Thrifty Financial Coaching

Thrifty Financial Coaching

Thrifty Financial Coaching is a personal finance coaching firm that is ready to help you control your money and build wealth.

Email us to schedule a consultation today.


Focus on where you are going. Not where you have been.

Thrifty is here to help!


Are you good at managing money?


Are you good at managing debt?

Thrifty is here to help!

Schedule an appointment today!


How much money do you need for retirement?

Here are some questions to consider:

Will you have debt?

Will you have a mortgage?

Will you be supporting someone other than a spouse?

Thrifty is here to help!

Schedule an appointment today!


Shopping for life insurance?


How much can you afford?
How much do you need?


Shop for the best quote.

Thrifty is here to help!

Schedule an appointment today!


Looking for a more advanced investment strategy?

Read Payback Time by Phil Town.

Advanced may be easier than you think.

Thrifty is here to help!


I met a man the other day who worked in the construction industry as an independent contractor.

He appeared to have a good income as he was charging upwards of $500 a day for his labor.

And yet, he was essentially homeless. I noticed when it came time to eat during work he would spend large amounts of money at the gas station or restaurant.

He was living day to day hoping that he would have work the next.

Spend now and save later seemed to be his motto.

How could someone with such an amazing income live in such poverty?

My sincere thoughts are he does not have a plan for his life.

I’m sure he’s been through some things that I couldn’t see in the short time I’ve known him, but I found he was all about how much money he could make today, not caring or planning for tomorrow.

A financial plan is very important to get you where you want to go.

Discipline will get you there.

Thrifty is here to help!


How much does a new TV really cost?

You may spend $500 at the store but what does it cost you long-term?

The average American watches 4 hours of TV per day.

If you make $15 an hour, that’s $60 a day, $300 a week.

Could you get a part time job instead? Pay off debt or invest more?

Our financial goals are more in reach than we think with less screen time and more hustle.

Thrifty is here to help!


Want to double your money?

It’s called the Rule of 72.

Divide 72 by your investment return rate, and you get an estimate for how many years it'll take to double your money.

Here’s an Example.

Let's say you invest $10K in an index fund, with a 7% average return.

72 ➗ 7 (your return rate) = 10

The Rule of 72 says it'll take 10 years for your $10K to turn into $20K.
And in 20 years, it's $40K.

That's how compound interest works.

Thrifty is here to help!


Financial Goals

We tend to overestimate what we can do over a 1 year period and underestimate what we can do in a 10 year period.

Goal setting is instrumental to reaching financial independence.

Set standards that push you to work harder, save and invest.

Thrifty is here to help!


Get Rich Carefully by Jim Cramer

This book provides advice on how to invest in individual companies.

Jim shows how to evaluate which companies are worth the ride and which companies should be abandoned immediately.

Thrifty is here to help!


The Next Millionaire Next Door by Thomas & Sarah Stanley

You may remember, I discussed a book with a similar title called The Millionaire Next Door. Written by the same author.

This book is a follow up to the previous. In this case study it is seeing whether or not the habits of millionaires have changed over the decades.

Short answer, those who make it to millionaire status generally make it by the same standards today that they did 20 years ago.

The American dream is alive and well and anyone can make it who is willing to put in the work and let compound interest do the rest.


The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received
By Liz Claman

If you’ve been thinking about investing, it’s always better to start sooner than later.

This book has motivational quotes from some of the greatest investors in our time.

Thrifty is here to help!


Rule #1 by Phil Town

This book offers an in depth strategy for investing for those who are on Step 4 and beyond.

Thrifty is here to help!


Coin Jar

Do you have a jar around your house that’s been collecting coins over the years?

It may be time to cash in on those coins.

We are doing our best to budget and save but sometimes money is tight.

Chances are the money in your coin jar could pay for a round of groceries.

This could help you stick to your budget in a bind and help feed your family.

Most grocery stores well exchange coins for store credit through a coin machine.

Or your local bank may exchange coins for cash.

Thrifty is here to help!


Stimulus Checks

Did your family’s stimulus checks from last year not have the amount you were expecting?

Maybe one of your children was not accounted for?

When you file your taxes this year, state that you did not receive the full amount of stimulus that you were expecting.

In many cases the missing amount will be added onto your return, and if you owe taxes it will reduce the amount of taxes you will need to pay.

File your taxes early.

It’s like a Band-Aid, sometimes you just need to rip it off and move on.

Thrifty is here to help!


Tax season
File your taxes early. That way you’ll know if you’re getting a return or if you will owe.
Be ahead of the game


Once you have made it to Step 7:
You are Financially Independent


Basic to Basics
Step 7:
Build Wealth & Give Generously


Back to Basics
Step 6:
Pay off your mortgage early


Back to Basics
Step 5:
Start a college savings plan for your children


Back to Basics
Step 4:
Contribute 15% of your income to your retirement fund


Back to Basics
Step 3:
Increase your emergency fund to 3-6 months of expenses


Back to Basics
Step 2:
Pay off all your debts except your house


New Year...
Back to Basics
Step 1:
Save $1000 for your Emergency Fund


New Year! New Goals!

How will you change your finances this year?


Cheers to those who were able to accomplish there financial goals in a tough year!


The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach

Does your motivation for a better financial life end when you try to put a budget together?

Take the advice of David Bach, he recommends that you automate the way you pay your bills and automate your monthly contributions towards your retirement.

This can help you get on the right path but does not exempt you from paying off your debt and living within your means

Thrifty is here to help!

Let us know if you have any questions.


The latte factor

Ever heard of it?

It’s when you take the money you spend on your daily coffee and invest it instead.

$5 dollars a day turns into $1200 over the year.

This is a great start to funding your retirement.

But it’s only the first step.

Thrifty is here to help!


Gratitude is essential to financial wellness.


Debt Free Degree by Anthony ONeal

If you or your child is planning on going to college with in the next 10 years, the time to prepare is now!

This book provides guidance on how to go to college without taking on student loans.

Yes, it is possible!

Thrifty is here to help!

Net worth

About two years ago I was coming back from a family vacation. We had enjoyed a week at a family friend’s lake house. As many do, I began to dream about how one day I could have the opportunity to own a lake house like our friend. This put me on a path to learn more about personal finance and how I could make my money work for me.

I started listening to podcasts, reading books, and analyzing financial articles on the internet. It was clear to me that if I wanted to better my financial picture, I needed to control my money instead of it controlling me. One podcast in particular got my attention talking about what a millionaire is. It is not always someone who makes a million dollars a year but someone who has a million dollar net worth of assets (cars, property, houses, collectibles, cash). The standard equation for net worth is what you own minus what you owe. So I calculated my own net worth to see how I stacked up. My net worth was negative! It was a sobering moment when I realized that if I passed suddenly, everything I owned would be sold to pay off debt and nothing would be transferred to my family. Something needed to change and I took action.

After two years of getting focused and applying what I have learned, I now know that anyone can be financially successful and I want to help everyone gain the knowledge I have. Thrifty Financial Coaching is here to help you change your financial picture. We can teach you to control your money and build wealth. It will change your life not only financially but emotionally too. Our success comes by making you successful. What are you waiting for? Take control today!


Opening Hours

Monday 17:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 17:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 17:00 - 21:00
Thursday 17:00 - 21:00
Friday 17:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00