Pest Hunters

Pest Hunters

We can help you get rid of pests in your home


🌫La razón por la que una plaga de pececillos de plata puede convertirse rápidamente en problemática no es sólo porque literalmente cientos de ellos pueden invadir tu casa💡


🤘Cuando una infestación de plagas se descontrola, tiene importantes repercusiones en su vida cotidiana.🙏


Dead rodent odors are a common problem for pest control professionals (PCPs)📊

The death may have occurred naturally, as a result of the use of a rodenticide, or as a result of a trap that killed the rodent even if it was not caught. The technician might be able to locate and remove the dead carcass with some luck. If the carcass is discovered and removed, the area needs to be cleansed to prevent residual bad odors from the dead carcass' bodily fluids.🐀


A new smartphone app being developed by scientists to assist farmers and producers in combating the pests killing their crops may soon have a significant impact on how data about the natural world is collected, stored, and accessed globally.📲🌎
