The Bold Life Design

The Bold Life Design

Success coaching to support you as you own your story & let go of whatever is keeping you playing sm


Your 97-year-old self isn’t sweating about if she will or if she won't lose those stupid 15 pounds. She’s all about perspective, honey and she has way more important things to be caring about!

Look up, take it all in, and ask yourself: am I crafting a life that future me will high-five? Or am I sweating the things that won't matter when I am 97.

Whether it’s chasing dreams, spreading joy, or simply loving fiercely, let’s make our legacy something 97-year-old you will be proud of.


Ready to Design Your Bold Life? Welcome to Evidenced-Based Joy & Success Coaching with a twist!

This is for the multi-passionate, mission-driven, high-achieving movers and shakers out there—those with an insatiable hunger for more. (If you follow me, I already know that's you!)

I just have a few questions for you...
Are you ready to play big, leaving your indelible impact on your slice of the world?
Do you yearn to build a life that celebrates & fosters all the many parts of you?
And most importantly, are you determined to cultivate deep, unshakeable purpose, pleasure, and peace in every aspect of your life? I HOPE YOU SAY YES!

If you're saying yes, Yes, YES! Then yay, you're in the right place! Let's design the bold life you've always dreamed of, together.


Rhythms and routines are about to change - fall is coming and you definitely don't need permission but just in case your subconscious needs a reminder, you have full PERMISSION to try on new designs. Seasonal changes make room for learnings and for bigger shifts. Lean in friend. You got this!


When someone exclaims, 'She's so confident!'

Here's the real translation:
'She fearlessly embraces failure and sheds outdated life blueprints.'
'She acts despite her fears.'
'She lives intentionally and pursues her passions.'
'She fosters genuine connections and lives authentically.'
'She's unfazed by others' opinions and external validation.'
'She's liberated from societal norms and prioritizes her own happiness.'

Confidence isn't a single trait;
It's a culmination of countless acts of self-trust, courage, and audacity.

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 30/07/2024

What the world often asks of you:

To be -

But here's how to break free from that TOXIC narrative:

-Understand your unique version of 'good'
-Connect deeply with your values, vision, and purpose
-Define what success looks like for YOU
-Aim for excellence, not flawlessness
-Establish, affirm, and safeguard your boundaries
-Seek clarity on who and what truly deserve your time

What the world asks of you is quite simply, wrong.
Only you can define you.


I wanted to drop this podcast that I was recently featured in.

In this episode I talk about the importance of whole person wellness, which is more than just the health of your body and your relationship with food. It is about feeling internally worthy to live your life by your design so you can truly be happy.

It starts with getting quiet, asking yourself reflective questions about what you want your life to be like and feel like.

The link is in my bio to take a listen.

PS: If this content resonates with you I encourage you to check out the Bold Body Peace Group Coaching + Intuitive Eating E-Course. This is where all the courage & living BIG collide.


Enough shrinking yourself to fit into others' expectations.
Embrace a deliciously different relationship with food & your body!

Intuitive Eating is an evidenced-based set of pillars, or guidelines, to help you create significant shift in your relationship with food & your body. Take your FREE assessment today on my website and start reclaiming your relationship with food and self-care.

Remember to be patient with yourself and recruit your intuitive eating community. You're not alone on this journey!

Take the assessment here:


Your professional brand is your superpower!

Don't squander it by:
Allowing others to shape it for you.
Neglecting valuable strengths assessments (like Clifton Strengths).
Having weak boundaries.

Invest in it by:
Being crystal clear and ready to embrace what sets you apart.
Asking yourself, 'How do I want others to perceive me and my work?'
Letting your team assist in amplifying your strengths & keep you in your Zone of Genius.

Your true worth is known only to you.
Harness it wisely.
Make it known to others.

If you are interested in professional brand coaching and what it may do for your superpowers, feel free to DM me! I would love to have a conversation with you.


What is balance...really? Is balance a myth?

Striving for a perfect 50/50 split might be an illusion. Maybe it's not about equal parts, but finding the right blend that works for YOU. Finding balance that works for your individual needs isn't just about "clocking in" equal hours either as someone else.

Balance is about finding that HARMONY between doing, well-being, and fulfillment. What does harmony look like to you?


Happy Friday!
Here's your chance to celebrate 7 wins from this week:

1. Acknowledge any accomplishment, big or small.
2. Pat yourself on the back for prioritizing self-care.
3. Embrace the satisfaction of a restful night's sleep.
4. Feel proud of moments where you've shown self-confidence and courage.
5. Recognize your efforts in managing stress effectively.
6. Revel in the energy boost you've experienced.
7. Celebrate moments of creativity and inspiration.

Our brains are wired for a natural negativity bias. However, actively seeking out positives can reshape our mindset. Neuroscientist Rick Hanson suggests it takes 5-9 positive thoughts to counteract one negative. Let's start with one here...

What's one thing you're proud of yourself for this week? Let's celebrate your wins!


One of the things I love most about my job?

Facilitating workshops focused on empowering you to embrace your unique talents. My heart overflows with joy every time I lead groups through the journey of crafting their professional identities intentionally.

If you're not actively shaping your professional brand within your organization, someone else likely is – and it might not align with your vision.

Did you know? According to Gallup, employees who utilize their strengths are 7.8% more productive and their organizations see a 14.9% decrease in turnover.

That's why I step in to support organizations. I guide individuals to own, leverage, and deeply connect with their strengths and personal superpowers.

To me, it's the ultimate recipe for growth, connection, and transformation.


Leadership matters – it can make or break a workplace.

Reflecting on my experiences, my best bosses were the ones who:
- Trusted me to excel.
- Empowered me to lead.
- Encouraged experimentation.
- Prioritized my growth and development.

On the flip side, my worst bosses:
- Micromanaged every detail.
- Ruled from the top down.
- Emphasized quantity over quality.
Engaged in vague, unclear communication.

Now, as I lead my own team in running my business, I value these 'best' bosses even more.

What's an example of great leadership you've encountered? Share your story or tag them below to show your appreciation.

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 18/06/2024

'Tis the season for summer travel, family gatherings and a whole lot of lake time! We're seeing a lot on social media right now about what to wear, what recipes to make and all the things you "need to do this summer" to make the most of your time... With all these pressures for "how to have the perfect summer," nutrition often gets swept up into buckets of rules or disregarded entirely.

And as a dietitian, I often get asked about my own eating habits and the “food rules” I live by... I struggle with my response for two reasons:
1. I hate rules, especially when it comes to food. It is important to reframe them as guidelines or practices.
2. It doesn’t really matter what I eat. What matters is what YOUR body wants you to eat.

So before I dive into my own food philosophies, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to come up with your OWN eating guidelines. Don't just take an Instagram Gurus unsolicited advice, please. 🙏

Read the blog post here:


Human-centered culture building starts with supporting employees' personal growth & wellbeing and building connection.

I design programs for corporate environments dedicated to promoting sustainable, whole-person health among employees, leading to increased morale, improved engagement, better communication, and overall, a more fulfilling workplace where people want to stay.

If this sounds like something your workplace needs more of, don't hesitate to DM me. We can set up a complimentary connection call to get started designing what this may look like, tailored to your team needs.

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 16/06/2024

Sometimes we just find ourselves in a funk.

Here are my 10 mood-boosting hacks:
1. Embrace coziness like it's an art form.
2. Inject daily doses of fun – even tiny joys count!
3. Prioritize quality time with loved ones.
4. Surround yourself with vibrant colors for that instant dopamine hit.
5. Start each day by jotting down three things you're grateful for.
6. Make sleep a priority – aim for 7-9 hours.
7. Kickstart your morning with a refreshing tall glass of water.
8. Prioritize daily joyful movement.
9. Let your creativity flow freely.
10. Fuel your body with nourishing foods and supplements.

3 reasons I prioritize these rituals:
-Rebalance my mind.
-Keep stress at bay.
-Amp up those feel-good chemicals like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.

Remember, how we spend our downtime shapes our active moments.
What is one hack that resonates with you, that you believe you can implement this week?


Ready to write your next chapter? If you're pondering life's big questions – Who am I? What am I here for? What do I want? What makes me come alive? How do I want to use my talents & gifts? – it's time to lean into your highest wisdom.

Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and intentional life + career design through my Next Chapter Coaching Program.

Are you ready to be the author of your own story? If your response is something close to a “Hell yes!” - let’s talk! Feel free to DM me - I can't wait to be your co-pilot as you write your next chapter.

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 03/06/2024

From employee to entrepreneur.... the exciting yet daunting journey!

Taking the leap into entrepreneurship can stir up a whirlwind of emotions, with the right mindset and practical prep, you'll be ready to conquer challenges and embark on a successful business journey. But I know that most people like a plan (or as I like to call it - a design), so following these steps below might help!

Clarify Your Vision And Define Your Goals
Conduct Research
Create A Business Plan
Build And Nurture Your Support Network (that could be here in the comments!)
Develop Your Skills And Fill Knowledge Gaps
Take Calculated Risks
Embrace Fear & "Failures" As Learning Opportunities
Seek Guidance & Mentorship (that could be with me!)
Financial Preparedness And Budgeting
Start Small And Prototype Your Ideas

AND MOST OF ALL: Don't be afraid to change designs!

Embarking on the journey from employee to entrepreneur is a transformative journey filled with uncertainties, but with clarity, resilience, and support, you can thrive. To help you, I have my 90-Day Business Launch Accelerator coaching program ➝ schedule a connection call to learn more.

Are you ready to take the leap?
Comment below with what your greatest fear is! We will respond back with words of support. 💖


How is your motivation lately?

Here are seven motivation killers to watch out for:
Dwelling on the negative.
Falling into the comparison trap.
Losing sight of the bigger picture.
Drifting away from your values.
Letting disruptions derail your flow.
Missing out on the fun.
Neglecting to rest and recharge.

Got anything to add to the list? Tell us in the comments below!

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 14/05/2024

Maintaining sanity with 5 essential self-care types:
Physical – nurturing your body.
Spiritual – nourishing your soul.
Emotional – caring for your feelings.
Psychological – supporting your mind.
Workplace/Professional – fostering your career.

Which aspect is calling for more TLC in your life right now? Is there anything you would add to this list?


Feeling overwhelmed by your big goals? Here's a game plan for success:

Think ahead to your Future Self:
- Design goals with compassion – don't set unrealistic or crazy, unpleasant tasks.

-Break big goals into bite-sized pieces for Future Self.

-Infuse fun into the journey for Future Self's enjoyment. Examples: play music, new location, lighting, accountability or company, etc.

-Set up plenty of reminders to keep your goals on track.

How do you prep your Future Self for success? Tell us in the comments!


Since 2012, I've been dedicated to helping individuals shape a life of joy and fulfillment. But here's the stark truth: so many hide their brilliance under layers of burnout.

From mental exhaustion to emotional turmoil, burnout stifles our magic, leaving us functioning on autopilot, drained of enthusiasm. With just slivers of vacation time each year, it's vital to prioritize daily self-care for resilience and impact. Leaders, especially, must nurture their body, mind, and spirit to unleash their true power. That's why I'm passionate about supporting individuals before they drift too far from their purpose, pleasure, and peace.

Let's break free from burnout and reignite our sparks together.


From chasing society's definition of success to embracing my own journey. It's not about how it looks; it's about how it feels.

Once concerned about fitting in, I now am focused on standing out. Embracing my multi-passionate, courageous self because when you let go of external parameters, you open yourself to a world of possibilities.

Success is no longer a destination; it's a way of being.

I am Andrea and with me, you can create your Bold Life Design.


In seasons of big pivots – life and/or career – tuning into your intuition & trusting yourself is paramount. This requires slowing down, quieting the noise & building relationship with your inner wisdom. This is a big part of what we do in coaching.

When is the last time you trusted your gut & it served you well?

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 27/04/2024

7 things that destroy motivation:

-focusing on the negative
-comparing oneself to others
-not connecting with the bigger picture
-misalignment with values
-disruptions that ruin the flow
-zero fun factor
-not enough rest

Anything you’d add to the list?
Anything you are trying to work on?

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 25/04/2024

Happy 40th birthday to my favorite person 🎉 you are a wise, gentle, weird soul and I’m so lucky that I get a front row seat to your life. Cheers to this next decade, full of all your favorite things - laughing until you cry, barbecued meats, zany t-shirts, big existential questions, drinking the wild air & quality time with your people. Not necessarily in that order. Love you so much it’s stupid. ❤️ A & Sammy Tacos xx

Photos from The Bold Life Design's post 25/04/2024

How to make a change that {actually} sticks

A 5 step plan for actually doing the thing:

1. Align with your values
-what motivates + inspires me?
-what are my beliefs?
-what am I proud of?

2. Start small + anchor
-fit new habit into an existing one
-focus on 1 new change at a time
-break down into small pieces

3. Work backwards + strategize
-find the weak links in your behavior chain
-face + plan in advance for them
-reward yourself when you follow through

4. Feed your new behavior with attention
-calendar reminders
-phone lock screen

5. Evaluate + redesign
-trouble getting started?
-having any setbacks?
-how’s it going?

The space between knowing + doing can be vast.
Build your bridge to start seeing changes.

Feel like you want support along the way?
DM me to schedule a no-pressure connection all today and see what is possible with coaching.


Anyone else needing this reminder today? 🙋‍♀️


My client was completely burnt out + uninspired about her life

This was almost 6 months ago

She’s a leader at a major company

She struggled to shut work off

And she was questioning who she was + what she really wanted

Then we had a connection call + she hired me as her 1:1 coach

What she really desired?? To create more space in her life

Saying more “no’s” so she could say more “yes's” to what actually lit her up
She started to feel inspired again + picked back up a personal project she had always wanted to devote more time to

Now she runs a small business + she’s shifting more of her outside work energy to:

-Fill herself up
-Empower other women
-Channel her creativity

Sometimes change looks like re-designing your life to simply create more space

Without space we can’t create what’s next

If you want to talk about what can be possible for you through coaching, schedule a connection call and let's chat

Link in my bio


This is your reminder to own your muchness. Be "too" much so your people can find you. Because to them, you are just enough. In fact, we want MORE of you.


In my work with people who are in seasons of making big shifts & massive life pivots, the conversation about money always comes up. Fears, what-ifs, scarcity, etc. This is all super valid and a natural nervous system response to exploring something new, something courageous.

When I recently had a client tell me that she was was not settling but that she was settled, it gave me chills.

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Are you a health care change-maker? This is for you! Imagine a safe space that is just for you – to drop the heavy, exit...
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Erica from @pukerainbowsvideo shares a bit about what surprised her during her coaching experience with Andrea and what ...
Thighs jiggle. That's it. That's the tweet. If your thighs jiggle, I promise you they're normal. Also, they're cute. So ...
Food should give you energy and satisfaction—not anxiety/guilt/shame. But diet culture and all of its narratives & behav...
Me in 2020