Occasional Updates about the Austrian - Czech Border

Occasional Updates about the Austrian - Czech Border

Occasional Updates about the Austrian - Czech Border during the pandemic era


[STATUS UPDATE: 5.2.2021]

🇨🇿 Czech border status (as of 5.2.2021):
🇨🇿 Czech passenger locator form: https://plf.uzis.cz/

🇦🇹 Austrian border status* (as of 4.2.2021):
🇦🇹 Austrian travel clearance form: https://www.formularservice.gv.at/site/fsrv/user/formular.aspx?pid=15dd7f9c98c24952828eb414c8884f1a&pn=Bfd027cf662624276a5ca9a9b970bcdf9&lang=en
(* 😷 FFP2 masks are obligatory in Austrian land)

🇦🇹 🇨🇿 Transit passengers, cross-border workers, business travelers, unexpected emergency(!) visitors generally do not need to quarantine until their end destination (if asked, upon proof such as transit ticket, declaration of business/emergency...etc). End destination country's regulations apply upon arrival, see links above for more details.

🇦🇹 🇨🇿 Connections such as train, bus, and similar transport companies work without interruption with (rare*) random controls - (*especially from the Czech side.)

🇦🇹 🇨🇿 List of closed borders on travel by land: https://twitter.com/czechmfa_AT/status/1349245573992484864/photo/1

‼️ Please double check yourselves and take your own responsibilities, as this information may not be up to date at a given time.

🇨🇿 Czech inland/travel rules: https://covid.gov.cz/en/measures
🇦🇹 Austrian inland/travel rules: https://www.austria.info/en/service-and-facts/coronavirus-information