Gauri Kaushik

Gauri Kaushik

Lawyer, social activist, yoga enthusiast .


“It is the possibility of having a dream come true, that makes the life interesting” (Paulo Coelho)


What is “yoga” and who is a “yogi”??

People often talk about doing yoga and calling themselves yogi. You know the physical movements and asanas typically referred to simply as “yoga”. But it includes taking what you do on the mat and integrating it into your everyday life off the mat.

Your practice does not end after 60 minutes or even after 90. It does not end when you wake up from Shava Asana. Really, it is here that the work has just begun it takes time and effort but it is called a yoga practice after all.

Be flexible, be strong, be observant, be gentle, be calm, be compassionate, be fluid, be creative,be resilient, be mindful both on and off the mat.


We all are the stars wrapped in the skin, the light we are seeking has always been within⭐️💫🌟


Finding your balance is one of the most important things to do in life. Balancing out the muscles, strength, flexibility and life too .

I hope you have found or will now find your balance.


I Bend So I Don't Break!


I have discovered that life's pleasure is in being creative. You can push yourself into a new shape every day.
, challenge 2- Y Shape.

Be Steady!


I am always trying things Upside Down and see if they look any better!

Better Late Than Never!


You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. Just hang in there and keep doing the hard work you are doing.


We fall, we make mistakes
We learn, relearn, we evolve
And make progress everyday !!


One must learn how to balance the energy of the mind, for the same rain that grows flowers also create thorns🌸


Flower doesn’t think of competing to the flower next to it - it just blooms


Life is about making progress .. I want to be stronger and better but I appreciate the journey more


Yoga means Addition- Addition of energy, strength and beauty to mind , body and soul”.

Make time for yoga today.


“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we attain peace with ourselves”


Working on backbends


Yoga in two words - Movement and Medicine. Make time for yoga today 🙏

