Temitope Owokole

Temitope Owokole

Welcome to Timeless Soul Journeys, where Science meets Spirituality and technology paves the path to self-discovery. Unlearn, relearn and grow!

Secret Weapon for Job Seekers! Attract High-Paying Positions with These Affirmations 14/06/2024

A man said these 49 statements daily for 21 days and a hiring company reached out to him for a lucrative job. Guess what? He got the job - 55,000 EUROS per annum.

You can give it a try too.

Struggling to find a job that pays well and fulfills you? We've all been there! But what if you could use the power of affirmations to manifest your dream career? ✨

In this video, you'll discover powerful affirmations for attracting a lucrative job. These work for EVERYONE, regardless of location, gender, or race! By repeating these daily, you'll align your subconscious mind with success and abundance.

Here's what you'll get:

Powerful affirmations (I AM, I FEEL, I DO, I LOVE, I SPEAK, I SEE and I UNDERSTAND!) to boost your confidence, attract high-paying positions, and land a fulfilling job.

A positive and motivating mindset shift to empower your job search.
Actionable steps to take charge and actively pursue your dream career.
Ready to unlock your financial potential and land the job of your dreams? Let's dive in!

Secret Weapon for Job Seekers! Attract High-Paying Positions with These Affirmations Struggling to find a job that pays well and fulfills you? We've all been there! But what if you could use the power of affirmations to manifest your dream c...

Building More Than Bricks Finding Purpose in Your Work 12/06/2024

He asked the first man what he was doing and the man said he was laying bricks.
He asked the second man the same question and he said he was putting up a wall.
When he got to the third man and asked him what he was doing, he said he was building a cathedral.
They were all doing the same thing.
The first man had a job.
The second man had a career.
The third man had a purpose.

Watch here...

Building More Than Bricks Finding Purpose in Your Work Discover the power of purpose with our latest video, “Building More Than Bricks: Finding Purpose in Your Work.” Join us on a journey through a timeless parab...


Building More Than Bricks Finding Purpose in Your Work

Discover the power of purpose with our latest video, “Building More Than Bricks: Finding Purpose in Your Work.” Join us on a journey through a timeless parable that reveals the profound impact of perspective on our daily tasks. Whether you’re laying bricks, putting up a wall, or building a cathedral, this story will inspire you to find the deeper meaning in your work.

In this 3-minute video, we explore the difference between a job, a career, and a purpose. We discuss how identifying your purpose can transform mundane tasks into steps towards fulfilling your life’s goals. With beginner-friendly language and engaging storytelling, this video is perfect for anyone seeking motivation and clarity in their professional and personal lives.

What You’ll Learn:
The importance of perspective in your work
How to differentiate between a job, a career, and a purpose
The power of purpose in gaining control over your life
The distinction between purpose and goals

Why Watch?
To feel inspired and motivated
To gain insights into achieving life satisfaction
To understand how to set meaningful goals
Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content that will enrich your life and perspective. Your engagement helps us grow and continue to bring you valuable videos.

Join the Conversation: We love hearing from you! Share your thoughts and stories about finding purpose in the comments section below. Let’s build a community that supports and inspires each other.

A big thank you for watching and considering the message we’ve shared. Remember, every brick you lay is part of a grand design. Keep building your cathedral, and let’s create something extraordinary together!



Mind Over Matter | How To Transform Your Life with a Simple Mindset Shift

In the realms of darkness that occasionally cloud our thoughts, a battle rages— not of swords and shields, but of fear against joy, worry against peace. Imagine if you could turn the tide in this battle, not by extraordinary means, but simply by altering the perspective from which you view your challenges.

This is not mere fantasy; it is the profound principle of mind over matter, a concept that has liberated countless individuals from the shackles of their own minds. Making a mindset shift towards mindfulness and positivity may sound simplistic or even naïve, particularly to those accustomed to the relentless pace and pressures of modern life. Yet, it’s exactly this simplicity that holds transformative powers capable of reshaping our lives from the inside out.


Embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we delve into the fascinating realm of unlocking the hidden potential within your DNA. In this video, we explore the concept of waiting to be and how you can tap into them to enhance your life.

Join us as we uncover the secrets of these through various techniques and practices that promote self-improvement and empowerment. From and to work and , we provide valuable insights to help you unleash the powerhouse that lies within.

Discover the untapped reservoir of strength, intuition, creativity, and resilience that resides in your DNA, and learn how to harness it to transform your reality. Are you ready to unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself?

Don't miss out on this empowering journey of awakening your dormant superpowers. Remember to like, share, and spread the word to inspire others to embark on their own path of self-realization and personal development. Together, let's unlock the extraordinary capabilities that have been lying dormant within us all along.

TikTok · Temitope Owokole 17/04/2024

How to spot false information online.

TikTok · Temitope Owokole Check out Temitope Owokole’s video.

TikTok · Temitope Owokole 08/04/2024

The Power of Desire and Definiteness of Purpose In Getting What You Want In Life.

TikTok · Temitope Owokole Check out Temitope Owokole’s video.

TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist 10/03/2024

Many people complain UK roads are too narrow, have you tried roads in Ireland? Take a look at this video:

TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist Check out Temitope | Life Strategist's video.


Why did the manufacturing line go to therapy? It had too many assembly issues!🤣🤣


I pray for Peace upon our world. I declare Divine intervention upon all troubled nations right now all over the world. Let Love lead the way always.


Some problems don't usually require improving upon current solutions to solve them.

In some extreme cases, you need to think outside the box either by overhauling an existing solution or totally scrap it in order to bring in a new one, especially when current solutions are no longer serving the right purpose or desired goals.

It therefore aligns with the saying that: "you can't continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect a new and different result."

Let me explain further...

Remember, before the arrival of telephone technology, people were using postcards, right?

Some people decided to think outside the box and invented telephone technology, which eventually rendered the use of post cards inefficient and then became moribund.

In some cases, some existing solutions don't usually require total scraping. Rather, they require optimisation by adding new technology to enhance their current performance.

Let me cite a personal example:

In the second quarter of 2005, few months after I began my engineering career, I was using AutoCAD for all my Engineering designs.

It was so tiring and time consuming to finish my tasks, especially being a rookie then.

After a while, I started studying the works of a particular design engineer and programmer who happened to be working with our OEM abroad at the time and I noticed his drawings were always well optimized and looked more presentable.

I became more curious and I started looking for answers as to how he was making those drawings.

Not long afterwards, the company I was working with then sent me on a training abroad under the sponsorship of this same OEM.

Fortunately for me, I was able to meet this Engineer in person. And guess what my first goal was?

Of course, I asked him to show me the ropes.

Without hesitation, he gave me a particular software he developed himself which he was using to make all his drawings.

This same software could also automatically generate the parts list and cost price of the electrical components in the drawings. In short, it was an all-in-one solution.

Before you ask me for the setup file, it was proprietary. Besides, technology has evolved beyond that version now.

Within few days, I mastered the use of this software and from that moment, AutoCAD became a secondary drawing tool in my workstation.

Returning to Nigeria, it was like I hit a jackpot then. Our CEO saw the software and was excited too. The drawings that usually took me days to complete with only AutoCAD, I was finishing them within few hours.

Meaning that I could respond to multiple clients in a day. Do the math yourself as a business owner.

All these happened because I thought outside the box and also got approval from the board of directors to use the software for the growth of the business. In fact, they sponsored the trip in the first place. Side note: the trip was not primarily to go and learn about software. It was mainly for a mega project for a popular O&G company then.

Therefore, my point is: if you notice the method you are using is no longer working in your business, seek help from professionals in your field of interest and learn from them. See what they are doing differently that is giving them better results and then replicate it.

I am Temitope Owokole and I am saying stop doing the same thing over and over again so you won't keep getting the same result again and again.

Peace out!

Note: OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer.

TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist 27/09/2023


TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist Check out Temitope | Life Strategist's video.

TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist 01/08/2023


TikTok · Temitope | Life Strategist Check out Temitope | Life Strategist's video.


Invest in yourself, because you are your greatest asset!

In the journey of life, it's easy to overlook our own worth. We often invest time and energy in everything and everyone else, forgetting that our own growth and well-being are vital. Today, I want to remind you to prioritize yourself. Take a moment to reflect on your dreams, passions, and talents. Nurture them, hone them, and watch yourself flourish.

Remember, self-development is not a luxury; it's an investment in your future. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, seek knowledge and personal growth, and never underestimate the power of your own potential. You are capable of incredible things.

So, let's commit to self-care, self-improvement, and self-belief. Take the first step towards becoming the best version of yourself. Start investing in YOU today, and watch as your life transforms into something truly extraordinary.

Temitope | Life Strategist on TikTok 01/06/2023

Welcome to June everyone.

Temitope | Life Strategist on TikTok Welcome To June. The first half of the year is almost over. A lot of good stuff can still be achieved before the end of the year. Let's stay focused and keep grinding. It will all end in praise. #...


Digital Literacy Masterclass for beginners. Lesson 1 Part 1


Digital Literacy Masterclass for Beginners Lesson 1 Part 3


Digital Literacy Masterclass for beginners Lesson 1 Part 2

Temi | Life Strategist on TikTok 11/03/2023

Digital Literacy Masterclass Lesson 1 Part 1

Temi | Life Strategist on TikTok Digital Literacy Masterclass, Lesson 1 Part 1


Reminder: Digital Literacy Masterclass Continues Tomorrow

Hi Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. As you may recall, we started our Digital Literacy Masterclass two weeks ago, and I am excited to announce that we will be continuing tomorrow with Lesson 2.

In Lesson 1, we were able to cover the reason digital literacy is so important in the 21st century and I even narrated my true life story to back it up.

We also touched the 3 aspects of digital literacy that you must familiarize yourself with.

For those who asked for a replay, the link to the final production will be ready before tomorrow so that those who missed the last class in our Telegram group can still watch before we begin Lesson 2.

As previously announced, tomorrow's session will focus on file management and sharing, which are crucial skills in today's digital age.

We will cover topics such as organizing files, backing up data, and sharing files securely and I will be sharing my screen with you so you can practise along with me.

Our aim through this training is to empower as many people as possible with the skills necessary to navigate the digital world with confidence and efficiency, especially for those traveling abroad anytime soon. You will really need these skills in order to compete effectively.

I would like to remind you that I am doing this for free as part of my contribution to making our world a better place and also as a complimentary training for those who signed up to our Ireland relocation mentorship program.

Tomorrow's session will take place at 2pm (WAT) - 1 hour program, and we will be using the same virtual platform as before.

Please ensure that you have a stable internet connection and a device that can support the platform. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them here.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and continuing this journey towards digital literacy.

Best regards,

Temitope Owokole
Your Host


March, Our Month of Rising Impacts through Knowledge and Instruction.
(Isaiah 11: 2-3)

Happy New Month ......
Welcome to Divine Dynamites International (D.D.M.I.) beloved!

We are delighted that you have chosen to join us!

Kindly visit www.ddmionline.com to learn more about who we are.

Like and Follow our Page on Facebook here
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Join DDMI on TikTok

Link: www.tiktom.com/

God bless you!
Divine Dynamites Ministry Int'l (DDMI)


Spring Into Action This March!

As we step into this new month, let us take a moment to reflect on and possibly review our goals and aspirations that we set for the new year.

According to the law of nature, March marks the beginning of spring, a time of renewal and growth, and we can harness this energy to make meaningful progress in our lives.

Let's focus on taking action towards our goals. Remember, you don't have to do everything all at once. Break everything down into bitesize and achievable tasks, taking each task one small step at a time. Before you know it, you're already done.

I will also advise that we practice self-care and make time for activities that bring us joy and help us recharge (such as meditation/prayers, helping others, and taking care of the planet in our own little way).

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way, let's remember to stay focused, stay motivated, and stay positive. Avoid troubles and don't allow anyone to use you to foment troubles.

You have everything to be successful in life already embedded in you by your Creator. Look within and you will find the answer you seek.

I am Temitope Owokole, remember that success is not just about reaching our destination, but also about ensuring our path to success does not create sorrow in the lives of our fellow human beings.

While ensuring that, let us continue to enjoy the journey along the way, making the most of this new month, and continuing to strive towards creating the life we truly desire.

It is a blessed month for us all.

Happy New Month.

Temi | Life Strategist on TikTok 12/01/2023


Temi | Life Strategist on TikTok 20 Steps You Should Take To Fulfilling Your Purpose In Life this 2023 and beyond.

Life Hack | What Is The Meaning Of Life For You? 28/12/2022

"What Is The Meaning of Life For You?"

In this video, I delved into the age-old of what gives our lives and

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section on this important topic, and I'll be examining some of the different philosophical and spiritual perspectives that have been proposed over the centuries.

Whether you're a spiritual seeker or just curious about this fundamental question, I hope you'll find this video thought-provoking and insightful.

Kindly give a like, subscribe, comment and share to support the growth of this channel.

Thanks for watching!

Life Hack | What Is The Meaning Of Life For You? "What Is The Meaning of Life For You?" In this video, I delved into the age-old of what gives our lives and Feel free to share ...

Leaving Your Comfort Zone | Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine and ready for a change? 27/12/2022

Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine and ready for a change?

One way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things is by leaving your comfort zone.

But what does it really mean to leave your comfort zone?

In this video, I explored the concept of stepping outside of your comfort zone and how it can help you grow personally and professionally.

I also explained some practical tips on how you can start making small steps towards leaving your comfort zone and embracing new experiences.

Whether you're looking for a change in your career, a new hobby, or a way to challenge yourself, this video will give you the tools and motivation you need to take that first step towards stepping outside of your comfort zone.

So, if you're ready to try something new and push yourself to the next level, this video is for you!

Please, don't forget to give a like, subscribe and share the video so that others can benefit.

Leaving Your Comfort Zone | Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine and ready for a change? Are you feeling stuck in your daily routine and ready for a change? One way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things is by leaving your c...


Dear lovely Friends and Families.

On behalf of my family, I wanted to take a moment to express our love and appreciation to you all.

We all know these past years have been full of challenges worldwide - from Covid to war, and gradually to economic recession etc in some part of the world, and yet The Most High has still kept us alive till this moment.

And we have all remained a strong and supportive friends and families.

I am so grateful to have you all in our lives and to be able to share this special time of year with you virtually (digitally).

As we celebrate and look forward to another new year, let us remember the true meaning of the season - love, joy, and gratitude to humanity and glory to God.

I pray and hope you all have amazing moments together in your various homes and countries and I also pray you enjoy a happy and healthy new year in advance.

May your days be filled with laughter, warmth, and good cheers.

Christ in us, our Hope of glory.

With love and appreciation from us to you all,

Temitope Owokole and family.

Videos (show all)

#Pickandplacerobot #industrialautomation #motivation #engineeringsolutions #manufacturing
Mind Over Matter | How To Transform Your Life with a Simple Mindset Shift
Unleash the Power Within: Awakening Dormant Superpowers in Your DNA
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!@everyone
He is an actor and not Jesus Christ. Stop worshipping him.
Digital Literacy Masterclass for Beginners Lesson 1 Part 3
Digital Literacy Masterclass for beginners Lesson 1 Part 2
Digital Literacy Masterclass for beginners. Lesson 1 Part 1
Never Give Up On Yourself
Happy mother's day to my Heartbeat. I celebrate you today and always Love mi. Thanks for being an amazing, caring and lo...
I captured the Daylight saving time in Ireland this morning as the clock skipped 1 hour. Watch to the end and you will s...
Hey friends. How are you all doing? Just checking up on you all. Sending you Love and Light. Cheers. #viral #syml #disco...