The Townsend Tzu

The Townsend Tzu

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself”



My beautiful girl has become quite the mama. She is amazing. She is loving and protective and nurturing. She also wants her mommy and daddy time, so she waits until her babies are asleep and she comes up the stairs and into my bed. And if her pups cry, she’s right back down there with them. But we manage to get in a couple good hours of snuggling. And she definitely needs it. Her babies are so beautiful. I know i said I may be keeping 2, but im only keeping the one blue girl. So the other 3 girls and my boy will be available. I will post pictures soon. Tomorrow they turn one week old.


We had babies! 4 girls and 1 boy born Friday evening! Mama and babies are doing well! Pictures coming soon! The 3 tri colored livers are females and all are available!


Gorgeous !!!!


Mama and babies are doing well. It’s been a long 16 hours… she is licking them and allowing them to nurse, but has given me poopy duty🤦🏻‍♀️ hopefully she begins to understand that is her job! I keep reminding myself it’s only been 16 hours - she’s doing wonderful. And I am obsessed over this little silver girl and her liver tri color sister! She has light brown cheeks!!!! Elsa and Anna? Hmmmm

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 10/08/2024

Probably the most beautiful litter I’ve ever seen ❤️


Please pray for my Aurora - she’s in surgery! And please pray for her babies!!!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 05/08/2024

Oh, and also, I forgot to post an update….. my baby is having 5 babies!!!!! Prayers are always welcomed!


We’re close!!!! Temp is 99 and she’s nesting and very uncomfortable and restless. I’d say within 48 hours we’ll have babies!


Belly is growing!!!! Here’s a little baby bump shoot for you! We’re so excited!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 15/07/2024

Aurora showing off her baby bump! She loves laying on her daddy’s desk and having her belly rubbed!


This gorgeous little girl, our precious Aurora, is going to give birth for the very first time next month. Watching her go through the changes is so heart warming and emotional for us. We can feel the tiny babies in there. They aren’t moving yet, but we feel them growing. She is so overly emotional. She is being very picky about what she eats and she’s sleeping a lot. Oh and did I mention overly emotional? Here at the Townsend Tzu, we love all of our fur babies so much - but this girl right here- she’s something truly special. I’m not sure of her litter size, or if I’ll be holding back a girl just yet, but I’ll keep everyone updated!


Our baby girl is so emotional lately 🙂 growing babies is hard ❤️


This is very important! Especially with the Shih Tzu breed as they can become easily over heated! Please READ and SHARE! This could save your baby’s life!!!
***I did not write this, so I am not sure of the exact biological reactions, but I know this is bad (no I haven’t had time to fully research this because I’m out of town, but wanted to share for all of you to be aware and do some research too! Youre welcome to share what you find on this page!!!)***


Animal lovers, never make the mistake of pouring cold water on an overheated dog or putting a wet towel on its back. You will see the opposite effect.

Due to cold, the veins contract and due to high temperatures (above 42 degrees), the proteins in the blood collide, causing the blood to become thick and tight.

Due to the combination of these two factors, blood stops entering the heart and organs fail one by one due to lack of oxygen.
The result is a very slow but very painful death.

If you try to help an overheated dog in this way, it will die anyway.

First give him lukewarm water to drink, then cool his feet and chest/belly with a wet towel.
Then put the dog in the shade on a wet towel!!!

Sharing is highly desirable because time and time again we see footage of overheated dogs exiting a car with water spilled on their backs.


I'm reposting this because occasionally we get crazy comments regarding the prices of our puppies.

We do not charge a fraction of what we've put into our puppies and what i invested when I chose to get quality over price. We could charge more, but we don't.

There is a reason our dogs are “So Expensive”, these are not dogs that just sit in our yard, eat ol'roy and when the females in heat she magically becomes pregnant while we are off living our life. 63 days later, we don't come home to a pile of cash born in the dirt and cold outside. Where we wait 10 weeks doing the bare minimum and send them off into the world to cash in.

We, along with other reputable breeders, spend tens of thousands each year to care for our dogs, quality food, care, and vet bills and supplies. When we have puppies, we are with them 24/7. They don't leave our sight for the first 4 weeks, and we continue to be extra vigilant about their care and health the entire 10 plus weeks they are with us.

We monitor weights and feeding (every 2-3 hours for 28 days) we bottle feed, we tube feed, sometimes having to go the extra mile with antibiotics, fluids, and other medications on a puppy who is not doing the best (and no most vets have no idea how to properly care for or help us with neonates!)

We routinely put our needs aside to ensure the safety of the puppies, sometimes to the point of complete exhaustion and sickness for ourselves.

We cancel our lives: vacations, events, weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays. Everything is on hold when we have puppies.

We are there 24/7 for our adopters for life. We are family once you choose our puppies.

We endure losses and hardships , happiness, and success behind the scenes of these perfect babies. Breeding is no joke. It's a lifestyle. A passion. A dream to better the breed.

When we don't have puppies, we still have daily upkeep and care of our dogs, family, and home. We also utilize this time for training and further educating ourselves so we can be the best we possibly can be.

It's not an easy job, mentally or physically, but we love what we do and we do it to ensure healthy, stable and well adjusted puppies are going to their new families who have waited and dreamed about them.

🫶🫶 I didn’t write this, but it is very well said. 🫶🫶


Okay, it’s Kaci’s turn, and Cruella will be next. That means lots and lots of babies in August!!!!! We have always been so blessed with the perfect homes for our babies! If you have friends or family looking for a best friend this Fall, please send them our way! 🍁 🐶 🐾

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 12/06/2024

Well…. We have some very exciting news!!!! This is the post many of you have been waiting for…
Our gorgeous little lavender princess, Aurora, and our wonderful liver super mom, Nahla, are expecting babies! We’re still waiting on cruella and her sister Kaci to have their heat but they shouldn’t be too far behind!
If you’re not on our waiting list and would like to be, send me a message ❤️

**dad is Kai. He is a tiny lavender!


Good morning! 🌞 Well, we are still waiting for our dear Kaci to enter her heat cycle! She’s late 🤦🏻‍♀️ however, this is actually a blessing in disguise, as we currently have plans for summer vacation at the exact time we were thinking we would be expecting pups and we were really stressing over it! So, just a little reminder today, that when things do not happen when we expect them to… we need to leave it to God and remember that Gods timing is perfect. 🙏 so stay tuned for the announcement - Have a blessed day ❤️❤️


And then there was one…. And this sweet little girl just went home today. Her mama and daddy have been waiting for her before she was even born! She’s going to live her best life with her new sister sweet pea!

This morning the kids woke up a little bit earlier so they could each have their turn loving on her and say their goodbyes because she would be leaving while they were at school. ❤️
And mama Nahla cried as we watched her baby go, and my heart is broken for her today. A beautiful day, but bittersweet as well.

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 16/04/2024

Our gorgeous little twin boy and girl went to their new homes!!!! These were by far some of the most beautiful puppies we’ve ever had! So grateful for our wonderful new families!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 13/04/2024

Darby went home with his mama! THIS is why we do what we do! We love creating little miracles to be blessings to others! We are so blessed to have found such wonderful families for all of our babies and made some new furever friends!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 13/04/2024

Now we’re on our way to meet our little guys furever mama. It’s a bit of a drive. Nahla is cleaning her little guy so thoroughly and he doesn’t mind at all. He just wants to be close to her.

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 13/04/2024

Nahla is the best mama. She’s watching her babies as they leave. We feel that it’s better for her if she can see them go, so hopefully she understands and she isn’t looking for them later.

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 13/04/2024

Today was a very exciting and also bittersweet day at the Townsend Tzu. Our babies turned 8 weeks old today and 3 of them went to their furever homes. We feel so blessed that we found the best parents for our babies.


*****He found his furever home*****
This gorgeous little boy is available and looking for his furever home! He is the smallest little guy, a little over a pound and a half at almost 8 weeks old. He is so sweet and calm and loving already. Pm me if you’re interested! They’ll be ready to go home in 5 days! AKC first set of shots and a health certificate!


Good afternoon 🌞 to all my pet families and friends, if you have gotten a puppy from us, or comminicated with us, if you would be so kind as to leave a review of your experience, it would be greatly appreciated!!


🎉 All 6 of our beautiful puppies have found their furever homes already! We are so excited and so eager for these sweet babies to learn and grow and meet their new mommy and daddy soon! Nahla has been a fantastic mama! 🎊

We are expecting our next litter some time in June. I will keep everyone updated as soon as we know for sure. If you would like to get on our waiting list, please send me a private message.

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 14/03/2024

This precious little boy may still be 👀 for his furever lap as well. We THINK that he might have 2 blue eyes! As you can see, he’s totally comfortable being held and on his back! Excellent temperament!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 14/03/2024

This gorgeous little girl with dobie markings is so stinking cute!!! She is 3 1/2 weeks old and still 👀 for her new mommy and daddy! Message me for info!

Photos from The Townsend Tzu's post 14/03/2024

This precious little boy is 3 1/2 weeks old and already so playful and loving! Still 👀 for a lap of his own! Message me for more info!

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Darby is on his way to his furever home!
