

Well-being blog with advice for positive life changes

Am I brave enough to break out of my echo chamber? 28/01/2022

I’m hoping you enjoy my latest blog, it’s the one that has taken me longest to write and I feel it’s pretty meaty! if you find it an interesting read, it would really help me out if you shared the link x

Am I brave enough to break out of my echo chamber? Happy new year! It’s been a while since I’ve written and my head has been full of all the things I should write about...New Year, New You and all that malarky, but as I’m not really one for making resolutions (January is punchy enough), it wouldn’t be authentic. I set out to write about frie...

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England 19/12/2021

My latest blog - Hoping this may help you get through another covid Christmas 😞 as children’s hopes are once again dashed and family plans hang in the balance .

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England Welcome to the After the Storm blog - wellbeing tips and advice from writer, Emma Cooling, on making simple steps towards positive change in your life.

Could your jumble of emotions be Pandemic flux syndrome? 12/10/2021

Could your jumble of emotions be Pandemic flux syndrome? In the last few weeks I’m hoping most have had occasions when you’ve gone out, raised a glass with friends or family or just taken a deep breath and had a little ‘It’s so nice to be doing something normal again’ moment. Such pockets of cheer and optimism are invigorating and when I sink in...

How we can rid ourselves of guilt and make time to look after ourselves 24/09/2021

Latest blog is live !
If you, like me, spend a lot of time feeling guilty particularly about how you to chose to spend your time, then this one’s for you and should help you ditch the guilt.

How we can rid ourselves of guilt and make time to look after ourselves I’ve been thinking a lot about my previous blog – about how I can spend less time doing and more time being. Last week I explored doing less or being still in the context of generally looking ourselves, alongside fresh air, exercise, staying hydrated, getting a decent amount of sleep etc. These ...


A shot from yesterday’s walk - I had so many chores to do and a limited window of time. So, instead of rushing around trying to tick every box knowing I didn’t have enough time to do anything properly - I decided to chose one chore and to make a decent job of it, and that was to walk the dog. As a result I felt happier and more positive about the rest of the day, sometimes multitasking just means not doing anything properly which isn’t great for our mood or sense of achievement x

Our productivity addiction and how I’ve forgotten how to relax... 12/09/2021

Some blogs hit a nerve and when people message to say how much a piece has resonated with them it means a lot - my latest blog seems to be one of those . So many of us are caught up in a culture of which measures a person’s success by how busy they are. Crazy times !

Our productivity addiction and how I’ve forgotten how to relax... It’s been a while since I have written...the last eight weeks have been non-stop. Now, the school term has started and, suddenly, the house is empty and I’m adjusting to a different pace, a new weekly cycle that I will simultaneously love (for its predictability) and loathe (for the amount of ti...

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. 09/07/2021

I love seeing which blogs attract the most interest and generate the most feedback - so far it’s these two hot topics !

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. Hello again, I’m Emma and, lockdown has taught me, I’m an introvert! After home-schooling overlapping with the start of our continuing building works, it is now six months since I had a moment alone in my house (no exaggeration). The house has either been full of boys, builders or both. Living i...

It's free and easy and its proven effects at boosting our mood mean it's been labelled a 'therapy' 03/07/2021

It's free and easy and its proven effects at boosting our mood mean it's been labelled a 'therapy' You’ll curse me for jinxing it but I’m going to be reckless and mention the recent appearance of the sun (I wrote this yesterday and have woken up to torrential rain this morning... you're welcome!). The weather always impacts on my mood, as I’m sure it does yours, but never more so than when ...

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. 29/06/2021

Loving how much discussion my latest blog has stirred up ... introvert/ extrovert which are you ? Have a read ... your answer may change !

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. Hello again, I’m Emma and, lockdown has taught me, I’m an introvert! After home-schooling overlapping with the start of our continuing building works, it is now six months since I had a moment alone in my house (no exaggeration). The house has either been full of boys, builders or both. Living i...

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. 25/06/2021

Being an introvert is nothing to do with how confident or shy you are ... so I’ve discovered on an interesting journey which I share with you in my latest blog. If you enjoy reading it please like and share and I’d love to hear your comments on where you would place yourself on the introversion- extroversion spectrum, either here on fb or at the foot of the blog itself.

Introvert or extrovert? It's nothing to do with being shy or confident. Hello again, I’m Emma and, lockdown has taught me, I’m an introvert! After home-schooling overlapping with the start of our continuing building works, it is now six months since I had a moment alone in my house (no exaggeration). The house has either been full of boys, builders or both. Living i...

When goal posts move - understanding and coping with disappointment 20/06/2021

My latest blog , I hope you enjoy it x
If Monday’s announcement about the extension of restrictions has left you disappointed, here’s some advice on coping with that feeling and Lifting yourself x

When goal posts move - understanding and coping with disappointment We had a feeling it was coming, but that didn’t make Monday’s announcement any more palatable. Yes Boris, I understand the science behind it, the need for caution and the fact that yet more short term sacrifices are necessary for a safer future... I was just hoping for some sort of miracle I sup...

How to enjoy the tingle of anticipation when you've lost the ability to look forward to things... 11/06/2021

This week’s blog is for those of you who have had so many plans cancelled that you’ve lost the ability to look forward to things x please share and like xx

How to enjoy the tingle of anticipation when you've lost the ability to look forward to things... Last week I was lucky enough to get away for 24 hours with three friends on a spa break – it was everything I had hoped it would be, and I had been looking forward to it for weeks. I presumed all four of us would have been counting down the days to our break, but as we chatted in the sun it turns ...

Sunny days are ahead - how to lift brain fog and fatigue so we can max them out! 05/06/2021

If anyone is experiencing unusual tiredness or brain fog after the last 12 months, my latest blog will be of interest x hope you enjoy it ! X

Sunny days are ahead - how to lift brain fog and fatigue so we can max them out! The last few weeks have seen a real shift – I’ve moved from the slow lane steadily into the middle, with haphazard swerves into the fast lane on days when I’ve realised, too late, that I’ve over committed. Increased mixing and a general air of ‘busyness’ has left me alternating between s...

How we can use scent to boost our mood - and why it works 29/05/2021

I really enjoyed finding out about the power of scent and simple ways we can use it to lift ourselves , I hope you enjoy my findings x

How we can use scent to boost our mood - and why it works I’ve had a week of extremes – of rare solitude (a three hour journey that was an absolute treat!) of continuing noise, bustle and dust from builders and of moments of escape from this chaos in the houses of loved-ones. Our home is now synonymous with the smells of construction, a scent which is ...

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England 21/05/2021

For anyone who vowed to make changes to their lifestyle after lockdown or emerged with new priorities- my latest blog has helpful tips on how we can Take new values forward with us .

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England Welcome to the After the Storm blog - wellbeing tips and advice from writer, Emma Cooling, on making simple steps towards positive change in your life.


New blog comes out tomorrow 😊 I hope you enjoy it # # #


It wasn’t far or fast (rarely is!) but a little run in the rain on what has been a big day was just what I needed. Thanks so much for all the ❤️for the blog, if you’ve not had chance to have a read I’d love you to.

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England 08/05/2021

Big day ! The blog has gone live ! I hope you enjoy it x please share x

Home | Wellbeing | After the Storm | Devon | England Welcome to the After the Storm blog - wellbeing tips and advice from writer, Emma Cooling, on making simple steps towards positive change in your life.


Welcome to my cosy corner of the internet where I hope to bring you the best tips on happy, healthy living from well-being experts.