Coffee with

Coffee with

Intimate conversations of life experiences. Offering proven solutions 4 health/freedom & independence

After years of mysterious symptoms and lack of assistance from professionals, I created this page to share healing with others with the hopes of saving someone from the failures and frustration I have experienced. Because I have lived it, I speak from the heart and share with anyone who is truly committed to their own wellness journey. I take health and wellness seriously - while maintaining a sol


What are your thoughts regarding our ability to Refuse, to withdraw consent, in this free will universe?


Letting go of Ancestral pain, part 2!

One of the most overlooked opportunities along the healing journey, as we "shed" what doesn't work for us, is also PICKING UP what DOES work for us!

Yesterday, I wrote about letting go of pain. I shared that when we really LOOK, oftentimes we see that a lot of "our" pain isn't even really "ours" at all. We work so hard to let go of that pain, can't wait to be done with THAT, right?

What about the pleasure? What most forget, when "looking back", is the juiciest piece: picking up the pleasure. The strengths, the talents, the unique gifts that might also have been passed forward from previous generations!

Again - several people who work in the quantum field might see these words as useless BS, because they already know there isn't anything to drop, or pick up, there isn't any "good" or "bad", from the past or anywhere else.

For the people who "aren't quite there yet" and need to bridge where they believe they are now, to where they want to be, hopefully this is a helpful tool ;)

When you're working with ancestral healing, "letting go of the pain", take a look further. I bet you will see beneficial traits from ancestors that you can appreciate in yourself. Don't just look for the "bad", be willing to see the "good". The beneficial experiences that you can learn from, and even build off of, moving forward.

Yes, the past is sometimes painful, but there's ALWAYS an equal and opposite reaction in the human experience. In the process of understanding your own human experience, don't forget to see pleasure, love, joy, peace.

Often, in the process of letting go, we forget to receive.

Remember your light.

Re-member, you're light!


Episode 4

We're chatting about Energy today!

✨️How energy centers and flows in the physical body, and how healthy those pathways are
✨️How energy is generated in and by fields of dynamic exchange
✨️ The Greater Field of Energy in which we live

🙏🏻 Please let us know your thoughts in the comments, share your perspectives and experiences with us, and always feel free to ask us any questions!
💖 Thank you for watching and Connecting with us!
✨️ YouTube & Rumble links are in the first comment ;)

With Love 💞
Liss and Lori


Episode 3

Today's episode is All About what We're All About, here at Light for Life ~ Light!
✨️Discussing some of Light's properties
✨️How the Paradigm of Light manifests in 3D
✨️Exploring some ways to Connect to Light
🙏🏻 Thank you for watching and Connecting with us!
✨️ Youtube Link is in the comments!

With Love 💖
Liss and Lori


Episode 2

Today, we're chatting about Freedom! May this conversation and exploration be a "little nudge" if you need one!

✨️ How are willpower, free will, and The Will, related to Freedom?
✨️ Are Comfort and Safety an impediment to our Freedom?
✨️ Can we Embrace Growth and Push Past perceived limits?

Credit to the brilliant Maya Angelou for the Caged Bird sings reference.

Youtube Link is in the comments!

With Love 💖
Liss and Lori


Episode 1

In this episode, we are discussing the deeper meaning, and broader-reaching dynamics, of surrender.

✨️ Is Surrender more than just giving up, or quitting?
✨️ In what ways can Surrender be Empowering?
✨️ Should we consider Embracing Surrender?
✨️ YouTube link is in the comments!

With Love 💖
Liss and Lori


☆I'm really excited to announce this!☆

🪄 Launching Tomorow, Thursday 6 June, on YouTube, Light for Life ~ Connections with Liss and Lori!

For the past 9 months, I have been collaborating with one of my very wise friends, Melissa Nordh, creating content for our new channel! I also need to thank Melissa for crafting the images and video editing, could not have done any of this without her endless hours at the keyboard!

We Lovingly Invite you to share in our open hearted conversations about the energetic essences of life, and join in on our live events!

We both thoroughly enjoy exploring the deep end of the pool ;) We have covered several topics so far, delving into things that truly matter, and hold the greatest meaning to the quality of our experiences.
Let's journey together, broadening our perspectives, recognizing all the potentials, and embracing the joy that is always ours for the taking!

💞 We would love YOU to Connect With us in community, as we all encourage one another to create healthier, and more beautiful expressions of our authentic lights, in manifestation and embodiment.

✨️ We aim to shine a bright light on your inner splendor, and to assist you with connecting to your magnificence, through what we intend to be enlightened sharing, potentially educational, and hopefully, entertaining content 😁!

🪄 Look out for the channel link, and Episode 1 tomorrow, and Let's Connect!

The Art of Sunbathing to Skyrocket Your Health 28/05/2024

We've all heard that the sun/UV exposure is extremely harmful & we need to avoid it at all costs, right?

According to the narrative 🙄, skin cancer is (almost completely) blamed on sunlight exposure and UV light. Conventional dermatologists and clinicians recommend that you should be blocking 100% of the UV and most humans wear sunglasses or prescription glasses made with lenses that filter out 100% of the UV and are widely using sunscreens. There are even clinical eye drops that block out 98% of the UV (I literally did not know this absurdity until today 😢

What are the REAL FACTS about sunlight causing cancer?

Why does the term UV light cause people to immediately think of cancer, cataracts, aging, and wrinkles?

How is it possible that sunlight, the most powerful nutrient in our solar system, is dangerous?

Let’s examine some very important FACTS, shall we?:

"Skin cancer (particularly Melanoma) has increased more than 23x from 1915 till 2012.

What has also happened in the past 100 years?

We have shifted from spending 95% of our time outdoors (under NATURAL sunlight) to 95% indoors (under ARTIFICIAL lights).

During this time, most people have buried the sun from their lives and have turned the dark rejuvenating nights into bright evenings, working, socializing, and eating under bright artificial lights.🧛‍♂️

During this same time period, people started wearing stronger sunscreens and sunglasses, buying into the idea that they need to protect themselves from the sun (while before 1915, when people worked and lived outdoors, there wasn't ANY sunscreen - or sunglasses.

Even as recent as 2022, studies show that outdoor workers have a much lower incidence of skin cancer than indoor workers.

So if the sun is to blame, how come skin cancer is skyrocketing since we moved into an indoor lifestyle, living under artificial lights?

If sunscreens and sunglasses are the solution, how come skin cancer rates are going up while more and more people are burying the sun from their lives, putting on sunglasses and buying into the sunscreen solution? 🤔

It is my hope that these questions trigger new ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. As human beings, we have a wonderful ability to reason and examine facts before accepting them to be true or false. Unfortunately, many today are falling into the habit of accepting information and forming beliefs and habits without examining where they come from.🎪

But the question is: Are those behaviors, like wearing sunglasses, sunscreen, and hiding from the sun, contributing to more health, happiness, and evolution? ❓❓❓

There are hundreds of medical studies done on the health benefits of UV light, however, the medical system today continues to maintain that UV is bad, basing its assumption on a few studies that created a lot of fear."

Full article here:

What if the problem isn't the sun, but rather, inactivity/a stagnant lymphatic system, LED lighting, frankenfood, toxic thoughts, toxic beliefs, toxic environment (both external, AND in your gut), fungus, parasites, infections, a total lack of understanding of how illness/disease begins, poor methylation, and detox pathways that don't even work anymore?

I'm just saying "what if"...

What if, we got outside more, moved our bodies more, fed our bodies actual FOOD that supports healthy cells (eat live food and live, right?), eradicate the toxicity within your homes/offices, and within your CELLS?

What if, just like me, you don't even sunburn anymore? I'm fair & freckled, used to slather baby oil head to toe & sunbathed on sun-attracting blankets when I was young. My grandma had skin cancer & I was dumb. Did some really dumb things when I was young.

BECAUSE I LOVE THE SUN. I feel ALIVE when the sun is shining bright on a beautiful, clear day. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me HAPPY, every single time. I refuse to fear sunshine.

As a "side effect" of starting a whole body regenerative detox protocol in 2021, our family doesn't experience sensitivity. We rarely even burn anymore (unless it's prolonged exposure and we're dumb again). Several others all over the world who use this protocol have shared the same, they don't sunburn. Even a redhead full of freckles, she's not afraid of the sun either

The Art of Sunbathing to Skyrocket Your Health Sunbathing safely throughout the day will skyrocket your health. You will instantly enjoy more energy, clearer thinking, and feel much better in general. Introduction In part 1 of this blog, you are going to learn: ☀️The different frequencies of sunlight ☀️How sunlight makes you 5 times more...


There IS something you can do...

My quantum friends will agree, that all we have to do is say no and to clear/cancel environmental factors out of our cells!

For those who aren't quite there yet, there are formulas we can use to support eradicating toxicity from the cells in our bodies (pets too, they need just as much support as humans!).

These "forever chemicals", do they really need to be forever? Nah, I believe we can heal anything ;) even what's thought to be "impossible" is possible.

An excerpt from the study shows that metabolic issues are modestly correlated with environmental toxicity:

"5.5. Metabolic effects

We reviewed 69 epidemiological studies published between 1996–2018 based on human populations in Australia, Canada, China, several European countries, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, UK and the U.S. We identified 26 out of 69 studies as longitudinal and 59 out of 69 studies were based on environmental exposures. Diverse demographic groups have been studied for this health endpoint, including infants, mother-child pairs, children, teenagers, adults, workers, and special subpopulations such as diabetic patients and obese individuals in randomized clinical trials. Measured serum PFAS concentrations were the most widely used exposure assessment method (65 out of 69 studies). Two occupational studies used job-exposure matrix and work history to estimate lifetime cumulative exposures. Gilliland131 was the earliest study and used total serum fluorine to quantify the exposure. Only one study132 examined the different isomers of PFOA and PFOS (linear vs. branched) using data from NHANES 2013 – 2014.

There is relatively consistent evidence of modest positive associations with lipid profiles such as total cholesterol and triglycerides, although the magnitude of the cholesterol effect is inconsistent across different exposure levels. There is some but much less consistent evidence of a modest positive correlation with metabolic diseases such as diabetes, overweight, obesity and heart diseases (Table 3). The majority of studies are cross-sectional, which have limited causal interpretation.133 A few studies provided stronger evidence than observational studies, such as Diabetes Prevention Program Trial134 and a diet-induced weight-loss trial.135"


⬇️Reduce your exposure.
🧲Eradicate the toxicity from your cells.
🌟Heal thyself 🌟

You have all the power to transform your life 💪⚡️


SO MANY PEOPLE have sent me the video of Terrence Howard interviewing with Joe Rogan. Terrence is advertising something called Pure Body/PB & Pure Body Extra/PBX, which is a zeolite. He's making some really interesting claims about it and unfortunately, they're just NOT accurate.

I'm writing this to help people understand the truth: not all zeolites are created equal. No desire to "bash" anything or anyone, just want to clarify


While I don't resonate with 100% of what he says 100% of the time (that's impossible for anyone, right?) I do agree with this one! I prefer "detoxification" as well! Removing toxicity from our lives (not just our cells) is key to a healthy system/a healthy life


"Over the past few years, you may have tuned into a new health craze sweeping the country: holistic health. The movement has become popular amongst social media personalities, celebrities, and everyday folks looking to regain control of their health and wellness." 🙄🙄🙄

While part of me says "I can't roll my eyes hard enough", because millions of us have been living this way for decades, I'm going to choose differently.

I'm going to go with: at least people are finally starting to understand the truth, and leave Rock a Fella schools of medicine (aka harmaceuticals) behind, in order to get back to the ROOT of health ❤

You know what else Dr. Rahm has done? She created the International Science and Nutrition society so ALL providers of ALL kinds, all over the world, can come together and collaborate. Our community, with her at the helm, is creating a paradigm shift in health care.

You in? There's plenty of room at the table....

There's room for ALL!!!

ISNS – Nature Does it Best Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity Qixiao Zhai, Arjan Narbad, and Wei Chen Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are toxic heavy metals that cause adverse health effects in humans and animals….... This content is for Associate, Professional , Associate (Annual) , and Profession...

#justMelissa - YouTube 14/05/2024

As you might remember from our first interview, Melissa Nordh, also known as , is a wife, transracial adoptive mom of 4, a 6 time cancer survivor, and a trauma, molestation, abuse, and narcissism recoverer. She uses Science of Mind philosophy, among many other spiritual and healing modalities in her work with others.

Melissa is passionate about personal empowerment - yours!!! She teaches from her life experience how to access, harness, and use your point of personal power, in every area of your life, to facilitate your healing, your freedom, and your rise!

One of the things that attracted me to Melissa is that she shares with much love and compassion, and she is so enthusiastic about YOUR potential! She has created a YouTube Channel where she shares SO MUCH for FREE, to propel you forward into making crucial changes in your life that maybe you weren't sure how to make before you met this incredibly dynamic soul!

#justMelissa - YouTube Content for Personal Empowerment, Personal Growth, Emotional Healing and Shifts in Perspective.


Can you feel this one?


Nothing (& I mean nothing) fascinates me more than the MIND 🧠

I have a never-ending list of questions, regarding how the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious minds impact who we are and how our minds create our reality.

Who can relate ❓

What I have learned is that most people have no idea that our thoughts have creative power. Experiences, circumstances, and outcomes are in harmony with the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our minds.


Like magnets, "like attracts like", the energy and vibration of our thoughts magnetically draw similar energy and experiences into our lives. If we consistently think positive, empowering thoughts, we tend to attract positive outcomes and experiences. Conversely, if our thoughts are primarily negative or fear-based, we find ourselves attracting experiences that reflect those beliefs.

EXAMPLE: For countless years, I thought & said "I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired." Guess what? I was a being who was consistently sick and tired. Consistently thinking "what's wrong with me" or "something is wrong with me" will consistently create a feeling that something is wrong. ALL of my focus - ALL of my creative power - went into "wrong-ness". Guess what? Everything felt wrong 😰

Within "Science of Mind", this is actually called the "Law of Mind Action". It operates regardless of whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Our subconscious mind, which is responsible for storing our beliefs, memories, and habitual thought patterns, plays a significant role in shaping our experiences. Therefore, it's crucial - CRUCIAL - to cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness, in order to identify and transform limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that unconsciously influence our lives.

When we align our conscious awareness with our creative power (by affirming the truth of our wholeness, abundance, and harmony), we actively work to SHIFT our thoughts and beliefs INTO alignment with our desired outcomes❗️ This practice harnesses the Law of Mind Action to consciously co-create our reality in HARMONY.

Understanding and applying this Law EMPOWERS us to take responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. The more we recognize the profound impact they have on our experiences and reality, the more we recognize how important it is to "do the work".

By consciously cultivating empowering thoughts, and aligning with our inherent power, we can experience greater health, peace, and fulfillment in our lives.

Great efforts have been made to lead us to believe that we do not have any power. Don't believe 'em ;)



🌟 Understanding a Hidden Culprit: Intracellular Dehydration 🌟

Ever heard of intracellular dehydration? This is slightly different from dehydration due to low fluid intake ;)

Intracellular dehydration occurs when our body's cells lack proper hydration, DESPITE the presence of "plenty of fluids" in our system. Dehydration within the cells isn't about drinking plenty of fluids, but rather it's about ensuring that water gets where it's needed most—inside our cells!

So, what causes cellular drought? Several factors could be playing a role:

1️⃣ **Poor Nutrition:** A diet lacking essential electrolytes and minerals can disrupt the balance of fluids within our cells, leading to dehydration at the cellular level.

2️⃣ **Chronic Stress:** Stress isn't just mentally taxing; it can also dehydrate us from the inside out. Stress hormones can interfere with cellular hydration, leaving us feeling depleted and fatigued.

3️⃣ **Inactivity:** Believe it or not, our cells need movement to stay hydrated. Sedentary lifestyles reduce fluid circulation, impairing cellular hydration in the process.

4️⃣ **Electrolyte Imbalance:** Electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium are crucial for maintaining cellular hydration. An imbalance in these electrolytes can disrupt cellular water balance, leading to dehydration.

Hydrated cells are happy cells! Proper cellular hydration is essential for optimal health and vitality, supporting everything from metabolism to cognitive function. How?

🥦 Prioritize a nutrient-rich diet, loaded with electrolyte-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
🧘‍♀️ Incorporate stress-reducing practices like meditation or prayer.
🏃‍♂️ Get moving! Regular exercise promotes circulation, helping to keep those cell hydration levels up. Get in touch with nature again, without technology in hand or IN YOUR EARS!
💧 Stay hydrated throughout the day, but remember, it's not just about quantity; it's about quality hydration that penetrates at the cellular level.

If you feel you're doing all the right things and still aren't feeling hydrated, reach out! The regenerative detoxification formula I share can help eradicate toxicity within the cell, which can lead to the exchange of fluids & nutrition through the cell membrane a little challenging. This formula can help rebalance interstitial and intracellular fluids throughout the whole body, while removing "the bad stuff". No more dry lips, dry skin, sluggish organs & blood, and more balance!


"What we resist, persists."


What does that even MEAN, anyway?

Well, a lot of energy goes into resistance. We unintentionally invest a lot of precious energy dollars in things/people/places/fears we DON'T want. We're resisting what we don't want, and in the process, what we don't want becomes what we receive.

Let's use illness, as an example, because honestly, that's what brought a lot of us into this group, right? There's "something" we would all like to heal/fix/correct, yes? Many of us (me included!) have spent a lot of years researching the issues, the disease, the "something", and all of our attention and focus and energy dollars were spent on what we DON'T want.

We buy programs, masterclasses, tests, homeopathics, oils, healing tools, supplements/medications, do "all the things" with the hopes of fixing the problems. Problem-focused thinking will never help us solve the problems.

So, then, the obvious question is "what do we do then"?

We shift our Awareness. We get clear about our Intent. We spend those precious energy dollars Focused on what we DO want.

Your words (your intent) are a declaration for what you want, and life will comply. Your cells listen, and carry out those commands. It's true - your mind, your thoughts, are the hard drive sending instructions that you want the software to execute - and the body will comply.

My friends, it took me YEARS to understand this concept. YEARS. I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired, I was "at my wits end". I know a lot of you can feel me on this one! But notice the language we use...."I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired" leaves us what? A being who is SICK AND TIRED.

In order to shift from the deep end of the PROBLEMS, and come up to the surface where we find SOLUTIONS, we literally change our thoughts. Change our mind, that we're going to start to become aware of the messages we're sending to our cells. Create an INTENTION for your new FOCUS, and send the messages from the hard drive to the software to execute outcomes you DO want.

Then, when you're considering supplementations or modalities to help you heal, shift your mindset again - select only the highest quality programs, tools, or nutraceuticals that are going to support your greatest and highest good, the best possible outcomes, and EXPECT to receive what you DO want.

Just like you received more problems, with this shift in awareness, intent, and focus, you will shift what you receive! If you're looking for a nutraceutical that supports BIG shifts like this, I have found Clean Spirts to be incredibly helpful to reframe, refocus, realign with what I DO want! If you're not sure what is yet, comment below and an admin will assist you!


"It's fine."
"I'm fine."
"Everything's fine."

Funny, but sometimes this is how life can feel!

Try to remember, even during the most challenging times in life, "this too shall pass".

I'm not saying it's easy! I'm coming from decades of experiences of "the most challenging of times", but I am saying it's important. This is advice I might have found really helpful during those times!

This, too, shall pass, especially when we ALLOW it to do so....

These challenges? They DO want to pass through....

We are the ones who get in the way of that...when we get stressed out, there are automatic responses that occur in our brain that send signals to our entire body. Breathing changes. Heart rate changes. Even pupils change!

When the stressor is over, our bodies are "supposed" to reset, but over 50% of the population experiences consistent, persistent, chronic states of stress. Heart rate variability measures this, even when we are not aware of stress, our bodies tell a different story. A story indicating that we are holding this stress pattern. Depending on the stress, you might find professional help is necessary in order to heal from the trauma.

So how to begin?

Let go.

Breathe. No, I mean, REALLY breathe....

Let go. Breathe. Repeat.

There are formulas we can use to support the process, message me if you want info about those, but healing begins only when you decide it's time to let go.

And remember, "no worries. This too shall pass", if you let it...


Mel Robbins: "Whenever someone is doing something that you don't like, let them. The next time you feel yourself getting annoyed, or upset, or spiraling out of control, say these two magic words: let them.

The "let them" theory is not about letting people walk all over you, or treat you like crap, that's not what this is about, it's the opposite. You will be more in control when you use it, and here's why: when you say 'let them', you stop giving your time and energy to people and situations that you can't control....which allows you to take back your time and energy and figure out what is going to work for you."

Taking back YOUR time and energy is everything.

How long have you been giving it away? Your time and your energy....

(Friends, I know this one all too well...honestly, I believe this is one of the foundations for "chronic fatigue".)

What would your day look like if you simply "let go" when you feel yourself responding to a person, place, or thing that is causing you to feel the response? (Anxiety, annoyance, fear, frustration, whatever the response is...)

What would your week look like if you simply "let go"?

What would your body feel like if you simply "let go"?

How would your life change if you "let go" AND breathe, deeply, intentionally, into the depth of yourself? (Not to the upper, or middle of your chest, DEEP breathing, into your whole body!)

In what ways, do you think, your life might change simply by letting go, and returning to yourself?

(Photo credit: my hubs 🧡)

Healing with frequency

If your journey led you to this page, you must be ready for change! It’s time for all of us to take charge of your physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual well-being.

What do you want to improve in your life? No matter what your answer is, there is a frequency for exactly that purpose because everything - EVERYTHING - is frequency. Are you athletic and want muscle recovery, strengthening, weight loss, etc.? Let’s work together and match the right frequency to heal your body! Do you suffer from any type of pain, illness, or disease? Match the right frequency and heal your body! Do you just want healthy aging and take steps to maintain your youthful glow? (Don’t we all?!) Match the right frequency!

Healy inventors developed a successful program that offers cutting edge technology using an FDA-approved wearable medical device to heal multiple dis-eases and dis-orders. Contact me today to begin YOUR healing journey.

Videos (show all)

"Coffee with" Astrid Schoepplenberg (Ep 26)Astrid is from Hamburg, Germany, and is an expert in holistic health and well...
Clean Slate is loaded with silica and bioavailable essential trace minerals, almost as if the scientific formulator know...
Coffee with...Aundrea Sides (Ep 25)Step into the extraordinary world of Aundrea Sides, a luminary figure in the realm of...
Coffee with..Nicole Alexandria Zayhowski, Systems Advocate & Medical Intuitive (Ep 24) Some people conform to systems of...
Coffee with....Brian D Ridgeway (Ep 23)Join me as Brian explains how he moves beyond outdated self-help, endlessly rehas...
Coffee with Duquesne Cook, President of Rahm Roast (Ep.22)Today, I'm so excited to share coffee connection and learn mor...
Today, "Coffee with" is following up with Melissa Nordh (Ep. 21)As you might remember from our first interview, Melissa,...
"Coffee with"...Clayton Thomas, husband, dad, Founder of #therootbrands (Ep.20)Today, I'm so grateful to finally connect...
Today, I'm going solo! (Ep. 19)Yep, just lil ole me, sharing a teensie bit of my quantum solution healing experiences an...
Today, "Coffee with" is meeting with Tom Paladino (Ep. 18)Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make ...
Today, "Coffee with" is meeting with Melissa Nordh (Ep. 17)Melissa, also known as #justmelissa, lives in South Africa.  ...
Today, "Coffee with..." is meeting with Vicki Mizel (Ep. 16)Vicki Mizel has been an educator, artist, actress, speaker a...