Gopi Bain

Gopi Bain

Author of Upcoming Children of Decay


In truth, human beings' true desire is not to be just respected, but be respected enough to be relatable, so they can share their passion and knowledge with others. That's the most primal desire regarding knowledge and it's not met when one is respected to highly or disrespected.


As we panic about AI taking over art, just know that this wouldn't have happened had we valued deeper artistic merit instead of simple aesthetics & cheap standardized entertainment. The reason why lesser intelligence can replicate art is because we made art less intelligent.


We went from an age where, despite great imagination, art was limited my lack of technology advancements to an age where, despite all the technology advancements, art is limited by lack of imagination.

Photos from Gopi Bain's post 18/11/2022

Myth: "Plotters are super organized in outlining their story."
Me, an actual plotter: