Griffyn’s Guardians

Griffyn’s Guardians

Help us show Griff loads of love and support during his massive fight against kidney failure/SIOD.


Here’s what we know…

1. Griffyn is coming up on another big surgery. The left nephrectomy (removal of kidney). We are anticipating a laparoscopic/robotic procedure from the back in hopes of not affecting his PD treatments. We really want to try to avoid him needing temporary hemodialysis. 🙏🏼

2. Another team will perform a bone marrow biopsy while he is already under anesthesia, this is to avoid 2 separate procedures. This biopsy is HUGE as it will tell us if Griff is in bone marrow failure - which is suspected due to his T-cell deficiency.

His surgery will either be Aug. 24th or 31st.

We will know a heck of a lot more on Thursday when we head back to Riley for our monthly clinic visit AND we meet with his surgeon.

I’m anxious, y’all!! 🥺
