Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz

Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz

Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz, the Medical Faculty of Trakya University specialized in neurosurgery Ministry Healt


Merry Christmas guys! Thank you for always being here to make me laugh. The last few years have been very hard on me, between the pandemic, my mental health, my feelings of isolation and inferiority, and the recent passing of my grandparents. Being here to watch and laugh at your reviews and chat on your Twitch streams has always given me something to look forward to (when I get to see them). I still have a smile on my face when I told you about the deleted scene of the death of Pudge the fish in Lilo & Stitch. Those reactions were priceless. Thanks for all the laughs and I look forward to the laughs you'll bring in the future!
