Thinking Theology

Thinking Theology

A podcast from Karl Deenick, digging deep into theology, the Bible and the Christian life.

Thinking Theology | The Trinity 25/08/2023

How can God be one and three? How can Jesus be God and yet not another God? And what about the Spirit, where does he fit in?

That’s what we’re thinking about in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Trinity How can God be one and three? How can Jesus be God and yet not another God? And what about the Spirit, where does he fit in?In the last episode of Thinking Theology, we saw that God promised in the Old Testament that a day would arrive when he would come in person to save his people and be with...

Thinking Theology | Sin 19/05/2023

What is sin? Where did it come from? How has it affected us as human beings? How has it effected the world in which we live?

God created human beings. He created human beings to reflect him, to rule over the world under him. He made us to relate to him. But things are no longer as they were created to be. Our world is broken and we are broken.

But what happened to get us from there to here?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | Sin What is sin? Where did it come from? How has it affected us as human beings? How has it effected the world in which we live?In the last episodes of Thinking Theology we saw that God created human beings. He created human beings to reflect him, to rule over the world under him. He made us to...

Thinking Theology | Humanity 21/04/2023

What does it mean to be human? Are we different or special? Or are we just another animal? And what do we do with ourselves? Do we have a purpose?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | Humanity What does it mean to be human? Are we different or special? Or are we just another animal? And what do we do with ourselves? Do we have a purpose?In the last episodes of Thinking Theology we saw that God created the world, that he upholds the world every moment, that he is in control of...

Thinking Theology | Bonus: Wesley and Whitefield 27/01/2023

After a long break, Thinking Theology is back. There'll be more regular episodes coming soon. But as a taste of other things to come, this bonus episode is an interview with Dr Ian Maddock from Sydney Missionary & Bible College on Wesley and Whitefield and their debate over God's role in salvation.

Thinking Theology | Bonus: Wesley and Whitefield Thinking Theology is starting again and alongside the normal 15–20 minute episodes looking at key theological topics will be interviews with others that build out some of those topics. As a bit of taster of what’s to come, here’s the first interview with my colleague Dr Ian Maddock. Ian’s an...

Thinking Theology | Creation and Science 18/11/2021

In that last episode of Thinking Theology we began to look at the actions of God, and we began with God’s act of creation. But what we didn’t get to consider is how the Bible’s account of creation fits with modern science. Genesis 1 says God created the world in six days but science says that the universe and earth were formed over billions of years. The Bible says God created Adam and Eve from scratch, but science says that human beings have come through an evolutionary process from bacteria.

What do we make of all that? How do the Bible and science fit together, especially with respect to creation?

Thinking Theology | Creation and Science In that last episode of Thinking Theology we began to look at the actions of God, and we began with God’s act of creation. God created everything that is, on his own, without help from anyone else. He made the world for his own sake and purpose. He made it by speaking. He made it good. It’s sepa...

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | Wholly Devoted to God (Leviticus 1) 11/11/2021

Today we're beginning Leviticus in Thinking Theology Daily Bible. Leviticus is one of the most underrated books of the Old Testament. But it's actually like the picture book of the Bible. Once you get your head around its symbols, it truly brings the gospel to life.

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | Wholly Devoted to God (Leviticus 1) A daily devotion based on Leviticus 1.

It’s Time to Speak: But What About? - The Gospel Coalition | Australia 16/09/2021

"For a while now, something has been gnawing away at me. It started a little over a year ago when I wrote an article that drew on John Calvin’s response to plague in his time.... Calvin saw epidemics and other disasters as wake-up calls from God.... But the world is not waking up. And I fear, the church isn’t either."

It’s Time to Speak: But What About? - The Gospel Coalition | Australia This pandemic, as terrible as it is, is merely a portent of things much worse that will come on those who reject the God of heaven and earth.

Review: Made For Friendship by Drew Hunter - The Gospel Coalition | Australia 19/07/2021

Few people would be crass enough to suggest that friends are unimportant. But how important are they? Really important? A little bit important? And what does friendship really look like? What does it mean to be a friend or to have a friend? After reading Drew Hunter’s Made for Friendship, I was left with the realisation that friendship is far more important and far more wonderful than I had ever imagined.

Review: Made For Friendship by Drew Hunter - The Gospel Coalition | Australia Many of us don’t know the first thing about friendship. But this book maps a way forward—profound friendship anchored in God’s friendship through Jesus.

Thinking Theology | The Actions of God: Creation 16/06/2021

What does God do? In the last few episodes of Thinking Theology we’ve been thinking about what God is like: what is his nature and what is his character. But in this and the next few episodes we’re moving on to think about what God has done and what he continues to do.

In this episode we’re thinking about what God has done in creating the world. What does the Bible tell us about creation and, importantly, how does that shape our life?

Thinking Theology | The Actions of God: Creation What does God do? In the last few episodes of Thinking Theology we’ve been thinking about what God is like: what is his nature and what is his character. But in this and the next few episodes we’re moving on to think about what God has done and what he continues to do. In this episode we’re th...

Thinking Theology | The Character of God 17/05/2021

Over the last couple of episodes we’ve thought about the nature of God or what we’ve called the non-moral attributes of God. That is, we’ve focussed on his being. God is present everywhere, he knows everything, and so on.

In this episode we’re beginning to think about the character of God. What God is like to relate to? What is he like in personal terms?

Thinking Theology | The Character of God Over the last couple of episodes we’ve thought about the nature of God or what we’ve called the non-moral attributes of God. That is, we’ve focussed on his being. God is present everywhere, he knows everything, and so on. In this episode we’re beginning to think about the character of God. W...

Thinking Theology | The Nature of God (Part 2) 08/04/2021

Finally!!! The next episode of Thinking Theology is available. This time we're going with thinking about the nature of God.

Thinking Theology | The Nature of God (Part 2) What is God like? What does he know? What does he control? Where is he? What is his relationship to time? Those are the kinds of questions we began looking at in the last episode of Thinking Theology. We began looking at what are often called the attributes of God. We looked at some of the non-moral...

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | The Story of Jesus Continues (Acts 1) 28/03/2021

A new series of Thinking Theology Daily Bible launches tomorrow. This time we'll be looking at Acts.

You can check out the first episode already here:

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | The Story of Jesus Continues (Acts 1) A daily devotion based on Acts 1.

Thinking Theology | The Nature of God (Part 1) 17/02/2021

We know what it’s like to be a human being. We know that we can only ever be in one place at the one time. We know that one day we’re born without us even having any say in it. And then another day we’ll die. But what about God? What’s he like?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology

Thinking Theology | The Nature of God (Part 1) We know what it’s like to be a human being. We know that we can only ever be in one place at the one time. We know that one day we’re born without us even having any say in it. And then another day we’ll die. But what about God? What’s he like? That’s what we’re thinking about in this ep...

Thinking Theology | The God Who Is 26/01/2021

What is the most important question of theology? Surely, it’s the question, who is God? Who is the God who has revealed himself in the Bible and in Jesus? Who is he? What is he like? What has he done and what is he doing?

Those are the questions we're beginning to think about in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The God Who Is What is the most important question of theology? Surely, it’s the question, who is God? Who is the God who has revealed himself in the Bible and in Jesus? Who is he? What is he like? What has he done and what is he doing? Those are the questions of what is often called theology proper. The part of...

Thinking Theology Daily Bible 03/01/2021

The new season of Thinking Theology Daily Bible starts tomorrow. We'll be working through Genesis, Monday to Friday.

Get a sneak peek here:

Or catch up on Season 1 (Gospel of Mark) by subscribing through your favourite podcast app:

Thinking Theology Daily Bible A Daily Bible reading podcast with explanation and prayer from Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | Thinking about the Covid Vaccine 02/12/2020

As Christians, what should we think about the Covid vaccines that are being developed?

In this special bonus episode, I talk with my sister, Associate Professor Dr Elissa Deenick, a research immunologist who works with the University of New South Wales and the Garvan Institute in Sydney.

Thinking Theology | Thinking about the Covid Vaccine Living as faithful Christians in the world means not only understanding the Bible, but also understanding the world through the lens of the Bible and thinking wisely about the world that God has made and in which God has put us. In this episode of Thinking Theology we're looking at the Covid vaccine...

Thinking Theology | Does God Still Speak? 25/11/2020

"God told me to tell you he wants you to be a missionary."

What do we do with statements like that?

Does God still speak? Does he speak to us outside the Bible?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology:

Thinking Theology | Does God Still Speak? “God told me that he wants you to a missionary.” “God has put it on my heart to pray for you.” What do we do with statements like that? Does God still speak? And does he speak to us outside the Bible? That’s what we’re thinking about in this episode of Thinking Theology. Does God still s...

Thinking Theology | The Power of the Bible 04/11/2020

What does it mean to say that the Bible is powerful or that God's words are powerful?

That's what we're thinking about in this episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Power of the Bible What’s the most important thing you can say about the Bible? The Bible scholar and pastor, Peter Adam in his book, Written for Us, points out that there are lots of the topics that feature in theology courses on the Bible. Topics like the inerrancy of the Bible. That is, that the original manuscri...

Thinking Theology | The Clarity of the Bible 21/10/2020

Is the Bible clear? Can an infinite God communicate with finite human beings? And if the Bible is clear, why does there seem to be so many different interpretations?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Clarity of the Bible Is the Bible clear? For some people, the answer to that question will be a resounding “no”. But should it be. Should we think of the Bible as unclear and hard to understand? In this episode of Thinking Theology we’re thinking about the clarity of the Bible. Is the Bible clear? Can the Bible be...

Thinking Theology | The Authority of the Bible 07/10/2020

What does it mean to say that the Bible has authority? Find out in this episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Authority of the Bible What does it mean to say that the Bible is authoritative? If I say to my friends, “Let’s go fishing,” they may or may not listen to me. But if I a policeman says to me, “Show me your license”, I need to pay attention. Which kind of authority does the Bible have? That’s what we’re think...

Thinking Theology | What is the Bible? 16/09/2020

What is the Bible? What is it about? What is it trying to achieve? Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | What is the Bible? What is the Bible? Over the last few episodes we’ve been dealing with some of the introductory issues of the Bible. Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote it? And is it reliable? And yet while that’s important it still doesn’t tell us a whole lot about what the Bible really is. What is the B...

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the New Testament (Part 2) 26/08/2020

How do we know that the Bible is reliable? How do we know whether the events in the New Testament really happened?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the New Testament (Part 2) How do we know that the Bible is reliable? How do we know whether the words we have in our Bibles are the words that were written and how do we know that the words that we have describe real historical events? In this episode of Thinking Theology, we’re thinking about the question of the historica...

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | Introducing Thinking Theology Daily Bible 24/08/2020

God says that he wants us to know that we don't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. The words of God in the Bible are absolutely essential for life, but reading the Bible can be hard work.

For that reason, Thinking Theology has just launched a weekday Bible reading podcast whose aim is to help you dig into the Bible for yourself. It includes a Bible reading, a little bit of explanation and application and a prayer, to help get you thinking and praying as you begin the day.

You'll find the intro episode below, plus if you subscribe or head to the website ( you'll find an episode on how you can use the podcast, as well as the very first Bible reading episode.

Thinking Theology Daily Bible | Introducing Thinking Theology Daily Bible An introduction to the Thinking Theology Daily Bible.

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the New Testament (Part 1) 12/08/2020

How do we know that the New Testament is reliable? How do we know whether the words we have in the New Testament are the words that were written? Or have they been changed over the centuries?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the New Testament (Part 1) How do we know that the Bible is reliable? How do we know whether the words we have in our Bibles are the words that were written? In this episode of Thinking Theology we’re thinking about whether the manuscripts of the New Testament are a reliable record of what was first written or have they bee...


Thinking Theology has now moved to Transistor.

If you’ve subscribed to the podcast through Apple Podcasts or Spotify you should keep receiving the new episodes. But if not you can go to and subscribe from there. And if have been listening to the podcast through the website you’ll also now need to head to to get the new episodes.

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the Old Testament 29/07/2020

How do we know the Old Testament text is what was written? And how do we know whether the events it describes are real historical events? Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | The Reliability of the Old Testament How do we know that the Bible is reliable? How do we know whether the words we have in our Bibles are the words that were written and how do we know that the words that we have describe real historical events?In this episode of Thinking Theology we’re...

Thinking Theology | Where Does the New Testament Come From? (Part 2) 16/07/2020

How were the books that make up the New Testament chosen? How did we end up with those 27 books?

Find out in the latest episode of Thinking Theology.

Thinking Theology | Where Does the New Testament Come From? (Part 2) The Bible is not simply one book but 66 smaller books from all different times, places, cultures and languages all with one message. But where did they all come from? Who wrote them? And how did we end up with those 66 books? Over the last two episodes...

Thinking Theology | Where Does the New Testament Come From? (Part 1) 24/06/2020

Have you ever wondered who wrote the 27 books of the New Testament and how we know? Episode 6 of Thinking Theology looks at the answer.

Thinking Theology | Where Does the New Testament Come From? (Part 1) The Bible is often thought of as one book, but it’s actually 66 little books of all different types and kinds. But where did they all come from, who wrote them, and how did we end up with those 66 books? Last episode we looked at the 39 books that make...

Thinking Theology | Where Does the Old Testament Come From? 11/06/2020

Ever wondered how we know what books belong to the Old Testament? Episode 5 of Thinking Theology is now available.

Thinking Theology | Where Does the Old Testament Come From? The Bible is often thought of as one book, but it’s actually 66 little books of all different types and kinds. But where did they all come from, who wrote them, and how did we end up with those 66 books? In this episode and next episode, we’re thinking...