Time for Change

Time for Change

tired of being tired


Released 8.8 pounds this week! It was a STRUGGLE, but I knew I had to do it. I am going to keep at this and realize that life happens and now allow it to push my goals to the back burner for the long run. It feels to good to do that to myself.


This is for the birds...LMAO

Okay, so truth time.....I have been off plan since November (trying to stay true to plan the best I could, but......) and indulged over the holidays and on the cruise that I just returned from.,....but, I am in the right mindset now and ready to restart. I had a perfect day yesterday and so far so good today! Once I get to Day 4 I know I will be alright as that is when I should be entering Fat Burn. I am back up over my original goal of 200 by 14 pounds, but I hoping that it comes off quickly as it has done it the past.

Carrying around all of this extra butter is not what I want to do ...here is to melting more butter!!! LOL


Well --- update.....I decided to go off plan for a few days which turned into weeks LOL

I am back on plan and sticking to the expectations as of Tuesday. I gained weight, anyone would during the holidays...LOL, and I need to refocus on my goal, but I know I will do it. Although it felt good to just eat what I wanted, when I wanted, I was ready to get back on the plan and focus on me. I am a stress eater, I have always known this about myself and the holidays, the benefit, life etc.....I couldn't focus on me like I should have been able to do. It's a process of growth and learning about yourself and what makes your body work for you.

As part of the process we will have setbacks, but I don't even look at this as a setback. This is a choice I made and choices have consequences. I am still under my first goal, just a little above, okay 8 lbs above my second goal, but I am hoping that this jump starts me again and the weight will melt away like the sticks of butter I have gained back. :-)

Here's to melting the butter away!! Cheers!!!!


Okay - well a little hiatus from updates, but I'm back...LOL

I enjoyed Thanksgiving x2 and the days in between. I tried to eat smart and not over indulge, but I did gain weight. As of today though I am back below my goal weight and headed in the right direction with 71.6 lost. I am giving myself some grace during the holiday season - we only live once :-)

Photos from Time for Change's post 13/11/2023

Love, love that my BMI has decreased from 47.8 to 34.8 and body fat has decreased 20%. The healthiness of changing my subcutaneous fat --- around my organs, from 55.2% to 39.%, Visceral fat from 29 to 17! Just look at the numbers.....it is SO MUCH more than losing "Weight"!

Photos from Time for Change's post 13/11/2023

I DID IT!!!!!! 70.8 lbs gone!!!!!! I am not stopping here, but I will celebrate!!!! When I look at my pictures from April I truly can't believe I had let myself get into such a state of unhealthiness. I have done a lot of healing inside though which I feel helped me heal my outside. I had brain space to focus and a determination that was not going to be stopped. I feel amazing mentally, physically, emotionally!!! I mean, look at my hair and skin--- everything looks, and feels, healthier!

When I look back at the April photos I remember never wanting to do anything, avoiding pictures, just done.... Now, I feel like life is restarting. When I had talked about weight loss in the past it had always been in a defeated tone...I was very close to looking into gastric bypass, but I was determined not to "give up" on myself, which is the way I was seeing that option. I am not saying anything negative toward the process or anyone that has taken that route and been successful, I just truly felt that I was giving up on myself and that is what pushed me to look into Optavia.

They say people are placed in your life for a reason...well, Leighanne was a real estate client from Hawaii and we became FB friends. When I say the success she had been having and I knew what an honest wonderful person she was I reached out. I had just gotten back from a trip to TN and was embarrassed at times during the trip.....I had had enough. The cost was something I was willing to take one, thanks to real estate, and I dove in. As you know I have had a few Texas Roadhouse rolls, a sliver-and I mean a sliver, a taste of no-bake cookies, Hershey Kiss or two.....BUT I have stayed true to the program since April 17th and I did what I thought I would never be able to do!!! I have reached my goal of 190, the last time I saw this weight was January 2013.

I am going to keep going - 10 lbs at a time to see how it all works out for me!!! Thank you to those that have followed along here and for the support from family and friends. I will keep you updated here as well because when I look back at the posts I remember my journey and how it was all worth it!

(I NEVER, NEVER would have posted pics of myself before...even now it is taken a lot for me to post these....but I am proud of how far I have come!)


I lost 2.2 lbs this week. I'm only 1.2 away from the original goal. Veteran's Day goal now.....lol


One pound down this week - 4 more sticks! Not what I wanted, but I can feel the loss....hard to explain, but pants that fit right last week are now loose, I was laying in bed and actually felt my hip bone...LOL Weird, but true. So, I will take the 1 pound and hope for more next week.


Took me a little longer this month, but I am down 65.4 lbs as of today. This week was a 3.4 loss after my Texas Road House rolls last week...LOL I am 4.4 lbs away from my Halloween goal. It will probably more like an Election Day goal, but still, not bad!!! Keep moving forward a little at a time!

Side note: I bought a Champion Winter Coat last year and when I got it it was definitely way to small. I refused to send it back. Today, I put it on and it FITS, it actually FITS!!!!!!! Also, I am wearing clothes I haven't worn in a very long time, my comfy pants are now falling down, I don't feel the need to layer all of my clothes to hide behind them, I am riding my horse more, sitting in a seat feels so different, sitting on the couch is even more comfortable again, sitting in seats at the Landmark doesn't cause me to touch the legs of people on both sides of me -- in fact, I even crossed my legs in the seat the other night! I don't get winded going up stairs, I am off blood pressure meds, I sleep well at night, no more Tums every night.....it's wonderful!~

261.6 sticks of butter GONE!!!!!!!


So, for the first time since April 17th I broke down and enjoy a Texas Roadhouse roll and then some sugar cookie dough this weekend.......I don't regret it, it was a choice I made and I knew it would throw my progress off, but it's all good. Back to the fuelings and Lean and Greens I go!!! Lost .8 this week, a little behind my goal schedule, but back on track!

Texas Roadhouse rolls........omg, so delicious!!!!


I forgot to update on Monday -- I talked to my coach the other day because my weight loss had slowed down. She suggested increasing my water intake and measuring more closely for my Lean and Green. I have to admit I was so busy in the past few weeks that I wasn't necessarily drinking as much water as I should and I was eyeballing my dinners or ordering through Core Life etc more than usual. I implemented the changes and also stopped drinking 3 shakes a day and added different fuelings in to keep my body active and interested in what it was trying to get rid of on a daily basis. I was back to 2 lbs lost this week and feeling a little safer from heading back into the 200's. Thankful for this program and for Leighanne and her help as my coach!

Photos from Time for Change's post 02/10/2023

Big day --- just squeaked by, but I am now officially 60 lbs lighter and in Onederland!!!!!! I did lift up my big toes when weighing in, but ......it still counts....LOL Now, I just have to stay here and not go back into the 200 zone. Next Goal -- End of October be at my original goal weight by Halloween.....9.8 lbs to go!


So.... my original plan, hopes were to be at 199.9 --in the ONEderland by October 2nd. I was hopeful that I might make it by today....but weighed in at 200.8 --- I stood on the scale so many different ways trying to make it move, but when you have a good scale, that doesn't work...LOL So, next week, assuming I will lose, I should be in ONEderland, but not yet....Oh well, still haven't been in this spot for my weight since back in 2013 so I am very pleased with where I am.

Slow steps toward great progress!!! I am at 59 lbs gone as of today! Next week better be ONEderland at over 60 lbs gone....LOL LOL

Photos from Time for Change's post 19/09/2023

Wow....I haven't checked in since Sept 4th... well, at this point I:

--have lost 57.8 lbs
--am so close to being in the 100's
--have 12 lbs to shed before being at my original goal.

1st pic is today, 2nd was April 17th when I started!

So close.


Down another 2.4 lbs this week! That's 54.4 lost.

Honestly, I can't even believe it!!!!! When I set my goal in April I truly was not believing that it would actually happen. I hoped it would....... because nothing else had worked, but it's working!!!!!

No exercise yet, just healthy choices and healthy movement. It's all about the fat burn and no longer self sabatoging or cheating. It's just not with it!!!!!


Time for a Check In!

I have official hit the 50 mark - today is 52.2 lbs lost with this week losing 3 lbs. I had wanted to lose 50 by the time I turned 50, I am only one month late...LOL I never, never, never thought I would see this goal met! I am now so close to being in WONDERLAND - my goal is to be there by October 1st!

It is so nice to be back on schedule, it really does make a difference.

Sticks of Butter GONE - 208.8 sticks of butter....I want to go to a store and take a picture of that much butter!! LOL (4 sticks equal one pound)

My BMI is DOWN from 47.8 to 38.2
Body Fat is DOWN from 64.9 to 50.2
Subcutaneous Fat (the fat you can pinch) is DOWN from 55.2 to 43.3
Visceral Fat (hidden fat - belly, around organs etc) is DOWN from 29 to 20

Body Water UP from 24 to 34.2
Skeletal Muscle UP from 20.3 to 28.9
Protein UP from 5.7 to 6.2

My original goal is only 17.6 pounds away. I hope to be so close, or there, by Halloween....definitely at TREAT!

No more blood pressure meds either! Doctor said to stop and just keep an eye on my numbers. I have high blood pressure in my extended family, so it might not all be related to weight, but for now all is well!

NSV (Non-Scale Victories_
Sitting here at my desk with my legs crossed!
I have a brand new wardrobe again---everything that has been hanging in my closet and not fitting, including shoes
My ankles aren't swollen
I want to do things again
I loped my horse last night and didn't feel that I was hurting him
I am naturally making better choices
I am so much more confident again
People are noticing the weight loss and asking how
soooo many more.......

Thank you for following my posts on here, it does make me accountable and I appreciate all of your support. It does make a difference to me :-)


47.8 total gone since April 17. So just about four months today. I am super pleased. This week was only one pound though. I have been more active this week than previous weeks so I expected more, but I guess my body went into self preservation mode. I also know that water intake hasn't been what it needs to be either.

I am realizing how much self care and self focus I need to keep in my life. My schedules were a little off, no meals prepped caused Catson's, Red Robin, CoreLife and Applebee's to be in my menu for my lean and green. All of which I made healthy choices, but not like prepping my own. Some dinners were late in the day too.

Horse Camp, work, real estate, Whitewoods.... all too much. Making changes for me and my self focus...


Two more gone ....... something happened with my electronic scale though....I seen to have deleted my progress so far...... of well, at least I have screenshots and this page to look back at. The only data that really matters is the beginning and my goal!!!!😀😀 the most important though is the way I feel and I am feeling so great....so liberated. It's the little things I'm noticing.....no more swollen ankles, BP is down, wearing clothes I haven't worn in a few years, crossing my legs without thinking about it, not running out of breath, wanting g to do things I haven't done in a few years.....finding myself again and making myself a priority!!!!!!

Photos from Time for Change's post 31/07/2023

April 17th and July 26th


What a great week --- 3.4 pounds gone this week!

Official loss 44 lbs since April 17th -- beyond excited!!!!

Someone asked me last night how I am dealing with cravings etc --- honestly, I don't want to "cheat" on myself because I know that falling out of fat burn takes me 4 days to get back into fat burn, the program costs to much to "cheat", and this plan is working....why would I falter away from it? LOL I am realizing what a habit eating, getting ice cream etc was for me and now I am working on developing new habits. Lastly....the ease of the program fits my lifestyle and I actually like the fuelings.

I am more than halfway to my original goal of losing 70 lbs. When I hit that first goal I might just keep going!!!!!!


Week 15--- OFFICIALLY REACHED 40 LBS GONE!!!!! Last year I had said I wanted to lose 50 lbs by my 50th Birthday....I procrastinated, but I am VERY happy with 40.8 lbs by tomorrow, my birthday.

I do think I fell out of fat burn somehow though because Thursday I had a horrible headache similar to that at the beginning of the program. Which at that time I was advised was body entering fat burning mode. I was a little nervous about weigh in this week because of that, but very happy with the number...the goal was 40...I made it! ONWARD AND UPWARD. My original goal was to lose 70 and now I am.more than half way there is just three months.....unbelievable!

It had been worth all the cookouts, ice cream and summer treats!!!!

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I think ...Week 14.... what a crazy week --- Lake Placid, tons of house showings, horse camp, graduation party, Jason's birthday etc etc etc..... needless to say I was OFF schedule, but what really was difficult was the lack of PROTEIN and GREENS for my Lean and Green meals.

We ate out in Lake Placid....so much salt on everything. Graduation party and left overs....deli meat for protein---not a good choice. AND I did taste, tiny little taste, the real brownie (I didn't even like it) and about 1 tsp of the chicken wing dip (this was yummy).....first time I have done something off plan ---it was so minimal though that I can't believe it would make a huge difference.

I noticed that without a solid Lean and Green I was HUNGRY and wanted to "taste" things--- this is the first time this has really happened. So, I am happy with a 1.2 pound lose this week. I am up to releasing 38.2 pounds since April 17th.

My goal on my birthday last year was to lose 50 by the time I turned 50. I am not going to make that goal by the 25th, but I waited until April to start. Now, I would love to make at least 40 by 50....so, off to buy some healthy Lean and Green for the week and refocus!!!!

Last night I ate deli roast beef, cauliflower and radishes -- my stomach is upset today. So, offer to order some solid Protein and Greens

I look tired in this photo, because I was, but I was showing houses early Sunday morning and I NEVER would have done more than a headshot selfie before --- I took this one and then when looking back through the photos I was so happy because I did capture this and realized that my profile is so different now. I can't wait to keep losing more and not be shying from cameras for photos that include more than just my face :-)


Monday weighin......2 more gone..8 sticks of butter melted away!!!!!!!

37 lbs total.


I actually wore shorts in public tonight! NSV


It's official.....35 pounds gone since April 17th!!! Even after vacation and other craziness going on.....I have lost. I'm shocked and very excited to reach this milestone in 11 weeks!!!
