TPG Tips and tricks

TPG Tips and tricks

We help TPGs make more money by providing tips on tips.

We also make it easy for them to buy their uniform items without having to waste a lot of time looking for what to buy.

I Tipped Her $0, Then $1,000.. #shorts 03/05/2023

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I Tipped Her $0, Then $1,000.. #shorts Subscribe ❤️


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Bic pens are on sale on Amazon!! Send this to your co-workers.


New items are up on the website Let us know what other items you recommend. Any item that has helped you as a TPG and tell us why. Check it out!


The essence of the Twin Peaks brand is the Twin Peaks girl. You want to always look your best. The easiest way to enhance your appearance without much work is to get a tan. A tan will make you look more tone. A wise man once said "tan fat looks better than white fat' and that wise man was me. LOL Hair and make up are also an easy way to increase your tips. Lastly but a little more involved are to work out and eat right.


The more words you use with a table the more money you make! you don't really need to make small talk with your tables in order to make more money, you can just speak more words while you are taking an order. If you follow the steps of service, you will speak more words just doing the basic service. Basically: DON"T be basic bitch. In the example below, you can see how following step one of basic service you already used more words than a basic server does the whole experience.


Great video on how to make better tips!!!


The easiest way to increase your tips is to sell more per person. Even bad tippers will tip you more on a $100 tab than a $50 tab. If you average 25% tips then you can make $25 versus $12. If you have the same number of guests but you can double their tabs then you will make more money without working any harder. Get that money!!!


Need to order the proper uniform?

order the right uniform so your manager doesn't bitch at you about your boots being too low, your belt not being blingy enough or your shorts being high waisted!!

8 Proven Strategies to Make More Tips As A Server (Start Today!) 18/05/2022

This is a great article on how to make more tips!!!

8 Proven Strategies to Make More Tips As A Server (Start Today!) Getting tips as a server should be a guarantee, but if you're wondering how to make more money as a server then you've come to the right place.


Welcome to TPG Tips and Tricks! Here we will share ideas on how to make a lot more money. Also ideas on the monthly dress ups with a quick and easy way to buy what you like. Have fun and share your tips and tricks!!


I started working at Twin Peaks in 2012 and loved the concept. I want to help other TPGs make a lot of money. I can provides ideas on how to make the most money from all of your guests. I was also the person that all the girls asked, "what should I buy?' for all the dress ups. That answer is easy-