Ashley Butterfield's Primal Tribus Studio Portfolio

Ashley Butterfield's Primal Tribus Studio Portfolio

This is a very old page that was made for me by my photographer who wanted to promote her work.


Primal Tribus Adventures

Halloween celebrated on October 31st is rooted in age old European tradition. Originating as an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, over 2000 years ago. People would costumes and have big bonfires to ward off spirits. Celts believed the dead could walk among the living and visit on this special day. Some would offer sweet treats to the spirits.Pope Gregory the third made November 1st to honor all saints day, which incorporated a few traditions of Samhain. [ 94 more words ]


$100 for a 4 hour photo (location) shoot for modeling portfolios. $20 charge for gas if at beach (east)..


Click here to support Wheelchair Accessible Van by Roger Buccolo We are raising money to get a down payment for a new wheelchair accessible van for Saharah. The insurance company has finally agreed to pay for the lift, but said we need to buy a new van before they will have it installed. So we want to try and raise money to help with the purchase.


Come get your own shoots done at Primal Tribus Studio!! :0)


Ashley Butterfield's Primal Tribus Studio Portfolio's cover photo


Timeline Photos
