Freddy Silva

Freddy Silva

bestselling author, documentary maker, and leading researcher of ancient knowledge and civilizations


Indigenous people around the world recount how an advanced group lived alongside them 12,000 years ago, described as ‘human-like but not quite human’, master navigators and astronomers who harnessed the laws of nature, built megalithic monuments and raised a comparatively high culture.

New evidence reveals how these unusual people formed a global network that contributed positively to human civilization. These gods — Shining Ones, People of the Serpent, Followers of Horus, Itz, Urukehu, Lords of Anu —lived on eight islands around the world, most lost to rising seas at the close of the ice age. They were present at a landscape temple in New Zealand called Birthplace of the Gods, and established temple cities around the Pacific, the Andes, Yucatan, Egypt and the Middle East.

Read The Missing Lands:


Conference details and tickets (finally) available for the Beyond Boundaries Conference in New Plymouth, NZ, next March.
I'll be presenting two long lectures, and thankfully (for you) there will be hundreds of images to make them visually interesting as well. Looking forward to returning following last year's sell out performance.

Watch Mystery of the Maya Online | Vimeo On Demand 22/01/2024

The Maya appeared in Yucatan seemingly out of nowhere in 3100 BC. But recent underwater artefacts tell a different story: a culture was already established there six thousand years earlier.
According to the sacred book Chilam Balam, the ancestors of the Maya arrived in 9600 BC from a large island to the east called Atl when “the waters swallowed the source of wisdom”. A catastrophe destroyed their home, forcing the divine survivors to sail west. Described as People of the Serpent, they were led by the god-man Itzamna who brought the knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, architecture and mystical practices, thus explaining how the Maya inherited a fully developed civilization and cosmology. What’s astonishing is that hardly anyone has heard of Itzamna or his sages, the Itz — water wizards — people with knowledge of the laws of nature and how to bend them. This is their story, how their progeny became known as Maya, and how the temples of Yucatan and Guatemala today are the final expression of a project 9000 years in the making.
Filmed in Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Palenque, Tikal and many other locations, this documentary also explores the elements and purpose behind each temple.

Watch Mystery of the Maya Online | Vimeo On Demand The Maya appeared in Yucatan seemingly out of nowhere in 3100 BC. But recent underwater artefacts tell a different story: a culture was already established there…

Watch The 900-Year Secret of the Knights Templar Online | Vimeo On Demand 21/01/2024

As secrets go, this one's been well kept.
Officially, the Knights Templar was created in 1118 after the Order took up residence in Jerusalem. But new research reveals the Templars were already active a decade earlier in western Europe, where they patiently carried out a covert exercise to create Europe's first independent nation-state, a land that would house their most important monuments, and where the Grail stands hidden in plain sight.

Watch The 900-Year Secret of the Knights Templar Online | Vimeo On Demand As secrets go, this one's been well kept. Officially, the Knights Templar was created in 1118 after the Order took up residence on Temple Mount in Jerusalem.…


If you think modern life is unhinged, take comfort in the words of esoteric teachers two thousand years ago: how society suffers from “mind blindness”, a condition in which the trivial is given priority over spiritual mindfulness, and how the lessons learned by previous generations are forgotten and errors are repeated.

It seems we have been here before.

Their antidote was to build a network of temples and sacred places where a person can reconnect with the source and oneself. This worldwide programme has been in place for over 10,000 years and is periodically rejuvenated by new groups of sages and seekers, particularly during times of chaos. It’s reassuring that constant vigilance to this ideal remains, without which society would be rudderless. As one keeper of the temple in ancient Egypt remarked, “The purpose of the temple is to transform the individual into a god, into a bright star.”

Available from booksellers worldwide:


Have a good weekend, everyone

Watch Scotland's Hidden Sacred Past Online | Vimeo On Demand 19/01/2024

How did an unusual megalithic culture emerge on the northern fringes of Scotland before the rest of Britain?

Watch Scotland's Hidden Sacred Past Online | Vimeo On Demand A stone circle bears the name of a sage who lived 12,000 years ago in the Middle East. A white-skinned giant guards an entrance into the Otherworld. A ritual cave…


This book remains the most comprehensive account of the mystery ever published, the go-to book, and why it remains critically-acclaimed.
The new 20th anniversary paperback edition includes a synopsis of what has taken place since 2003.


In esoteric tradition there is physical death and there is metaphoric death.
The latter was practiced in restricted chambers such as the ziggurat of Cyrus the Great; Q’inqu, Peru; Yasilikaya, Turkey; Knowth, Ireland; the earliest chullpas along Lake Titicaca; West Kennett long barrow, England; Pyramid of Osario, Chichen Itza; and the Pyramid of Unas, Egypt.

Nobody was buried in such places. And they all share another common theme: they were built at locations rich in electromagnetism, or were designed to manipulate these forces to facilitate an altered state of consciousness.

According to the earliest traditions, these places were restricted to individuals who’d undertaken three years of training, the culmination of which was a ritual where a diluted poison was administered to induce a near-death experience whereby the candidate accessed the Otherworld and returned three days later.

Generally referred to as ‘raising’ or ‘living resurrection’, this initiation can be traced to the Osirion of Abydos c.10,500 BC, and the Book of the Seventeen Ways, a Japanese text dated c.8000 BC. Referred to as Tayi (The Way), it became the foundation of gnostic Christianity, and was still practiced by native Americans of the Great Lakes in the 19th century. And the process never involved anyone being literally nailed to a cross.

The full story: The Lost Art of Resurrection

Watch The Hidden Side Of Egypt Online | Vimeo On Demand 18/01/2024

Ancient Egyptians saw the course of stars change direction four times, experienced the Earth rotating backwards, and the Sun setting in the part of the sky where it rises today: twice. This alone places their culture in a remote age. But who started it and when?

Perhaps the most influential of texts is found in the temple of Edfu. It describes gods called Shining Ones, Followers of Horus arriving from a remote island to the south just as an ice age is consuming much of the Earth.

Seen through their eyes and a multi-disciplinary lens, this original 3-part series tells the story behind the extraordinary civilization they created, the purpose of the monuments, and how the aim of the entire enterprise was, in their words, nothing less than the rebuilding of the former world of the gods.

Watch The Hidden Side Of Egypt Online | Vimeo On Demand Ancient Egyptians saw the course of stars change direction four times, experienced the Earth rotating backwards, and the Sun setting in the part of the sky where…

Watch Sacred Space and the Healing Power of Resonance Online | Vimeo On Demand 17/01/2024

Ancient temples and other sacred sites were designed to generate a unique resonant environment where the laws of nature are harnessed and amplified. This involved the strategic use of magnetism, sacred geometry, even potentized water. But what science is now discovering is that these unique places also retain a lasting energetic fingerprint that is capable of transferring vital, living codes to the people who interact with them.

Watch Sacred Space and the Healing Power of Resonance Online | Vimeo On Demand Ancient temples and other sacred sites were designed to generate a unique resonant environment where the laws of nature are harnessed and amplified. This involved…


Although I published this research several years ago in The Missing Lands , the article in the Journal of Archaeological Science is yet more proof that a pre-flood civilization existed, that it was comfortable working with monolithic stones, and much of its civilization footprint now lies under the sea. As is the case with these menhirs off the coast of Sicily. The fact that this area of the Mediterranean drowned 11,000 years ago is a sobering reminder of the catastrophic changes our predecessors endured, and how legends and myths aptly record their achievements for posterity.

Full paper:


A wind chill of 3º F. A mere trifle.


To understand the megalithic monuments of Scotland — and Ireland, to a large degree — it is necessary to trace their origin as well as the roots of Gaelic, much of which is based on old Armenian.
Add the latest discoveries in DNA and a trail links to sacred traditions emerging from Scythia, Armenia, Sardinia and Egypt over 8000 years ago. That’s one hell of a journey through Europe. And what’s more it involves a continuation of a divine bloodline involving the ‘fair folk’ formerly known as Tuadhe d’Anu.


Kia ora, Richmond/Nelson, NZ.
Looking forward to seeing you all again for another adventure.

Get your tickets while there's any left:

Watch Templemaking: The complete guide to creating a portal Online | Vimeo On Demand 16/01/2024

The complete guide for creating a portal of energy. Anywhere.

For the first time, the processes that make the world's greatest temples such unique power places have been carefully studied, suitably distilled for our modern age, and elegantly presented in this video. Brimming with ancient wisdom and step-by-step practical demonstrations, it will teach you how to transform a normal room, a home, a garden, even a city into a temple: a portal of living, creative energy.��With the Principles of Templemaking you will learn:�- the art of attracting magnetic lines of earth energy and veins of water�- how to apply sacred measure�- sacred geometry, its meanings and appropriate manifesting potential�- the correct use of stone and crystal�- the cardinal directions, how to use them and what they mean�- how to use intent as an attractor and a creative force�- the real Seven Laws of Manifestation
�For thousands of years, Mysteries Schools around the world taught that by applying the Law of Attraction you can create your own sanctuary for manifesting, communing, healing, reflection or repose — qualities that are very much in need during times social turbulence. Well, here they are, ready to take you from a mere spectator to a co-creator.

Watch Templemaking: The complete guide to creating a portal Online | Vimeo On Demand This programme features the complete Templemaking Workshop material that teaches the Seven Principles forming the blueprint for ancient temples, empowering you to…


The original definition of heretic is 'someone in possession of facts who is able to choose'.
So, for anyone visiting or interested in Chartres cathedral, here is a guide book with a difference: it gives you the information others leave out — the important things orthodox religion would rather you didn't know. Such as the pre-Druidic origins of the site, the truth behind the famous stained glass, the locations of subtle energies, sacred geometry, coded esoteric knowledge, the origin and purpose of the Gothic, and how and why this great plan was implemented by the Knights Templar and the Cistercians.
Armed with this guide you will not only see, hear and feel this sermon in stone, you will separate yourself from the common herd.


The most comprehensive account of the mystery ever published, the go-to book, and why it remains critically-acclaimed.
The new 20th anniversary paperback edition includes a synopsis of what has taken place since 2003.


Enjoy da weekend, everyone


Ancient texts refer to temples as living ent**ies, intermediaries between matter and spirit that serve to transform people “into gods, into bright stars.”
For over 12,000 years, various groups of sages have undertaken a task to built this global network of ‘self-help’ centers.
Their aim? The transformation of every person on Earth.


LAST 10 TICKETS remaining.
As always, it'll be a sell out show.
Thanks as always Seattle/Vancouver


Looking forward to present in Te Wanaka, a location connected with one of the oldest temple cities on the planet,
Te-wan-aku, beside Lake Titicaca. But we'll discuss this on the day...

Tickets selling fast:


Kia ora, Richmond/Nelson, NZ.
Looking forward to seeing you all again in March.

Tickets already selling fast.

Watch The Missing Gods Online | Vimeo On Demand 10/01/2024

The abrupt rise of human civilization 11,000 years ago coincides with groups of gods and sages appearing after a global flood wiped out much of the Earth. Indigenous accounts describe them as human-like but not quite human: Followers of Horus, People of the Serpent, Sapta Rshi, Shining Ones, Lookers, Urukehu, Anu-naga, to name a few.
Who were these gods? Were they all connected?�And have we been so obsessed with Atlantis and Lemuria that we’ve ignored other locations where this parallel civilization once dwelt? Places such as Lapukije, Te Petaka, Ta Neterw, iw t**i, and an academy called The Birthplace of the Gods?

This documentary takes you on a history-changing journey to the Earth’s oldest navels including Gobekli Tepe, the Nile Valley, Yucatan, Lake Titicaca, Easter Island and New Zealand.

Watch The Missing Gods Online | Vimeo On Demand The abrupt rise of human civilization 11,000 years ago coincides with groups of gods and sages appearing after a global flood wiped out much of the Earth. Indigenous…


Around 6000 BC climate change forced a migration from the Armenian Highlands into western Europe. These people brought with them a cultural and language footprint that lingers today. When they arrived in Brittany they called it Armorika, ‘Where the Sun descends into the sea’. Moving to Wales they called it Cymru, after the Armenian province.
When they reached the Scottish isles they erected astonishing stone circles, and passage mounds like the kurgans of Scythia, Ukraine and Siberia, and may have given them the names we know today:
Stennis = seat of ritual
Broggar = dance song stones
Maeshowe = assembly of noble people of Orion
Tursachan (Callanish) = doorway to the stone throne
Iona = ring of the people of Armenia

It’s been a mystery until now as to who erected a megalithic culture on the Scottish isles long before mainland Britain, but new evidence is beginning to offer some answers.
Read the full story:

Videos (show all)

Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend at the Gaiasphere conference.Can't be there in person? The event is stre...
What are you doing the weekend of August 12? No you're not. You're joining me in Boulder, CO. for two days of exceptiona...
A little two-minute wisdom
Caught in a thunderstorm while hiking up the sacred mountain Monsanto to explore a Templar castle and the secret it prot...
They finally sent  replacements for my earlier research assistants... oh, never mind...
A trip inside a partially ruined dolmen, now without its covering mound, but still with part of its alleyway.https://inv...
Not the research assistants I requested but they'll do.
I will be returning to The Arlington Institute in Berkeley Springs, WV, on July 15, to present a workshop titled Initiat...
ANCIENT NEW ZEALAND: Waitaha tradition and the Egyptian-Andean ConnectionWaitangi Conference Room, Novotel, New Plymouth...
ANCIENT NEW ZEALAND: Waitaha tradition and the Egyptian-Andean ConnectionWaitangi Conference Room, Novotel, New Plymouth...
ANCIENT NEW ZEALAND: Waitaha tradition and the Egyptian-Andean ConnectionWaitangi Conference Room, Novotel, New Plymouth...
ANCIENT NEW ZEALAND: Waitaha tradition and the Egyptian-Andean ConnectionFeb 4. RoomTwenty5, 25 McShane Rd, Richmond, Ne...