

Edinburgh 4 Europe is affiliated to the European Movement in Scotland (www.euromovescot.org.uk). We


The amount of signatures from German fans has doubled since Saturday and continues to rise


𝘐𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 DX Home Improvements


A video has gone viral of 2 Scotland fans in the German City of Cologne sheltering an elderly local man walking in the town from the heavy rain. Football fans can sometimes get a bad name but this certainly is not the case. 👏

The German Club FC Cologne tweeted saying
"Scotland fans, we knew we’d love having you here for the Euros.
You’re always welcome"👏


The Euros won’t be as fun without The Tartan Army involved. The fans have been a credit to their country and have done the nation proud. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👏


The headline of this article is misleading. Barnier said that rejoining the Single Market would require restoring Freedom of Movement, not that any improvements to the post-Brexit deal would require it.


But restoring FoM is itself a worthy goal.

What most politicians and commentators miss is that the majority of UK voters support RECIPROCAL Freedom of Movement with the EU, and have done in repeated polls over the last decade.

Among young people support for FoM is overwhelming.



'I honestly think that the Tartan Army, without exaggerating too much, have been the best ambassadors for our country that we have seen in a long time'


In association with DX Home Improvements


Tartan Army leaves its mark on Cologne 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇩🇪


By Peter Brookes

‘Max is my eyes’: Paralympian says post-Brexit rules stop him flying with his guide dog 27/06/2024

‘Max is my eyes’: Paralympian says post-Brexit rules stop him flying with his guide dog Mar Gunnarsson, swimmer and Manchester student who is due to compete at the Paris Games, says his career is at risk


Some amazing interactions with our German friends over the past week but today was very interesting as a German fan sitting next to us in a restaurant leaned over and said," Europe is not the same without you... please come back "

Your Voice, Your Vote: Tell BBC News what election issues matter to you 26/06/2024

Let the BBC know your priorities for this General Election. You never know it might encourage more mention of the ‘B’ word.

Your Voice, Your Vote: Tell BBC News what election issues matter to you At BBC News, we need your help to ensure we’re getting our election coverage right.

Manifesto on Europe - Ask your candidates for their views 19/06/2024

Friends, do use our European Movement sibling organisation's letter generator to ask candidates what will they do to improve relations with our European neighbours.

Manifesto on Europe - Ask your candidates for their views Contact your candidates and ask them to complete our manifesto survey. We think that people have the right to know what their candidates think about Europe and what can be done in the next Parliament to stop the damage of Brexit.


'Rates of expansion went against the trend and accelerated'



Eight years ago today, on 16 June 2016, Jo Cox was tragically murdered while on her way to a constituency surgery in Batley and Spen. In the days that followed, the global wave of grief and solidarity demonstrated that her values were widely shared.

In 2016, those closest to Jo lost their mum, daughter, sister, wife, friend, and colleague. We all lost a talented politician and passionate campaigner, who was driven by her belief that a fairer, kinder and more tolerant world was possible.

Jo believed that even the greatest challenges could be overcome and at The Jo Cox Foundation, we share this belief. She was a strong believer in working cross-party on issues and in achieving a gender-equal Parliament. Her tragic murder was a turning point in recognising the need for better politics in the UK, and in January this year we published the Jo Cox Civility Commission’s 28 recommendations to tackle the abuse and intimidation of elected representatives.

We also share Jo’s belief that, together, we can strengthen communities to become less lonely, better connected, and more united. It is fitting that in the month in which Jo would have been turning 50, and with the General Election approaching, communities will be celebrating what unites us and rejecting division at Great Get Togethers across the UK next weekend (21-23 June), inspired by the message from her maiden speech: “We have more in common than that which divides us.”

The eighth anniversary of Jo Cox’s murder today, and her birthday on 22 June, are occasions for us to remember Jo’s life and the change she made, which we endeavour to continue every day through our work at The Jo Cox Foundation.


TWO Liz Trusses!! The world has not enough sofas behind which to hide... 😱😳😵‍💫

Scotland fan who walked 1000 miles to Germany for charity arrives in Munich 18/06/2024

Scotland fan who walked 1000 miles to Germany for charity arrives in Munich Craig Ferguson from Paisley has raised over £50k for Brothers in Arms , and walked more than 1,000 miles to Munich for Scotland's Euro 2024 opener.


Rachel Reeves still indulging in cakeism and gas lighting. She is not going to “tear down EU trade barriers” because the EU like those trade barriers, they protect the EU members. They are not going to allow any third country to have privileged access to their internal market, no matter how exceptionalist that country is.


🔎 Next Saturday 22 June we’re throwing open the doors of for a day and you’re invited!

✨ Come along and meet some of the AAGM team, enjoy a 30-min behind-the-scenes tour and discover how we care for this remarkable collection, which belongs to all of us in Aberdeen.

📆 Saturday 22 June 2024, 11am - 4pm

🎟️ Free, no need to book (last tour 3.15pm)

Scottish celebrants bring sentiment of European accompanying to Germany. 18/06/2024

Scottish celebrants bring sentiment of European accompanying to Germany. German fans are holding back on enthusiastic celebrations ahead of the start of the home European Championships, while Scottish football enthusiasts congregate in Munich's city center for the opening match.


NEW: Scotland's economy has outperformed the rest of the UK in recent years with higher growth per head of population, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has said.

Scotland is one of the most well-off regions of the UK, outperforming Wales and Northern Ireland as well as the north of England and the midlands.


means no Freedom of Movement.


Recently Brexitists have been writing to the Yorkshire Evening Post complaining about the letters from Leeds for Europe and even demanding that we are banned from the letters page, so it is brilliant when people write to the paper in our defence.

Thank you Chris Read and Don Johnston! ✊



This evening, the cabinet office announced the awarding of an MBE for services to the Ukrainian community to Hannah Beaton-Hawryluk, Holova of AUGB Edinburgh⁩.

This honour is in recognition of the community who have sought safety in the city and the countless volunteers who’ve offered a warm Scot’s welcome.

Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain


This is a shocking stat for the national broadcaster. It is indicative of the hold that certain broadcasters/journalists/commentators have over too many aspects of UK media. It is worth reading the whole article as it demonstrates that party political representation is much more evenly distributed.
How Hartley-Brewer and Oakeshott are deemed to be "entertaining" is beyond this observer. Good for the economy perhaps, given the number of smashed TVs, laptops, tablets which will doubtless result from them spewing their bile.
Article is in the London Economic, research carried out by Cardiff Met University.


Videos (show all)

Putin we will never let you succeed #SlavaUkraini and shame on you Johnson for damaging the world’s greatest peace proje...
Our European Movement in Scotland Vice-President David Clarke spoke at our event outside the Scottish Parliament two yea...
Two years ago Ben MacPherson and Lorna Slater spoke outside the Scottish Parliament reaffirming Scotland's pledge to the...
Here is a speech made by Ailie Ross Oliver outside the Scottish Parliament where we made our pledge that we will campaig...
Tonight marks two years since we were dragged out of the EU. There is no joy in recognising that we were right to campai...
Today marks two years since we were dragged out of the #EU  we will post some of the speeches by our supporters from out...