Sarah A Hahn

Sarah A Hahn

I help businesses entrepreneurs learn how to attract the perfect prospects for their business using social media using simple and easy strategies.

Dr. Stanley's Top 10 Success Factors of Millionaire Minds 04/09/2021

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Millionaire? If you want to be successful in ANYTHING, then find someone who is, find out what they did to get there and… COPY THEM! And love what you do!! Read more…🤩🥰👇

Dr. Stanley's Top 10 Success Factors of Millionaire Minds Dr. Stanley, author of the best-seller 'The Millionaire Next Door,' spent years studying and researching the wealthiest segment of our population.In his 2nd book 'The Millionaire Mind,' he uncovers a lot of the 'secret' thought processes, attitudes, habits, and much more that the affluent have in co...

The 3-Act 'Cliffhanger' Formula for Crafting a Wickedly-Effective Call-to-Action 03/09/2021

Look, if you're looking to create action, you need to leave your audience WANTING more.
They should feel incomplete or agitated, so that they want more…. CHECK IT OUT

The 3-Act 'Cliffhanger' Formula for Crafting a Wickedly-Effective Call-to-Action Does s*x sell?Well, according to a 2014 study out of Johns Hopkins University analyzing which Super Bowl ads generated the most social media activity, press coverage, and 'recall' (which is how well an audience can remember a given ad at a later time)...The answer is NO.Or, more accurately...


It's true....🤓

Controversial Headline Formula Ethically Exploits Your Prospects’ Secret Addictions 02/09/2021

But if you haven’t yet achieved what you set out to do this year, then it’s time to get to work! It’s awesome! Check it out! 👍👇😍

Controversial Headline Formula Ethically Exploits Your Prospects’ Secret Addictions How has this year been so far for your business?Did you grow?Did you make more money?Did you hit the goals you set back in January?If the answer is YES… congratulations. You’re obviously “walking the talk.” But if you haven’t achieved what you set out to do this year, then it’s time to g...


Rome wasn't built in one day darling!🙂

How to Passively Attract Highly-Qualified Prospects Using Simple, 'Schoolyard' Psychology 01/09/2021

It’s all about “The Law of Attraction!”
Regardless of all the online network marketing strategies available, at the end of the day, attracting prospects is all about the VALUE you have to offer. CHECK IT OUT!👇👇

How to Passively Attract Highly-Qualified Prospects Using Simple, 'Schoolyard' Psychology The REAL 'Law of Attraction?'It ain't about thinkin' yourself rich or quantum pseudo-frequencies.Nope, it's WAY more simple than that.In fact, it's basic schoolyard psychology.And once you practice this fundamental economic principle, you'll have qualified prospects beating down your door wanting to...


When you see good in yourself and others then you will do to others what you want them to do for you. The same respect, dignity, and understanding you want for yourself, you will want for others! 🥰

The Cold, Hard Truth About Writing Headlines That Grab Your Prospects' Attention 31/08/2021

Your headline is your only opportunity to grab your prospect’s attention! THE ONLY ONE!! We pick and choose what we read or watch based on the headlines we see.
We skim through our inbox, Facebook News Feed, news stories, and “look” for whatever grabs our attention the most.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Writing Headlines That Grab Your Prospects' Attention The headline is the most-read part of ANY ad, live, sales letter, blog post, or video! Which is why even a simple change in your headline can easily turn a losing ad or a sales letter into an instant money-maker.Ok, now let’s dig right in and see how we can create winning headlines that get the jo...


Waa!🤭This schedule is so powerful! You will definitely gain wrinkles and some weird diseases!😳🤮

The Three Acts of Your Entrepreneurial Journey 30/08/2021

Failure to start is why some people fail! 👍👇

The Three Acts of Your Entrepreneurial Journey Let’s play a game.You’re about to read the story of someone you know all-too-well.Someone who’s a household name; someone you grew up idolizing.And make no mistake...This someone’s journey is key to unlocking a never-ending flow of leads, sales and profits on your own journey as an entrepren...


Focus on your goal and you will be successful in carrying them out!🧐👍

The 5-Step Formula to Compel Your Prospects to Take Action (…Without Being Pushy, 'Salesy,' or Obnoxiously Aggressive) 29/08/2021

You absolutely DON’T need to be ‘salesy ' or smarmy! …whether that's signing up for your list, buying your products, or joining your team. Check out how BELOW!👍👇

The 5-Step Formula to Compel Your Prospects to Take Action (…Without Being Pushy, 'Salesy,' or Obnoxiously Aggressive) Most people think to win in sales you gotta be pushy and aggressive.In fact, when I got started in direct sales, I was told over and over again... “You're not going to succeed because you're not aggressive enough!'Spoiler alert: they were wrong.I went on to have a successful career in sales for ma...


Being cheerful(JOY) keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.

Seven Proven & Simple Ways to Find Qualified Prospects and Build a Big Team 28/08/2021

Where do you find new people to talk to? And how do you find higher quality prospects, so you're not wasting your time chasing after deadbeats? Read on….👇👇

Seven Proven & Simple Ways to Find Qualified Prospects and Build a Big Team Tired of no-shows and excuses? Hey, I can relate! Not long ago I spent hours upon hours driving hundreds of miles to deliver one-on-one presentations, and going to home and hotel meetings. Worse still, I paid a ton in childcare, only to get stood up, or having to listen to yet another lame excuse ab...


Everyday is a canvas to paint your masterpiece and write your story!😍

Your Marketing Secret Weapon (& How to 'Prime' this Latent Persuasion Superpower) 27/08/2021

It's a bit freaky how much of our behavior is influenced by factors that seem to be totally beyond our control or cognition. That's the power of your non-conscious brain at work. Read more… below👍👇

Your Marketing Secret Weapon (& How to 'Prime' this Latent Persuasion Superpower) Is your brain working for you or against you?Let me give you an example.Have you ever left your house and then asked yourself after about five minutes on the road...

The Five Primary Prospecting & Sales Objections (and How to Gracefully Overcome Them) 26/08/2021

People like to do what’s comfortable and familiar.
Read more!🥰👍😂

The Five Primary Prospecting & Sales Objections (and How to Gracefully Overcome Them) Objections come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.You’ll never be able to prepare yourself for all of them in advance.The good news is that at their core, there are really only 5 primary objections.And if you learn them, and the logic for dealing with them, you’ll be able to complete the transact...

Eight Provocative Openers that Will Compel Your Audience to Consume Your Content 25/08/2021

You have few seconds to make an awesome impression, choose your words wisely….
Check it out!🧐😊👇👇👇

Eight Provocative Openers that Will Compel Your Audience to Consume Your Content Chartbeat, a content analytics company, looked at 2 billion pageviews of popular media sites and determined that...55% of visitors read for 15 seconds or less!Ouch!That’s barely enough to read the headline and a couple of sentences!So the question is, what can you do about it?


You are pushed only when you are young! if you don't push yourself to the right direction, life will take you where you do not want to go,.. so do it sweetheart😼💖

7 Surefire Ways to Overcome Your Prospects' Skepticism 24/08/2021

As they say, talk is cheap. But when you PROVE something, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there's no room for argument.
Check it out more below!😃👇👇👇

7 Surefire Ways to Overcome Your Prospects' Skepticism Famed showman P. T. Barnum once orchestrated a stunt so shocking...It changed the face of the entire world.Seriously!And no, this's got nothing to do with Barnum's circuses, fake mermaids, side shows, or duping the public with his elaborate and infamous hoaxes.In fact, we all owe Barnum a huge debt....


Better to be YOU! because everyone else is taken!!🥳

Where to Find the HOTTEST Network Marketing Prospects Online 24/08/2021

I am talking about prospects who are already qualified and have a high likelihood of joining your business or buying your products. Well, they're out there, and you can get them
Check it out below!!!😃👇

Where to Find the HOTTEST Network Marketing Prospects Online Have you ever wondered where you can find prospects who are ready to buy your products and join your team?We're talking prospects who are already qualified and have a high likelihood of joining your business or buying your products.Well, they're out there, right now, waiting to hear from you!And in....


As a man thinks so is he! if your thoughts are happy, you will definitely be happy!😂🤣

“Hey Girl”: Top 3 'Cheeseball' Social Media Prospecting Tactics to STOP Immediately (Plus, How to Start Getting REAL Results Instead!) 22/08/2021

Have you gotten one of these half-baked pitches? Did you feel that they didn’t sound or weren’t authentic??
Read more!👀👇👇

“Hey Girl”: Top 3 'Cheeseball' Social Media Prospecting Tactics to STOP Immediately (Plus, How to Start Getting REAL Results Instead!) There's an effective way to prospect on social media that attracts prospects to you, and there are a multitude of downright 'cheeseball' prospecting methods that will only pester, annoy, and perturb your potential recruits. Sadly, most uplines aren't 'in the know,' and fail to recognize that social....


Life's ups and downs make you flexible so that you can do all things...🧐👍

How to Attract Customers Even When You're Brand New & Don't Have Big Results 21/08/2021

Everything begins with our belief systems. Our beliefs drive our thoughts because if we're believing that something's hard, then we're thinking it's going to be hard. FUNNY thing is that our thoughts drive our words.
Check it out!!!👇👇👇

How to Attract Customers Even When You're Brand New & Don't Have Big Results You're about to discover one of the BIGGEST mistakes most entrepreneurs make when it comes to attracting 'big time' clients.More importantly, I'm going to share some specific pitfalls to avoid when it comes to avoiding this deadly mistake.Now, when I talk about big time clients, I'm talking about th...


Peace brings happiness and prosperity...🤩

Decoding the Language Patterns of Ultra-Successful Entrepreneurs 20/08/2021

Our language reflects our thinking, because how we speak is how we think! I believe if you think that what you are doing is going to be a success, in most cases you end up successful!

Decoding the Language Patterns of Ultra-Successful Entrepreneurs Here's the truth...MOST personal development gurus are ridiculously ineffective at helping you get the results you want in your network marketing business.There, I said it.(Yeah, this includes whoever you're thinking of right now when I say the words 'personal development guru.')I know this is contr...


Hold on to your dream...


You are stronger than your strongest weakness!💪


Is it positive thinking?..😊 Well, as a person thinks in his heart , so is he or she! We are the outcome of our thoughts🧐

The 5-Step Formula to Compel Your Prospects to Take Action (…Without Being Pushy, 'Salesy,' or Obnoxiously Aggressive) 16/08/2021

You absolutely do NOT need to be ‘salesy' or smarmy! And in this article, I'm going to reveal my proven 5-step formula to successfully compel your prospects to take action…😊

The 5-Step Formula to Compel Your Prospects to Take Action (…Without Being Pushy, 'Salesy,' or Obnoxiously Aggressive) Most people think to win in sales you gotta be pushy and aggressive.In fact, when I got started in direct sales, I was told over and over again... “You're not going to succeed because you're not aggressive enough!'Spoiler alert: they were wrong.I went on to have a successful career in sales for ma...


It all starts with you....🥰

How to Enroll and Grow a High-Performance Organization 02/08/2021

You cannot do it alone! You need a people! The first thing that we must do is realize we have to be willing and committed to giving a little bit of extra effort every single time.🥳💪

How to Enroll and Grow a High-Performance Organization What does it take to build a high-performance organization? You know, an organization that's filled with top earners and people who are out there crushing it. This, more than anything else, is the secret to the longevity of your business. Because here's the thing... If you want to build sustainable....

The 4 Dangers of Cold Market Recruiting 31/07/2021

A Poor Cold Market Recruiting Mindset Can Sabotage Your Business😟

The 4 Dangers of Cold Market Recruiting Today, I want to discuss cold market recruiting and its dangers. And I don’t say dangers lightly. Historically, offline in-person cold market recruiting was the primary means to find prospects in the industry. Broadly defined, the cold market refers to people you didn’t previously have a relatio...

Why Your Network Marketing Business is Vulnerable if You DO NOT Build Online 30/07/2021

And despite what many industry ‘dinosaurs' would have you believe, you shouldn't place all your “eggs in one basket.”😏

Why Your Network Marketing Business is Vulnerable if You DO NOT Build Online Let me put it bluntly...In today's age, you could lose your network marketing income overnight.If—that is—you're NOT building your business online.And despite what many industry 'dinosaurs' would have you believe, you shouldn't place all your 'eggs in one basket.'


....🤣today, it seems I am talking about me... you can do it too!🤩

How to Identify Your True Target Market (Once and For All) 29/07/2021
Remember: you’re not hoping and praying for people to come to you.
Instead, you’re tasked with going after prospects and attracting them yourself by picking their brains..🧐

How to Identify Your True Target Market (Once and For All) You already know the importance of 'niching down' and going after a laser-targeted audience (...versus targeting everybody under the sun).But this poses a much bigger question, which could actually be killing your conversions...Are you targeting the right market?This might seem insultingly simple on...

How to Attract Customers Even When You're Brand New & Don't Have Big Results 29/07/2021

Success is not defined by when you get results.
It's simply an indication of effective action, effective planning, effective strategy, and then the ex*****on of that planning and the ex*****on of that strategy. That's it.😍

How to Attract Customers Even When You're Brand New & Don't Have Big Results You're about to discover one of the BIGGEST mistakes most entrepreneurs make when it comes to attracting 'big time' clients.More importantly, I'm going to share some specific pitfalls to avoid when it comes to avoiding this deadly mistake.Now, when I talk about big time clients, I'm talking about th...

Three Steps to Rebuild Momentum and Regain Motivation After a Setback in Your Network Marketing Business 26/07/2021

Anytime you get yourself into a position where you take a considerable amount of time off, there is that re-ignition phase, where you have to get yourself right back into it and build back your network marketing motivation.

Three Steps to Rebuild Momentum and Regain Motivation After a Setback in Your Network Marketing Business Have you ever taken a considerable amount of time off?...maybe it was a vacation or a holiday....maybe you had to take some time off because of an injury or illness....or, perhaps, maybe your growth just stalled in your business or in your life.Well, if you’re experiencing one of those flat spots,...

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