Body After Birth

Body After Birth

Your muscles experienced major trauma - During pregnancy, the muscles in your pelvic floor and core were stretched significantly.

Body After Birth is the “no-sweat” exercise and self-care program that has helped 1000’s of women feel better, look better and take back their post-baby bodies in a few short weeks. The weight of your growing baby, changes in your posture, and childbirth (va**nal or C-section) affected your muscles and how they work. Trauma to your pelvic floor can cause things like pain with s*x, incontinence, fr


Are you dealing with any of these? Get our FREE guide to learn why and what you can do about it!

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Reduce Stress and Anxiety Anytime, Anywhere 19/01/2022

Not only does it promote circulation and healing, but it also lengthens your pelvic floor muscles which can alleviate pain and discomfort.

BONUS: it also helps with stress and anxiety. :)

Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing throughout your day, such as when feeding your baby.

Click here to get started:

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Reduce Stress and Anxiety Anytime, Anywhere This simple technique lengthens your pelvic floor muscles and can also help with pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, posture and so much more.This activity ...

BAB User Registration Free Trial 19/10/2021

The Body After Birth program is specifically for moms who are dealing with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

It was designed and created by Dr. Amanda Fisher, a leader in the field of women’s postpartum health. After working with thousands of moms in her clinic over the last 10 years, Dr. Amanda has used her expertise and experience to create an at-home treatment option.

And now, you can try the first week of Body After Birth ABSOLUTELY FREE.

“I was released from the hospital with lots of information on how to take care of my baby and when to contact the doctor over my baby, but nothing about how to take care of myself. Being a physical therapist, I know how important it is to retrain muscles that have experienced damage, but nobody was doing that for me. So, my goal became to help other mommas in this same situation. That’s why I created Body After Birth.” - Dr. Amanda

After pregnancy and childbirth, many moms experience symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction looks like:

• Accidentally p*eing your pants with things like sneezing, coughing, running, or jumping
• Pain or discomfort in your va**na, often during s*x
• Feeling pressure in your va**na like a used tampon is about to fall out
• Constipation
• A mommy pooch that won’t go away
• Pain in your back, hips, or tailbone

The good news is that you CAN treat Pelvic Floor Dysfunction! The Body After Birth program shows you exactly what to do.

Get started today and take back control of your body. Your future self will thank you!

BAB User Registration Free Trial BAB User Registration Free Trial Prevent and Correct Common Issues Like Mommy Pooch, Pain With S*x, Bladder Leaks, Diastasis Recti, Prolapse and More This “no-sweat” exercise and self-care program has helped 1000’s of moms feel better, look better and take back their post-baby bodies in a few ...


Resting is good for you. Choosing rest over laundry, cleaning, or catching up is okay!

When your body endures physical or emotional stress during the day it needs time to reboot, even if for only a few minutes.

Resting can:

❤️Reduce stress
❤️Improve your physical and mental health
❤️Improve your mood
❤️Help you be more patient and make better decisions

But, resting only works when you purposefully DO it! So, find some ways that you can implement rest into your schedule. Because you are WORTH it!


Retrain weakened abdominal muscles with Mini Star Crunches!

During pregnancy your core muscles become stretched out to make room for your growing baby, and at 35 weeks, every mom will experience Diastasis Recti (aka abdominal separation). Lots of moms will still have the separation after childbirth, and may have a new “mommy pooch”, too. Doing the right kinds of exercises, like the mini star crunch, will help eliminate these problems!

Mini star crunches are similar to mini crunches, but instead of going straight up, you’ll do a diagonal crunch. Make sure your belly isn’t rounding or doming when you sit up, as that can make your DR worse. If you do notice that your stomach is doming out, take a break.

To learn more about what you can do for your post baby body click the link below


Doing the Bird Dog with arms and legs exercise is a great way to connect your whole core to your glutes! This is the more advanced version of bird dog, and takes quite a bit more coordination, which is a good thing! It will help train your muscles and brain to work together during everyday activities. Try doing this with a foam roller or a plastic cup on your back to help you stay in the right position.

For more tips click the link below


We’re here to answer the tough, embarrassing, difficult questions.

We're here to help you move forward with your health and happiness!

So, ask away. All questions appreciated, nothing is TMI!



You CAN Fix Your Diastasis Recti!

Every mom will experience diastasis recti during pregnancy, and many of them continue to have abdominal separation weeks, months, even years after! But not many know how to really bring those muscles back together. Most new moms think the answer is doing endless amounts of crunches and sit ups, but doing them can actually worsen your diastasis recti! Learn the RIGHT way to fix your core with Body After Birth! BAB is the essential postpartum recovery program that teaches you how to heal your body and correct common issues after pregnancy and childbirth. Issues like:

• Pain with s*x
• Peeing/leaking urine
• Trouble holding back gas
• Low back and hip pain
• C-section scar discomfort
• Pelvic organ prolapse
• And so much more..

Start your healing journey today by clicking the link below


Hey, Momma! Learn how to assess your Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti (AKA abdominal separation) happens to 100% of moms at 35 weeks of pregnancy, and it continues for many moms postpartum, even years later. By doing specific exercises and focusing on how you move, stand, and sit, you can improve any lingering abdominal separation.

To learn more about your postpartum body click the link below


Oftentimes this is caused by a weakened pelvic floor after pregnancy and childbirth.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You don’t have to live in fear of painful or uncomfortable s*x!
Learn how the right combination of stretches and low-impact exercises can make a BIG difference.

Check out Body After Birth, the essential recovery program created by Dr. Amanda Fisher.



If you answered YES to any of these, it might be a sign that you have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

You’ll want to seek help when experiencing this kind of symptom because it is much easier to IMPROVE the pain the EARLIER it is treated.

To learn more about what you can do for your post-baby body click the link below


Learn how to lengthen and strengthen your pelvic floor with Pigeon Pose Kegels!

Pigeon pose Kegels help not only your pelvic floor, but they can help create hip mobility and ease tightness in your low back and hips. You may feel tighter on one side versus the other, and that’s OK! This is a great exercise to keep track of your tight areas and feel your progress after incorporating this into your routine.

For more tips click the link below


Momma, you’re not alone if you feel this way.

Pregnancy and childbirth take a huge toll on our bodies, both mentally and physically. And it doesn’t stop once your baby is born. Changes in hormones and adjusting to life with a baby can make things harder!

But, you don’t have to go through it alone. Let’s normalize talking about these changes and how hard it can be!

Share this with another mom to let her know that she is also not alone. ❤️


Momma, your body is AMAZING. Think about it: It spent over 9 months growing, stretching, and compensating in order to create and birth an actual HUMAN BEING.

The fourth trimester is a time for you to make caring for your baby and yourself a priority. You deserve this time! Ask for help with meals, carrying and lifting baby, and cleaning the house. Tiny steps towards recovery are key in this process so that you don’t overwork your body and so you can let it heal.

Birth is like an injury to the body. Doing too much too soon during the healing stage can cause issues with your pelvic floor and core muscles. It’s a lot easier to PREVENT future issues than deal with problems after the damage is done. For example, doing all the activities you did before your pregnancy can cause embarrassing and painful long-term health issues. You don’t want to p*e yourself when lifting a car seat out of the car or deal with pelvic organ prolapse when you're working out years later.

Mother yourself like you do your newborn and your future self will thank you for it!

And when you’re ready, focus on the specific stretches and low-impact exercises that will help your body recover the right way.

Click the link in our bio to learn how!

BAB User Registration Free Trial 17/09/2021

After pregnancy and childbirth, many moms experience symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction looks like:

• Accidentally p*eing your pants with things like sneezing, coughing, running, or jumping
• Pain or discomfort in your va**na, often during s*x
• Feeling pressure in your va**na like a used tampon is about to fall out
• Constipation
• A mommy pooch that won’t go away
• Pain in your back, hips, or tailbone

The good news is that you CAN treat Pelvic Floor Dysfunction! Our Body After Birth program shows you exactly what to do. Even better, you can try it out absolutely FREE!

Click here to learn more 👉

BAB User Registration Free Trial BAB User Registration Free Trial Prevent and Correct Common Issues Like Mommy Pooch, Pain With S*x, Bladder Leaks, Diastasis Recti, Prolapse and More This “no-sweat” exercise and self-care program has helped 1000’s of moms feel better, look better and take back their post-baby bodies in a few ...


Hey, Momma! Get strong glutes with a Single-Leg Bridge!

A single-leg bridge is the more advanced version of a regular bridge. This can be especially difficult for C-section mommas due to their core and pelvic floor not working together after surgery. You may only be able to do a few per side in the beginning, and that’s OK! Work your way up to doing 10-20 per leg and you will start feeling a difference. Remember to connect hip-bone to hip-bone or do a zip up with these, and breathe! Do these in conjunction with hip mobility stretches (like the 90/90 sit) for extra benefits.

For more tips click the link below


Retrain your core muscles and fix your Diastasis Recti with Mini Crunches!

Mini crunches are a great, gentle way for you to start gaining core strength and fix your DR, and also improve your mommy tummy. Many moms will hold their breath while getting out of bed or standing up from sitting, and that breath pushes out the lower abs, creating even more DR. Or the pressure can move down to your pelvic floor creating things like pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence. Traditional crunches or sit ups can be very strenuous on your belly, but with a mini crunch, you are sitting up and only going back about an inch to then do the crunch. Try practicing this move next time you’re rocking your baby or toddler and you’ll start seeing and feeling the benefits in no time!

For more tips click the link below


Hey, Momma! Painful s*x doesn’t just affect you - it can also affect your partner, especially if you aren’t talking to them about what you’re experiencing.

Honest communication is key for any healthy relationship, and talking about uncomfortable topics can help a couple get through the tough times. Be open with your partner, whether it be needing help with the kids, housework, or having patience while you begin to navigate motherhood and your new body.

Painful s*x doesn’t have to last forever, and below are 3 ways you can start healing your pelvic floor so you can enjoy the intimate moments with your partner again!

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

2. Child’s Pose Kegels

3. Happy Baby Stretch

For more tips about your new body click the link below



You are not alone, Momma!

More than half of moms experience painful s*x after childbirth, even up to 18 months later!

And, it’s not something that only affects moms who deliver va**nally. In fact, C-section moms are 2-3 times more likely to have pain with s*x. Oftentimes this is caused by a weakened pelvic floor after pregnancy.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You don’t have to live in fear of painful or uncomfortable s*x!

Learn how the right combination of stretches and low-impact exercises can make a BIG difference.

Check out Body After Birth, the essential recovery program created by Dr. Amanda Fisher.



Like we said in the first Farmer’s Maid post, good posture is essential for everyday life, especially when you’re carrying your baby or anything heavy around. Practice walking with your baby at chest level for about one minute, switch your baby to the other side and repeat. Make sure you are keeping the “ribs stacked over pelvis” posture and not sticking one hip out to the side. You can also use a hand weight or even a jug of milk or the laundry detergent. Keep all of this in mind when you are just standing holding your baby to help keep those hips in line!

For more tips click the link below


Hey, Momma! Strengthen your core with Zip Ups with Lift!

Today we’re going over our Zip Ups with a lift. This exercise helps strengthen your whole core, while also giving you better balance. Remember to keep the “ribs stacked over pelvis” posture and blow as you go. Practice this anytime you are lifting the car seat, your laundry basket, or anytime you are picking something up from the ground. You want to master this move before going on to the rest of the Zip Ups - with lift & balance, and lift, balance and shoulder press.

For more tips click the link below


Connect and strengthen your entire core with the Bird Dog exercise!

We’ll be focusing on Bird Dog with legs only - start here then you can advance to using your arms, too. You really want to do this slowly to make sure you aren’t losing your balance. Try this while your baby is laying on their back, with you over them. It’s the perfect time to work on yourself while also spending quality time with your little.

For more tips click the link below


Strengthen your glutes and pelvic floor with Air Squats!

The air squat is a great exercise to get your glutes and pelvic floor working together again, and is something you should practice anytime you’re going from sitting to standing or vice versa. Practice this move with a chair or hard surface behind you at first, and you can even hold onto a pole behind you to make sure you keep proper posture and don’t round your back. We like using a swiffer pole without the mop ;)

For more tips click the link below


Moms are masters at being prepared. Like an expert chess player, we can anticipate several moves ahead and play through different scenarios that might be thrown our way. matter how much planning and prepping we do, there are always those times when we find ourselves caught off guard.

So, let’s hear it - what has motherhood thrown your way that you didn’t anticipate? Comment below!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Learn how to decrease tightness in your abdomen and correct your Diastasis Recti!

The techniques in this video are great for all moms who still have Diastasis Recti, but it’s also great for moms who gave birth via C-section and have discomfort or sensitivity around their scar. You’ll be creating mobility and lengthening the tissues and muscles that will help close your Diastasis Recti, and will help with any scar tissue. If you are a C-section momma, wait until you’ve been released by your doctor to work on top of your scar.

To learn more about what you can do for your post baby body click the link below


Psst. It’s me, your body! Remember that thing we did a while back, birthed a baby? That was a roller coaster ride! All that stretching, shifting, and supporting an extra human was really hard on us!

In fact, I may still be recovering from it all. You know when you p*e your pants unexpectedly or have weird feelings or pains “down there” or in your low back? That’s me trying to get your attention!!

We may have something called Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. It’s really common (in fact, there’s a very good chance you know some other moms who have it), but we don’t want it because it can get worse and make life harder.

The good news is that there are things we can do about it! Things like specific stretches and low-impact exercises. And it will only take about 15-20 minutes a day.

Check out Body After Birth, the essential recovery program created by Dr. Amanda Fisher, a physical therapist who specializes specifically in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

Thanks, Momma! You’re doing a great job, by the way. ❤️


Proper posture is an important part of everyday life, especially during and after pregnancy. Your back muscles, hips, and pelvic floor get thrown out of whack when growing your baby. Many moms tend to lean backwards the bigger their bellies get. After delivering and carrying your baby around, you may tend to stick out one hip, or lean back when using a baby carrier. Practice the Farmer’s Maid Carry at your sides throughout your day to work on the “ribs stacked over pelvis” posture, and get stronger hips, pelvic floor and core muscles to keep your body aligned.

For more tips click the link below


Hey, Momma! Stop bloating, cramping and bladder urgency with the scooping technique!

This is a really simple and gentle way to help with bladder urgency, constipation, C-section scar discomfort, and even menstrual cramps. Do this with other C-section scar techniques, or anytime you’re laying in bed to get into the habit of doing them daily to feel your best.

For more information click the link below


Gain mobility in your low back and hips with rocking knees!

Rocking knees is a great way to relieve tension in your lower back and hips, especially after sitting at a desk all day or holding your baby for a long period of time. It’s a very gentle movement, and you don’t need to think about your breathing as much as other stretches or exercises. If you feel pain or discomfort, don’t push into it. Let your body go at it’s own pace, and work your way up to rocking all the way side-to-side.

For more tips click the link below

Videos (show all)

Mini Star Crunches
Bird Dog Arms & Legs
Assessing Diastasis Recti
Pigeon Pose Kegels
Single-Leg Bridge
Mini Crunches
Farmer's Maid Carry at Chest
Zip Ups with Lift
Bird Dog - Legs Only
Air Squat
Scar Work Muscular Layer
Farmer's Maid Carry at Sides