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'Grow from where you were planted'
This is a short quote with big meaning!
Everyone comes from different genetics and different situations... poverty, rich, male, female, nationality, culture, family, no family, good family, not so good family, ability levels (academic/athletic/artistic/etc.)
What matters most is what one does with what they have in life. It's how one handles, takes advantage of, or makes opportunities that matter. It's also important to take care of yourself. The roots that help you grow need fertilizer. You may have started in the weeds but you can blossom into whatever and whoever you want to be.
It's also important to recognize that you can help others grow and blossom. You can give a helping hand, be kind, be supportive, etc. Nourish others and help them bloom.

How to help yourself grow from A to Z
a. Celebrate the small things
b. Stop complaining
c. Acknowledge that you can control your thoughts. Work on
developing the right mentality
d. Accept changes as they occur
e. Value what you do have
f. Try to learn lessons from your circumstances. Setbacks are
g. Seek opportunities
h. Identify what you can change
i. Make the most of each day
j. Work with what you have
k. Remember the bigger picture
l. Love who you are right now
m. Change your questions. Instead of asking "Why me?" ask
"How can I make today the best day?"
n. Be productive
o. Stop blaming others for your situation
p. Keep improving
q. Compliment others
r. Keep dreaming
s. Work hard - to achieve better things, this is a MUST!
t. Stop thinking the "What if's"
u. Be brave
v. Don't quit
w. Smile
x. Remember that every step in life prepares you for the next one
y. Remember that even beautiful things grow amongst weeds
z. You were meant to grow from where you were planted.
After you enter world and begin to grow as a young adult, the
choices you make matter
If you have any positive thoughts you can add to this post, please do!
Hopefully, these ideas and thoughts help you grow and blossom into the human you want to become.

Be the Parent They Need you to be 05/09/2021

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Be the Parent They Need you to be In this world of various parenting styles, be the parent your child needs you to be. That means setting boundaries with consequences. Life has natural boundaries and consequences too. My oldest …

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Election Time! What a crazy time this is! I don’t remember election years being this crazy 15 years ago. I think social media has blown it up and turned it into a me against you thing and it’s sad. …

Crazy Times! 24/08/2020

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Crazy Times! I don’t know about you but our political climate is stressful. How did we get here? I remember when Obama was in office thinking “This is not good. Why isn’t he telling the BLM r…

Tips for raising a child 24/08/2020

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Tips for raising a child Do you have a question? Feel free to ask. If I don’t have an answer, I’ll research it for you. I know parents are super busy so let me help. Observations and Thoughts: While raising …

Going too far 02/09/2019

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Going too far White privilege and racist, just to name a couple, are terms that are thrown out a lot these days. So much so that people are ruining it for those who really do suffer from injustices. Let me give …

Happy National Dog Day! 26/08/2019

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Enjoy Your Own Backyard 26/08/2019

Do quotes or saying ever help you in life? Recently I was watching a movie and heard the following message which touched me deeply. The message is ....... We often spend a lot of time and energy looking to find happiness and fullment in places where we think the grass is greener. In doing this, we fail to enjoy our own backyards. [ 45 more words ]

Enjoy Your Own Backyard Do quotes or saying ever help you in life? Recently I was watching a movie and heard the following message which touched me deeply. The message is ……. We often spend a lot of time and…