

Mindful, body neutral movement that nourishes the body, centers the mind and empowers the self. Disc


A beautiful reminder by .life that all we need is within us 💫 around here we like to incorporate all of these factors into our movement practice 😊 how so?

1. Start by labeling your emotions to understand how you want to feel at the end of your movement practice

2. Take a few minutes before (or after, or both if you’re inspired!) to reflect and journal on how you’re feeling, why and what you want to get out of this movement practice. This exercise is powerful to deepen your self-awareness ☺️

3. Begin with stillness and doing a body scan to slowly transition into and become fully present in the practice 👁

4. Integrate movement and breathing to suit your needs during the practice. Every day looks and feels different - so should your movement practice 😏 listen to your body and follow what feels good ✨

4. End in stillness again, doing another body scan and integrating the energetic shifts you just experienced during your movement practice. It’s a kinder way to transition back to the rest of the day 😊

Photos from Evolna's post 26/08/2021

We recently read a post about how listening to your body doesn’t work…so here’s our rebuttal 💁🏾‍♀️ we obviously (vehemently) disagree, so swipe thru to understand why 😊

Photos from Evolna's post 23/08/2021

When you start a new movement practice, do you find it hard to commit to it, even when you want to?

We feel you and we’ve all been there 🙋🏽‍♀️ it’s uncomfortable to try something new, actually learn it and commit to it, tweak your agenda and routine to make it a part of your week…but that’s where the true power and growth lies 💡

Find a sustainable way to include it in your agenda, whether it’s as little as 1x/week or 5 min every day, and adjust as you go. But if it does you well, stick to it. And the internal changes will manifest externally in surprising and beautiful ways 💫

Today’s by the always inspirational ♥️


A beautiful thought to wrap up the week 💫 respecting your own pace and energy, and listening to your intuition, is the key to ensuring that your journey is pleasurable and sustainable 🌈


Here’s another journal prompt for when you take time to reflect before, or after, your movement practice ✨ taking time to feel (and register!) gratitude for our body helps ground us and shift our energetic well-being. And since our body listens to everything we think about it, this is a great way to begin cultivating a more loving relationship with oneself 💜


Our essence perfectly captured by a client’s testimonial 🧡 It’s approaching movement in a liberating and inviting manner, differently from the rigidity and strict regimen we are told to follow. We like to do things differently around here 😏

Photos from Evolna's post 14/08/2021

.kels Dr Kellen Scantlebury on structuring physical therapy as it should be 👏🏻 Dr Kellen is the founder and CEO of Fit Club, a NYC-based physical therapy and sports performance clinic. Tune in to episode 35 of via link in bio or wherever you listen to podcasts ✨


Feeling all the feels here. And if you need help processing emotions, we got you 👀 Movement is the most effect way to shift your energy and emotions (not a scientific affirmation here, but have you tried it?! It’s life-changing). Curious? Head to our link in bio to give our 2 WEEK free trial a go, and exercise based on how you feel (literally, our flows are filtered by emotions) 🤍

Beautiful repost by

Photos from Evolna's post 11/08/2021

When we first launched, classes were IRL in NYC and soon after, covid hit, making us switch to online. Truth is, our movement modality didn’t translate that well to online, so we had to go back to the drawing board and find out how we can best make Intuitive Movement accessible and easy to learn and adopt for our community members.

So this is a testimonial from one of our beta testers and we knew we were in the right direction 🤍

If you’re curious to give us a try, it’s risk-free 14 days and only 15 bucks per month afterwards (or less if you sign up quarterly or annually!). Hope to have you join us soon 🤗 link in bio with all of our info 😘


So what will your self-care sunday look like? You'll find us dancing our heart out to 1 song 😏⁠⁠
Inspirational post via ⁠⁠


An important PSA this Saturday for ya -- that's why we talk about it so much around here. There are so many moving parts to building a healthy relationship with yourself and Intuitive Movement heals the emotional, mental and physical. We created it out of a need to nourish ourselves. And when you feel good in your own skin, empowered by your intuition and making your own decisions, you'll feel the magnetism the manifests itself. It's truly the foundation 😌⁠⁠
Image via .joan.short 🙏

Photos from Evolna's post 06/08/2021

Why are the most important practices that contribute to our longevity and well-being, and also happen to be the most sustainable and feel good ones, considered "alternative" in the fitness space? Our friend and kinesiologist/movement & aquatic expert Gary highlights this in episode 29 of pod, available anywhere you listen to 'em (and via our link in bio!). ⁠⁠💛


feedbacks we can’t get enough of ✨ also, how do you feel about online classes? Do you tend to enjoy them or are you craving IRL in your life?


Self-care sunday reminder to take it easy and indulge in whatever soothes and resets your well-being for the week ahead 💛✨

Reposting this vibe we can’t get enough of via


Sharing the movement love from ✨

Photos from Evolna's post 30/07/2021

Shedding light on what shouldn’t be (but unfortunately very much is!!) the ignorance surrounding women’s health. The amount of misinformation is astounding - no wonder women feel tired all the time, disrupt their hormone systems, and (amongst a much longer list) are just generally unsatisfied with themselves 🤨

One simple way to start feeling better is adjusting your exercises and nutrition according to your menstrual cycle (yup, each week merits adjustment and frankly, we’re relieved to hear that bc how many times have you, my fellow female friend, been EXHAUSTED during your period and still pushing your body to the limit during those workouts and doing intermittent fasting?!). We feel ya and on this episode 34 of This Thing Called Movement pod we talk to our muse .germuga about her knowledge on the subject and how much it’s shifted her life for the better.

So tune in wherever you listen to your podcast and let us know what new info you liked most! Lots of juicy insights for ya this weekend 😉

Photos from Evolna's post 25/07/2021

Your needs and impulses are important. They are sending you valuable information regarding how to service your health & well-being.⁠

Listen to them. 👂 ⁠

Honor them. 🙏⁠

Act in service of them. 💥 ⁠

The more we learn to follow those impulses and address our needs as they arise, the more quickly we find ourselves in the innate rhythm, harmony, and flow that allows us to find more joy and thrive in our day to day life. 🌟

Beautiful images by the one and only 🌈


This clip from says it all.⁠

“How much are you willing to flow with life, and how much are you pressing against it?”⁠

In order to fall in step with the innate intelligence that is embedded in the flow of life and in the wisdom of our body, we have to be willing to let go of our need to control. ⁠

The more we fight for control, the more resistance we create in finding that natural harmony and flow that is waiting for us right there beneath our fingertips.⁠

Just pause for a moment. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And let go. 🌊

Photos from Evolna's post 23/07/2021

In our first ever episode of the This Thing Called Movement podcast, we had the incredible honor of chatting with Mike Fitch .af — the esteemed creator of Animal Flow , a revolutionary bodyweight training methodology that incorporates functionality, creativity, and community in such seamlessly fun & supportive way. 🙌⁠

Mike highlights the importance of creating authentic connection to movement practices and our bodies through love stories, and allowing ourselves permission to fall in love with the movement practices that feed our soul and our being on all levels. 🌟⁠

If you’re needing a little movement inspo at the moment, we highly recommend tuning into this conversation if you haven’t yet (or maybe even re-listen to it to remind yourself of the many golden nuggets shared here!) 💛 Head to the or find it on your favorite free podcast streaming platform 🌈


Welcoming your body home is definitely one of the greatest compliments we have received, because it’s at the core of what we do here through our movement practice. And because, is there a greater feeling we can possibly evoke?!

If you’re curious to give our on-demand virtual portal a try, sign up via link in bio for 14 days free and a 1-on-1 call with on us to help you welcome your body home 🤍✨

Photos from Evolna's post 18/07/2021

Leaving these words of wisdom from here for anyone who needed this gentle reminder today 🌟⁠

“Take time, your own pace is good enough.”⁠

“Take a break if you need to.”⁠

Drop a “💛” in the comments below if this message resonated for you ☺️


Slow down. 🐌

Take a moment. ⏰

Pause. ⏸

Breathe. 🌬

Feel. 💛

Slowing down opens the door for us to be authentically present, and really squeeze all the magical goodness that is waiting for us in each and every moment.

Where can you find opportunities within your day to slow down, savor and be present? Where can you take a moment for yourself, a pause, to just breathe, feel, and be?

Photos from Evolna's post 16/07/2021

Fresh out of the oven! 🍞 New episode featuring Matt Bernstein — founder and owner of & 🐒 ⁠

We discuss the many ways movement has impacted and shaped Matt’s life, but also the lives of many students coming through Apeco’s doors 🚪 ⁠

Our 🔑 takeaways from this episode:⁠

- How movement is taught and delivered to students is actually more important than the program 📈⁠
- The richer your movement practice, the richer the rewards you reap💰 ⁠
- Movement teaches us to teach beyond the status quo and go after our big dreams 🤩⁠
- The expansion of our internal landscape and our movement capacity are directly linked and help feed one another 🧠⁠
- And much much more… 😍⁠

So head over to your go-to podcast source (or follow the link in our bio) and tune into EP 47 on This Thing Called Movement to learn how movement can unlock your hidden potential. This is an episode you won’t want to miss! 🤩

Photos from Evolna's post 14/07/2021

We’ve all experienced a moment while moving our bodies that felt absolutely transcendental, even magical ✨⁠

Take a moment today to relive your favorite movement memory. As you recall all the details of that memory, allow yourself to feel them in your body and mind as though you are re-experiencing it right here right now. 🤔⁠

This simple reflection is a powerful way to rewire our relationship to movement, reminding us of just how wonderfully magical and powerful our bodies are an inspiring us to seek out experiences that ignite new levels of joy, euphoria, and delight. 🤩⁠

We’d love to hear about some of your favorite movement memories! 😍🤸💛 Feel free to share in the comments below 👇

Photos from Evolna's post 13/07/2021

Movement is a powerful medium for self-awareness, development, and transformation 🌟⁠

How we move shapes how we think, how we interact with the world and ourselves, and who we are. ⁠🤩

We can use movement to shore up & cultivate qualities we want to embody more of — like confidence, clarity, and self-love. 💛⁠

We can use movement to dial down our insecurities, anxieties, and fears. 👺⁠

We can use movement to change the thought patterning of our brain, and create new pathways that reinforce new beliefs and perceptions of ourselves. ⁠🧠

Movement does so much more than just change our physical bodies. It changes every single part of who we are and how we relate to the world around us. ⁠🌏

At Evolna, we’re here to guide you through the process of using your movement practice to bring you more holistic balance, teach you how to become more effective and confident in meeting your unique needs, and unlock your hidden potential. ✨

Head over to our link in bio to begin your 14 day free trial and discover what intuitive movement can do for you. 🤸


Remember being a kid, and having that daring spark to just throw yourself into things purely for the joy of discovering what sensations you would feel? ⁠

Like running as fast as you could, or rolling down a hill? Or maybe you were particularly adventurous and liked to climb up things to see the world from a whole new perspective. 🙃⁠

As children, we are so naturally tapped into our bodies, and so good at both listening and responding to our bodily signals and messages. ⁠

There’s no second guessing those impulses — we just follow where they lead. ⁠

And it feels so good, so great, so liberating to live this way! ⁠

It’s time we reclaim our birthright of this deep connection with our body’s innate intelligence. To relearn what we knew and did instinctively as children: to follow the guidance of our bodies and allow them to lead the way. ✨⁠

Stunning artwork created by .class 💛


So many products & services in the fitness & wellness industries peddle the “magic pill” promise.⁠

You know the type… 🙄 ⁠

“This workout will get you shredded in 6 weeks”⁠

“This supplement will help you lose weight quickly”⁠

But truthfully, the process of change is the most important part! Not necessarily the change itself. ☺️⁠

It allows us a powerful opportunity to really be with ourselves, discover hidden talents, skill sets, and capacities we didn’t know we had. 🌟⁠

And most importantly — when we focus on process rather than the outcome, it allows us to enjoy the journey, and have so much more fun along the way. 🤸⁠

As states so beautifully above: ⁠
“The energy we put out in the world is the energy we get back. Trust your actions, visions, and clarity. Faith is is a powerful motivator and guiding force.” 💛⁠

It’s time to embrace and trust the process. Because that’s where the real magic of life lives ✨


Our intuition is one of our most powerful resources 💥⁠

When we cultivate our relationship with it, the more we empower our ability to do exactly what we need for ourselves in any given moment… independent of the circumstances around us. ⁠

Connecting with and trusting our intuition doesn’t have to be ambiguous or woo woo fear. It is actually a very practical skill set that can be easily learned through deliberate practice and consistency. ⁠

We’re here to simplify that process for you! Head to our to begin tapping into your intuitive potential today ✨


We do things differently here at Evolna 😉⁠

We believe there is so much power in that special space of letting all your inhibitions go, moving freely, and following what feels most delicious and pleasurable in your body moment by moment.🌟⁠

This movement practice is NOT about getting the moves right, executing x amount of sets & reps, or following the rules…📈⁠

Instead, we focus on finding freedom, building confidence in our self-expression, and trusting our natural, intuitive instincts. ✨⁠

We lead you in to connect with your body’s innate intelligence, so you can lean on its incredible wisdom to guide you through every day with more fun, joy, and ease. 🤸⁠

And that might mean starting your day by crawling out of bed to roll on the floor just because it FEELS GOOD. 🤩⁠

You do you boo.👏👏👏⁠

That’s what we’re here to empower and support. 🙌💥💛

Videos (show all)

Self-care sunday reminder to take it easy and indulge in whatever soothes and resets your well-being for the week ahead ...
This clip from @babaramdass says it all.⁠👏👏👏⁠⁠“How much are you willing to flow with life, and how much are you pressing...
Juneteenth. A day honoring the freedom our Black brothers and sisters always held an innate right to but were denied thr...
Fresh Content Drop 💫 We just added 10+ hrs of movement magic in Evolna's Virtual Studio this week! A combination of tuto...
Happy Pride every day of the year, but especially in June when the sun’s out and the vibes couldn’t be better to celebra...