

We support small businesses, entrepreneurs and brands in getting their story heard and reaching their true fans aka perfect customers online and offline.


✨Closing one chapter and starting a new one ✨
The transition into the new year comes with making new years resolutions for many.

This year I will be one of them: taking a step towards being more active on social media (after all this is what I do for a living). And while I do it very well for my clients, following a well thought through strategy, thinking about what to post to attract their fans, my own take a backseat more often than not. 😅

So, stayed tuned for more regular posts about all things running your own business and of course communication, including what to do about social media.

Spoiler alert though - Being strategic about this is in my opinion even more important that having the perfect picture and text. Not saying they are not important but if they don't resonate with your personality, your values and philosophy, their impact will be less powerful.

👇What step are you going to take first? Comment below and let's start the conversation. 🙂

Photos from MiliMilu's post 23/11/2022

✨ Client Zoom In ✨

"Dare to try and do what you love and love what you do!”

Inspiring article about Morrison founder of MiliMilu, one of our clients. Read about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur and how to overcome challenges.

What is sustainable fashion and how to move towards a sustainable wardrobe 07/10/2022

–– Client Zoom ––

For our client MiliMilu we have been working on the notion of sustainable fashion, what it is and why it matters.

👗👙👕We also shine light on how you can move towards a more sustainable wardrobe without breaking the bank, by being more smart and strategic about new purchses and taking care of your current wardrobe.

Definitely an inspiring read! 💕

What is sustainable fashion and how to move towards a sustainable wardrobe Ways how to move forward to more sustainable wardrobe for yourself and your children

Physiotherapie fir Hënn 02/06/2022

✨ Client Zoom In ✨

If you ever wondered what a physio for dogs actually does, our client Joëlle Michels from Idaia's Muppekiné explains it in simple words and shares great insight too. (🇱🇺 Podcast in Luxembourgish)

Physiotherapie fir Hënn Vu Muskel-Verspanungen iwwer Arthros bis bei Problemer no Operatiounen: Eis véierbeeneg Frënn kënnen ënner deene selwechte gesondheetleche Prob...

Simple ideas for more sustainability in daily life 27/05/2022

✨ Zoom on our clients ✨

🌱 Simple ideas for more sustainability for the whole family🌱
by MiliMilu

👉 If you are wondering how to bring more sustainability to your family and get the kids envolved too - Our client MiliMilu has some ideas on how to make sustainable choices in everyday life an make it fun for your family too!

Simple ideas for more sustainability in daily life For the whole family and how to get your kids involved

10 Lessons I Learned as Someone Who Has Spent 10 Years Running a Business 23/05/2022

Food for thought on the 10 lessons learned from an entrepreneur running a business for years.

Couldn't agree more on building up a network and making menaingful connections!

10 Lessons I Learned as Someone Who Has Spent 10 Years Running a Business If you're starting or growing your business, these ten tips are essential.

5 Ways to Make More Time for Your Small Business 17/05/2022

Feeling like you never have enough time for your small business!? It can be tough to find the time with all your other obligations. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make more time, respectively be more efficient with the time on hands.

👇 What is your hack to utilise the time you have most efficiently?

5 Ways to Make More Time for Your Small Business Here are five ways to make more time for your small business and increase your productivity.


Feeling stuck!? Take a break! 😅 My take and for the last few weeks.

If you feel stuck and lack motivation to keep going, taking a break and trying something new, respectively treat yourself might do wonders.

🍧 In my case, after passing this shaved icecream shop everyday for over a year I finally took a break and went for this yummy delicious treat. As you can tell it was gigantic and even with my two little sidekicks we could not finish it!

🤔 I also keep reflecting about why I currently feel stuck and I think it might come down to refocusing on my core value and purpose of doing what I do and remembering why I started in the first place.

Looking For A Business Idea? Start With Your Purpose 09/05/2022

Great read about how to come up with a business idea. Personally I think that starting from your purpose and values will get you a long way. Especially when things get hard, you hit bumps along the road. You purpose will keep you going! Plus building a business around your purpose and values adds credibility to you as an expert in your field of activity and will give you many stories to tell your fans (aka customers!)

👇Share it with us: What is your purpose? What keeps you going?

Looking For A Business Idea? Start With Your Purpose Here's a completely different way of developing a business idea. Instead of focusing on a problem worth solving, focus on the purpose that drives you.

7 Movies on Netflix All Entrepreneurs Should Watch 08/04/2022

Just in time for the weekend 🎥 A compilation of movies that entrepreneurs should watch.
👇 Have you seen them? Which one do you recommend?

7 Movies on Netflix All Entrepreneurs Should Watch These films will both entertain and educate.

Suen a Material fir d'Flüchtlingen: Taiwan weist sech solidaresch mat Spende fir d'Ukrain 01/04/2022

🎙 New podcast for RTL Lëtzebuerg

The world stands in solidarity with Ukraine and sends help in various forms to support the people on the ground, but also the refugees who fled the war and are now seeking shelter in the neighbouring countries. Taiwan is also doing its share and much more!

🇱🇺 The full article and podcast can be found here 👇

Suen a Material fir d'Flüchtlingen: Taiwan weist sech solidaresch mat Spende fir d'Ukrain Wéi vill Länner condamnéiert och Taiwan déi russesch Invasioun an der Ukrain a weist sech solidaresch.


Hands down one of my favourite quotes these days! 🤓
Although I dare say, that you also need some logic, strategy and structure to make your imagined idea a reality.

👇 What team are you on?


Being a freelancer / solo entrepreneur / small business owner - or whichever cap you have on 😅 means that more often than not you are "ON", be it early morning, late at night or on the weekend. Your head is always in the business, even if your body is not (so to speak). Even more important to actively and consciously take time off and breathe, admire the beauty around you, do something that nutures your soul. 🍃

🌾 I fell in love with these pretty flowers, all fluffy and in a bright yellow leaning towards orange and wondering about the contrast between that vibrant colour and the grey, white concrete jungle behind, .. until I saw the fluo green SUV! Go spice up your life with some colour! 🚘

20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2022 10/03/2022

When thinking about a social network for everything you do professionally, LinkedIn comes to mind. Being present on LinkedIn can go a long way with position yourself among other professionals in your industry. And as with all social networks there are ways on how to optimise your profile and stand out among the crowd.

A short intro on what to work on as an intorduction to the theme I will be working on and writing on over the next few weeks!

20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2022 Make this the year that you invest in building your personal brand on LinkedIn – here are 20 things to try that will get your LinkedIn profile working harder for you

Änlech Situatioun?: Krich an der Ukrain mat méigleche Repercussiounen op Taiwan 07/03/2022

My latest podcast for the radio RTL Lëtzebuerg took a look at the influence of the war in Ukraine on Taiwan. Could the crisis be a blueprint for a Chinese invasion on the island in terms of reactions from the West?

👇 Listen to the podcast in Luxembourgish:

Änlech Situatioun?: Krich an der Ukrain mat méigleche Repercussiounen op Taiwan Geopolitesch ass d'Invasioun vun der Ukrain net nëmme fir de Westen brisant, ma kéint och Repercussiounen op d’Sécherheet an d’Stabilitéit an Asien hunn.


Wishing you all a great weekend from one of my favourite working spots! 🤓
Nothing beats a chill, cosy work environment with brilliant tea beverages! (Me not being a coffee person and in tea heaven here) 🍵

Now off to recharging for the upcoming week! We have a 3 day weekend over here, so we decided to head down South to camp by the beach! 👙☀️🏖

👇 What are your plans for the weekend?


When all else fails - Remember why you started!

✨ What is your why? ✨
👇 Share your raison d'être below!

Why is a (business) plan important? - Storikai 17/02/2022

It's been a bit quieter this week, as I was working on a blog about the importance of having a business plan. While it seems a daunting task to actually write down all your ideas for your business, it is also a great help to manage your business on a daily basis and check milestones.
🛰 A business plan is your navigation system really and keeps you on track, and who wouldn't want that! 😉
🙋‍♀️ Hands up for those who have a business plan (short or long) for their business.

Why is a (business) plan important? - Storikai Your business plan, no matter how short or elaborate, is your guiding system for your business journey! Here is how to write a business plan


Not necessarily business related, but then again... 😅
I am going to get a workout in today and yes I will thank myself for it later! Because, "this is one workout I regret", said no one EVER! 💪

Working out or just moving my body, helps me a great deal to clear my mind and be creative, so I try and make it part of my routine at least a couple of times per week, even if just for 30 minutes at a time!

👉 What will you do today, be it even small that you will be thankful for down the road?


🌿 Breathing in, breathing out 🍃
I wish I could say that I am working with THAT view today...😅

Instead I am looking back at the pictures from our weekend in the mountains... Our little aboriginal hunter house that we stayed in, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by tea fields, bumpy roads, hot pot, good friends and a cat! 😆

I am definitely refueled for the week ahead!

What is your ideal break from work / life ?


From planning to ex*****on - With your goals in mind - What is one action you are going to take next week to get a step closer to your goals?

✨ For me it will be to show up here more often, to let you in on my daily life as a small business owner, share interesting facts and articles and to also show you what fuels me when off work.

☕️ 🌴 🍧 So be prepared to see more work places (aka coffee shops) outside of my home office, snapshots of different neighbourhoods as I wander towards the "office", nature and food shots (both things I really love and nuture my soul)

📍 (Luxembourg)
📸 Eric Berna

20 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan in 2022 01/02/2022

I mentioned it before and you can't repeat your goal enough! "Less winging, more strategy" is mine for 2022! So, I will work with more prupose towards my business goals and it really all starts with a plan! 😉

👉 A business plan goes a long way of setting yourself up for success, no matter your industry or the scale of your business. It will force you to sit down to think about what you offer, who your ideal customer is, look into the market and what the competition is like. It helps you to get a sense of who you are, what values you stand for and finally to make you crunch numbers.

💡Instead of blindly navigating though the waters, you will know where you are going and be less distracted by the noise around you!

Do you have goals set for this year?

20 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan in 2022 Learn the 20 reasons why developing a business plan is important and why you should start business planning ASAP.


✨ One step at the time - What action could you take today to get closer to your longterm goal for your business?

Even a small step can go a long way, if you commit to it, it feels achievable and not overwhelming to be done.

9 Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success Every Day 25/01/2022

🧐 The question that seems so difficult to answer, or should we say an answer that seems difficult to make a reality - How to stay productive, motivated and get work done everyday when you are working as a solo entrepreneur?

There are plenty of ways and options to get there starting with working on your personal life, to tools to streamline tasks in your business activity. Whereever you choose to start, make it a small, digestible step at the time and don't overwhelm yourself with wanting to change your whole life at once.

💡 From the list below, if all else fails, I chose routine - Making a cup of tea before sitting down to work helps me tremendously to transition from the family life buzz morning rush to set my mind on work mode. Sleep and working out would be a close follow to that! 😅

➡️ What would be your number 1 thing to prioritise?

9 Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success Every Day Don't forget to build in some playtime.


👉 Latest podcast for RTL Lëtzebuerg (in Luxembourgish 🇱🇺)

How Omicron found its way into Taiwan and what the first reactions from officials are - strict contact tracing, massive testing of potential contacts, desinfecting areas positive cases passed through, early school closures before the Chinese New Year holidays. The question remains, whether Taiwan will continue its zero local cases approach or whether it will have to learn how to live with the virus.

💡 Interesting detail: The vaccination rate decreases with age. While over 80% of the 18-49 age group are vaccinated, only 67% of the 75 year old are vaccinated.

💡Impressive is their rate at which booster shots are given. A week ago it was barely 1% of the population, while now the rate clibed to 9%.


Time to celebrate!

About a year ago the idea for Storikai was born and since, I got my feet wet yet again as an entrepreneur. From setting up a company to finding the first clients and juggling the challenges the pandemic threw at me: trying to set up a stable business, while taking care of two kids with school closures, quarantine and more.

Challenges, rewards and a steep learning curve later, my motto this year will be "Less winging, more strategy" - All the while staying flexible to whatever life will throw at me still! 😉

So stay tuned for more regular content about what I am up to at work!

Also, Don't forget to check out my website on a regular basis as I vow to tend to it more regularly as well!

📸 Photo taken by my very talented friend Eric Berna
📍Chocolate House Mersch (During our stay in Luxembourg in Summer - Thanks for bearing with us 😅)

It's Time to Vote in the Wellness & Lifestyle Awards 2021! | Liv 17/08/2021

Proud to see one of our clients - MiliMilu - among the finalists in the kids sustainable brand category in the Wellness and Lifestyle awards 2021 by Liv Magazine!
Good luck! We cross our fingers! 🤞

It's Time to Vote in the Wellness & Lifestyle Awards 2021! | Liv Voting for the Wellness & Lifestyle Awards is now open and runs until 8pm on August 22. Cast your vote now for the best of Hong Kong wellness industry.

Tokio: Olympesch Spiller mat ville Restriktioune fir d’Athleten 13/07/2021

As the Tokyo Olympics are only 10 days away, my latest podcast for RTL Lëtzebuerg took a look at the restrictions for athletes participating. The games will be lonely ones to say the least with no viewers allowed at the venues and limited contact between the athletes.

🇱🇺 Podcast in Luxembourgish

Tokio: Olympesch Spiller mat ville Restriktioune fir d’Athleten Wéineg ëffentleche Support, keng Spectateuren a vill streng Mesuren: D'Olympesch Spiller wäerten dëst Joer fir déi 11.000 Athlete ganz speziell sinn.

The Unintended Consequences Of The Hybrid-Work Model 27/05/2021

🧐 An interesting take on working from home and flexible working arrangements. Definitely worth reading and food for thought!

The Unintended Consequences Of The Hybrid-Work Model Here are just some of the time bombs both management and staff need to navigate when returning to work at an office setting or continuing at home.


Latest podcast for RTL Lëtzebuerg on the significant raise of Covid-19 cases in Taiwan over the last 2 weeks leading to "Level 3 of Corona mesures", which equals an almost lockdown, including mask wearing at all times outside of your home, including when driving your car and closure of all non essential shops and schools.

Podcast in Luxembourgish: