life - or death.
We all have the POWER to change the narrative in our lives. It starts with changing our mindset🌸

Timeline photos 11/06/2020

Over the years, I had a poor habit of allowing people to treat me the way that “they” saw fit to treat me. In many cases it was my way of “keeping the peace”, “and/or not wanting to “rock the boat”. I would generally give people the benefit of the doubt, until they showed me otherwise. Even then, I gave people way too many chances to “get it right”.
I’ve never been a confrontational person, which I’m sure leads people to think, “She’ll be fine with whatever I say or do.” Wrong!!!!!!
One of the MANY lessons I’ve learned, is that a person will only do to you – what you continue to allow. It’s disheartening when you’ve experienced mistreatment from others. Especially when it isn’t warranted. I had to learn that those kinds of people are dealing with issues far beyond what my eyes could see, and that it wasn’t my job to continue putting up with their mistreatment. My only job was to set clear boundaries of how I wanted to be treated, and to walk away if it did not align with my needs. In the end, I had to become my own “Change Agent”.
We all have different personalities, and learn to dwell in spaces with people largely based on how we were reared growing up. What I know to be true, is that many of us have been given a false sense of what we should/should not allow from others. It’s a harsh truth that many of us will not acknowledge.
Although I would like to believe that some do not know any better, I am a firm believer that people do in fact know how they are treating you. Good or bad. If the shoe were on the other foot, they would not be on board with receiving (the bad) what they dish out to others.
During this time of unrest, may we all make it a priority of doing a better job of teaching people how to treat us. If a person is not on board with your set boundaries, while treating you the way in which you want to be treated - then let them go. We are all too old, and too tired of begging and pleading for something as simple as RESPECT!
Remember, failing to teach people how to treat you will ALWAYS be an open invitation to disrespect.

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

Over the years, I’ve been blessed to meet great people along the way. Whether it was through family, school, work, church or through mutual friends. People who’ve truly had a lasting effect on my life🌸
There’s nothing better than connecting with people who share similar interests as you. There’s nothing better than connecting with people who are truly genuine. There’s nothing better than connecting with people who aren’t seeking validation from you. Those connections are a rare find and always happen at the right place, and ALWAYS at the right time💎
The saying, “No new friends” has to be one of my least favorite phrases ever! Sometimes we stunt our growth when we cancel the idea of “new friends”. New friends bring on new ideas, new perspectives and new energy. Everyone does not have negative motives. Some people just have a genuine spirit, along with great energy. Maybe we should all look at the idea of “new friends”, as “new connections” instead.
As I sit back and reflect this morning, I am truly grateful for the genuine connections in my life (old & new) because I realize that none have been forced. Especially during these times. They are all falling in place, like never before✨
As I approach 40, my discernment has heightened tremendously. I view all things from a different lense, and no longer hold on to connections that have to be forced. Also, I no longer subscribe to connections that do not bring out very the best in me.
We all must take time to water our “connections”, but let’s be honest. When connections are real, watering them becomes almost effortless❤️
On today, create a space of gratitude for every genuine connection in your life. Take time out of your day to recognize those connections, and thank the universe for sending them your way🙏🏾💫
XO Misha💋

Timeline photos 14/05/2020

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been watching a few of my favorite childhood sitcoms (all things 80’s/90’s). I’ve found that many of the messages expressed through television - back then, are still very relevant today. It goes to show us that life is a full circle⚪️
On Monday, I watched an episode of ‘Living Single’ where Regine had a very transparent conversation with Khadijah about coming to the realization that she’d been a”loud mouth” all of her life. How many of you remember Regine that way? She went on to say, “Underneath all of my style and grace, I am still this insecure little girl. It’s like I need to still say, “I know something you don’t know”, just to feel important. That’s pathetic.”
Talk about deep transparency and accountability! How many of us can honestly point out our poor qualities? How many of us can honestly say that we have some areas in our lives that could use some improvement? *raises both hands* 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
Back in the day, I remember viewing Regine as an image-conscious, spoiled, and self-centered know it all, who often came off as being superficial. She was no different than anyone else. This episode showed a different side of Regine, as she honestly felt ashamed of her actions. Her quote resonated with me on so many levels. Especially as a woman. Many of us still operate in this manner, because an insecure little girl still dwells within us. It’s a sad, and harsh truth that many women will never admit to, but can be healed from.
When we truly learn the art of loving ourselves (from within), our words and our actions will begin to reflect the same. Like Regine, it’s never too late to reflect/or make changes in order to become a better human being. It’s never too late to begin taking off the layers, while checking ourselves at the door. It’s never too late to get to the root of the “whys”, which are associated with how we operate.
No matter what you have gained on the outside, know that it will never make up for the insecure little girl (or boy) who dwells on the inside.

Timeline photos 07/05/2020

On this 6th day of May, I can honestly say that I have restructured my life in such a way that I am no longer available to things that do not fit my needs.
This pandemic has brought out the best and not so best in me. My best: Creating boundaries for myself, no matter what that looks like to others. Not so best: Allowing my anxiety to go from 1 to 1000.
These last few weeks have been really challenging for me, but God always knows what I need even when others don’t understand what those needs are.
Our needs aren’t meant to be understood by anyone. Our needs generally change over time, based on circumstance.
I’ve needed more naps, sunlight, wine, prayer, good company, venting sessions, Duo/Zoom group calls, and time to disconnect than I’ve EVER needed before. Can you say, “GRATEFUL”🙌🏾
When our lives begin to change, so do our needs.
During this month which focuses on Mental Health Awareness, take a moment to reflect over the last 8 weeks and think of ways in which your needs have changed. No matter how much your needs have changed, know that they aren’t meant to be understood by anyone. In the end, you are the only one who truly knows what works best for YOU.
XO Misha💋

Timeline photos 17/04/2020

It’s been 2 weeks and 3 days since I’ve put my thoughts to paper.
Telework often leaves me anxious, which causes me to shut down my thoughts. Rest has become best friend, because at this point - NOTHING is more important than my mental health🌸
Here are a few things that I have implemented in my life, in order to maintain my sanity during COVID-19:
1. Finding one thing a day, to be grateful for while creating a space of gratitude🙏🏾
2. Checking in with family/friends throughout the week, as we are all experiencing changes while trying to adjust📞
3. Designating time to check/respond to messages/emails when my head is clear📱
4. Utilizing FaceTime/Duo for video chats. It helps so much, because I miss being able to see the special people in my life📱
5. Taking naps when needed😴
6. Finding something daily to laugh about😂
7. Making a check-list of “To-Do’s” in order to maintain stability throughout my day📝
8. Revisiting what I can’t finish, on the next day.
9. Getting fresh air.
10. Attending as much as possible with . I’ve never danced so much on my sofa/living room floor💃🏽
In the midst of it all, we are here and have so much to be grateful for🙏🏾
Have an awesome end to your week, be safe and have a peaceful weekend💋

Timeline photos 01/04/2020

Over the last few days, I took time to disconnect. I didn’t write, nor did I think too deep into things. I allowed my feelings to flow. I also cut out watching the news until after 5 pm, listened to music and took naps when necessary.
We are all going through some form of readjustment right now. Trust me, this process hasn’t been easy...
However, taking time to reset our minds is NECESSARY, and is an ACT of BRAVERY💪🏾
I encourage anyone who suffers from anxiety/ or depression to keep your mind in a safe space. This is a very critical time, and disconnecting yourself from the distractions will help you in more ways than one.
I hope that you guys are well, and are staying safe out there💋
XO Misha


Timeline photos 24/03/2020

Pay attention✨


Timeline photos 23/03/2020

At the end of 2018, LIFE happened to me. I recall my doctor telling me back then that the way in which I’d operated prior to my diagnosis, would have to come to an end. She told me that not being available for everything/everyone would have to stop as well. I’d officially burnt out, professionally as well as in my personal life.
I remember being unable to get out of my bed for a week (outside of taking the boy to school and checking my work emails). I had so much to do, but no energy to do it and couldn’t focus. The medication I was given made me super loopy, so I stopped taking it and came up with another alternative.
Around this time last year, I took three weeks off, in order to regroup. Had I not, I would have ended up in the hospital. During that time, I found a therapist, dedicated time to go walking 3 days a week and did things that I hadn’t done in a while. I spent a lot of moments alone, and it felt so good. Ultimately, I took a lot of time to heal. My mind/body were in a space like never before. Through it all, I always kept a sound mind.
Those solo moments helped me so much, and made me realize that the old Misha no longer existed. I was embarking on a different realm of my life, which required a different game plan.
My story is like many others. I choose to share because I want people to know that we are all human, and at some point - life HAPPENS to almost all of us. However, many of us will never accept this notion.
Sometimes we think that when life HAPPENS, we are unable to redeem ourselves. Untrue. When life happens, new ideas come to fruition. You then begin to release the idea of what you thought life would be.
During this season of uncertainty, may we all accept that our lives will never be the same. May we all clear our minds for what’s to come. May we all accept that our greater is coming, in due time.
Have an amazing Monday guys, and be safe💋


Videos (show all)

Happy Sunday Funday ☀️ I hope you guys will join us tomorrow evening ❤️ Let’s discuss all things “Self-Love”, and more. ...