The Heal Wheel

The Heal Wheel

Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience where you'll explore six distinctive healing modal


We are all facing major choice points in our lives right now. This may be the very moment in history that the Bible speaks of in separating the wheat from the chaff. This is not a time to choose logic and people pleasing. This is the time for radical self-love, And a time to follow what our hearts resonate with most. Your decisions right now could be unpopular amongst those in your immediate circle. It may be judged. Astrologically speaking, this is a massive time of leveling up. If you want to evolve and ascend your spirit, your soul, this is most definitely the time. So if you are struggling in any area of your life right now, ask yourself what brings me most joy? What feels most expensive to my soul? It’s very easy to get caught in our heads right now, especially as mercury retrograde is upon us. You’ve planted the seeds, now is the time to step back and trust that all is unfolding in your life in perfect divine timing and alignment.


BIG NEWS! … bahaha, still captures are the best.😅

But for real. I have acclimatized to my new line of work and am feeling a strong pull to assisting the collective through the Tarot once again. YIPEE! 🤸‍♀️

I’m opening up my YouTube channel for Ta**us ♉️ and Sagittarius ♐️ readings (my personal, most prominent signs)… and will drop each Sunday!

Also, I will have weekly availability for LIVE, personal readings!! 💫


Email: [email protected]



Sharing, as we are all in a time of cleansing and wrapping up of karmic chapters.

Go easy on yourselves, especially during this first half of March! ♥️


What if we leaned into JOY?

In today’s spiritual community there is constant talk around ‘leaning into discomfort’ or our ‘shadows’, which of course is essential for personal growth and spiritual ascension on our path. But what about the contrasted energies of joy, love or peace?

Where there is contraction, there must also be expansion. This is Universal Law.

When you have been on a soul-healing path chalk full of tear-gushing breath work, inner child realizations, out of body meditations, endless deep epiphanies from your yoga mat, perhaps including profound spiritual awakenings from the use of plant medicines, there comes a time to EXPAND… or do you seek and crave the next ‘healing experience’?

For some, ‘healing’ can almost become an addiction. Perhaps having an abundance of joy or resting in peace feels unsettling? (Mic drop… *Pause for contemplation*.)

While all this ‘shadow work’ is absolutely beautiful and beneficial in its own rite, leaning into JOY, and peace, is also necessary for cultivating balance within ourselves. It also sends a message to yourself that you’re WORTHY of GOODNESS.

Do you believe your’e worthy?

Is it time to expand? Is it time to lean into some lightness? Some FUN?!

Is it time to engage in things that feed your soul in the BEST ways possible?!

The question is… can you handle it?

Where in your life can you seek out all that ouuuey, gooey, juicy GOOD STUFF?

What lights you up and makes you LAUGH?

This is your reminder to give yourself permission to EXPAND by leaning into all the things that bring you JOY.



For anyone who needs to hear this. 💗

Remember you are the master of your thoughts and co-creator of your life experience.

You’re also a magical, magnetic, electric, divine powerhouse. 🧝‍♀️✨🧝‍♂️🧚‍♂️💫⚡️




When your heart feels like closing, let it close.

Don’t abandon yourself as you withdraw.

Don’t force yourself to stay open to another.

Don’t be something other than what you are.

Show yourself you’ve got your own back.

Trust the intelligence of your heart.

You close because your love needs to flow into a forgotten place.

You shut down because a part of you feels unwelcome.

Show yourself it’s okay to feel this way.

It wouldn’t feel safe to remain open.

Your container would split.

Your hurt would leak out.

Pull your presence inside.

Retreat into the cave of your heart.

Don’t open yourself in a hurry.

It would only block the digestion of your experience.

Your heart is preparing to expand and hold more love.

This closure is part of the process.

Be patient.

Spring will come.

The wall will take itself down once you’ve tended to it.

When you don’t need to feel any different...

Suddenly you’re reborn.

- Shannon Leeghan Major


Love this!


I really, truly love receiving these beautiful messages from people after offering something with intense toons to support and nurture others. I am so grateful.

May all be blessed by both giving and receiving. 🙏

Photos from The Heal Wheel's post 08/02/2023

“I asked for STRENGTH
and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for WISDOM
and God gave me problems to solve.

I asked for PROSPERITY
and God gave me a brain to work.

I asked for COURAGE
and God gave me dangers to overcome and hard conversations to have.

I asked for LOVE
and God gave me people to help.

I asked for FAVOURS
and God gave me opportunities.

God truly does not care about our comfort he cares about our Character, it’s through all the challenges and experiences that we develop this❤️”

- by Nicky Rempel

*Pics from last Heal Wheel in January! 💫🙏


There’s a chance many of us may be feeling this way during this full moon in Leo today. 🌕🔥

The pressure is on, but this is definitely one of those “happening FOR you not TO you” situations.

You could be experiencing some pretty swift changes or facing some life changing decisions right now.

Karma may have bit your a** or you may finally be receiving the justice that has been building for you. Either way, nothing is ever truly “good” or “bad”. It’s about bringing *equilibrium* to our lives. ⚖️


The ground is being laid and foundations set for a brighter future, but we need to choose it.

Choose our joy, what feels in alignment with our hearts.

Choose to continue to believe in ourselves and our dreams.

Choose to accept what is unfolding, even when it hurts… release resistance and surrender.


Emotions and themes are being brought to the surface now as part of your ‘setup’…

Trust the process. Hold on. Don’t lose hope… opportunities and possibilities are being lined up for you now!

Stay the course, this year has so many beautiful gifts in store for you! 💫


If you read up to here and resonated, energetically take my hand. I’m in this too, with you. ♥️

Let’s not kid ourselves… We’re far from alone on our journeys. So many of us are going through this refinement, transformation, curation together.


You will inevitably fulfill your purpose and be in service to humanity when you step into what sparks your soul.

To explore this further in your own life, start with the small things!

What do you FEEL like wearing today? What life-giving activity would you choose to do with 2 free hours of time?

What did you used to LOVE to do as a child?

Give yourself permission to do the things that light you up, no matter how small… or big!

And … it’s NEVER to late. ♥️


Preparing a romantic, indoor picnic for the couples who will be attending The Heal Wheel, couples edition, next weekend! 🔥♥️♥️🔥

This exclusive event is going to bring meaningful connection and be a truly magical & romantic experience to remember.

We are now SOLD OUT, but you can keep your eyes peeled for the next Heal Wheel, happening at the end of March! 👊😉🙌

Link in bio, or go to: for all the details and to see what we are all about! ☺️

💫 Providing deep restoration and discovery while helping support and promote our local holistic practitioners!



It all starts with getting CLEAR… then choosing!

This was the reminder and wisdom that came from my yoga mat yesterday as I was in extreme discomfort, in the heated yoga room (104 F), holding a challenging pose.

When I get to my ‘edge’ is always when a breakthrough happens.

I trust myself. That I’m strong enough.

I CHOOSE to stay, and I usually surprise myself at the next ’level’ I achieve in my body and in my practice.

Yoga always teaches me life lessons. 🙏

This was the lesson I got yesterday.
The power of choice.
The power of intention.

We all carry ‘superhuman strength’ and can achieve what we put our minds to, and beyond!

Make the choice.
Believe in yourself.
STAY… then wait for that beautiful payoff.

You just might surprise yourself. 😉♥️


One day, 10 spots! First come, first choice on time slot… Intention: for you to receive the best guidance message for your life right now. 🙏

Christine (Sky Sparrow Tarot) is an Intuitive Reiki Master and has been sharing the chanelled art of tarot for the past 4 years.

She has a tarot YouTube channel as well, but has put it on hold after feeling divinely called to create and launch The Heal Wheel in Durham!

To book you time slot, comment below, send a dm or email: [email protected]


What if we could openly accept and allow all outcomes, and simply view them as experiences and lessons that grow and enlighten us?

Imagine not qualifying life’s experiences as “good” or “bad”, but simply allowin them to be experiences.

For me, observing a situation, as well as my ego’s initial reaction, is where it’s at.

It’s a practice, because I don’t always succeed.
Sometimes breath is needed to encourage and allow strong feelings to move through me. (I try to observe those too!)

Sometimes we make life more difficult than it needs to be, you know?

Where, really, does your peace come from?

What will you allow to diminish it?

Our power in facing any difficulty in life is in our power to choose one thought over another.

I’m not encouraging ‘toxic positivity’ here…

Feel the hard s**t.

But take your power back.

Don’t judge yourself for the unfoldings, or judge the unfoldings at all!

Protect your thoughts…

Slip into gratitude…🙏

You may be surprised how doing this can allow you to enter or remain in the flow of life, how you can retain your peace, even in the hard times.


🧘🏼‍♀️Getting on my yoga mat always helps bring me back to my heart. It’s a meditation unto its own.

🌈 It’s transformational, and has taught me to stay present and honor all that I’m feeling. Allowing these feeling to flow through me without judgment.

When you’re rushed, slow down.

When you judge yourself too harshly, feel into your heart and honor your feelings.

All that arises is Divine. But we grow when we stop to feeeeel. Feel into our truth.

So grateful for Power Yoga Canada and for the most amazing and knowledged instructor, Debbie Smith. ♥️🙏

Photos from The Heal Wheel's post 26/01/2023

❤️‍🔥 UPDATE! ❤️‍🔥


This rich offering for couples, on February 12th, is filling up fast! (Poster with details in comments below!) I’d you’re looking for a deeply connecting way to celebrate this month of love ♥️ THIS IS IT!

All info & tickets sold on our website:

Photos from The Heal Wheel's post 26/01/2023

This rich offering for couples, on February 12th, is filling up fast!

If you’re looking for a deeply connecting way to celebrate this month of love ♥️ THIS IS IT!

All info & tickets sold on our website:



The beautiful feedback from last Saturday’s Heal Wheel keeps rolling in! 💫🙏

What an honor to bring such deep restoration and healing to so many, all while supporting our local and independent holistic practitioners!

If you don’t know what The Heal Wheel is all about you gotta check it out!!

It’s SUCH a unique and rich offering… You get to unplug by candlelight for FOUR hours and ‘taste test’ SIX different holistic healing modalities!!! ✨💆🏼‍♀️✨

All info at:


Photos from The Heal Wheel's post 17/01/2023

Today I had a near out of body experience while through acupuncture with Ally Samelko. 😱

I left walking on a cloud!

I had no idea one could become so blissed out from an acupuncture treatment!

I’m talking full body warm fuzzy vibrations happening, waves of felt energy pulsing through me and emotions being released! 🌪🌈

Ally explained to me that because acupuncture works in restoring the movement of energy (chi) through the energy meridians, that acupuncture can be a body, mind and soul experience.

I’ve had acupuncture before, but not like this. It was… just WOW.

I highly recommend Ally to anyone who might like to try acupuncture.
(She will also be offering 25 minute personal treatments at out next Heal Wheel THIS Saturday, January 21st! … still a couple of spots left! ;))

*Attend and be entered to win a full personal treatment of choice!


First batch of GF/vegan treats ready for the attendees of this Saturday’s Heal Wheel! 🤤

🌟 There are still a couple of spots left!!

If you’ve been considering this unique, high-value, half-day retreat NOW is your chance to come experience the magic! 💫

I can’t WAIT for you all to come and ✨receive✨ the blissful restoration that is being prepared for you. 💝

All details & to purchase your ticket, visit:


Celebrating the Divine Feminine energy today. ✨🧝‍♀️✨

Feminine energy is the bearer of creation energy. The womb of magic. Infused by Divine Masculine action-oriented energy, the Feminine receives and ✨CREATES✨.

I’m not referring to gender here. We all have Divine Feminine and Masculine energies within us…

So what do you wish to create for yourself today?

What do you wish to experience in your reality?

What do you wish to co-create with the Universe?

🧚🏼‍♀️ And the Universe is not something outside of you… it is within you. It is you. All interconnected with your outer world.

So give yourself the credit due…

YOU are a powerdul co-creative force that can move mountains in your life by your sheer will and belief.

Relax into your Divine Feminine then. Flow. Releasing the worries of the Ego. Go forth and CREATE…. Waiting patiently with expectation and excitement for it to materialize. 🧚🏼‍♀️🪐🧝‍♀️✨

Namaste (“the light in me bows to the light in you.”) 🙏


We are in a die-off phase of old structures, old ways of doing things, old ways of being. We can see this globally, in economics, technology, politics… and as with all macrocosms, there are microcosms - you.

You may have noticed some heavy ‘doe-off’s’ occurring in your own life beginning around the year 2020. And you may feel now like you’re almost between worlds, stepping into a lot of unknown. (If you do, you’re right on track. 😉)

Astrologers say we are now moving into another 200 year cycle in the air signs (having just moved into the age of Aquarius.)

So what ‘old structures’ can you release at this time? Perhaps it’s a perspective or belief system? The way you earn money? The way you show up in relationships? The way you carry yourself?

We are living in exciting times my friends!! Do you agree? Can you feel the shifts happening?!

Photos from The Heal Wheel's post 11/01/2023

We are preparing for YOU… to nurture your body, mind and soul. 💫😌🙏


🕯 4 hours

☕️ Cacao ceremony

🧘🏼‍♀️🧘Gentle yoga & breathwork

✨💆🏼‍♀️✨Receive 25 minutes from each of the 6 holistic healing practitioners by candlelight and organic sounds.

🧘‍♂️🍪🍫Meditation & vegan refreshments to close.

We welcome you to a half day, magical event filled deep restoration and relaxation.

Is it time to fill your cup?

Your spot is waiting and we can’t wait to serve you in this rich and meaningful way. 🤍🤗

*See info poster below for all details OR visit our website where you can also snag your ticket!

Limited spots available, only a few left!

Power Yoga Canada Oshawa


Friendly heads up for those interested in attending The Heal Wheel on January 21st! 👇

🌟 Only ONE spot remains for the daytime slot (1:00-5:00pm), first come, first serve basis. 🌟

(Evening slot still has a few spots open, running from 6:00pm - 10:00pm.)

If you would welcome deep restoration on all fronts, body-mind-spirit, this 4-hour candlelit offering is for you.

You’ll receive:
Reiki energy healing, Craniosacral massage therapy, sound vibrational healing, reflexology for the entire body system, a unisex holistic Gua Sha Facial for some pampering and glow, and accupuncture for deep relaxation.

✨ As well… an opening cacao ceremony with breathwork & gentle yoga, a closing guided meditation, and delicious vegan baked goods and refreshments. 🍓🍪🍫

Can you say

All info and tickets can be found via our website:


We can’t wait to serve those who choose to attend in this deeply meaningful way. 🙏


These will quite literally RAISE your vibration. ⚡️


Raising your vibration allows you to be in greater alignment with your Higher Self, your Divine essence. 🧝‍♀️✨🧝‍♂️


Being in alignment allows you to be swept into Divine Universal flow… 🌊

Being in Universal flow allows all that you need and desire to be drawn effortlessly to you! 🤲🏻🤍


Which of these ‘vibration raisers’ can you implement into your life more?

PS - In case you didn’t know or you doubted…you are a powerful, electromagnet extension of Source Energy. 🤍⚡️🧝‍♀️👊🧝‍♂️💫

Videos (show all)

#moonvibes #natureheals #holisticliving #astrology #process #surrender
We are SO excited to host all the couples who will be attending the ‘Fan the Flame’ Heal Wheel this Sunday!! ♥️💫 It is g...
We are SO excited to host all the couples who will be attending the ‘Fan the Flame’ Heal Wheel this Sunday!! ♥️💫 It is g...
Preparing a romantic, indoor picnic for the couples who will be attending The Heal Wheel, couples edition, next weekend!...
Preparing a romantic, indoor picnic for the couples who will be attending The Heal Wheel, couples edition, next weekend!...
Link in bio or head over to for all the delicious details and to grab your spot!! 🔥🔥#durhamwellness...
HUGE gratitude for all of the beautiful and talented Certified Holistic Practitioners who shared their gifts and talents...
😱WE ARE NEARLY HALF SOLD FOR JAN. 21st!!!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎁 A Holistic Day Retreat for both men and women. 💆🏼‍♀️ Receive ...