Kwesi Music

Kwesi Music

Singer, Songwriter, Recording & Performing Artiste.

✂️ have I told you lately? 05/04/2023


✂️ have I told you lately? 32 seconds · Clipped by Kwesi Goddard · Original video "COMFY COUCH CONCERTS | Season 1| EP 4 Kwesi" by Comfy Couch Concerts SLU

✂️ have I told you lately? 18/11/2022


✂️ have I told you lately? 32 seconds · Clipped by Kwesi Goddard · Original video "COMFY COUCH CONCERTS | Season 1| EP 4 Kwesi" by Comfy Couch Concerts SLU

✂️ SiMH 11/11/2022 Deep..

✂️ SiMH 29 seconds · Clipped by Kwesi Goddard · Original video "COMFY COUCH CONCERTS | Season 1 | Episode 4 Kwesi - Scarred" by Comfy Couch Concerts SLU

Timeline photos 07/11/2022

The crowning of a King is a glorious event, though many discouraging hours has past, and seemingly an unending amount of these hours may remain, the rainbow of accomplished goals will appear on the horizon

Timeline photos 04/11/2022

life can be as simple or complex as we make it, sometimes we have no choice but to deal with corrections we must make due to past decisions, but you know what? in a hundred years will it matter?

Timeline photos 02/11/2022

when you are too close to the tree, you may fail to see the forest...

Timeline photos 31/10/2022

Nobody was born already wise, some are naturally talented, some work very hard to achieve it, but with a little consistency, you get better results than just intensity alone, a rain drop can bring down a mountain

Timeline photos 30/10/2022

there will be many discouraging hours before the rainbow of accomplished goals appear on the horizon...

Timeline photos 29/10/2022

Culture is so beautiful, without it, beauty becomes so superficial. Creole day, we say "jounen kweyol" in St. Lucia, is an effort to reconnect with the beginnings of our post colonial past, when we struggled to remember our cultural identities that was severed from our origins, now we connect directly and we do remember, yes we do, everything... everything... sweat blood and tears, but now we celebrate

Timeline photos 28/10/2022

In every event in life you will always find a courageous and determined leader, an inspiring goal or objective, and an enemy who sought to foil his or her efforts... hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory

Timeline photos 20/10/2022

Some times its coffee, some times its tea, sometimes its nothing at all, but we find a way to push on, though it seems like nothing is moving, still waters run deep...
Keep rising...

Timeline photos 19/10/2022

Fixed on the goal and confident in the victory of good over evil, but the little things are so important, we make excuses, but really, we can make the time

keep rising

Timeline photos 18/10/2022

The ending of one cycle, is the beginning of another, and every lesson learnt comes a responsibility and a blessing


Its not even funny how much you learn as you grow, especially if you are observant. Many things do not deserve your attention. Many things do not and many do deserve your attention, a challenge is to see through the noise, and focus on the little things that do.


End of one cycle is just the begining of a new one...apply experience to knowledge and knowledge to right action


Every act of communication is a miracle of translation. Music is the greatest communication in the world. Even if people don’t understand the language that you’re singing in, they still know good music when they hear it.

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Good Night Everyone, I do hope that everyone is had a great day! This is the quote of the night. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Healthiness and happiness is a mark of true and practical spirituality."

"La salud y la alegría es una marca de espiritualidad verdadera y práctica."

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Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable. Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.

This is my passion and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with you guys!

Stay tuned! I promise you won't be let down..


Good Night Everyone, I do hope that everyone is had a great day! This is the quote of the night. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Positively influence those around us."
- Kwesi

"Influir positivamente en quienes nos rodean."

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Good Night Everyone, Trust everyone had a blessed day! I just want to remind everyone that friendship is very powerful! A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.

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Good Night Everyone, I do hope that everyone is had a great day! This is the quote of the night. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Improve the quality of your thinking, doing and speaking and we will therefore improve the quality of our lives."
- Kwesi

"Mejorar la calidad de nuestra pensamiento, acciones, y palabras, asi vamos a mejorar la calidad de nuestra vida."

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Timeline photos 20/10/2021

Good Night Everyone, I do hope that everyone is had a great day! This is the quote of the night. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Improve the quality of your thinking, doing and speaking and we will therefore improve the quality of our lives."
- Kwesi

"Mejorar la calidad de nuestra pensamiento, acciones, y palabras, asi vamos a mejorar la calidad de nuestra vida."

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Music is my passion and I want to share my passion with you guys because I look at you guys and value you all. I wish that everyone has a blessed evening!
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Good Day everyone, I do hope that everyone is having a great day! This is the quote of the day. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Discipline of the mind is the basic ingredient of genuine morality and therefore of spiritual strength."
- Kwesi

"La disciplina de la mente es el ingrediente basico de la verdadera moralidad y por Los tanto la fortaleza espiritualidad."
- Kwesi

Genuine morality depends upon an exemplary control of one's body needs and drives. It also carries with it an empathetic understanding of differences between human being s. It therefore helps us to exhibit strength in the form of self-restraint and self-control.

La moralidad verdadera se depende sobre una control ejemplaria de Las necesidades fisicos y corporales. Tambien lleva consigo UN entendimiento empatetico de Las diferencias que existen entre Los seres humanos. Por eso, nos ayuda a exibir Fortaleza, y control de nuestros deseos y pasiones.

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Timeline photos 29/09/2021

Good Day everyone, I do hope that everyone is having a great day! This is the quote of the day. Try to remember it as you go through life.

"Discipline of the mind is the basic ingredient of genuine morality and therefore of spiritual strength."
- Kwesi

"La disciplina de la mente es el ingrediente basico de la verdadera moralidad y por Los tanto la fortaleza espiritualidad."
- Kwesi

Genuine morality depends upon an exemplary control of one's body needs and drives. It also carries with it an empathetic understanding of differences between human being s. It therefore helps us to exhibit strength in the form of self-restraint and self-control.

La moralidad verdadera se depende sobre una control ejemplaria de Las necesidades fisicos y corporales. Tambien lleva consigo UN entendimiento empatetico de Las diferencias que existen entre Los seres humanos. Por eso, nos ayuda a exibir Fortaleza, y control de nuestros deseos y pasiones.

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Timeline photos 29/09/2021

Music is my passion and I want to share my passion with you guys because I look at you guys and value you all. I wish that everyone has a blessed evening!
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Timeline photos 24/09/2021

Today Is Friday! Everyone, I trust that your week was filled with Blessings! Wishing everyone a restful and blessed weekend! Really thankful to everyone that so far has chosen to join me on my journey! As mentioned previously, there are many new and exciting things on the way from Kwesi Music! I urge everyone to stay tuned..

Timeline photos 22/09/2021

Blessed Uprising everyone, I am wishing everyone a productive, powerful and blessed day! This is the quote of the morning. Try to remember it as you go through life.
“Confident in the victory of good over evil.”
- Kwesi

"Confidnete en la Victoria de la rectitud sobre maldad."

Confidence in the victory of good over evil relates to being passionate about overcoming challenges which seem to be insurmountable. The confidence developed through the mastery of character helps one to keep poised enough to find solutions to our limitations.

Siendo seguro en la Victoria de rectitud sobre la maldad se relaciona con la determinacion para resolver problemas que son dificiles para resolver con un caracter que SE desarolla con la rectitud y forteleza.

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Timeline photos 17/09/2021

This journey has been an interesting one and I'm so excited to share the new upcoming chapters with you! With everything that my team and I have been working on, there's so much in store for you guys! 😁 ❤️


Trusting that everyone had a powerful day! This is the quote of the evening. Try to remember it as you go through life.

“Laziness is the sole breeder of sin, poverty and discontent.”
- Kwesi

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