

Chris and Lisa Graham bring you their combined take on Spirituality and High Magick Inclusive commun


A little demo on some easy vagus nerve techniques.


After reading Astrodynamics: Astrology by Lynn Hayes planetary update this morning, it was really clear this is a week of paying deep attention to yourself. If you need help ASK FOR IT!
Whether that's getting yourself a healing session or from a friend or family member or whatever else form of self care you need this week!


I'm back with a new episode of Burn the Questions!


Family lacking boundaries? Not respecting your space? Let's chat about how we can change the energy of that and your mindset around it!

I would love to see you join us!

Join us next week for the clear the witch wound challenge! Click the link to find the sign up!

Need help navigating? Let's chat!


Let's face it.
The stigma that still faces us as we work through our collective wounds around spiritual work is still very prevalent.
So many are wandering aimlessly from modality to modality hoping this will be "the one" that cures all that ails you.
If we hold the layers of pain and grief that come from lifetimes of being persecuted for any type of spiritual work, we won't make significant progress in this lifetime.
Join me January 9 to 13 in this free email challenge.
I'm sharing how the witch wound came to be, how we can change our perspective on it and easy simple exercises to help you peel back the layers of your own personal wound.
2023 is ripe with energy to help us kickstart our best self and that starts with acknowledging your radical spiritual self!
Click the link to join us in helping you help yourself this year!


I am super excited to share this tonight! There's still time for you to sign up!
Click the link to book your spot! 👇👇

We're getting a full house here! Let's bring in some beautiful new energy together!

Click the link to join us!


On this winter solstice what are you committing to? Your growth? Your life? or the same patterns and loops you've been in for years?
Let's chat if you're looking to change that.


Please hear me God, on this darkest night of the year.
I make my light visible, as we have nothing to fear.
It's a gift for you to me I’ll never let it go..
The darkness is all around, always within our gaze.

Then you see the other flames, glowing in the night.
You know that when they are together, they are forever bright.

Tend your fire and let it grow.
This will light the way for the others to come and join on this day.

We are forever bright, our light cannot be dimmed.
For on this darkest day is when the light is most evident.

Close your eyes, it is within.
I cherish this gift and will share it with all, for that is what I wish.

You do not command. I do this willingly. I share with all as it's meant to be.
So mote it be.

Dec 2022


Today I've been practicing silence. It resulted in coming up with the entire outline for the new Divine Surrender program I can't wait to share with you all at the end of January.
Click the link to book your session, class or discovery call today!


Check out the collective message I channeled on Saturday!


A little chat about all the new programs I am sharing in the new year. As well as a little bit about the upcoming


I'm going to be going live later today to talk about the new programs I have coming in the new year, as well as sharing a new video with a channeled message from a group of Arcturians who have joined me in sharing peace and love.


Happy Friday beautiful souls!
I'm taking a day off and will be back on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Don't forget to head over to to book your services, programs or discovery call!


Burn the Questions! Last episode until the New Year!
Go check it out!


Let's chat!


We've got some amazing programs to help you do the work.
Join us:


Good morning beautiful souls!
If you missed out on last night's 12/12 portal light language activation, you want to get in on it!
I am sharing the replay for $22. You can etransfer or I can invoice you from the website to purchase the link to the replay. You can watch this in perpetuity. The energy was incredibly high and anyone who watches it will receive the activation.
With that I have a couple of announcements to make! I am going to be offering light language programming sessions going forward. If you're interested please drop a DM and we can talk about what those sessions look like.
Also in January we have some exciting things happening!
I was guided last month to begin a whole new way of sharing my work. I will be sharing more classes and group coaching sessions.
Jan 2 - there will be another light language activation, look for those on the portal days every month in 2023.
Jan 9 to 13 - I am offering a free email challenge. Releasing the stigma of the witch wound. Each day you will receive an email and an activity to help release the stigma of the witch wound, helping you to free yourself from that Imposter Syndrome we all dread!
Jan 30 - 2 hour workshop on energetics, how to do daily maintenance to keep your energy clear! This is fabulous for my empaths who are struggling with energy in their everyday lives. I share my techniques for relaxation and energy clearing.
Jan 31, Feb 7, 14 & 21 - I am offering another round of Kundalini Reiki Crash Course. I am watching the students from my last 2 classes blossom! Kundalini Reiki is a fabulous modality to reconnect to your mind, body and soul! Let's talk if you're interested in joining me for that!
Finally a group class that I am incredibly excited about!
Feb 1, 8, 15, & 22 - Divine Surrender
This is a lovely new group program I'm offering on surrender, divine timing, and awakening the divine within. We've been gifted this beautiful opportunity for a deep dive. These 4 weeks will consist of shamanic journeys, light language programming and lessons to work through. It will help you open your heart and step more fully into who you are at an authentic level. I am opening applications for this program today, drop us a DM and let me know if you'd like to schedule a discovery call!
I am truly looking forward to the blessing 2023 is giving us. I know the world looks scary right now, but we have a massive opportunity to begin to change all of that, and it starts within you! I would love to hear from you and have you join me on this journey! Please feel free to reach out with any questions!


A long time ago humanity knew they were capable of manifesting amazing things. Then an energy came along that told us we were capable of nothing. These distortions are lifting along with the fear we once felt at the unknown.
Today we have an opportunity to change our lives. I'm working on changing mine by offering something new in my business. Tonight at 7:30 pm EST join us for a light language activation to bring in the energy of abundance, soul purpose and freedom in your life.
DM the page or sign up here:
$22 could change your life.