Anti Fragile - Gain from Disruptions

Anti Fragile - Gain from Disruptions

A resourceful page to empower seekers in their journey from Surviving to Thriving..


You're not a kid any more. You have the right to choose your own life. You can start again. If you want a cat, all you have to do is choose a life in which you can have a cat. It's simple. It's your right.

Haruki Murakami


Be in a relationship with someone who
1. Invests at least the same amount of time and energy in the relationship as you do
2. The permanent long term goals like having kids,pursuing career etc are aligned
3. Your unmet emotional needs are respected and met
4. Your day-to-day lifestyle matches
5. Both are willing to prioritize each others needs as required


Which stack are you building?


Self transformation is essentially a two-step process:
1. Becoming aware of your subconscious self sabotaging patterns
2. Consciously practicing corrective strategies till the new healthy pattern becomes your new normal


In order to find the answer to your life purpose, ask yourself these questions:
- What is it that I do in which I seem to forget the concept of time?
- What is the activity I feel I am good at doing?
- What will enable me to add value to the lives of people around me while enriching my own life?
- If I have enough wealth to last you a lifetime, what is it that I would like to do for spending the rest of my days?

Each of these questions pertains to the concept of Flow, core gifts, helping the society at large and Living in the end.

Be in Flow - Flow is the mental state in which you are in "the zone", you are performing the activity in such a way that you are fully immersed in it with full focus and energy. In this state, there is no scope of distraction. There is oneness of the person with the activity.

Honour your core gifts - Each one of us has certain intrinsic talents which may have been ignored by us in an attempt to fit into the social construct of conventional life. It's time to recognise and prioritize your core gifts as life is all about living inside out.

Serve others and yourself - With your core gifts, your cup must overflow. True fulfillment comes when we serve a larger audience with our gifts. Also, don't forget yourself while serving others. The more value you add to others, the more abundance you receive.

Living in the end - Assume that the end goal is reached and you are already living your best life. When you operate from a place of fulfillment of your life purpose, you become ready to receive abundance in all forms.



How to have confidence?
Be the main character in your story:
o Take up your space
o Speak up, use your voice.
o Don’t assume conclusions out of laziness or fear, rather seek the
o Public display of courage
o Face and stand your ground in a conflict with grace, do not
give in
o Have the mindset, No matter what happens I will be alright.
o Create space with those who do not match or acknowledge
your new energy.
o Be happy and satisfied alone; do not crave attention from
outside. Only then will you form fulfilling relationships with


It's easy to start a habit or a hobby or a relationship. It's also easy to end one of those. The true test lies in maintaining them. And success lies in maintaining high standards.


Note to Self-

You are your True Love.Period.


Say NO often.
A leader says No to protect his time and energy.
A follower fears saying No to avoid non-compliance and to please people.
Choose yourself over others.


Two days of procrastination can cost you two months of discipline.
You cannot afford it.


If your limiting beliefs are akin to inner wounds, your unhealthy patterns (like procrastination, self doubt, no boundaries, no self care, addiction) are akin to band-aids for temporary relief.
The deep inner wounds can be healed permanently by becoming conscious/aware of your patterns and intentionally changing them.
How to become aware of your faulty patterns? Notice whether what you want, what you plan and do for it aligns or not. If it doesn’t, you have some inner work to do.


Golden rules for thriving
1. Be in FLOW (pick and activity you genuinely enjoy and are good at)
2. The value of your abundance is in direct proportion of your service and the value you create for others
3. Do not WORK HARD (avoid resistance)
4. Consider the vision accomplished and do not second guess it. The Universe is working in your favour always.
5. Work on your dream project DAILY


- Focuses on thriving and growth

EGO is
-acts on fear, anger, shame and guilt
-protects from perceived danger and focuses on only on survival


Take control of the smallest things in your life,
Choose to make your bed in the morning,
Choose boiled egg over fried ones,
Choose to breathe deeply,
Choose to take a cold shower,
Feel good about your choices as these show that you are in control and you care about yourself,
Carry this energy into bigger aspects in your life slowly and surely.


Beware of toxic positivity.
"Hoping" and "wishing" without a plan of action can keep your mind wondering about an uncertain future.
"Decide" and stick to the plan without any other options or choices to manifest what you really want.


You want to do great in life, but somehow you are not able to do it. Considering an example that your goal is to write a book, let us consider these four scenarios that can play out-

Scenario 1 – You know you want to type a paragraph, but you just don’t have the will the make the effort to pick up that laptop and put your finger to the keyboard. You are fantasizing about the result but not getting started on the actions. This is called procrastination.
ANTODOTE – Empower yourself with infrastructure/knowledge/skills to get started and then consciously muster the will and courage to become option-less

Scenario 2 – You muster up the courage to finally kill procrastination. You open the laptop and get started on typing, you want to type a paragraph but instead of pressing an alphabet key, you are pressing on delete. The effort required is the same, the skill required is the same, the will required is the same but the result is nowhere near you want to be. The knowledge of the difference between alphabet key and delete button akin to Self Awareness.
ANTIDOTE – Discover your negative patterns that are blocking you from grounding your ideas/ smash the energy blocks to get 10x results with the same effort

Scenario 3 – You have become self aware and have started your journey on your path, but things/thoughts distract you every now and then from your work. The work gets done, but the output is low considering time spent on it. Moreover, low output leads to frustration which further drains energy.
ANTIDOTE – Be consistent with the inner work you are putting in yourself. Remember delayed gratification over instant gratification, connect with your higher purpose daily and practice mindfulness.

Scenario 4 – The ideas, words from your imagination flow effortlessly from you to the document. You are not distracted, you don’t know how much time has passed and your focus is totally absorbed in your work. You do not care about the reward, you work is your reward.

Congratulations, you have achieved FLOW. You have aligned your individual energy with your higher purpose and now the Universe is supporting you will synchronicities to fulfill your goals. You are manifesting abundance and health in all areas of your life.


Does this sound like you?
Have a lot of great ideas in your head since days, months,years..but have been putting them off with excuses that you know aren't real.

It is delightful to take a flight of imagination and visualize yourself being successful, abundant, healthy and peaceful, to fantasize about how your life would be once to get that job or build that business or get into that relationship BUT nothing is ever going to change unless you land that flight on the ground.

Unless you ground your visualizations with actions fuelled by faith and intention, nothing is ever going to manifest in this 3 D reality.

So, here is a simple yet powerful exercise to manifest your dreams-

Write your dream on a piece of paper and plant it along with a seed in a pot. As you nurture the seed into a sapling and watch it grow, it will serve as a subconscious reminder to you to nurture your dream with actions. To get the most out of this exercise, take baby steps daily towards your dream even if it is for 5 minutes.

Review your progress in 3 months and you will be pleasantly surprised by how far you have come.


What is self care:
- Investing in yourself. Buy that course, gym membership or
beauty product that you always wanted
- Sitting in solace, even if it is for 10 minutes.
- Cutting off from toxic relationships
- Connecting with nature
- Breathing mindfully

What self care is NOT:
- Wasting precious time in cheap entertainment
- Lowering your standards and tolerating less-than-you-deserve
friendships/relationships/jobs just because it is convenient
- Prioritizing others happiness over yours all the time
- Saying Yes when you mean NO
- Avoiding responsibilities and procrastinating, this only builds


The skillful are not obvious
They appear to be simple-minded
Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute
To know the patterns is the Subtle Power
The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name

-Power vs Force (Hawkins)


Core principles held to be true across cultures:

Love is more powerful than hatred;
Truth sets us free;
Forgiveness liberates both sides;
Unconditional Love heals;
Courage empowers;
and the essence of Divinity/Reality is peace.


The outer work can never be small
if the inner work is great.
And the outer work can never be great
if the inner work is small.
~ Meister Eckhart, 14th-century Christian mystic


You get what you tolerate
You manifest what you believe
You own what you can give
You become what you think
You are what you do.


Ages on ages
before any eyes could see
year after year
thunderously pounding the shore as now.
For whom, for what?
On a dead planet
with no life to entertain.

Never at rest
tortured by energy
wasted prodigiously by the sun
poured into space.
A mite makes the sea roar.

Deep in the sea
all molecules repeat
the patterns of one another
till complex new ones are formed.
They make others like themselves
and a new dance starts.

Growing in size and complexity
living things
masses of atoms
DNA, protein
dancing a pattern ever more intricate.

Out of the cradle
onto dry land
here it is
atoms with consciousness;
matter with curiosity.

Stands at the sea,
wonders at wondering: I
a universe of atoms
an atom in the universe.

-Richard P. Feynman


The magic pill for transformation-COURAGE

Courage is when you know that you might fail, be laughed at and get negative feedback but you do it anyway. Because it serves YOU, you are being truthful to yourself, you are giving yourself a chance to be YOU.

Value yourself ,upgrade yourself and invest in yourself so that you give yourself the best shot you have in this world.

1. Do what you are good at and what you like doing.
2. Express yourself infront of people – share yourself with the world – donot stay comfortable in your cocoon
3. Stand up and share opinion on important issues
4. Be courageous and do things even if you know you may fail initially
5. Stay away from cheap entertainment .It is a recipe for mediocre life.Choose delayed gratification over instant gratification.


Listen to the signs that the Universe sends you in the form of situations in life.
When you are not in Flow, the Universe will signal that you are not aligned with your TRUE SELF by inviting unpleasant people and situations in your life.
Are you being misunderstood and mistreated by people around you no matter what you do?
In that case, try to analyse whether your thoughts and actions are really coming from an authentic place within you or from social conditioning and peer pressure. In other words, are you loving yourself enough to be yourself. Largely, Self Love gets pushed out as love and respect from other people.
The highest form of Self Love is when we dedicate our lives in pursuing our passion without the fear of judgement.
When we show the courage of doing what we love, like minded people automatically gravitate towards us and increase positivity. Similarly, those who pull us down should be cut off for good.

Remember, the Universe is constantly manifesting itself through our energy. Do not hurt your self esteem and self image by putting yourself through situations you do not enjoy.Rather, pour your divine energy into activities that spark your passion.

Photos from Anti Fragile - Gain from Disruptions's post 13/10/2020

Few months back, after devouring an excellent “bharwa Karela” for dinner, I harvested some of its seeds from kitchen waste for my “Something from Nothing” project.
The seeds were planted and nothing happened for a couple of weeks. Just when I was about to lose hope a sapling appeared and I tended with love and care.
Nature did its thing and the seed’s journey unfolded beautifully, first a sapling, then a plant, then flowers came and before you know, it was bearing fruit.
I swelled with pride, I did it. I planted that seed, tended to it and now it’s fully grown laden with fruit.
Yes, there were challenges, bugs, harsh sun, fruit flies, but I took care of this plant.
I can take credit for providing it favorable conditions for thriving so that it can bloom into its highest form,
But I can’t take credit for creating it and giving it life, because it had to unfold and become what it became because of the divine plan (gene code as a biologist would say, same difference), the all pervasive intelligence and consciousness that connects us all.
It suddenly made sense to me that this is synonymous to all creations.

It’s the almighty Nature or The Divine Consciousness that runs this planet, we are vessels manifesting his creations by what we think and act upon.

Like the seeds, we are presented with countless opportunities with huge potential every day, the magnitude of its manifestation depends on our awareness of its potential and providing it favorable conditions to thrive and unfold to its highest form according to the Divine Plan be it a plant, a child, a relationship or a business.



When dealing with children, enough care is taken about the physical aspect of their getting hurt, but unfortunately the same care not taken while speaking to them.
Words have power, words can change destiny.
Words can cripple confidence of a child as well as flourish confidence of a drooping child.
Words have energy, words carry charge.

Words sit in the subconscious of a child, if you have to make your child unstoppable and a winner, say lofty statements to them (aashirwaad):
1. You are big, you are strong, you can achieve anything
2. You can become anything you want to, there are enough resources
3. You are enough, and you will always be enough
4. You deserve the best in life, just by being you.

The world would have much lesser crime and darkness had there been no abuse. Let us not perpetuate the forms of abuse we totally have control on.
Let's keep our words in check.


This reality is not THE REALITY, it is A REALITY. There are infinite possibilities of your reality. You can either consciously create it or you can choose to unconsciously experience the reality created by external forces around you (unconscious living).
Once you take control of your reality by making your decision, there is no looking back. You do not remain the same person. You have shifted forever and are no longer a victim of circumstances.
Then, you are not a product of your upbringing, your situations, your circumstances, your memories – You become the creator of your own REALITY.
In this REALITY, you can do whatever you want to do, you can get whatever you want. You simply retrieve it with the ease you fetch your mail from your postbox.
You stop thinking about being a certain way, YOU START BEING THAT PERSON.


It is not the occurrence of an event which matters,what matters is the meaning that we attach to those events .The meaning we give to these events has the power to build our belief system and color our reality.

Marriage and Divorce are both events, it is upto you to derive meaning from these events and then shape your reality.

You get to decide the legacy of major events of your life.



Truth can be cruel and harsh sometimes but Truth, told with tact, is kindness. Do not refrain to tell a loved one that he/she is going astray. It might look harsh on the outside, but it is care really.

Being a meek spectator and not calling out bad behavior, cognitive distortions or unpleasant, lazy habits leads to enabling those aspects. It’s not love to put up with abuse. You become a party to the problem and not the solution.
Communicating the right thing , is the right thing. Sure, you may not be able to avoid arguments and confrontations initally but in the long run that might be the start of the right track.


In this lockdown, apart from work at home, I did:
Yoga for x hours,
Pranayama for y hours,
Meditation for z hours,
Read n no. Of books,
Caught up with long lost friends in zoom call,
Had bursts of productivity and positivity,
And lulls of demotivation,
Brushed up my tarot skills, Baked for a bit, slept whenever I felt,
Formulated business plans, enrolled for online courses I was passionate about,
Took care of my hair and skin,
Planted tomatoes, oranges and lemon from seed and watched them grow,
Mary Kondo’d my apartment,
But all in all, I learnt to simplify, organise and maintain things.
I worked on getting delayed gratification rather than instant gratification found in binge watching Netflix..
I worked on matching my inside with my outside(world)
Finally, I think I am adulting...

# smallDailyActionsMassiveResults
# belief
of a pandemic


Our life is run by memories (on autopilot) and governed by decisions (steering wheel).

It is important not to give into emotions but to have a rational cognitive approach in decision making. Emotions are guides (hard wired since primitive times when man had to fight for survival) which have a noble intention of keeping us safe and avoid hurt but they often hinder with reason and logic and cause cognitive distortions.

Much grievance is caused by a faulty thinking pattern (exaggeration, distortion, filtering, all or nothing thinking etc) which can be avoided by taking the route of a rational, positive approach.
Many times, due to stressful situations, cognitive distortions become a default mode and clouds a person’s foresight and reasoning. It is important to step back and analyse these distortions by pointed questions such as :
1. Is this actually true?
2. Do I really believe this?
3. Can this be interpreted in any other way?
4. What would i say to a friend who thought the same way?
You will soon start observing your patterns and that's the first step of correcting them.


We create our reality by taking action.But many times, we get stuck in the rut of thinking, planning, procrastinating and rationalising our actions. It's surprising when we realise that the actual act of doing that task was much easier and less time consuming than than the whole process of thinking about it.
Staying only in our heads is a waste of precious time and energy.

Here are two mindsets for taking action:
1. You have a purpose and once you connect with your purpose, it is your duty to step out of your way because it is not about you anymore, it’s for a higher purpose and it is for serving a multitude of people other than just you yourself or your family.

2. You are enough and you have enough. Once you realize that you are enough and you have always been enough, you will stop doubting yourself and start taking actions( or stop refraining from taking self sabotaging actions) as you now know that there is no fear of judgement or failure (externally derived).
You define your own success and failure and take bold, courageous actions.


How to step into your POWER
1. Be aware of your strengths- professionally do what you are naturally good at and not what society has conditioned you into believing
2. Say No often
3. Define boundaries and stand by it
4. Do not solve others problems before solving your own/put others needs before your own
5. Do not be afraid of moving away from toxic people/relationships. In other words, do not fear abandonment
6. Take care of yourself – Self Care is the ultimate Self Love
7. Mindset – I’m enough to deserve abundance and good things in life


Perspective on LIFE

Ever played that 3 D game where you are crossing a ledge connecting two sky high buildings?
I find it a great analogy to life. Often, people lose their balance and fall off the ledge fearing imagined danger of falling off a skyscraper whereas in reality they are simply at ground level.
I feel fear of imagined danger has the same effect on us, we do not take the steps we need to take to achieve our goals fearing that we may fall off to our death and stay stuck in our safe space.

For all we know, we might be just playing a 3D game and our real SELF is looking from the outside (Mark Zukerberg in the picture) rooting for us to be calm, assess the situation and take courageous actions without Fear (covering our eyes as the eye cover screen). Even if we fall, there is always a next round. There is no THE END.


Does this sound like you?
1️.You give importance to others feelings over your feelings
2️.You avoid conflict and have trouble standing up for yourself
3️.Feel obliged to be nice to everyone, even to toxic people
4️.Doubt your own feelings
5️.Do not indulge in self care as much
6️.You have the need to solve other people’s problem
7️.You fear abandonment
If you have answered yes to more than 3️ of the above, chances are that you have low self esteem.
Low Self Esteem leads you to move along life like a leaf in the wind, moving completely according to external circumstances. You get exploited by toxic people and you compromise on the quality of life of your family. Furthermore, you pass down this unawareness to your children leading to a generational curse.
Hi, I am your Empowerment Coach and I will guide you towards your journey of breaking free from this unconscious energy pattern in just 5 days so that you can step into your authentic power and receive abundance of love, wealth, peace and happiness.
You have suffered enough, do not wait anymore.
