Witchy stuff

Witchy stuff

All kinds of withcy stuff. Herbs, magic and mystery


"You don’t need to be popular or be liked to do the right thing for you. It has nothing to do with anyone else, really. Validation is for parking tickets." Maria Zeta


Feeling witchy today 😛

My grandmother (God bless her soul) was a total wise woman.,
Though she would decry the term witch, she was totally a herbalist, a warrior and a peacemaker.

God bless her soul!

In her honour I will learn about the herbs, nature and magic of the places where my ancestors come from.,
So mote it be!

Bless you Marija! (Mary)

Photos from Captain Haddoc's post 13/11/2021
Poisoned Glen,Co.Donegal,Ireland 17/10/2021

In the Donegal Gaeltacht we often greet folk of any gender w/ the phrase "Bhuel, a Chailleach!"🧙‍♀️ Cailleach refers to 'the veiled one' or 'witch'. 🪄 Lovely to think that after all that has happened in Ireland over the centuries we're still greeting the Pagan divine feminine in each other! Trailblaze

Poisoned Glen,Co.Donegal,Ireland


"Ancient spirits of the land, I call to you to make a stand. Awaken those who are asleep and do not remember your great feats of protectors, guardians of our land who called to us with sacred plans to heal the earth and honour you as you watch over all we do. Guard this home with all your might, let nothing or no one escape your sight. Weave your magick for all to see, protection in place. So mote in be". Scottish Witchcraft


"Having already been worshipped long before the Celts arrived in Scotland, there are very old tales of her appearing in many different guises. She was seen as the washer by the ford, washing the linen of a solider about to die in battle. If the war- rior saw her, he knew he would soon be crossing over the river of life and death to his final resting place. The Picts, Celts, and Vikings relished the darker side of life. The Gallowglass warriors, who were of Norse and Gaelic descent, had no fear of death and knew that to die in battle was an honour. They were fearless in battle be- cause their belief was one of reincarnation. They honoured the wisdom of dark- ness, so the Cailleach was respected and revered as wise. " Scottish Withcraft

The Rising of the Moon * Áine Tyrrell * 10/10/2021


The Rising of the Moon * Áine Tyrrell * Áine Tyrrell's version of 'The Rising of the Moon' launches the new 'Irish Australian Online Song Library'. The video was recorded at Hyde Park Barracks in S...

Witchcraft - Malleus Maleficarum - The Hammer of Witches - History and Analysis of the Inquisition 10/10/2021


Witchcraft - Malleus Maleficarum - The Hammer of Witches - History and Analysis of the Inquisition The Malleus Maleficarum or "Hammer of Witches" is the most important and infamous of all demonological and witch-hunting manuals in European history. This s...
