Mad Cow Fitness

Mad Cow Fitness

**Online Health & Nutrition Coach**

1 on 1 Coaching: Train & Eat For Your Body Type

Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach

1 On 1 Coaching: How To Train & Eat For Your Body Type
Coaching Individuals To Transform Their Body & Mind


Getting bored of Squats or Hip Thrusts, but still want to build your b***y 🍑and legs🦵....

Have a break and exercise! 🔥
🔹 ️Weighted Jumping Squats 🔹️

Build up power 💥 in your legs which will help you when lifting heavy for barbell Squats 🍑🦵
Also fantastic for strength and cardio! This exercise will really get your heart pumping❣ and burning those calories- phew! 🥵


Who's Ready To Take Control Of Their Health & Fitness & Smash Some Goals This Month❓️🤩

Is Time To Stop Feeling

And Start To Feel Amazing In Yourself Again!


"I need to lose weight, but I just love food too much!" 🍕🧀

That's fine!! You CAN LOSE WEIGHT while eating the foods you love - It all comes to balance 😁

"Is that why you haven't tried to lose weight because you are worried you will have to give up all the foods you love and live on salads and water?"

If you can relate to this 👆👆 Then carry on reading because this is for you ❤

Please don't put off losing weight because you think you will be giving up all of the foods you enjoy eating!

I mean obviously, you need to make some changes because otherwise, you wouldn't be looking to lose weight! But just by making small changes to your eating habits a little bit by bit, you will grow to adjust to your new way of eating and learn to enjoy your foods more! Start experimenting with cooking more perhaps 😃

To lose weight and still enjoy the foods you love you need to put yourself into a Calorie Deficit. Meaning you need to cut down on the calories you are already intaking!
(To calculate a new calorie intake for yourself to aim for, pop me a in the comments below ❤ )

You can start to put yourself into a Calorie Deficit by making small changes to your diet straight away!
Here are my ...
🔹Opt for homemade than takeaways - Try to stay away from processed foods.
🔹Swap fizzy pop for zero-calorie or flavored spring water.
🔹Swap white potato for sweet potato. Or if you love mashed potatoes try and void adding milk and butter, or opt for sweet potato, cauliflower or parsnip mash!
🔹Opt for brown seeded bread instead of white.
🔹Wholewheat pasta and rice instead of white.
🔹Make homemade sauces! YUM!
🔹Always include veg in your meals, a larger portion than your carbs!
🔹If you take 2 sugars in your tea, start having 1.
🔹If you are craving sugary things, try fruit instead for natural sweetness.
🔹If you love pizza, make a homemade one instead!
🔹Maybe skip 2 breakfasts a week, or have fruit instead.
🔹Avoid pastries & fried foods!
🔹Cut down on alcohol or swap for low calories.

I hope these help you in getting started! ❤
Share with anyone who may find value from this.


You are trying so hard to lose weight 😫 - But you only have to look at food and seem to put weight on!!! 🍟
Sound Familiar❓

I can imagine how utterly frustrating 😫 this must be especially when you are trying so damn hard!!! But don't worry I'm here to help ❤

It will most likely be down to the food you are eating and what is more suitable for your body type! After all losing weight is pretty much all about nutrition! 🥞🌭

Take a pen and paper - And write down what you consume in a week.

See what you can cut down or swap for healthier choices!

Also, throw a bit more walking into your week - You don't need to go to the gym or do a 5k run. Try to aim for 10,000 steps a day or more if possible ❤

I'm looking for 5 individuals who are looking to lose weight and build muscle (And no building muscle doesn't mean you will look bulky)

Pop me a below ❤


Good Morning Everyone!


No equipment? No problem!
This routine can be performed literally anywhere—your living room, your yard, your office, or a conference room even!

If you’ve got some dumbbells, weight plates, or bands lying around....use them! But don’t assume you need added resistance for an exercise to be effective. In fact, by using just your own body weight, you’re better able to focus on form and technique.

To make a bodyweight exercise more challenging, slow down your tempo and implement isometric holds at various points in the range of motion.

Try this:
Repeat 3 times with no rest in-between each exercise.
Squats - 20/25 reps.
Jumping Squats - 20/25 reps.
Lunge - 10/15 reps each leg.
Hip Bridge - 10/15 rep. Hold at the top and squeeze for a second.
Fire Hydrant - 10/15 reps each leg.

Let me know how you got on! 😃 Share and follow for more tips and advice!

Send a message to learn more


Good Morning 👋👋 How are we all feeling today? 🤩

Waking up feeling lethargic❓️ Slugglish & Rubbish! - Surely you can't enjoy starting your day like this? 🤷‍♂️

It might be time to have a look at your eating habits 🤔 Are you quite an active🚶‍♂️ or inactive😴 person. How do you feel mentally or are you not sleeping enough!

If you are ready to make a change pop me a below and lets begin! 🤩


For you to achieve your ideal body💃 - You have to set goals for yourself. You need to have a plan 📝 of how you are going to get there!

Before you can squat 80kg🏋‍♀️ you have to be able to squat 50-60-70kg. Before you can bench press 35kg, you have to be able to bench press 20-25kg💪

And that takes time!⏰️ You start - And build your way up using progressive resistance training🚀

You need to set yourself weekly goals to help you achieve your monthly goals 💥 And monthly goals to help you reach your yearly goal💥

That way you can look back over a 30-day period🗓 See where you are at, and what you may need to adjust to get you back on track.
Sometimes focusing on long-term goals can be discouraging😩
❣️'A Journey Of A Thousand Miles, Started With Just One Step'❣️

Are you ready to take that first step❓️Are you ready to make a plan and start achieving your goals❓️

Get in touch today and let's begin!


Find walking boring 🚶‍♂️- But hate running 🏃‍♀️

Why don't you give Skipping a try to burn those extra calories❓️
Fantastic for cardio 🔥 You don't need to be a pro!

You could get one for the whole family and get your children involved too!


"Ill start monday" 👎
"Ill start next week" 👎
"Ill start after Christmas!" 👎

Keep putting off losing weight❓️

Im afraid there is never a right time to start lovely 🤷‍♂️ Its just one of those things you have to, just start! 😁

It can help to put it in your calendar or diary 🗓 So it is written down, in black & white. A bit like starting a job!
You know its going to happen, so you can pepare 📝

Clear your cupboards and fridges🍫🍺 Think about what you need to do. Schedule your workouts or walks🚶‍♀️
There are no excuses then 🤜

The longer you leave it. The more weight you are gaining - The more weight you are going to have to lose 🤷‍♂️

It is a slow process - You won't see results over days. It took years to put the weight on and it will take months or years to take it off.
Its a change of lifestyle🌯🍓🥦A change of eating habits with moderate exercise💃🏃‍♀️

No losing weight doesn't have to be boring. You don't need to run for miles or only eat dry chicken and rice🤣

If you want to know more on how to lose weight and sustain your weight loss long term. Im not talking about a quick fix! Then pop me a message for some tips and advice - I'm here to help 😘


When on your journey - Whether it's Weight Gain or Weight Loss.
Remember, don't compare yourself to others. It's good to have some sort of inspiration yes, but remember - Everyone is different.
We are all, our own unique individual 😘

Some people are naturally athletic (Mesomorph) - Some are naturally slim (Ectomorph) - And others are natural hourglass (Endomorph)

But each one comes with its benefits and downfalls.

Ectomorphs are naturally slim yes. But generally, don't have a figure, and struggle to gain weight.
Mesomorphs are naturally athletic but can lose weight or gain weight easily. So it can be frustrating to fluctuate in weight and hard to find that balance.
Endomorphs are generally an hourglass shape, with most of their weight on their midsection, and find it easy to gain weight, but difficult to lose! BUT when losing weight and toning - wow they can achieve beautiful curves and a great b***y 🍑

So remember to focus on yourself and your own journey ❣️ and don't compare yourself to others and how quickly they transformed their body.

Some individuals may have health conditions that create obstacles to overcome.
Others may have children who take up a lot of their time.
Others may be free as a bird to train every day!

Just stay consistent, and don't give up, even if you have a few days off. Keep going, day by day, week by week, and you will get there ❣️❣️
Share the love 😘


If you have a naturally athletic body or your hips and waist are the
the same width, you may have the body type of a Mesomorph!

You are lucky that you can build quite an amazing physique - Whether that's to build muscle and bulk or become lean and lose weight!

Following a fairly balanced eating plan based on your macronutrients (Protein, Carbs, Fat) may be useful. It's a great way to find that perfect balance depending on what you want to achieve.

If you think you have the body type of a Mesomorph and would like some more information, pop me a message using the button below 😘😘


If your primary goal is weight training to build muscle.

Dont do your cardio🏃‍♀️ before your training. You want to preserve as much energy 🔥 as possible to really push on your lifting! Those last few reps are the most important, so if you are burnt out before you can do a proper lifting session, you will struggle to build muscle. 🦵💪

Do it after! But I would say try and keep your cardio training to a couple of times a week, keep it to a minimum :) Because dont forget you want to be eating more calories🥑🥙 than you are burning to provide your muscles with the nutrition it needs to repair and build!!! 🥘🍱


Try and implement some wide stance BB Squats as well as narrow. This way you are working more muscle groups 🙂

Wide stance hits all muscles in your legs but, I would say activate your glutes and hamstrings more - Whereas narrow stance is more quads!

On your next Squat Day, try and alternate from narrow stance to then wide! Wow you will really feel it! 🔥

Like and follow for more fitness tips and advice 😘


I am now taking on new clients who are looking to .

Get your first 30 days free when you sign up.

Click on the link below or pop me a message for more info


For all who are on their fitness journey - Don't worry if your progress is slow!


I know how frustrating it is!!! I know how much it can get you down!! - People calling you skinny or thin.

It's okay for some yes - But to others, it can be damaging - Especially if you don't want to be.

If you are naturally slim and find it impossible to put on weight, you probably have the body type of an ectomorph like me.

The good news is, you can work to change it! With determination and consistency to train and eat well!

You can build yourself a pretty awesome body 😍 Don't be afraid of "bulking". You don't have to bulk.

I have always been slim growing up and trained to gain any sort of figure. Then during and after my pregnancy, I lost a considerable amount of weight! I became extremely weak and fragile.

After 8 months of training - This is what you could achieve 👇❣️
If this is you, pop me a for support & advice❣️


Happy Saturday Everyone I Hope You Have A Fab Weekend


When you look in the mirror and look at yourself, there will always be something you want to change.

Maybe you have lost weight and are now at your ideal weight - But now you have lost your bum or you want to tone up!

Maybe you are weight training and the weight is never enough, you keep pushing yourself to lift heavier and heavier - Or one muscle isn't developing as much and you see yourself as nonsymmetrical.

This is something you are just going to have to accept - Use it as motivation to keep going and keep disciplined but don't let it get you down or control you!

Remember to love yourself and be on your journey for yourself and no-one else


😍🤩 Good Morning Everyone!! 😍🤩

Share Your Favourite Exercise At The Moment...
Mine Is Definitely **Wide Stance Deadlift**!!!!


Do you want to level up your fitness game🏃‍♀️🏋‍♀️ - Maybe you want to lose weight or gain muscle❓️🦵💪

Working out is a great way to get started 👍BUT if you really want to crush your goals and feel like the best version of yourself, you have to focus on nutrition too!🥩🍳🫐

I believe in supporting you to make healthier choices with foods and exercise - that sustain you long term💃

There is no quick fix - It is a change of habits - But for the better ❣️ For more information pop me a below 👇


and not seeing results❓️

Protein is a powerful tool and absoloutley essential when building muscle!🦵💪

Its also manages your hunger and weight.

Out of all the macronutrients (Protein, Fats, Carbs) protein is the most filling.

When training to build muscle, you dont need to eat like an absoloute horse🐴 to do this. But to chose your foods wisely🥩

Choose certain high protein snacks and foods to implement into your recipes to provide your muscles with the right nutrition it needs to repair.

Dont just eat huge meals full of everything and anything🐷

Protein not only helps your feel full, but it also boosts your metabolism, and esures you hang onto healthy muscle while losing fat.

If you are training to build muscle and need help with this. Pop me a message using the button below 😘


Try and implement some wide stance BB Squats as well as narrow. This way you are working more muscle groups :)

Wide stance hits all muscles in your legs but, I would say activate your glutes and hamstrings more - Whereas narrow stance is more quads!

On your next Squat Day, try and alternate from narrow stance to then wide! Wow you will really feel it! 🔥

Like and follow for more fitness tips and advice 😘


Does exercise burn fat - I'm afraid not.
Does sweating mean you're losing weight - I'm afraid not.
Can you choose where you lose fat from? - Nope sorry.

These are a few myths people get confused with when trying to lose weight.

To lose fat, you need to put yourself in a calorie deficit. Meaning you are eating fewer calories and burning more. Exercise only contributes to around 5-10% of your weight loss.
Its not right to just say - Eat less & Move More. It is about a lifestyle change and making healthier choices. Something you need to adapt to gradually in your everyday life.
Supplements and shakes are usually just a temporary fix, and you will find the weight is put back on fairly quickly once you stop using them. Because you haven't learned to adjust your eating habits and still eat the same things that put the weight on to start with. And - You can't live off shakes for the rest of your life.

If you are looking to lose fat in a certain area of your body - I'm afraid this just isn't possible. It's all down to genetics where you lose fat first.
For example - Doing sit-ups WILL NOT make you lose fat on your belly. To lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. By all means, do sit-ups and core strength training but your abs will only be visible, once you lose the fat.

And finally, when it comes to sweating. Your body sweats to cool itself down when exercising. So basically - You need to drink some water and rehydrate!

I hope you found these tips useful


I know how frustrating it is!!! I know how much it can get you down!! - People calling you skinny or thin.

Its okay for some yes - But to others it can be damaging - Especially if you dont want to be.

If you are naturally slim and find it impossible to put on weight, you probably have the body type of an ectomorph like me.

The good news is, you can work to change it! With determination and consistency to train and eat well!

You can build yourself a pretty awesome body 😍 Dont be affraid of "bulking". You dont have to bulk.

I have always been slim growing up and trained to gain any sort of figure. Then during and after my pregnancy, I lost a considerable amount of weight! I became extremely weak and fragile.

After 8 months of training - This is what you could acheive 👇❣️

If this is you, pop me a for support & advice❣️


You can create quite an awesome physique if you have a naturally athletic body! You most likley have the body type of a Mesomorph 😍😍

You may currently fluctuate in weight fairly easily and find it hard to get that balance!

For Mesomorphs its recommended to count your macros (Proteins, Fats, Carbs)

If you think this is you, and are currently struggling. Pop me a below 😘


You may want to -
🔹️Lose Weight
🔹️Increase Strength
🔹️Build Muscle & Bulk

If you don't know how to reach your goals it can be daunting, which may prevent you from even starting!

Maybe support & a plan is what you need to help you get there❓️

Join us at Mad Cow Fitness and receive your first 30 days FREE! 😱 Just click on the link below to begin 🤩

For more information pop a in the comments below ❣️

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